Male NG Half-orc inquisitor (relic hunter/preacher) of Kurgess 9 | HP 93/93 | Hybrid: AC 24 T 14 FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD25| F: +13 (+1 vs. disease & poison), R: +8, W: +13 | Init: +5 | Perc: +21, SM: +13 | Speed 30ft | Determination 1/4 | Spells: 1st 5/6 ; 2nd 3/5; 3rd 3/4 | Active conditions: SeeInvis; HeightAw; Delay Poison;Keenedg
If you haven't seen "The Master" by PT Anderson and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman, I highly recommend it (although it is not as funny as Leopold).
Male LG, looks human (actually mostly human Ifrit) - usually enjoying being charming & handsome | Bard 2, Paladin 4, Unch. Monk 3 | Bardic Performance 3/11 | Reroll 1/1 | Share Will 1/1 | Lucky Horseshoe 1/1 | | HP 92/92 | AC 23, Touch 23, FF 16 | CMB +16 (Grapple, Disarm, Trip, Sunder), CMD 29 (31 vs. Grapple) | F: +19, R: +22 (Evasion), W: +14 | Init: +11 | Perc: +1 | Boots of speed 3/10 | Smite 1/2 | LoH 5/7 | Stunning Fist 3/3 | Ki Pool 2/6 | Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 40ft | Moth Familiar 46/46 HP | Familiar Domain 1/1 | Active conditions:
Hello GM,
I would like to buy a singing steel item of at least 5 pounds to hold in Aryas offhand to increase action economy of battle dance to a swift action.
As dervish dance allows to hold something other than a shield or weapon in the offhand I am fine.
Can I buy a 5 pound masterwork musical instrument made of singing steel?
Have a great weekend!
Singing Steel :
Singing Steel
Source Adventurer's Armory 2 pg. 28
This lustrous golden metal emits beautiful bell-like tones when struck. An alloy of gold and mithral, singing steel was originally created by the elves of Jinin, although the secrets of working singing steel have spread to Hwanggot, Minkai, and Tianjing. Instruments made of this metal are especially popular among bards and other performers who worship the goddess Shelyn.
A weapon made of singing steel counts as alchemical silver for all purposes, including the –1 penalty on damage rolls with singing steel weapons. Most armor made of singing steel is treated as one category lighter (heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light). The armor or shield’s arcane spell failure chance is reduced by 5%, its maximum Dexterity bonus is increased by 1, and its armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
When wielding a singing steel weapon, shield, or item weighing at least 5 pounds, or wearing medium or heavy singing steel armor, the wielder or wearer can strike the singing steel as part of beginning a bardic performance. If the wielder can normally start a bardic performance as a standard action, he can do so as a move action instead. If the wielder can normally start a bardic performance as a move action, he can do so as a swift action instead. This ability does not function in the area of a silence spell or similar effect. After using the singing steel in this fashion, the steel must be carefully brushed to remove any lingering vibrations, a process that takes 10 minutes.
Singing steel items are always masterwork; this cost is included in the price. Singing steel has 20 hp per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Although formed partially from mithral, singing steel items weigh as much as their normal counterparts.
Type of Singing-Steel Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +750 gp
Medium armor +9,000 gp
Heavy armor +12,000 gp
Shield +7,000 gp
Weapon +6,000 gp
Other items +600 gp/lb.
Human Male Mesmerist 10 | hp 58/58 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +7, R +12, W +20 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +12, Concentration +18/+20 | Speed 30 ft | |Spells: 1st 6/12, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 0/3, 4th 0/3 | Tricks 3/10 | Touch Treatment 8/9 | Conditions: 3 Negative Levels
Hey guys, I have the following tricks that I can share with you. I can implant 10 per day and 2 at any given time. I'll start out giving them to Hekk and Aryas, but these are available to whoever wants them:
Gift of Will - use my Will save modifier on a single throw (+17)
Shadow Splinter - negates 9 damage from a single attack and potentially shunts the damage to another target
Mesmeric Mirror - grants 2 mirror images
Misdirection - makes the target of your attack flat-footed (only 1 attack)
Fleet in Shadow - grants a bonus movement speed in area of dim light and darkness and allows you to move at full speed even if you cannot see
Human Male Mesmerist 10 | hp 58/58 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +7, R +12, W +20 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +12, Concentration +18/+20 | Speed 30 ft | |Spells: 1st 6/12, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 0/3, 4th 0/3 | Tricks 3/10 | Touch Treatment 8/9 | Conditions: 3 Negative Levels
LeGuin wrote:
If you haven't seen "The Master" by PT Anderson and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman, I highly recommend it (although it is not as funny as Leopold).
I'm basing some of Leopold's personality on two episodes of The Dead Author's podcast, in which a comedian plays HG Wells traveling through time interviewing other dead authors (played by other comedians). The L Ron Hubbard episodes are pee-your-pants funny.
Human Male Mesmerist 10 | hp 58/58 | AC 17 T 12 FF 15 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +7, R +12, W +20 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +12, Concentration +18/+20 | Speed 30 ft | |Spells: 1st 6/12, 2nd 5/6, 3rd 0/3, 4th 0/3 | Tricks 3/10 | Touch Treatment 8/9 | Conditions: 3 Negative Levels
This is just the start of a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, LeGuin. You should thank yourself for taking the leap, especially when you're surrounded by so many Suppressive People.
This is just the start of a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, LeGuin. You should thank yourself for taking the leap, especially when you're surrounded by so many Suppressive People.
Male NG Half-orc inquisitor (relic hunter/preacher) of Kurgess 9 | HP 93/93 | Hybrid: AC 24 T 14 FF 22 | CMB +9, CMD25| F: +13 (+1 vs. disease & poison), R: +8, W: +13 | Init: +5 | Perc: +21, SM: +13 | Speed 30ft | Determination 1/4 | Spells: 1st 5/6 ; 2nd 3/5; 3rd 3/4 | Active conditions: SeeInvis; HeightAw; Delay Poison;Keenedg
To Tathane's point, we should specify our SOP for exploring. Taking 10 on perception every so often, Tathane in front looking for traps, checking doors, then I presume Hekk and I in front for opening of said doors. Anything to add/change?
It was a pretty awesome campaign. Their model of having each State be it's own region, and some overseas locations being separate regions was awesome. Being in Virginia, which was Geoff, and part of the Sheldomar Valley was amazing. If you wanted to play a scenario in say Keoland, you'd need to pedal your butt up to Pennsylvania to do so. I played with a group of folks who were big time travelers, and we would regularly get on the road to go play scenarios in other states. A world of fun!
CG Male half-elf rogue 8 | HP 67/67 | AC: 21 T:17 FF:15 | F +4 R +12 W +2 (+2 vs. enchantments) | Init +12 | Perc +13 | Low-light vision | Trapfinding +4
I'm currently level 7.5 (1.5 xp needed for level 8). Do I need to go slow progression on any of this for the module?
CG Male half-elf rogue 8 | HP 67/67 | AC: 21 T:17 FF:15 | F +4 R +12 W +2 (+2 vs. enchantments) | Init +12 | Perc +13 | Low-light vision | Trapfinding +4
Great. Leveled up.
GM, note that I took the Snap Shot rogue talent. This means that my initiative in a surprise round is 30 (20 + 10).
And I'd really like a chance to buy some more arrows.