GM MattMorris |

I think I fixed the Slides so that everyone has access. You can fill in the chart if you like, but if you complete a profile I'll fill it in for you.

GM MattMorris |

Sorry that update took me so long. Took forever to type up that info dump. I'll be paying close attention so I can answer questions.

GM MattMorris |

If anyone needs to clarify anything, feel free to ask here. How was character building?

Kargakan |

There somme feats there doesn't seem to have a value to exist. This one
Your brazen style makes the most of parrying weapons. When
you use the Interact action with a weapon that has the parry
trait to gain a circumstance bonus to AC, increase the bonus
from +1 to +2.
As no actual value since there a fighter feat at the same level that does better. (give a parry +2 ac circonstance to all one-handed weapon with out shield) If i could shield block it. That would be better.
I have realise that a buckler is counter productive because the sturdy shield cannot be apply to a Buckler (with mean shield block is counter productive)
Prerequisites expert in Athletics
Your panache allows you to perform incredible feats: climbing,
swimming, and leaping far beyond your normal capacity.
While you have panache, you gain the following benefits.
• You gain a climb Speed and swim Speed equal to half
your land Speed.
• The DC of High Jumps and Long Jumps decreases by 10
from the original DC. This doesn’t combine with similar
abilities like Raging Athlete.
• The distance you can move with a vertical Leap increases
to 5 feet. Your distance for a horizontal Leap increases to
15 feet if your Speed is at least 15 feet, or to 20 feet if
your Speed is at least 30 feet.
This other feat for exemple, would be super interesting... if panache could be obtain outside of combat. Which is not. I would like to have a form panache outside of encounter mode. To have a swim speed could be helpful. And you can do this with panache outside of combat. (Like climbing the hightest tower to open a window while guards are in patrol. You know Action with guts.
Prerequisites Confident Finish
Even when your foe avoids your Confident Finish, you can still
hit a vital spot. On a failure with Confident Finish, you use
your full precise strike damage instead of half.
This is an almost garantie damage since 4d6 is great in pfs2.
You’ve learned to combine a series of attacks with a powerful
finishing blow. Your finishers’ Strikes have a lower multiple
attack penalty: –4 (or –3 with an agile weapon) instead of –5
if they’re the second attack on your turn, or –8 (or –6 with an
agile weapon) instead of –10 if they’re the third or subsequent
attack on your turn.
Because as a gymnast, i will always have a -minus if a do something.
I didn't want to take this one
Requirements You have panache.
Your panache swells your ego with bravado, granting you a
temporary reprieve from your pain. You gain temporary Hit
Points equal to your level plus your Charisma modifier that
last as long as you have panache.
because you lose it after a finisher.
And I have taken this one.
Prerequisites swashbuckler’s style that gains panache from
a skill action
When you execute the skill associated with your
swashbuckler’s style above and beyond what is necessary
to gain panache, the universe always seems to smile on you.
When you already have panache, if you perform a skill action
that would normally give you panache on a success, you can
roll twice and use the higher result on your check.
But I know i would not be useful when I want to gain a panache.
There a lot of power that give flat-footed to someone and I was wondering if a rogue would find it more useful.

Vrog Skyreaver |

There somme feats there doesn't seem to have a value to exist. This one
Your brazen style makes the most of parrying weapons. When
you use the Interact action with a weapon that has the parry
trait to gain a circumstance bonus to AC, increase the bonus
from +1 to +2.
This feat just says that when you take an action to get the +1 bonus from a weapon with parry, the bonus increases to +2. This feat actually just brings the parry trait ability in line with the fighter feat Dueling Parry (level 2), which grants the same type of bonus as a shield (shields are still better imo though, because shield block). I'm not sure how shield block is counterproductive, because using shield block directly prevents you from taking damage.
This other feat for exemple, would be super interesting... if panache could be obtain outside of combat. Which is not. I would like to have a form panache outside of encounter mode. To have a swim speed could be helpful. And you can do this with panache outside of combat. (Like climbing the hightest tower to open a window while guards are in patrol. You know Action with guts.
I can definitely agree on the "no panache outside of combat" thing. It seems a weird design choice, tbh, and is almost a direct copy of the mechanic for the Solarian abilities from Starfinder.
This is an almost garantie damage since 4d6 is great in pfs2.
It does seem pretty legit, and is guaranteed to either be normal weapon damage or 4d6 damage, assuming you're willing to drop your panache.
Because as a gymnast, i will always have a -minus if a do something.
I didn't want to take this one
This feat only applies to multi-action penalty, which you can only get (and only counts towards) making multiple strikes in a round. Further, it only applies to Finisher attacks, so it's a bit restrictive for my taste.
because you lose it after a finisher.
And I have taken this one.
Honest, I looking at the Swashbuckler, I feel like there's probably some work that's needed on the panache system, and finishers feel a bit clunky imo, since in theory you can make a "finisher" attack that doesn't actually finish your enemy.
But I know i would not be useful when I want to gain a panache.
There a lot of power that give flat-footed to someone and I was wondering if a rogue would find it more useful.
This feat is frankly amazing: it gives you (effectively 5E DND's) advantage with your primary skill, as long as you have panache.
I honestly don't know that, were I playing a swashbuckler, I'd ever actually use a finisher, precise strike or no. The "having panache" benefits are too good.

GM MattMorris |

Yeah, one is about to start. Sorry pace has been a little slow this week. I was really sick.
Also, I think it was important to have some investigation...because of the investigator.
Also, the playtest goes until December 2. I hope to have at least two encounters done by then.

Gayel Nord |

I feel the halfing are rogue so I should miss.
If i have miss it. Kargakan would have use a finisher.

Gayel Nord |

GM... this halfing is not a rogue? (sneak attack... or it could be a swashbuckler... ?)

GM MattMorris |

They are using NPC math, so they are not built using PC stats. (I know, it's a little annoying, but it makes it way easier to make NPCs.)
The NPC making guidelines had you start with a concept--like Skirmisher in this case--and gives guideline numbers for AC, HP, damage, and such. Then, you just add some of the appropriate abilities and you're done.
Now, I actually started with some existing NPCs for these halfings (the Charming Scoundrel from the Lost Omens Character Guide) and adjusted from there.

GM MattMorris |

The NPC and monster creation rules were released recently as a free PDF. It is a preview for the Gamemastery Guide.

Kargakan |

First impression of the fight.
This was the first time, i fought at this level.
First, i really donc like the need to constently gain panache with specific action and lose Them after an attack. You miss your thing and you have nothing but a martial without feat or Power. Keaping it is more useful than having additional damage.
I need to confirm but i think you Will lose panache if you riposte... Not fun. The fighter has a feat. (A second tree feat to be exact) that have the same Power but not the same restriction.
I hate losing because i don't have panache.
The finisher would more helpful if it was an incapacitate trait.
Critical miss work more often against beast than class enemy.
The studious strike of the investigateur should be closer the ranger tracking Power. My opinion.

Orvin Bloodsinger |

first impressions of the witch:
So they play mostly like any other caster, but I do think that having an ability that automatically does damage and forces concealment and difficult terrain for up to a minute with no save or attack roll seems pretty strong.

Aarius 2e |

First impressions of Oracle: it plays like most spellcasters as well. Though since I made a melee build the tangled condition had me play very differently than I made it for. That being said, the curse was a non issue for me this time. I hope that if we get a second combat I'll get a better feel for it.