DM Jelani |

Make sure you read the Gameplay Thread before you get to this.
Stats: 17 Point Buy.
Cursed Imperial Dragon
Cursed imperial dragons appear largely like Tian ethnic humans, save for a few key features. They have vertically slitted reptilian pupils, and their irises come in all colors of the rainbow. Their skin generally ranges a wider variety of colors than normal humans from Tian Xia. Like their skin, a cursed imperial dragon’s hair can be any color, beyond the normal Tian black. Cursed imperial dragons have slightly pointed ears, similar to a halfling’s. Finally two small antlers (in the style of an ungulate of one kind or another) protrude from their brows to sweep back over their heads, above their ears, similar to their full imperial dragon brethren. Cursed imperial dragons tend to be taller than the average Tian human.
Type: Dragon
Size: Medium
Speed: Normal (this race has a base speed of 30 feet.)
Ability Score Modifiers: None
Languages: Common, Draconic, Tian-Min, Tien, Furthermore, members of this race with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages).
Racial Traits:
-Amatatsu/Sea (30 ft. swim speed, water breathing
-Higashiyama/Sky (30 ft. fly speed, +8 racial bonus to fly checks)
-Shojinawa/Forest (woodland stride)
-Sugimatu/Sovereign (Dogmatic Discordance (Su) Good or evil creatures take a -2 penalty when making saving throws against a sovereign dragon’s spells, spell-like abilities, breath weapon, and aura.)
-Teikoku/Underworld (Adamantine Claws (Ex) The claws of an underworld dragon are made of adamantine, and have the qualities of a weapon made from that material.)
HP: Max HP for Level 1. Half + 1 for every Level afterward. This standard applies for PCs. Class feature companions get half + 1 for all hit dice.
Drawbacks: I will be allowing Drawbacks.
Traits: Two. We won’t be using campaign traits this time. With a drawback, you have the potential for three traits total.
Wealth: 1,500 gp
No third party traits, feats or magic items outside Spheres of Might
I'm not trying to get started right away. I just wanted to get this out there for people to ruminate on. If it takes a long time to get the game going that's perfectly fine. Thanks for your consideration.

gyrfalcon |

I'm definitely in, and am excited to play one of the Spheres classes.
For folks who're new to Spheres, I recommend:
Using Spheres of Might
and How to build a practitioner
You'll find that you can use it to build a very wide range of martial concepts that might be tough to pull off otherwise, including martials that can control, buff, or debuff (in addition to just hitting for damage)...all without feeling like casters.
If anyone wants to chat about the system, I haven't played it a ton, but I've built a handful of characters now.
Personally, I might go any of:
- Striker (mobile unarmed fighter, who gains 'tension' through being up close and personal, and uses that to various advantages)
- Sentinel (tanky defender with a variety of ways of punishing foes for trying to pass or ignore her)
- Armiger (versatile switch-hitter who trains with a variety of weapons, and masters different techniques with each)
- Commander (3/4 BAB character who buffs allies and debuffs foes through her tactics and shouts)
Other interesting classes:
- Blacksmith (full BAB + can improve the quality of her own and her allies' gear)
- Scholar (1/2 BAB INT-based martial, often with an emphasis on scaling improved versions of standard alchemical items, and/or traps, and/or beastmastery)
- Conscript (really just a bunch of tools to flexibly build your own martial class, if none of the above does what you're imagining)
Note that each class can be built a ton of ways, and that some of the talent spheres have more of an out of combat focus...but all of that's spelled out fairly well in the first two links above.
My experience: at first it felt a bit overwhelming, but after a bit of reading it clicked. I now think the system is quite elegant, and it does a great job of reusing existing Pathfinder rules wherever possible.

Cosmic Dream Lord |

For some reason, I still can't post in the main thread. I'm commenting here because that seemed to resolve the issue last time.
EDIT: Finally figured out what the issue was.
Also, please don't mind the text in Kenjakana's current profile; it's all a holdover from an old PbP game.

DM Jelani |

Also, woodland stride is a little lame compared to the other racials, so Shojinawa can have the following in addition to woodland stride:
A cursed forest dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard by making a successful Bluff check against the listener’s Sense Motive check.

DM Jelani |

RE languages: In case people don't know this, in Japanese there are several writing systems. Kanji is the exact same as traditional Chinese characters. We will be using traditional characters for the Tien language. Hirigana is a phonetic system for writing Japanese pronunciation of Chinese characters. That's what we're going to use for Minkaian. So, anything formal or ancient in Minkai will be written in Tien, and informal stuff would be written in Minkaian.
Every written Tien character has a Mikaian pronunciation, and shares basically the same meaning in Minkaian as the original character in the Tien language. This is because Minkaian originally got its writing system from Lung Wa (originators of Tien).
But Tien writing is not phonetic, so you have to memorize the pronunciation of every character. It also was not intended as the writing system for Minkaian, which originally had no writing system. Thus scholars in Minkai created a phonetic writing system for Minkaian at the same time that they were developing more of a separate unique culture from Lung Wa in ancient times.
Make sense?

gyrfalcon |

Jelani, I'm looking forward to the ways your experience with Asian cultures and languages will influence this campaign.
Anyone have any ideas about the character you're thinking about?
Note, if you have an idea for a character that's more about an image than a class, it might be possible within spheres. For example (if you missed the conversation on r20) Jelani was wishing there was a way someone could impale a foe with a spear, and swing them around at others, and I said "Oh, Spheres of Might" lets you do that. It'll also let you make interesting use of a wide range of combat maneuvers (including things like Bull Rush, that rarely are worth doing)...and a lot more.
Caveat: I've read the system and built some characters, but I've barely played with it so far, so most of my experience is theoretical or second-hand.
All I know so far is I'll use a Spheres class. Still considering any of building as a martial striker, defender, and / or tactician/buffer.

gyrfalcon |

Nice! I think Scholar is a great class (and they are suprisingly good healers). You might want to check out the alchemy sphere for other ranged options. I really like the improved formulae. Check out the Scout sphere too, to take advantage of your INT in improving your to-hit and AC in combat.
I'll look forward to being the front line (and or sharing it with Stalwart)!

DM Jelani |

Oh, I am going to have Athletics, Alchemy, Barrage, Equipment, Scout and Trap. Trap I don't really want, but get anyway as a bonus.
Eventually I could do flashbang arrows that blind and do 1d6 str dmg....we'll see. Seems a bit OP. My initial build is focusing on movement, crossbow barrages and healing.

Yume Sugimatu |

I'd begun work on Yume and am doing a bit more now. Any chance you're using Background Skills?
Nevermind. I'd looked for it in Character Creation but just noticed it in House Rules.

Shizun Amatatsu |

Behold, the alias I am working up!
A couple of quick questions to the group...
1) Anyone wanna pitch in for a Cure wand of some sort?
2) Would anyone be interested in pitching in for a Handy Haversack? I would be willing to carry it as A) my carrying capacity is abysmal and I could use the help hauling my own s~%$, and B) it would free up carrying space for you guys to let me haul the group loot.
For the record, I don’t anticipate my character being a very “combat focused” type. She would be the pacifist/advisor/diplomat of the group. As well as the healer and cook.
She is very much going to be a support build.

Yume Sugimatu |

I'd somehow missed/forgotten that I was up in combat. Sorry!
Also, Jelani, I'm happy to see you using Spheres with the NPCs too (at least for significant ones like the leader here).

gyrfalcon |

Just looked it up since I didn't recall:
If a creature’s nonlethal damage is equal to his total maximum hit points (not his current hit points), all further nonlethal damage is treated as lethal damage. This does not apply to creatures with regeneration. Such creatures simply accrue additional nonlethal damage, increasing the amount of time they remain unconscious.
...so Yume will take this round's attack as nonlethal. Next round it will exceed her max HP and start switching to lethal damage.

Yume Sugimatu |

"Heavy blows have left a creature with this condition vulnerable to further attacks, imposing a -2 penalty to the creature’s CMD and preventing them from taking attacks of opportunity provoked by a creature performing a combat maneuver. Some talents have different effects or activation times against battered creatures. The battered condition can be removed by taking the total defense action, or through the restore ability of the Life sphere (see Spheres of Power), the lesser restoration spell, or similar effects. When inflicting the battered condition on a target that is already battered, the rounds stack when determining duration."

Yume Sugimatu |

Note, Yume needs healing but not urgently. I'd say either Kenmei or Shizun should go offense, and I'd love to get bit of healing from the other. (Whatever I get will essentially count double since it'll clear both lethal and nonlethal.)
Especially if I didn't drop Orange...and I may not have.

Yume Sugimatu |

I've leveled up in profile, and updated my stat line.
As discussed, I've rebuilt slightly to be a bit more offensive. Specifically:
- Dropped Shield proficiency, and shield talents
- Added Brute sphere (giving me the ability to perform a Shove as a Move) and Focused Might (giving me the ability to recover Martial Focus on a successful Shove).
- Added Swift Challenge and Mass Challenge (letting me challenge more foes at once, and improving the action economy of challenging a bit).
+1 BAB (which also makes my delayed damage 12/round and THP 7/round)
+10 HP
+perception, sense motive, survival, handle animal, artistry (haiku)*
* putting 1 rank in this gets me to a mighty +0...which I've commemorated by writing Yume's first poem. I tried to write something from her perspective (considering what happens when one lets their guard down).