GM MattMorris |

Would you lovely folks post anything that you want me to do automatically for your character?
For instance, Battle Cry or any reactions that you want me to do as a matter of course.
I'll generally ask what you want to do as your Exploration Activity when it comes up--though this adventure is a little different about that than most.

Olufunmilayo Ozinichi |

If a creature saves against one of my illusion spells, I will use Convincing Liar to try and stop them. You can roll it automatically unless I say I'm saving my reaction.
The other main one is Shadow Siphon, but I will let you know whether I have that spell prepped or not.

Aphotos Upwell |

I do have Battle Cry with an Intimidate Bonus of +29
I also have a rogue feat called "Blank Slate" which isn't really a roll per se but it's useful for you to know about.
Other than that only reaction is Opportune Backstab which I can keep track of myself.

GM MattMorris |

Great point. If anyone has any other passives that I should know about, feel free to post those as well.

Kuthek, the Eventide |

I'm probably doing the guarding/defending/whatever exploration activity most of the time. I also have the Liberating Step reaction, which does the following:
Trigger An enemy damages, Grabs, or Grapples your ally, and both are within 15 feet of you.
You free an ally from restraint. If the trigger was an ally taking damage, the ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. The ally can attempt to break free of effects grabbing, restraining, immobilizing, or paralyzing them. They either attempt a new save against one such effect that allows a save, or attempt to Escape from one effect as a free action. If they can move, the ally can Step as a free action, even if they didn’t need to escape.If the triggering enemy was using any effects to make your ally grabbed, restrained, immobilized, or paralyzed when you used Liberating Step, that enemy takes persistent good damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
You can help your whole group get into position. When you use Liberating Step, if your ally doesn’t attempt to break free of an effect, you and all allies within 15 feet can Step, in addition to the triggering ally.
I can do that twice per round.
I also have the hood up on my greater clandestine cloak for 8 hours a day, which means I likely have 5th level nondetection active most of the time.

Kuthek, the Eventide |
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Oh, I've also got the death's call focus spell, which is a reaction.
Death’s Call [reaction] (necromancy, verbal) Trigger A living creature within 20 feet of you dies, or an undead creature within 20 feet of you is destroyed; Duration 1 minute; Effect You gain temporary Hit Points equal to the triggering creature's level plus 4 (your spellcasting ability modifier). If the triggering creature was undead, double the number of temporary Hit Points you gain. These last for the duration of the spell, and the spell ends if all the temporary Hit Points are depleted earlier.

GM MattMorris |

You all are hilarious.
It's the fruits of every good infiltration that has been spoiled by divinations.

Aphotos Upwell |

I forgot to mention this but I also have "Lie to Me" which means if someone tries to lie to me they have to beat my Deception DC rather than my Perception DC.

Kuthek, the Eventide |

Also of note, I've got the Foil Senses feat
You are adept at foiling creatures' special senses and cautious enough to safeguard against them at all times. Whenever you use the Avoid Notice, Hide, or Sneak actions, you are always considered to be taking precautions against special senses (see the Detecting with Other Senses sidebar).
If a monster uses a sense other than vision, the GM can adapt the variables that keep its foes from being detected to equivalents that work with the monster’s senses. For example, a creature that has echolocation might use hearing as a primary sense. This could mean its quarry is concealed in a noisy chamber, hidden in a great enough din, or even invisible in the area of a silence spell.
Using Stealth with Other Senses
The Stealth skill is designed to use Hide for avoiding visual detection and Avoid Notice and Sneak to avoid being both seen and heard. For many special senses, a player can describe how they’re avoiding detection by that special sense and use the most applicable Stealth action. For instance, a creature stepping lightly to avoid being detected via tremorsense would be using Sneak.
In some cases, rolling a Dexterity-based Stealth skill check to Sneak doesn’t make the most sense. For example, when facing a creature that can detect heartbeats, a PC trying to avoid being detected might meditate to slow their heart rate, using Wisdom instead of Dexterity as the ability modifier for the Stealth check. When a creature that can detect you has multiple senses, such as if it could also hear or see, the PC would use the lowest applicable ability modifier for the check.

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All right, let's see here...
Reflexive Riposte Fiorré gains an additional reaction each round which she can use only for Opportune Riposte.
Opportune Riposte (modified by Impossible Riposte and Felicitous Riposte)
Trigger A foe within your reach critically fails a Strike against you, or a foe outside of your reach critically fails an attack roll against you.
Effect You take advantage of an opening from your enemy's fumbled attack. You either make a melee Strike against the triggering foe or attempt to Disarm it of the weapon it used for the Strike. When you make an Opportune Riposte, roll twice on the attack roll and take the better result. When you use Opportune Riposte with the secondary trigger against a ranged attack, your Strike deflects some of the triggering effect back toward its source. Compare the result of your attack roll to the AC of the triggering foe. On a hit, you deal the normal amount of damage for your Strike, but the damage type changes to that of the triggering attack. (For instance, if you used Opportune Riposte to deflect a ray of frost, your Strike would deal cold damage instead of its normal damage type.)
Charmed Life
Trigger You attempt a saving throw, but you haven't rolled yet.
Effect When danger calls, you have a strange knack for coming out on top. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to the triggering save.
Trigger The attack roll for a Strike targeting you fails or critically fails.
Effect You deftly step out of the way of an attack, letting the blow continue to the creature next to you. You redirect the attack to a creature of your choice that is adjacent to you and within the reach of the triggering attack. The attacker rerolls the Strike’s attack roll against the new target.
Animal Senses
Fiorré has scent (imprecise, 30 feet) and low-light vision.
Cat Fall
Effect [...] If you’re legendary in Acrobatics, you always land on your feet and don’t take damage, regardless of the distance of the fall.
Steady Balance
Effect [...] You’re not flat-footed while attempting to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. [...]
Legendary Performer
Fiorré is particularly known as a sword dancer duelist.
Effect Your fame has spread throughout the lands. NPCs who succeed at a DC 10 Society check to Recall Knowledge have heard of you and usually have an attitude toward you one step better than normal, depending on your reputation and the NPC’s disposition. For instance, if you’re well-known for cruel and demanding behavior, creatures might be intimidated by you, rather than be friendly toward you. When you Earn Income with Performance, you attract higher-level audiences than your location would allow, as audiences flock to see you. For instance, rulers and angels might travel to your small tower in the woods to hear you perform. Typically, this increases the audiences available by 2 levels or more, determined by the GM.
cloak of feline rest
Effect While wearing this cloak you can comfortably rest in any space, so long as it's not wet or particularly hazardous. While sleeping in this cloak you only take a –2 status penalty to auditory Perception checks, rather than a –4 status penalty.
choker of elocution
Effect [...] Your excellent elocution reduces the DC of the flat check to perform an auditory action while deafened from 5 to 3.
shapespeak mask
Effect While wearing this mask, you can speak even when polymorphed into an animal. The shapespeak mask does not otherwise remove any limitations, such as the inability to cast spells when transformed.