[PFS] GM MattMorris In the Grandmaster's Name T2
Game Master
Slides and Maps
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Please discuss here.
When would you folks want to get started?
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
This is philipjcormier. Glorne is ready to play whenever everyone else is.
Please feel free to look at his character sheet. If there are any questions, please ask.
Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |
Ashwell is prepared to start up anytime.
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Monday should work for me. Malachi gets my chronicle sheet for Maelstrom's Rift, which is just wrapping up here on Flaxseed.
Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)
ready to go....might buy an item with his gold from last mission....
”Psycho” | Male N Human Psychic 10 | HP 42/62 0/8 temp | Mage armor on AC 22, T18, FF 21 (AC 19, T 18, FF 18) | CMB +3 CMD 20 | F +9 R +11 W +18 | Init +1 | Perc +17 SM +4 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/8, 2nd 5/8, 3rd 4/7, 4th 2/6, 5th 3/4; Detect thoughts 1/1; Phrenic pool 9/9; Third eye 1/1; | Active Conditions: Echolocation, fly and mage armor;; scroll of spell immunity
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
Going with Malarkey, Monday sounds good for my Grippli Sorcerer
And thanks for doing this!
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
Also GM, warning of shenanigans: my Grippli is an ectoplasm Sorcerer, meaning his touch spells extend their reach of touch spells by five feet. As far as I can tell, that stacks with my agile tongue feat which further extends the range of my melee touch spells another five feet. This only applies when making those attacks. I don’t threaten those areas unless I am making the attack.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Thanks for the head's up! I have no problem with that stacking. It's a very interesting image!
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
When you all get a chance, can you fill out this slide?
It seems like everyone is ready, so we will start on Monday.
Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |
Day job roll: Profession Librarian 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |
Could someone please put my pic on the slide? I post from my phone and I struggle with that. Thanks.
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
day job, prof: merchant: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 Slush fund Exchange boon gives minimum day job result of 75gp
GM, Malachi has a familiar (Polly the Very Rare Parrot-Hawk); do you want her on separate initiative count? Her modifier is +3, same as Malachi's. She does tend to take part in combat, mainly just spamming Guidance (she's an Emissary familiar). Malachi will normally use her 1/day domain power, Seize the Initiative (Tactics (War) Domain), for a boss fight.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
I'm fine with Polly acting on your initiative. I think it makes PBP easier.
Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)
i screwd up putting my image in...can someone fix it please? i dont wanna screw anything else up...thanks
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
This scenario is sounding very familiar, but according to all of my online documentation, I haven’t played it. I’m going to have to check all my chronicle sheets. Even if I have, I’ll just use my glutton for punishment boon and burn a replay. But just warning everyone.
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Well, it starts in an inn ;)
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
I specifically remember the ‘sandy-haired half-orc.” In my mind, orcs and half-orcs always have black hair, (just one of those fantasy tropes, y’know?) and so the mention of a dirty-blonde half orc really stuck out in my mind. However, either I wasn’t paying attention or the scenario wasn’t run very well, because I can’t remember almost anything else.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
I forget what I ate for breakfast 2 days after. I completely understand.
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Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Malachi brings with him “unparalleled supplies” courtesy of the Exchange faction.
unparalleled supplies boon, season 8 faction card 7+ goals wrote: ”Your access to superior resources makes your team deadlier. You can reroll a total number of your or your allies’ weapon or spell damage dice per day equal to your number of goals completed (7); you must use the new result.” First to ask for thse rerolls gets them: make the reroll yourself. I’ll track the dice remaining in my header.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Sooo....Malachi and me are frontliners with Rallas as flanker and the rest are ranged. Is that correct?
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Malachi is a frontliner who loves to flank ;) (2d6 sneak attack)
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
I’m a midliner. I deliver melee touch attacks from 15 feet away.
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
So, do we play along with the Major-Domo in the hope of slipping past her later? Or do we rush her? The most likely place for a subterranean access is looking like a cellar off the kitchen.
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
Having played this scenario before, I cannot drive the plot. Glipplesplech will go along with whatever the group decides, though he is in general against killing innocent servants.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Does anyone have a way of putting them to sleep so we can tie them up for a hour or so?
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Mal can do non-lethal with brawler unarmed strikes; I also have 1 sleep arrow. The Will save on a hit is laughably easy (DC 11) but there's a chance it works, and then we can bind the Major Domo and search the whole level - we can tie up the servants as well (assuming enough rope - we can improvise with bedsheets if need-be.
Of course, If Mal misses or the Major Domo passes the save then it's a scrap and the blackjackets on the door will come in. There may be other defenders if a general alarm goes up.
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
So . . . is this game just stalling out? I've already played it, so I'm not missing anything, but it is one less thing for me to check if it is. If not . . . Well, I can't push the story forward (though I will get credit if we complete it through glutton for punishment boon.)
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Looks to me like it might just be a case of nobody wanting to start a fight, and nobody having a better idea for circumventing the major domo and guards?
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Not stalling, just a little hiccup. I'm ready whenever you decide what to do next.
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Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
OK, I'm going to push the deception and we'll see what happens.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Those of you with high CHA might want to consider biting your re-roll.
Just a suggestion.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Opps...ignore the +1 vs. traps/surprise. Wrong toon.
Is that a freaking Heroclix map? Ha! I love it. I use those sometimes too for DnD maps!
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
VampByDay wrote: Is that a freaking Heroclix map? Ha! I love it. I use those sometimes too for DnD maps! Not sure--shamelessly borrow from a Google Image search for hedge maze maps.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Even with the Spoilers, my posts are extensive with the unique abilities that the Kineticist class possesses. Would you like me to keep using them and listing the details for you, or would you prefer to just reference my character sheet. I am ok either way, I was just trying to make things easier on everyone.
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Glorne wrote: Even with the Spoilers, my posts are extensive with the unique abilities that the Kineticist class possesses. Would you like me to keep using them and listing the details for you, or would you prefer to just reference my character sheet. I am ok either way, I was just trying to make things easier on everyone.
I appreciate it, but I'm probably good. There's a lot of stuff going on with kineticist, but I am currently playing one at a similar level, so I know where to look for weird stuff. Thanks for making the effort to make it so clear!
Yesterday's Tide Prey for Death
Juuuuuust about done. Looks like everyone has their information up to date on the Slides for chronicle sheets.
I'm going to put this in for organized play support. Would you folks either post or PM my your email?
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)
Thanks for the game GM! Chronicle looks fine :)
”Psycho” | Male N Human Psychic 10 | HP 42/62 0/8 temp | Mage armor on AC 22, T18, FF 21 (AC 19, T 18, FF 18) | CMB +3 CMD 20 | F +9 R +11 W +18 | Init +1 | Perc +17 SM +4 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/8, 2nd 5/8, 3rd 4/7, 4th 2/6, 5th 3/4; Detect thoughts 1/1; Phrenic pool 9/9; Third eye 1/1; | Active Conditions: Echolocation, fly and mage armor;; scroll of spell immunity
Thank you GM! Thank you guys for a great game!
Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |
That was fun. We struggled for a bit, but then I think we really kicked it into high gear after that!
Thanks for running, GM!
Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)
gg guys....and thanks for running that!
Male Grippli: HP: 32/32 | AC/FF/TCH(Mage Armor) 14(18)/11(15)/14 | F/R/W: +3/+5/+5 l init +3 I Per +0 Sorcerer (Ectoplasm) 5
Male Elf slayer 3/Un Rogue 6/snakebite brawler 2, HP 103 AC 23(27), T 17(21), FF 16(20), F +14, R +19, W +12, Initi. +11, CMD 23, Perception +21, lowlight(+24 traps)
chronicle looks good...could you mark the game as inactive?
”Psycho” | Male N Human Psychic 10 | HP 42/62 0/8 temp | Mage armor on AC 22, T18, FF 21 (AC 19, T 18, FF 18) | CMB +3 CMD 20 | F +9 R +11 W +18 | Init +1 | Perc +17 SM +4 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/8, 2nd 5/8, 3rd 4/7, 4th 2/6, 5th 3/4; Detect thoughts 1/1; Phrenic pool 9/9; Third eye 1/1; | Active Conditions: Echolocation, fly and mage armor;; scroll of spell immunity
Yes, chronicle is ok. You can make it inactive.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
My computer is still in transit. It should be here tomorrow. Please give me a couple more days to get the Chronicle downloaded.
m human (ulfen) Hydrokineticist/7 [hp: 87/87] [init: +3; perc: +11] [AC: 18(22)/T: 13/FF: 15(19)] [saves: 12/10/7] [CMB: +6/CMD: 19(16)] [burn taken: 0/8] [non-lethal taken: 0/56]
Chronicle downloaded. Thank you very much.
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