Cirieo Thessaddin

Tekmin Squat's page

76 posts. Alias of ChesterCopperpot (RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, Contributor).

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Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death


Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

What mysteries await on Mediogalti Island?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

The Pathfinder Society has heard reports of a ship sighted over and over, apparently following the same path before vanishing each week. This unfortunate ship is stuck in time, repeating the same week over and over. The crew has tried everything to escape this fate, and gave up years of the same week ago. The PCs must find a way to return things to normal and save the crew from an eternity of this single week.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

We'll mostly discuss on discord, but this will be a good place to keep track of loot and character level ups.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

You've just arrived in the small town of Belhaim, nestled in the midst of the Verduran Forest. It's been a quiet journey for your trade far.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A place to discuss. (But feel free to use the discord.)

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot in to save this game in your campaigns.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Adventure Concept:
In this Adventure Path, you and your friends take on the roles of head scouts for the Broken Tusk following—a tight-knit community of nomadic hunter-gatherers who roam the western Realm of the Mammoth Lords. The Broken Tusk is a relatively small following, numbering only several dozen currently, but with courage and ingenuity your characters can help your fellow supporters flourish. The adventure path explores the themes of exploration, growth, fellowship, perseverance, and survival.

Standard PC Creation Rules
Level: 1
Classes & Races: Any that you can justify being in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords
Available Rarities: Any Common & Uncommon options that are fit for the setting. Please check for Rare options. (Rare options are probably fine too, but let's discuss!)
Alternate Rules: GMG Free Archetype

Please read the Player's Guide when you are planning your character. It has many good tips about character creation, including appropriate skills, feats, and languages.

Campaign Expectations
Group Composition: This will be for 4-6 players, depending on interest.

Posting Frequency: I'd like people to commit to posting 1/day during the week. I typically post at least once on the weekend as well, but no worries if weekend posting doesn't work for you. I've found that campaigns that move much slower than this tend to fall apart. At times, everyone gets too busy to keep this pace sometimes (very much including me), so if you are jumping aboard just be communicative about short or long term absences. (You can be botted or step back to do something off-screen with the following.) I will be trying to keep the story moving forward, so there will be a dedicated Discord channel for interactions that you want to have more "screen time" that didn't get posted in time.

Sensitivity Concerns: The Broken Tusk following, and all of the residents of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, have a society just as sophisticated as you would find in Absalom or Taldor; it's just organized differently. It probably goes without saying, but I'm not interested in characters that act "primitive" or do things like speak in broken Common. Please also call me in if you feel like I'm indulging any problematic tropes.

Safety Tools: We'll use Lines, Veils, and X-Cards in this campaign. I'm into collaboratively setting our lines and veils after we get the group solidified. If, while we are playing, you need a safety concern addressed right away, you can also message me on Discord.

Please post if you have any questions!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Discuss here.

Please fill out the RPG Chronicles and update the Slides and Macros when you get a chance.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

The students of Dacilane Academy are going on a field trip! As many of the academy’s students are the children of Pathfinders, what better place to visit than Woodsedge Lodge, one of the most famous Pathfinder Society lodges and the hub of the vast, mystical hedge maze known as the Maze of the Open Road? And who better to chaperone these students than a group of capable Pathfinder agents? When delightful disaster strikes, everyone will be glad that the Pathfinders came along for the trip!

Please dot in when you are ready!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Feel free to ask questions or discuss here!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A special table for levels 5-6.

Having made several recent forays into a set of unearthed ruins in the volcanic region of Droskar’s Crag, the Pathfinder Society has uncovered what could be an access point to the lost dwarven city of Raseri Kanton. Pathfinder agents from across Golarion have come to support the Society’s latest large-scale endeavor. However, the Aspis Consortium have also begun exploring the ruins, so it’s a race to see who can reach Raseri Kanton first!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death


Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot in to the campaign.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Discuss here.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot and delete!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Feel free to ask questions here.

When you get a chance, please fill in your character's information on the Slides and copy a token in to use on our maps.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Venture-Captain Hestia Themis put out a call from the Cassomir lodge in Taldor, seeking Pathfinder agents to solve the recent troubles threatening the city’s resurgence. You decided to answer that call.

Today, you're waiting for Themis in the conference room of the lodge, observing your fellow agents.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Here be discussions.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

You run a hardscrabble detective agency in Absalom. You are largely private investigators, but you have contracts with some of the city guard companies to make ends meet. The campaign will revolve around solving crimes, fighting monsters, apprehending fugitives, investigating strange occurrences, and testifying in court cases.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot into the thread.

Please dot into the gameplay thread and discuss anything that needs to be discussed here.

I'll post the game introduction Soon.

Please update the Slides with your current character information.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please discuss here. If you wouldn't please fill in your details on the Slides. We'll get started after 12 GMT on 3/30.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot in!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Hey there-

I had a problem with the payment method on my subscription, so the initial payment was declined.

I updated the payment method, and it said my order was pending on the new payment method, but I think the authorization expired yesterday.

Looks like the order is in limbo now. Any update?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Heeeeeeeeeere's the gameplay thread!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Welcome to what could someday become the greatest show on Golarion! Let's work out our characters and get started planning.

Since circus members could be from anywhere, all of the ancestries that have been released are fair game. There are some backgrounds in the players guide, but I'm also fine with any background as long as you tie it to the circus.

Post questions and thoughts on what you might like to bring, and let's get this show on the road!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A courier, her uniform emblazoned with a patch depicting a winged eye surrounded by three crowns, approaches you with a sigh and wipes the sweat from her brow.
"By the Scales, you're a tricky one to track down. Here, this is for you."

The messenger hands over a heavy, folded parchment, sealed with red wax. The seal depicts three stars over a closed gate. Opening the message, you see it is a letter written in a steady hand.

"I hope my agent finds you well. You have developed quite a reputation over the past few years, and I find myself in need of an operative as discrete as they are capable. My sources tell me that you fit that bill. Please, meet me at the Azlanti Keep three hours after dawn on the 12th of Lamashan. The city has need of your singular talents and is prepared to reward you for your service.
Acting Primarch Wynsal Starborn


Autumn mornings atop the Azlanti Keep are crisp and pleasant. Your arrival at the Keep was evidently awaited, as a soldier met you immediately upon arrival and whisked you up to a secluded spot atop the battlements. The Keep's steward made sure that you had a warm drink in hand and assured you that Starborn would be right with you. You're not alone at the battlements: Three capable looking features join you.

Please post an in-character introduction! Your host will arrive soon. (I'll put the first story post up either later tonight or early tomorrow, depending on when people are ready.)

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Discuss here.

Since I'm not going to get much face-to-face time to playtest the APG classes, I thought it might be fun to run a little homebrew adventure to see how the classes look at medium levels. Our timeline is obviously short, but I think PBP is an interesting way to think about the new character classes and discuss their strength and weaknesses while we explore Golarion a little! I'd love to have a few like-minded people join me.

Adventure Concept:
Lord Gyr of House Gixx has been Primarch of Absalom since 4660 AR, but he mysteriously disappeared during the Fleshforge Seige of 4717. Today, Wynsal Starborn, the acting primarch, and several members of the Grand Council are calling for an official inquiry to put the mystery of the primarch's disappearance to rest. PCs are a group of specialists called together to look into the disappearance.

PC Creation Rules
Level: 11
Classes: APG Playtest classes only.
Standard PC creation rules
Available Materials: Any material from Core, Lost Omens World Guide, and Lost Omens Character Guide is available. PCs can be a member of 1 organization and take regional options from 1 area. (Other uncommon options might be available. Just ask!)
Starting Wealth:
Two methods are available:
1) Choose permanent items of with the following guidelines: 10th: 1, 9th: 2, 8th: 1, 7th: 2 and take 500 gp (If you take permanent weapons and armor this way, start with the base item, including its potency runes. If you want property runes or special materials, you need to pay account for them separately.)
2) Lump sum of 3,200 gp with a maximum purchase limit of 10th level.

Campaign Expectations
Group Composition: This will be for 4 players, one of each playtest class.
Posting Frequency: Due to the timeline of the playtest, I'd like people to commit to posting 2/day during the week and checking in at least once during the weekend.
Timeline: I hope to select a group by tomorrow (11/11) and get characters together to start by Wednesday (11/13) at the latest. The adventure will run until 12/1, so that people have time to do the playtest surveys.

Application: Please post below with your interest and a brief description of the character(s) that you would want to play. For example: "Jirelle: A half-elf swashbuckler from the Shackles." Feel free to list character ideas for a few of your classes--it probably increases your chances of getting picked. No need to create a profile yet.

Selection: I'll be picking a group of 4 consisting of one of each playtest class. I'll be basing my selection on what sounds like an interesting and appropriate party.

Please post if you have any questions!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please post when you are ready to join this campaign!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Hey friends! Let's figure out what scenario we are going to tackle and what characters people would like to play.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot in when you make your character. Feel free to describe yourself and what you do on the caravan!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Discuss here.

Dark Archive

Hey all!

We lost a player for our Tears at Bitter Manor game. Looking for a level 5 replacement. We're running for PFS characters, so please keep that in mind.

Someone with a bit of healing wouldn't go amiss, but what we are really looking for is someone that's into the light-hearted roleplay vibe of the current group.

Hoping to integrate the new member into the group as soon as possible, so I'll probably pick a new player before the weekend is out.


Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Hey all! Welcome to the game! Feel free to introduce yourselves in the Gameplay channel. We'll be starting right on time.

Could you do me two favors? Please make sure all of your skill modifiers are listed in your profiles so that I can make secret checks more easily.

I'm hoping that we'll be able to run checks to Recall Knowledge in combat without too much of a slow down, so I'm going to try to do the rolls for anyone who is trained in an appropriate skill at the beginning of combat, spoiler the info you get, and trust you folks not to open it unless you take the action to Recall Knowledge.

To that end, would each of you tell me what, in general, types of things about creatures would stick in your character's mind? Did you study the resistances of all the creatures? Where you more interested in their special attacks?

I'll be following general guideline that a successful check will give you the most important information about a creature, but I'll like to give you something you would find useful if there is any doubt, or if you critically succeed.

This is my first time GMing 2E on PBP, so please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions as we go. I did GM a bunch of it at Gen Con, so I'm pretty comfortable with the rules, but don't hesitate to point out anything that I miss! It's going to be a while until I have more of the system by heart.

Looking forward to our game!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot and delete and fill in your information on this slide.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Dot when ready.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A discussion.

What characters is everyone bringing?

Also, I talked to Morrolan and they are out for this one, so I invited one of my friends to hop in the 6th spot. Hope no one minds!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Dot in here.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please discuss here.

When would you folks want to get started?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Talk amongst yourselves.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

A thread to dot into once we decide on participants.

Spots for TOZ, Wei Ji, and Hawthile are reserved. Since you folks requested, I'll let you call the ball for sub-tier.

I'll randomly choose characters of the appropriate level tomorrow night (Eastern Time), as there is already plenty of interest.

We'll start soon-ish. (I should be ready by the time Hawthwile's characters are.)

I like to run a fairly fast-paced game for PFS, so please be able to post at least once a day if you are going to throw your hat in the ring. That said, there's plenty of room for roleplay in the scenario. Check out the description before you decide on the character you want to play.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death


Also, could you fill in your updated info for this slide? (Don't worry about tokens. I'll grab them from last game.)

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

After creating her spectacular museum demiplane, the legendary sorcerer Hao Jin departed without a forwarding address. However, the Pathfinder Society has recently discovered her last known whereabouts on the Material Plane: a Tian Shu library that she later transported to her demiplane to spare it local dangers. Not only could this site shed light on Hao Jin's last accomplishments, but the building's vast contents are a snapshot of a continent's history. The sequestered library holds far more secrets than that, though, and it is now home to the proud Scalebreaker kobolds and a powerful spirit that they dare not anger.

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death


Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Bleak days have come to the Taldan city of Cassomir and nearby settlements, with a wave of depression and rage sparking horrific acts of violence. When retired adventurer Taergan Flinn doesn’t show up to meet with his old companions, the PCs are called upon to investigate, leading them into a swirling maelstrom of horror and tragedy. Can the PCs unmask and confront the malevolent entity behind the madness and restore hope to a tortured land?

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Discussion thread!

Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death

Please dot in here. :)

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