GM MattMorris |
Life hadn't been easy over the past several months. After fleeing Mistress Dusklight’s and her Celestial Menagerie in Escadar, you and your companions had struggled to begin a new life, always looking over your shoulders for the cruel ringmaster to appear and try to drag you back to her abusive establishment.
Eventually, you accustomed yourselves to the life of wayward wanderers. The new circus’s leaders, an elderly circus veteran known only as the Professor and a bombastic showman named Myron “Thunder” Stendhal, led the
Circus of Wayward Wonders out of Escadar and across the Isle of Erran. After several months of practices and performances for homesteaders and farmers, the circus is ready to perform a large show in a sizable town.
Abberton isn’t what many people would consider a destination for performers, but it’s where the Circus of Wayward Wonders must start.
Yyou and your fellow performers have spent the last week setting up the tents and advertsiing the show to the townsfolk. Tonight is the night of the circus’s first performance, nearly every resident of the town—including Mayor Jae Abber— crowds the tent to experience the magic of the big top.
As the crowd files in, you wait in anticipation for Thunder to make the final call on tonight's performing acts.
Madame Papillon |
Physical description may change, based on what I find as an avatar when the forums allows. But as of right now, this is the image I have of her.
Madame Papillon (Pāpiliō) has a calm and collected expression about her, as she sits by her make-up table behind the throws of the main curtains. She applies some basic white powder to the her chin, nose and cheeks making them stand out even more than usual on her older pointed face. Her dark brown hair is let down, just above her shoulders, tied down the bottom like she learnt from a family of forest gnomes in her past. She wears a blue robe, adorned with beautiful butterflies flying over the many facets of the moon. The blue colour adds depth to her rather plump nature, she has done well for herself at her long age. Her pupils lack colour, and possess a strong whitish hue which is uncommon amongst halflings, but the rest of her face hide her old age well.
What is strange about her, is that no one has seen her practice her signature trick with anyone. In fact, no one has even seen it since she appeared at the Circus of Wayward Wonders.
"Finally, some semblance of peace and order. A beautiful half-moon, just as The Great Dreamer predicted will hang over us on this beautiful evening. I am so glad I can finally see my path. Nothing, can go wrong."
She glances about the backstage of the circus, an eager and confident conviction in her eyes which pierces through the excitement and anticipation of her fellow performers.
Derrikk |
Derrikk, in his unwashed ranger get-up, and his intentionally unkempt hair and beard (all to fit with his crafter backstory of being borderline feral), intermittently paces the back curtain area with Celery and stops to give Celery a treat while whispering praise and appreciation to her. Their bond is strong, but he is not so foolish as to forget that she is a wild animal.
Orm Blueleaf |
Before the show, Orm circles the exterior of the big tent, checking the pitons and knots that help hold up the whole structure, giving each visual scrutiny and a quick tug. He’s trying to remember how his life choices led him to this odd position, rigger for a fledgling circus in a backwater town on a backwater island.
From the talk around camp, it sounds like he is lucky to not have fallen into the orbit of the Celestial Menagerie. Orm can’t help but think his job would have been even more lowly in that mobile tyranny.
“I have finally hit rock bottom. My progenitors would no doubt be disappointed, and I will certainly never finish our dream in this place, but maybe it’s time to let that dream die and find another.”
He straightens to his full height, well over six feet tall, stretching his long fibrous arms. His petal-covered face does not show the turmoil inside.
“In this life I am a brute, but perhaps I can bring some joy. I hope the Ringmaster doesn’t need to call on me to help with the performance, but with this small of a crew, everyone has to wear many hats I suppose.”
GM MattMorris |
Preparations make the backstage area of the circus a bustling hive of activity.
Axel, a gangling young man dressed in a formal suit, rushes by, muttering into a top hat, "Quit worrying, Philomena! We'll be fine. This is our big moment!"
Meanwhile, a group of four dwarves is having a heated discussion: the (semi-)famous Dwarven Throwers!
"Mēs nevaram izdarīt trebuchet! Tas ir pārāk bīstami. Varbūt, ja mēs esam lielais skaitlis ..."
Mordaine the Magnificent sweeps through, followed by her friendly assistant Hobb, who waves and grins at you.
Madame Papillon |
The hafling sigs and smiles at the dwarfs, "Those dwarfs are always up to no good. But somehow, I know they do wonderful today!"
She approaches the man in the top hat, and warmly applauds "A little bit of worry is good before an opening night. Trust in your practice and it will all be better!"
Madame Papillon |
Seeing Orm standing taller than nearly double her height impresses the short and stout halfling. She waltzes up beside him, not showing her interrst untill she is right beneath him. "And you, Mister Ghoram are very tall. You know, i wish i was so tall, i would be much closer to the stars and the moon. But no luck here, i was not so blessed. Anyway, just wanted to wish you all the best for our opening night." She jokes around, making it easy to tell she is not intimidated by such size differences.
GM MattMorris |
Tension is building at a fever pitch. Good-hearted jostling ensues as the Flamboni Sisters and the Kanbali family try to use the dressing rooms at the same time. Odvi, the youngest Kanbali, curses a blue streak when he foot is stepped on, eliciting a chuckle from the flamboyant fire jugglers.
Everyone is on tenterhooks as they wait for Thunder to announce the acts for the night. The sound of the crowd gathering in the stands is a dull wave that laps against everyone's nerves.
Where is Myron Stendhal?
Madame Papillon |
Madame P notices the absence of their ringmaster, but keeps her haooy completion, "He's probably still putting on his makeup, he is always worried about looking good on stage! It's probably fine, maybe i should say something to settle everyone down..."
She chooses to stay quiet and observe for now.
Derrikk |
Derrikk is pulled out of his own head by the conversation of the Dwarven Throwers. He wouldn't count them as friends just yet, but a connection has started to grow.
"Dwarven dwarven dwarven"
he calls over to them before turning his attention back to Celery.
Orm Blueleaf |
Orm can sense that there is tension in the room, but does not feel it.
To Madame Papillon: "If you would ever like to ride on my shoulders to be closer to the stars and moon, I would be happy to oblige."
GM MattMorris |
Suddenly, several of the performers closest to the curtain that separates the three rings from the rest of the tent leave their assignments, gathering in a small crowd to exchange frightened whispers and hushed gasps.
Elizia, the circus's snake charmer, run up to you and grabs you by the sleeve. "Come quickly," she says in a hushed voice. "It's terrible!" You can tell she is barely holding back tears.
Amid the gathered group, his body contorted as if caught forever in the throes of terrible pain, is the corpse of ringmaster Myron “Thunder”
Stendhal. Everyone in the circus knew Myron for his amazing, powerful voice that could bring instant silence to the largest crowd, and he knew everything there is to know about putting on a successful performance.
As the other performers stare at the corpse, whisper to each other, and
anxiously peer around the curtain, the Professor—a thin and frail veteran of the circus—looks up. “Well, what are you all standing around for?” he asks, his weak voice barely audible in the hushed silence. “Have you seen that crowd? We haven’t ever had the tent packed this full. There’s a show to put on, and we have to find a way to do it. So finish your makeup, get into your costumes, and send in the clowns!”
Quick to follow the Professor’s advice, the circus’s clowns immediately bound through the curtain and into the three rings. The Professor turns to address you.
"That should buy us a little time." Professor Zarlian Kyosophus has been the sideshow's barker, but now he finds himself temporarily in charge. "Poor Myron's dead, but the crowd is still out there, and they’re expecting a show. Time to grieve, and get to the bottom of this, later. If we don't perform, we don't eat."
"You all know the show as well as anyone. Who should we send out there?"
Circus time! Post a reaction if you wish, then head over to Discussion and we'll hash out the details.
GM MattMorris |
Consulting with the Professor, you decide to send the Dwarven Throwers out for the Opener.
The clowns make way for them, and the dwarves quickly tumble into the center ring, shouting instructions to each other in Dwarvish.
Two of the dwarves stand across from each other, their arms locked at the wrists. A few feet away, one of their partners lies on the ground, his feet raised slightly in the air.
At a shouted instruction, the fourth dwarf spring across the ring. He nds belly-first on the feet of the reclining dwarf, who launches him in a graceful backflip toward the other two performers. The airborne dwarf touches down briefly on the outstretched hands of the standing dwarves, who flex mightily, launching their partner high in the air!
Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
He lands safely with a flourish and a bow, and the crowd bursts into applause! +1 Excitement!
The performers set up for their next trick, setting up a vertical hoop on the side of the stage. The dwarves somehow lock their bodies together, contorting until they are in the shape of a humanoid ballista! The two dwarves who form the "arms" of the trick fling the "bolt" through the air toward the hoop!
Athletics: 1d20 + 10 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 10 - 5 = 14
Their aim is a little off, though! He flies just wide of the hoop, and he's heading for the crowd, who are gasping in fright!
Just as he's about to hit, three clowns appear from out of nowhere, carrying a canvas trampoline. They rush in front of the audience just in time, and the aerial dwarf bounces of the trampoline, landing back in the center ring with his fellows. The crowd shows their appreciation with hoots and hollers! The Sent in the Clowns to turn the second attempt into a success. +1 Excitement
The audience is in a good mood for the Build Up, and performers are clapping each other on the back as the Dwarven Throwers leave the ring. Orm, however, notices a trio of drunken gamblers making distasteful bets in the stands and disturbing people. "How much on one of the performers breaking a leg? 5 gold, you must be crazy! How about an arm!" The gamblers notice the ghoran striding toward them, head above the rest of the crowd, and they beat a hasty retreat for the exit. Encounter prevented by non-performing role.
With excitement high in the stands, the audience is ready for the Build Up!
Madame Papillon |
The halfling is caught off guard by the sabotage with the torches, but she does her best to stay calm and collected, "Oh my, not to worry. Look's like we cannot fix these here and now. Go help the others get ready! She understands the difficulties of not being able to perform on an opening night, but she also knows how important it is for them to now loose their morale, the show must go on!
"First, our ringmaster turns up dead, and now we have malfunctioning equipment, what in the heaven is going on here?"
Do we have any NPC's who can act for the Build Up? Unless Derrikk or Thelonius can act in for this part. Sorry, really not sure how this works yet.
Thelonious Junebug |
Sorry guys! My gameplay thread hasn't been reloading all week. I totally missed everything here until just now!
Thelonious dresses in a style he likes to call 'sylvan chic': mismatched jacket and trousers, which are far too short for even his gnomish legs, sturdy, well-worn boots (you never know when you'll have to get out of town), a wide-brimmed hat, and a garishly colored ascot.
His hair is long and wild, pale silver in color, with hot pink streaks and here and there a hint of peacock blue. Thick, white sideburns cover his cheeks and a chunk of garnet or firestone burns in a pinky ring. His eyes are a soft lavender and there's always a twinkle in them, as if he's on to some mischief he hasn't told you about just yet.
Thelonious was reclining in his tent, smoking a pipe and browsing a well-thumbed book when he heard the commotion. He sauntered down to the scene, squeezing between the legs of the bigginses to see the body.
Myron's dead, is he? A shame, he seemed nice enough. But I guess that means there's an opening for ringleader. The show must go on! I'll have to be subtle if I make a move, though, after that ugly business at the university...
Thelonious Junebug |
Thelonious strides into the ring with a flourish while the barker who's filling in for Myron announces him as the foremost mind in the multiverse. The riggers wheel in the stack of books and Thelonious runs through the act, pretending to read from a book selected by a member of the audience. At the end of the number he works in a casting of mage hand and flings the text overhead!
Spell Attack
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
He harumphs as the book sails wide. Guess I'm more shaken by Myron's death than I'd cared to admit.
GM MattMorris |
Sorry, this is one of those things that is harder to explain in PBP. When we get to the act you are performing in, you get three actions. The options (at the moment) are Perform a Trick and Send in the Clowns. (I'm also fine with performing another action that would affect your trick--like Thelonious performing a bardic cantrip.)
PERFORM A TRICK [one-action]
Traits: CIRCUS
You perform your signature circus trick. Attempt one of the trick checks associated with your trick. The DC for the trick check is determined by your level, as shown on Table 10–5 on page 503 of the Core Rulebook. The result of each trick check determines whether you generate Excitement, generate Excitement and Anticipation, or lose Excitement
Critical Success You generate Excitement equal to the trick’s level; this Excitement is added to the circus’s total Excitement for the show. You also generate Anticipation equal to half the trick’s level (rounded up); this Anticipation is added to the circus’s total Anticipation for the show.
Success You generate Excitement equal to the trick’s level; this Excitement is added to the circus’s total Excitement for the show.
Failure No effect.
Critical Failure The circus’s Excitement value decreases by a value equal to half the trick’s level (rounded up).
You can Perform a Trick multiple times per act, and can choose a different possible trick check for each attempt. If you Perform a Trick twice during the same act, you take a –5 penalty to your second trick check. If you Perform a Trick three times, the penalty for the third check is –10. (This is similar to how the multiple attack penalty works; see page 446 of the Core Rulebook.) The penalties are reduced to –4 and –8, respectively, if your trick has the agile trait. This action always has the circus trait.
SEND IN THE CLOWNS [one-action]
Traits: CIRCUS
Requirements You or another performer has failed or critically failed a trick check during the current act.
You give the signal for the circus’s clown troupe to come onstage and rescue a botched trick. A failed trick becomes a success instead, or if it was a critical failure, it is instead a failure. The clowns can be sent in only once per act, and only one trick check is affected.
If you are performing in the same act as someone, you can also try to Costar with them. (Basically Aid Another, but the DC is easier.)
COSTAR [reaction]
Traits: CIRCUS
Trigger Another performer in the same act as you is about to attempt a trick check.
Requirements The performer is willing to accept your aid.
You help another performer in the act pull off their trick, possibly granting them a bonus to the triggering trick check. Attempt the same check as the trick check you are attempting to aid. The DC to Costar is equal to the DC of the trick check. NPCs cannot Costar. This reaction otherwise acts as the Aid action described on page 470 of the Core Rulebook.
Example: In the Opener: The Dwarven Throwers attempted to Perform a Trick twice. The first time they succeeded, the second time they failed. So, they used their third action to Send in the Clowns. That changed their second attempt from a failure to a success.
Does that help to clarify? Thelonious, you can attempt your trick twice more. (Or once more, then send in the clowns.)
Derrikk |
i too am still pretty confused by all of this. I keep trying to find time to read through everything again, but ... I think I'm in this act with thelonius. I'm going to try to read some while Olive's getting ready for bed and then post. *fingers crossed
Derrikk |
okay, i don't think i can use the costar reaction for Thelonious since his check was a spell attack, and I can't cast spells, so here goes nothing with my trick
Derrikk and Celerey begin their act. Starting with easy commands, Derrikk attemtps to look stern and nervous to try to give it a bigger impact. When his finale comes and Celery lunges on him only for the two of them to turn it into fun wrestling, Derrikk looks to the crowd to see their reaction.
nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
since I succeeded I stop there, right? or is there a possible advantage to "extending" the performance and doing another roll?
going back and looking at the rules again, I'm thinking i could "extend" it in an attempt to get more positive reaction - obviously ignore this if that is not the case
Seeing that the audience is responding positively, Derrikk jumps up, gets Celery's attention, gets him back onto his pedestals, this time culminating in a leap onto Derrikk's shoulders
nature: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Derrikk stands, stunned, not hearing the crowd at all, the trick has never landed so perfectly in any of their practices. He can feel himself almost blushing with pride.
Madame Papillon |
The whole time, the small halfling has been watching the curtain slightly revealing the stage to see the performances from her new companions.
"Tonight is going really well, granted the series of unfortunate events which have transpired. Lady Luck, please smile upon me tonight."
She ushers in Thelonius and Derrikk, smiling at them warmly as they pass by, "Well done! You did really well!" and then does the same for the Feather-Fall-Five who are on stage shortly after.
As it comes round to her turn, she fixes her blue robes to make sure they are pleasantly covering her more stout figure, and is ready to start the Finale!.
Still from behind the curtains, she waits patiently for the crowd to fall silent, she will cast ventriloquism from the stands to make her voice echo throughout the performance stage. With a booming, yet still hushed voice, she speaks as she's heard Mistress Dusklight do many times before, "And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for, the real show stopper for this evening. Curious, aren't you … to see what your future holds? Come and become hypnotisssssssed!"
1 Action?
She runs into the middle of the stage hoping to surprise everyone while her voice is being transmitted across the stands, flourishing herself with a bit of sparkles she's kept in her hand from backstage.
She does a small bow, and looks about her audience, "It has been a pleasure performing for you all this evening. Please excuse our ringmaster, Myron the “Thunder” is pleased that you all could make it to our first night performance! We hope you have enjoyed your stay. But before you go, please cast your sights into the future as we all reflect on the past!"
Hypnosis!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
1 Action!
Madame Papillon begins to dance, and take in as much of the light as she can from the various torches and lighting instruments about the place to cause her eyes to reflect an eeiry but beautiful glow, in her attempts to mesmerise the crowd.
As she finishes her performance, and the crowd is woozy and still almost waking up from their part-trance, she explodes in a fit of clapping as she Sends in the Clowns! - Thank you! Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen! Circus of Wayward Wonders wishes you all a wonderful night! Please, come again tomorrow! We will see you there! And with that, she waves the crown off, and quickly exits stage left.
1 Action!
Again, sorry but we're all new to this. Let me know if I've used too many action, or too little. I think I only really did one roll which was for the performance, so yeah!
GM MattMorris |
The people in the tent have never seen such a performance! The crowd goes wild for Derrikk and Celery.
As an icing on the cake, Thelonius uses mage hand to lift a hoop from the next to the ring, spin it through the air, and land it around the dwarf and his wolf.
Spell Attack Roll: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 7 - 4 = 21
The crowd couldn't be more pleased! What a Build Up!
Tim, I threw your last action in there, since it had a good chance of success. So, you generated 2 Excitement with your act, and Alex generated 3 (1 success and 1 critical success.)
(Technically critical successes also raise the Anticipation, but I've looked through the numbers and it's actually bad to do that at 1st level, so I'm just going to have it add to the excitement.)
Total Excitement after Build Up: 7
I'll save the reaction to Madame P's performance for the finale.
GM MattMorris |
The stage is set for the Big Number, and the Kanbali Family has just finished limbering up, when a roustabout runs up and urgently whispers something to Roman Kanbali, the family patriarch.
"No! That's impossible--I packed them away myself! We can't possibly go on with out the nets."
Odvi gasps, and turns to her father, "Papa, we've done it so many times before. We'll be perfectly safe!"
He gives her a stern look and replies, "It's not worth the risk. I have a bad feeling about this."
Odvi stomps her foot and runs over to where you are congratulating each other about the success of the circus so far. "You have to talk to Father! He's going to ruin our big moment. There's something wrong with the nets, and he doesn't want to perform without them--even though we've done so many times before. Can you convince him?"
Just a note: This is a one-time event, and related to the plot, not the typical circus rules.
Odvi points to the pile of safety nets, inviting you to take a look at them.
Derrickk: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Junebug: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Orm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Papillon: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Derrikk: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Junebug: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Orm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Madame P: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
A quick glance at the nets reveals the source of the problem--the ropes in the safety nets have been gnawed through by some kind of animal. Derrikk and Thelonious agree that the toothmarks likely belong to rats, and that crewing a non-food item like the nets this way would be extemely unnatural behavior for such creatures. (This information might be helpful in convincing Roman to perform.)
If you want the Feather Fall Five to perform, you'll have to convince them. Performing without the net will add the Injury trait to their performance, but the crowd might find it even more thrilling! Alternatively, you could ask another act to step in.
Thelonious Junebug |
Thanks for the assist, Matt!
I don't know if we should convince them to do their act without a net. If we don't think the damage to the net happened naturally, can we be sure their other acrobatic equipment is safe? We don't want any fatalities so soon!
Orm Blueleaf |
I can see you've all been very productive while I was away. While ethically questionable, if this circus is going to survive, we have to take risks! Orm's just not the guy to convince them.
GM MattMorris |
It won't be fatal, but people could be hurt. If they are hurt, they'll have to sit out the next show.
Derrikk |
I'm going to be of no help. I'm worried about their other equipment as well but also would be fine with a "you gotta spend money to make money" approach. Derrekk's not the type to try to stick his nose into other's decisions regardless, so he won't be upset no matter what others might try to do.
Derrikk |
all that being said, Derrikk would certainly head over to his dwarven brethren to lend an ear at the least
Derrikk heads with Odvi over to her troupe.
"I hear the nets look to be tampered with. Something is clearly afoot, and I don't like it one bit. Do you think the culprit is trying to ruin the circus? Or are they trying to settle individual scores. If it's the fist, you might want to go on and not let them win. If you're worried that someone may have it out for you, and it's the second option, then any other gear you use should be checked, don't you think? Whatever the case, we need to make this decision quick.
Orm Blueleaf |
Upon hearing of the issue, Orm chides himself: Like a fool I only check the tent ropes, not considering all the gear.
I think at this point it's up to Madame P or Professor Junebug to convince them one way or the other. Someone should make an executive decision so we don't stall out over the choice. I'm suggesting you two only b/c I don't have the social skills to impact it one way or the other.
Thelonious Junebug |
"Roman, I understand your concern, but the life of an acrobat is a life on the edge. You got into this because you love the rush. If there were no risks it wouldn't be so much fun. Besides, I've seen you run through this routine countless times. You know you've got this! We're all counting you. Get out there and nail it. We'll fix the nets for the next performance."
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Madame Papillon |
I actually am not trained in diplomacy, haha.
Madame P comes over to see what all the commotion is about. "More tampered equipment? This is turning out to be some day..."
She nods in accordance with Thelonious, "Well said! And I completely agree with Master Junebug. Roman, we've all been training for this moment for so long, we can't give up now! We must make tonight count, otherwise Myron's death would have been for nothing." She pats his son on the back, "And in the case that you get injured, I will be there to fix up any scrapes!"
Diplomacy, aid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
GM MattMorris |
Roman nods at Thelonious. "You're right, of course. It's still better than performing for Mistress Dusklight."
The Kanbali Family takes to the ring, and the crowd gasps with anticipation as they realize that the Feather Fall Five will be performing without a net!
The talented aerialists swing from trapeze to trapeze and balance on the high wire.
Trick 1: Athletics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Trick 2: Athletics: 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 10 - 4 = 18
Send in the Clowns
The show is a little shaky to start, but the the circus clowns make a grand show of attempting to climb to the high wire and losing their nerve, sliding comically down the pole at the last moment. The crowd loves it!
2 special successes. 4 Excitement.
Total Excitement: 11
GM MattMorris |
Thus begins the Grand Finale! All three rings are illuminated and the crowd is on its feet!
Who do you want in the finale besides Madame P? Any preferences?
Madame Papillon |
"I didn't realise there will be other acts along with mine. Woooops, I should have probably introduced those too. Oh well, just remember to do it next time."
The halfling smiles at herself as Mordaine and Elizia come onto the stage. She gives them a look of apology, but smiles warmly.
"I guess we are finishing with a magic show."
GM MattMorris |
The Circus of Wayward Wonders draws to a close with a spectacular display of entertainment prowess.
Mordaine the Magnificent is a bit reluctant to perform, but being a part of the grand finale with Elizia and Madame P entices her to put on her best efforts.
Hod, her assistant, locks shackles around her wrists, and she shucks them off with a flourish!
Perform Trick 1 (Trickery): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Success! Excitement +1
The audience claps in appreciation, but one audience member shouts, "That's ust a trick, he didn't really lock them!" In response, the lithe escape artist walks into the audience and has the skeptical spectator fasten the irons himself.
Meanwhile, Hod has wheeled a clear-sided tank of water out into the ring and placed a ladder gently against it. Mordain marches straight up the ladder, nimbly climbing though her arms are restrained behind her back. When she reaches the top, she performs a neat pirouette before jumping into the tank.
The crowd holds their breathe with her: Will she escape in time?!
Perform Trick 2 (Fortitude): 1d20 + 8 - 5 ⇒ (5) + 8 - 5 = 8
Something seems to be wrong. Hod goes running for an ax--but just as it seems there will be a tragedy, Mordaine thrashes to the surface and throws off the shackles. It's obvious that she was under water longer than she intended, and the audience seems more concerned than entertained.
With the crowd momentarily hushed, Elizia slinks into the ring with Mister Tickles draped over her shoulders. The snake twines itself around her torso and makes its way to the ground.
Elizia claps her hands loudly, twice, and begins humming. Mr. Tickles raises his front half in the air, rearing up to almost 5 feet in height.
Perform a Trick 1 (Nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Success: +1 Excitement
The audience gasps as the snake sways back and forth, totally under her thrall.
Next bit is paraphrased from your earlier post.
As the audience sits, rapt, a voice emerges from behind the curtain, its volume enhanced by magic. (Casts ventriloquism, 2 actions. +1 to Trick) "And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for, the real show stopper for this evening. Curious, aren't you … to see what your future holds? Come and become hypnotisssssssed!"
Madame P runs into the middle of the stage hoping to surprise everyone while her voice is being transmitted across the stands, flourishing herself with a bit of sparkles she's kept in her hand from backstage.
She does a small bow, and looks about her audience, "It has been a pleasure performing for you all this evening. Please excuse our ringmaster, Myron the “Thunder” is pleased that you all could make it to our first night performance! We hope you have enjoyed your stay. But before you go, please cast your sights into the future as we all reflect on the past!"
[ooc]Perform Trick: Hypnosis!: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Critical Success: +2 Excitement
Madame Papillon begins to dance, and take in as much of the light as she can from the various torches and lighting instruments about the place to cause her eyes to reflect an eerie but beautiful glow, in her attempts to mesmerize the crowd.
As she finishes her performance, and the crowd goes from woozy and entranced to ecstatic. They've never seen such a show! Hoots, hollers, and the stomping of feet fill the tent. The audience will be telling their friends and relations about this for months--maybe years!
15 Excitement Total = 15 Anticipation. Critical Success!
GM MattMorris |
Results of the Circus
Prestige: Increases to 5.
Payout: Prestige (1) + Final Anticipation (15) = 16 gp x 2 for Critical Success = 32 gp Payout.
GM MattMorris |
The crowd files out, and the roustabouts begin the process of cleaning up after them.
The Professor comes over gathers all of the performing cast together. In his soft, rasping voice he congratulates you: "Excellent work everyone! I've rarely seen such a show."
Suddenly, his face falls and he heaves a deep sigh. "If only Myron were here to see it."
Madame Papillon |
"Agreed, Thelonious. There will be time for celebrating after we find out what happened with Myron."
The halfling takes a few moments to clean up, change out of her performance attire. She walks around the circus top, and helps point everyone in the right direction to start the clean up. "Right, make sure you collect all the litter, and tidy up the stands. We have another performance soon, and we have to make ourselves look presentable." She hopes this will take the stress of the murder away from some of the actor's minds.
She returns to the spot where they put away Myron's body, "So, where do we begin?"
Orm Blueleaf |
"Have any of you been with the circus long enough to know if he had enemies? Perhaps we should investigate the body? I'm not very familiar with your pink bits, but perhaps one of you could make sense of what happened? That body does not look right.
Oh, and maybe the Professor would have some insight. I wonder where he is? Weren't they old friends?"
GM MattMorris |
A close evaluation of the dead ringmaster reveals that his legs are so swollen that his pant legs can’t be rolled up; his trousers must be cut off or cut open. Doing so reveals many pairs of puncture marks on both his calves.
Thelonious Junebug |
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
There's an enormous number of rat prints in the dirt around Myron, so many that they obscure every other print in the area.
"Very unusual for rats, no?"
Derrikk |
medicine: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
"Ho, and look here. His body gives all the signs of death from snake venom. Ah, and here's the proof, you see all these bites on his legs? These are from snakes, and there are so many that they were clearly being controlled or coerced somehow. This was no accident. Does anyone know anyone who could control or summon beasts in such a way? And as Orm said, do we know if he or the circus more generally have any enemies or people who would profit from our failure?
Madame Papillon |
"How curious. Is there a smake charmer amung us in the circus, or did the attack come from Madame Dusklight up to no good? Oh i would hate to speculate."