Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II

Pathfinder Zoey's page

Organized Play Member. 189 posts (3,152 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 aliases.


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Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 2) - 1 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 4) - 1 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 1) - 1 = 6
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 6) - 1 = 13
Stats: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 6) - 3 = 17
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 1) - 1 = 8

- Less than 15 point buy, Reroll:

Stats: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 6) - 3 = 13
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 2) - 1 = 9
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 1) - 1 = 5
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 1) - 1 = 8
Stats: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 6) - 2 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 1) - 1 = 9

- Less than 15 point buy And less than 6, Reroll:

Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 5) - 1 = 13
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 3) - 1 = 11
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 5) - 1 = 9
Stats: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 4, 3, 5) - 3 = 15
Stats: 4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 4, 3, 3) - 3 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 3) - 1 = 9

- Less than 15 point buy, Reroll:

Stats: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 4) - 2 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 3, 1, 5) - 1 = 9
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 4) - 1 = 11
Stats: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 5) - 2 = 11
Stats: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (4, 5, 6, 4) - 4 = 15
Stats: 4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 4, 2, 4) - 2 = 13

- Less than 15 point buy, Reroll:

Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 3, 1, 6) - 1 = 15
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 1) - 1 = 14
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 5) - 1 = 12
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 1) - 1 = 8
Stats: 4d6 - 5 ⇒ (5, 5, 5, 5) - 5 = 15
Stats: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 3) - 1 = 11

- 20 point buy, finally.

Would you allow the signautre moves trait? I was looking into a character that used the Butchering Axe and that would make it much more usable early on - if Signature moves is too much would you allow a nerfed version of it that gave less gold?

Would you allow the primalist Bloodrager Archetype?

Female Caucasian

Real life always comes first and I've been way behind on my posts sorry, I'll try to have one up tonight so you don't have to bot me.

Female Caucasian

We'll be here when things clear up, good luck.

I had a question about the Feat Tax rules, if you've got the time

Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Feint, Improved Reposition, Improved Steal

Gone. Replaced with Deft Maneuvers.

Deft Maneuvers

New. You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a trip, disarm, dirty trick, feint, reposition, or steal combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks with these combat maneuvers. Now a prerequisite for the relevant greater combat maneuver feats.

This feat replaces the Improved Feint feat with a feat that removes AoO and adds +2 but it doesn't mention making Feint a move action like the Improved Feint feat does. Is this just a mistake or did he nerf Feint?

would you allow Path Of War classes?

Female Caucasian

Sorry to hear things are going south, hope things end up going your way.

Female Caucasian
Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:
A significant part of the problem for me is that attempts to plan have mostly resulted in everyone doing what they wanted anyway

That was mostly due to mud being semi afk and aegis being able to figure out who the real threat was, I have talked to about this before.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Lesson learned: Don't coordinate against someone who can summon a brick wall.

Coordination was not the problem, the lack of it was. Just hitting her together did not work because we didn't understand how her wall worked but having one distract while the rest jump her would have been better.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

The fight with Jester/Queen was difficult because we didn't know the mechanics properly to deal with it. Snapdragon said it took a 'move action' to use our perception check, and no one ever questioned that. So, until I looked into it, we lost a turn every time we failed to the images. The proper solution to continuous images or flashes, once you know your perceptions are in flux, is to delay your turn until you can see, and then act.

Not knowing the rules well enough seems to be a common problem but delaying until you roll well is 1) boring and 2) a death sentence for the squishies, unless the bricks are using their turns to draw aggro.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Something we neglected to realize, is that each person was brought for a purpose. Jester/Queenie were the lookouts/interference. Circe was the mastermind and could sweet talk people. Firecat was their locks guy, and Doc Shock was their grab-man/driver. When we took out one of the two upstairs, they gave up. Going into that, I expected to have to KO both, which was a silly perspective to take, so not knowing how close we ever were, I kept testing the waters on hitting each to see how they reacted; if jester's illusions kept up, if Queenie had non-visual perceptions, so on. As it turned out, in both cases, taking any one of the group out resulted in our victory, so the correct course of action was to pick one and hammer them down.

Most enemy teams have been somewhat organized so far, I think that's more you neglecting than we. Testing things does not really work well when you are on a timer focus fire is key to winning most fights.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

The main way to deal with bricks right now is to mindblast and pulseblast them. Their defenses tend to be subpar v. mental and Pulse has an NND that doesn't care about how how your defenses are.

Blasting is a huge waste when MC/illusion are so strong Bricks having a low mental stat and mentalists have 0 limits on their casting pretty much turns them into a free attack for the mentalists by just spamming 'kill your friends'. The problem is this works on us and we have two bricks, if aegis had failed her first few saving throws vs the illusions someone would likely be re-rolling. We -need- to kill mentalists ASAP like I said the moment she tried to MC Aegis.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

If you go up and punch a brick as a brick, you're opening a can of worms of 'who is the better brick'. If you want to be a brick that beats bricks, invest in armor penetration and find weakness.

Why would you though? Mentalists deal with them 10000x times better.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

The main way to deal with Speedsters is either high-to-hit or AoE. Or dropping a brick wall in their path. Currently, our reliable ways of dealing with speedsters mostly consists of Violet via targeting ECV or Blaze with fireballs. This means we kind of need an open space where the speedster is visible and harm to the world is lessened in order to work well as a team, but that also plays to a speedster's advantage.

A better way with our team comp would be for someone to pick an easy to land disable, once a speedster can not move he is dead.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

The main way to deal with mentalists is... I don't know. I don't know how to deal with mentalists. If they have a mindscan then blinding them will generally do little. (I think Circe needed eye contact, which limits her range, but I'm not sure). Right now, a mental suppress/psychic surgery to chip away at things like that is probably our best bet. Alternately, two people in their face, punching them, should do it. Due to the way that crit works in this game, Ego is super-strong. I recommend hitting them with a van from a direction they can't see. They should typically be less physically tanky/avoidy than anyone else because they've invested in ego pretty heavily.

To deal with a mentalist we need to focus them, they general have weaker physical so if they get dog piled they will drop, raw DPR is ideal. It should not just be two. Again Mentalists are one of the biggest threats to our team EVERYONE needs to focus them like I have said repeatedly.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Violet is good at dealing with anything that isn't a mentalist. Fighting a mentalist results in a tickle fight, as they keep trying to get through the other's ego, and only finding more primadonna layers like some kind of weird russian nesting doll. Bricks tend to have low mental defenses. Speedsters tend to rely on not getting hit. Martial Artists are more likely to have mental defense. Projectors are a mixed bag. Violet can generally hit desolid. She should never be in something's face.

Can still provide bonuses VS enemy mentalists and once the main target gets dropped she has no real reason not to spam MC on the enemy brick.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Pulse is good at helping to deal with anything. She's not good at doing anything solo, but can set others up for success by making the target easier to hit and having reliable damage. She is also good at adjusting the battlefield somewhat, and can play merry havoc against gadget enemies who haven't invested in protecting their gear and other sparkies. Pulse can generally affect desolid, but not necessarily hit it. She should never be in something's face.

Pulse is a support with no Niche, aka not really helpful. I have told you everytime you bring up her lack of combat abilities that it is because you refuse to specialize and call throwing points everywhere "Organic". If you want to run support great but adding +1 to everything is almost the same as you not even being in the fight while +10 to hit could make or break a fight.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Mud is good at getting into something's face and announcing himself as a threat. If he is not in something's face, he isn't being very effective. His only tools for dealing with threats not in his face are throwing things (including mud balls). Generally, he should be trying to get in their face, though, if he's not playing D. You will eventually win against a speedster, especially if you grab something to make an AoE attack with (including your bud ball). You will reliably lose against anything that penetrates your defenses, and anything that can stay away from you.

I do not know what clayface is so I can not comment anything here but'beat by things that bypass defense' applies to literally everyone.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Aegis is good at getting into something's face and announcing herself as a threat. If she is not in something's face, she isn't being very effective. Her only tool for dealing with threats not in her face is to throw things at them. Generally, she should be up in their face, if she's not playing D. She will eventually win against a speedster, especially if she grabs something to make an AoE attack with. She will reliably lose against anything that can penetrate her defenses, and anything that can stay away from her. You are the most vulnerable on the team to mentalists.

Aegis can deflect any ranged attack, at least currently, so she does have use outside of melee. Since her and Mud's problem is mainly landing a hit, if someone gets a lockdown power our usefulness will spike.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:

Blaze is good at making things feel pain. He can penetrate a brick's defenses, he can semi-reliably hit speedsters even without AoE attacks, and he will pretty much always hit them with AoE. His biggest weakness is that the building is on fire and it is totally his fault. He can fly to stay out of range of a lot of threats, when he's not trapped in a building. He's our main way of dealing with flying enemies other than Violet, and can work well in concert with Pulse for the same. He should never be in something's face.

His energy blast should not set the building on fire as far as I can, it does not do fire damage and he does not have a disad for it to spread but his flavor might cause this I do not know.

Hotaru Hoshiko wrote:
Are there any corrections to be made here?


4 people marked this as a favorite.
HWalsh wrote:
You need it for revelation saves.

Only 8 out of 25 Normal revelations even have a save and only 2 of the 6 zenith revelations use them, my point wasn't that you didn't need them at all just that it wasn't horribly important

HWalsh wrote:

And you're forgetting Wisdom. Here is an example:

01: 16/13/10/10/10/14
05: 18/15/10/10/12/16
10: 19/17/12/10/12/18
15: 20/17/14/12/14/18
20: 20/18/16/14/16/18

If you don't want any Intelligence Boosts and aren't using save DC revelations:

01: 16/13/10/10/10/14
05: 18/15/12/10/12/14
10: 19/17/14/10/14/14
15: 20/17/16/10/16/16
20: 20/18/18/10/18/18

You can do this, and it will help... But still limits you to only 4 skills (You really want extra skills as a Solarian) and you're still lagging in Save DC's until higher levels.

Building a level 20 human solarian, ignoring theme for simplicity.

01: 16/14/10/10/10/12
05: 18/16/12/10/10/14
10: 19/18/14/10/10/16
15: 20/19/16/10/10/18
20: 21/20/18/10/10/19

So your base +7/+3/+7 becomes +9/+3/+10

With a +3 Ring that's +9/+6/+10 and you don't have to give up your Revelations saves, without any feats, without any personal upgrades.

All you really have to give up is skills which I'd argue a solarian can do more easily than a lot of other classes due to free class skills and sidereal influence

HWalsh wrote:

Even then, at say level 10 you need a +9 to make saves 50% of the time.

+7/+3/+7 are your saves at that level:

+9/+6/+9 if you forgo any int boosts and forgo any charisma boosts...

If you have a +3 ring you end up with:


That is the bare minimum to making all your saves 50% of the time. If you skipped anything, or your Wis is lower etc, you need to have either Great Fortitude or Iron Will.

Which is fine... For every class but Solarian. Who really needs at least the first array if they are going hard core melee, and if they are a Lashunta, well... Wis is going to lag further.

Again they *can* correct this... But if Paizo would consider adding a feat that allowed us to Swap Will or Fort to our Charisma instead that would make life a lot easier.

I think you are over valuing CHA on a melee build, most of the revelations that use saves seem aimed at more caster build while melee has a ton of buffs that don't require any saves and without many class features that use RES it's not even very useful for that either imo.

EDIT: Got Reflex and Will mixed up

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Starfinder helped out MAD classes quite a bit IMO, You can raise four stats every 5 levels and buying stats isn't that costly at least early on.

If you buff STR, DEX, CHA, and CON every five levels the use a ring of resistance on your Will saves You can cover pretty much all bases without the feats and personal upgrades are fairly cheap for +2

Also most solarians don't really need CHA much since so few of their abilities use saves and they don't have many resolve class features

OtrovaGomas wrote:
Why no use a Korasha Lashunta? The +2 str and cha is what you need the -2 wis is not a big deal

Human is just for RP reasons but Yea that would be better stat wise

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Pathfinder Zoey wrote:

Can bump skill focus for heavy armor pretty easy my only worry with lowing Cha is that my saves will be pretty low and I didn't see a way to improve them outside of Cha but they are kind of limited so good point on Str being worth more

thanks for the help

Cha doesn't help with Saves at all, so I'm a bit confused.

And you're quite welcome. :)

Sorry I ment the DC for my revelations so other peoples saves

Can bump skill focus for heavy armor pretty easy my only worry with lowing Cha is that my saves will be pretty low and I didn't see a way to improve them outside of Cha but they are kind of limited so good point on Str being worth more

thanks for the help

I've been tinkering with a Solarian build I really like the look of that's (hopefully) a melee CCer with decent damage but since I've never been able to play a game yet I was looking from some advice from people who have played or at least understand the system better than me on if this was a viable build and maybe some ways to improve it or if I should just scrap the idea

Character Sheet

Some of the Solarian powers seem a bit confusing and was wondering what people thought about them:

Gravity Hold: While under this effect, the target creature cannot move, but can take any other normal actions.

So does this mean the target can't take a move action but can still shoot or that they can't do anything?

Stellar Rush: you can substitute a bull rush for the melee attack at the end of the charge. Whether or not you succeed at the bull rush, the target takes 2d6 fire damage (Reflex half).

If I decide to do a normal melee attack do I still get the 2d6 fire damage or is that only an attempted bullrush?

Alright thanks

Just wondering if it was possible to upgrade armor by paying the difference or if you had to completely replace it when you wanted new gear?

For example if I bought Freebooter armor 1 could I just pay the difference to upgrade to Freebooter 2 or would I have to pay full price and just sell my level 1?

Some final edits on mostly just the concept if you'll still allow them:

Theme - The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Nora O'Leary

The High Concept - Barnyard Bounty Hunter:

Work and money was scarce for a family of Irish immigrants so being self sufficient was almost a necessity and that wasn't lost on Nora. Growing up with farm animals as the main source of her diet quickly taught her to respect the symbiotic relationship she and her animals, she kept them fed and they would do the same for her. Humans on the other hand offered no such deal, hateful creatures that would go out of their way just to disturbed one another.

After moving away from her home and not having any animals of her own to rely on Nora turned to the other certainty she knew of, no matter where people were causing problems and she could turn a profit dealing with those problems.

Trouble - The Devil's Own Luck:

Luck of the Irish is a cruel contradiction for Nora, anytime she gets involved something goes wrong for her and those around. Bad luck is what inevitability lead her into making a deal with the devil and fleeing her home in an attempt to protect her family from her own presence.

Bad things happen around Nora and that's why she does what she can to make sure she is always around bad people

The Bargain Aspect - Saving The Family Name:

It was a normal October night, Nora was doing one last check around the barn before going to bed. Her lantern burned dully as she drowsily made her rounds until fate intervened, a single misstep sent Nora and her lantern tumbling into the hay-strewn ground turning their barn into a blaze that pierced the night sky.

Panicked she ran for help knowing James would still be awake with his gambling buddies but the first person she ran into was a complete strange. His voice was cold and calm as he spun beautiful tales about how he could ensure her family would be safe from the fire and the law if she was willing to strike a deal. Knowing she would never be able to live with herself if her family had to pay for her mistakes Nora accepted without a second thought.

As for the benefit of the deal I think your idea of her not getting blamed/credit for things she does fits best story wise and as an aspect

The eldest of three children born to Irish Immigrants Catherine O'Leary and Patrick O'Leary, Nora was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She lived a farm-life and enjoyed spending time with the animals, it was people she couldn't stand. Chicago had no lack of Anti-Irish sentiment but Nora had a lack of patience for these people, she quickly became a well-known "scrapper" not willing to deal with any of the insults slung at her or her family...which in hindsight likely didn't help the stereotypes of the Irish being violent.

Nora's great mistake was what caused her to flee her home and as an assumed casualty of the fire no one would come looking for her, meaning should could leave her family with the knowledge they would be protected by her deal.

After leaving home out of fear of her family's safety the self-exiled woman set off to create a new life for herself. Viewing the lawless land in the west as the perfect place for someone like her she set off for the Mississippi were she began dishing out her own law in an attempt to forgive herself for the sins of her past.

Gm Mogthrasir:

The time line fit (barely) but it made it easy to use real events to flesh out the character

Concept: expanding on the concept shouldn't be too hard adding in something like 'relates to animals, dislikes humans' any specifics you had in mind?

Trouble: Fine by me, what did you have in mind? Haunt/curse ect?

Bargain: I was having troulbe finding something I got for the deal but not getting credit/blamed for things fits. I was considering changing the deal to have her being able to protect her family since it wouldn't be a stretch that Irish immigrants would need it and have the fire being her screwing up her power due to her trouble and then running away to protect them from her new power.

Either works for me so I guess it would be up to others preference

Worked with Hotarukin to get what I could and get a basic grasp on the system, not sure if all of these work but everything is open for a rework

Theme - The Great Chicago Fire of 1871

Nora O'Leary

The High Concept - Penitent Bounty Hunter:

A Chicago-born Irish woman running from a past she wishes she could forget, after fleeing to the wild west Nora had to quickly adjust to this new lifestyle or end up 6 feet under. In an attempt to atone for her past while bring some justice to the west Nora found the life of a bounty hunter to be her true calling.

Trouble - The Devil's Own Luck:

Luck of the Irish is a cruel contradiction for Nora, anytime she gets involved something goes wrong for her and those around. Bad luck is what inevitability lead her into making a deal with the devil and fleeing her home in an attempt to protect her family from her own presence.

Bad things happen around Nora and that's why she does what she can to make sure she is always around bad people

The Bargain Aspect - Saving The Family Name:

It was a normal October night, Nora was doing one last check around the barn before going to bed. Her lantern burned dully as she drowsily made her rounds until fate intervened, a single misstep sent Nora and her lantern tumbling into the hay-strewn ground turning their barn into a blaze that pierced the night sky.

Panicked she ran for help knowing James would still be awake with his gambling buddies but the first person she ran into was a complete strange. His voice was cold and calm as he spun beautiful tales about how he could ensure her family would be safe from the fire and the law if she was willing to strike a deal. Knowing she would never be able to live with herself if her family had to pay for her mistakes Nora accepted without a second thought.

The eldest of three children born to Irish Immigrants Catherine O'Leary and Patrick O'Leary, Nora was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She lived a farm-life and enjoyed spending time with the animals, it was people she couldn't stand. Chicago had no lack of Anti-Irish sentiment but Nora had a lack of patience for these people, she quickly became a well-known "scrapper" not willing to deal with any of the insults slung at her or her family...which in hindsight likely didn't help the stereotypes of the Irish being violent.

Nora's great mistake was what caused her to flee her home and as an assumed casualty of the fire no one would come looking for her, meaning should could leave her family with the knowledge they would be protected by her deal.

After leaving home out of fear of her family's safety the self-exiled woman set off to create a new life for herself. Viewing the lawless land in the west as the perfect place for someone like her she set off for the Mississippi were she began dishing out her own law in an attempt to forgive herself for the sins of her past.

Ailill MacMata wrote:
Also, does anyone have the Fate Core book in pdf?

The DM's link should work just put 0 for the price and they'll let you have it for free so you can try it out and pay later if you like it

Dot but with no fate experience

Finally done sorry for the delay in getting her finished but Evelyn Quinn is ready to apply.

The profile is what she has now and the character sheet shows the most likely progression path unless the story changes her skills so you can get an idea of what build I'll be going for, let me know if I missed anything.

Would you be ok with the Blood reader slayer talent?

Dot, also how would you be doing starting gold?

Female Caucasian
mdt wrote:

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

You're not my real dad


Shalquoir has spent most of her life acting as she was taught before setting out on her own, traveling to various societies and honing her abilities in manipulation and deception by infiltrating small tribes of more primal races in an attempt to gain power within their community. As she ascended from station to station within these tribes Shalquoir discovered she possesses something few of her kind had, empathy.

Unlike her kin the creatures she controlled where more than just playthings; they were beings of their own each one a possible ally, enemy, or enigma with it's own story that made treating them all as toys near impossible for her. This ideology caused her to shed the ideas of her kinship and become a pilgrim of sorts, she left behind the tribes that had trusted her lies and set out in search of a way to overcome her kinds sinister reputation. During her travels Shalquoir discovered a disciple of the dark protector Sithana Nehandris that accepted and guided her as a student until they parted ways, as a final piece of advice the Disciple told her of the The Fortress city of Kotelia where Shalquoir has spent the last five years of her life.


would you allow a worshiper of Sithana Nehandris to take Inner Beauty?

Is This enough for proof of concept? Just need feats/Languages and a backstory

Dot sorry

If you every want to find some character art for monsters in this game I'd suggest Bloodborne enemies, the art is Very Lovercrafty and Creepy more so with the Great ones

Would you allow us to work toward achievement feats like Healers touch?


MageHunter wrote:

I don't think the fighter levels would actually work here, since you wield it one-handed. Maybe a sword-and-board shielded fighter? I wouldn't tale Titan Mauler for more than two levels, as it's not really worth it later, but rage is a great boost, so if you can fit in extra rage you will be a good terror.

Yea I wasn't really sure of it since it's being used one hand but might still be considered a two handed weapon, but I'll likely drop it.

I don't plan to move anywhere past 2 but I'm still not 100% even putting in two is worth it.

Would you consider Calm range a decent buy or should I just stick with normal rage? Calm rage fits the characters fluff a lot better but giving up so much for a backstory is starting to hurt a bit too much

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Titan Mauler is kind of sucky. To me it looked like a straight-forward EWP Bastard Sword and Shield build.

Stat wise EWP Bastard sword is likely just better but the appeal of the build was that it's the only way to one hand a greatsword even if it gives up some stats but it's really just starting to look like too much to give up for the fluff

After watching the "Hell and Back" Smite cinematic I wanted to try and make a build based on Bellona during the scene so to get her large sword and shield set up I was considering taking a level 2 dip into titan mauler then stacking two handed fighter onto in hopes of making an interesting fighting style

But I'm not sure how well this will all work since I'm very proficient in pathfinder so does anyone have any advise for making a character that one hands two handed weapons?

Current Sheet


GM Red wrote:
@Zoey 1. I'm on the fence about it. I believe official ruling from Paizo was that it does not apply to extracts, but I am sure some GMs would allow it at their tables. I would allow it only if you did not have any kind of item that let you draw potions as a free action. That is, you'd still have to draw the extract as your move action before using it the following turn. You'd have to convince me that it won't make you overpowered, that's all. ;)

Your right I found the FAQ and it specifically says it doesn't count so I'll just drop it but there is one rule I'd like to break if you'll allow: Kitsune can't learn Dwarven by raw but that could be kind of problematic in this game so would you allow me to either trade the sylvan language they get for free or allow me to take it as a learned language since it fits the story and character better?

Sorry I've been having trouble with my character but i've gotten a bit more done now (Crunch at least) but have a few questions when you have the time.

1. Would you allow Accelerated Drinker to work for extracts?

2. Can we skip the draw back if we don't take the third trait?

Dotting for interest, I'll try to get a character up soon

Reverend Rob wrote:
I'm trying to fix some encumbrance problems, then I'll be finished 100% (curse this game where even your clothes give you encumbrance).

If you can afford it masterwork backpacks treat str as 1 higher for carry cap iirc

I'm still working on fluff with Taru but I've finished most of the crunch, including likely feats for level progression, if you want the sheet for your character lab it's Here

The other half of Hotaru's group here, I've been working on a character and so far have settled on a Kensai Magus/Swashbuckler build for damage but had a few questions before I finalize,

1. Are you using Automatic Bonus Progression?
2. Would you allow Eastern Materials? Mainly the Haramaki
3. How are you doing Hp?

I'd app for a kingmaker but I'd be careful about high points buys and things like race builder since they can be easily broken.

Possible dot depending on my friend and the system that ends up being used

Female Caucasian

Thanks I'll try to find some more disads and notes for Gen 2

Female Caucasian

Still working on disads for my character but I've gotten a few more that fit and working on more.

Hunted: US Goverment (As Pow; NCI; Harsly Punish)
Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common;Strong)
Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently, Major
Vulnerability: x2 From Ego Attacks (Uncommon)
Psychological Limitaiton: Paranoid (Common;Moderate)
Distinctive Feature: (Easily; Recongnizable; Common)
Psychological Limitation: Hatred of Rats (Common; Moderate)
Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Occasionally; Severe; Some Cultures)
Hunted: Rival Group (As Pow; NCI; Occ; Kill)

at ~105 points so far

Also did you post my character sheet link on google docs? I remember you mentioning a link but I didn't get it so it may have glitched


Also would it bother anyone if I dot the gameplay tab?

Female Caucasian

When I was working on the blood character he was doing his sword user so nothing intentional, I can try to change if needed

Female Caucasian

If MDT accepts me I'll be joining and I've been working on a concept but haven't done much with it yet

Link Hopefully

Female Caucasian
mdt wrote:

...but you managed to talk them around to a small bribe ($20 would have done it, $60 was overkill).

*Aegis laughing in the distance*

I'd be the second player joining if we get accepted I'm currently considering a damper or something similar but haven't decided 100% yet

If Change is too vague I could pretty easily change it into something like travel and focus on teleportation/speed buffs and the like

would that be better?

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