Hotaru of the Society |

It probably does. I statted up a few of the powers I'm interested in. The potential for growth is actually rather obvious (while still staying directly in her powerset). I have a laundry list of things I want, though. Lots is gonna get cut, I'm sure. :P
The book lends itself to 'Candy Store' approaches, I feel.

Pixie! |

Oh, sorry! No worries, I don't mind at all.

Hotaru of the Society |

Sure thing! The following is mostly suggestive of where I want the character to start/go. Any additional questions are appreciated. :) A bit of help with knowing which metas might be interested might help with the blurry background. :)
Ever since I read Scion, and possibly before (that's just the first thing I can tie it back to), I've wanted a character who functions based on Tsukumo-gami. To bastardize what it says and does from the game: Everything has a spirit. Old things and more cared for things have stronger spirits. Like an old, lived on couch will sometimes offer its master change for pizza, a carefully maintained car will protect its driver from accidents and serve him or her well.
In the case of my character, I want to play off of that a bit. Her powers are based on objects, and the significance of those objects to her. It takes her some time to bond with any given object, though... which is part of where her growth comes from.
Rather than going with the obvious Japanese route that the idea provides, I was thinking more of an Egyptian slant, possibly with her Meta being hereditary (think Temple Guardians).
What I have for her so far, is more of an academic background with martial arts studies in her youth. She studied ancient history with a focus in Ancient Arms and Armor, and was eventually hired on at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
Everything was going well, until she came into contact with a sword that she couldn't quite place. She began to obsess over it, spending much later hours in the museum, even when she wasn't being payed for it... which was unfortunate, because someone else also had an interest in the sword, though she has no idea why.
She remembers reacting instinctively when she heard the sound behind her, apparently it saved her life. Everything else is a blur of pain and noise. That was the last day she saw. It would be some time before the first day she 'saw'.
I'm uncertain of a meta that would take a specific interest in an old sword, but what I had in mind was either a gun, a knife, or a blade of some kind that was aimed at her head just missed because she dodged. Well, nearly missed, it took her eyesight and left a scar across her face.
That was also the last time she saw her family. She still calls from a burner phone on occasion just to hear their voice. Her blood was found throughout the scene, and she and the sword were missing. Technically, she has a record by virtue of being a Missing Person.
The ideas I have for Disads: Distinctive: Blind and Indiscernible Ethnicity (people tend to remember when they aren't sure what you are) and Sword (Easily concealable, but very memorable, usually carried in a paper tube). Hunted (Missing Person?), Physical Limitation: Blind (Should probably be less than regular blind, since she would ideally have a short-range Daredevil-sight?). Enraged is possible, especially given that she doesn't remember after she was injured. Beyond that, I'm not entirely certain.
For Skills, Powers, and such, here's what I've worked out so far, on my wish-list:
Defensive Maneuver(4) 10
Martial Arts (23): Martial Disarm 4, Martial Dodge 4, Martial Escape 4, Martial Grab 3, Martial Strike 4, Martial Throw 3, Weapon Element 1
90pts in Skills.
Talents: Combat Luck (6)
Perks: Possible Contact: Shadowpriest?
Daredevil Sight (Enhanced Senses) (Detect Physical Objects, Targeting Sense, Sense; Passive, 360 degree, discriminatory, analyze, Rapid) 40 (Limited Range -1/4) 40/32 pts.
Roll With It (Knockback Resistance 3"), Requires Acrobatics to Activate (-1/2) 6/4pts.
Kintsugi (Heal Body ?d6), (Object Only -1/2), (Extra Time: 20 Minutes -2 1/2)
Spirit of Concealment (Change Environment 5pt) (-1 Perception to Sight), (No Range -1/2), (1" Increased Radius 5pt), (No End Cost +1/2), (Persistent +1/2), (IAF - Mask -1/2) 20/10 pt//(Invisibility 10pt Sound (Non-Targeting)) (No End cost +1/2), (Persistent +1/2), (IAF - Mask -1/2) 20/14 (total 40 // 24) (Ideally, this also prevents her from talking).
Spirit of Steel - Something about a sword, not quite sure. Possibly characteristics, speed, or the like?
Leaf Upon the Wind - Movement power (Leaping, Running, Gliding, or short ranged teleport)
Armor of some kind (Preferably concealable).
Hand to Hand attack (Need)
Later Wishlist: Missile Deflect, Find Weakness, Telepathy (Recieve, Empathy, Touch Only) would be cool, Dispel, etc.
Sword could eventually be a multipower as she collects more swords that mean something to her.
Characteristics: Agile, Intelligent, Charismatic. Composure is ideally high, other things are less necessary. :)

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Ooh, you're rolling with an animist? Janice is definitely gonna want to look at your DNA.
Also, I had a friend in undergrad whose researched focus on the emergence of shinto deities governing televisions, cell phones, and laptops. It's wacky stuff! (None of those, of course, will have had a hundredth birthday, if that's how your powers work).

Hotaru of the Society |

I'm not sure how, entirely. It might not even work how she thinks it does. The -bare bones- is that she bonds with something, and what it does is based on what she thinks it does. A mask conceals. Clothing and armor protect. A candle illuminates. It could easily be purely psychological.
I know that by the rules listed in transform objects do not have souls or minds. (Which was also true in another game where I played the Kami of a centuries-old bag of holding. It was worked out that there were both Souls and Anima, that the two were separate and not always as distinct.
Also, bear in mind: If no one teaches her about cars, she won't be able to 'heal' a car, if that power makes it through. :P Only -simple- things, unless she's trained with it. Otherwise, she might wind up fusing a thingamajig to a hoojiwat. And we all know how bad that is.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Hmm. Sounds like maybe a "gadgets"-type FPP, where the ability depends on what object you're holding and can only trigger powers with an appropriate focus.

Hotaru of the Society |

Sure, that was kind of the idea, though I was leaning mostly towards having a few objects to start, and then winding up with objects I could exchange as part of a multipower... or whatever. I don't like the idea of 'immediate gratification'. That's why the heal takes so long. Her foci -should- be targetable and destructible, IMO, but it shouldn't be a -long term loss-. I'm even willing to up the time it takes to restore things... but I wanted it to be usable in the field on -other- things as well.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Taru, is Zoey joining us too? Is she also looking for a concept?

Pathfinder Zoey |

"Mud" Adam Storn |

I would like to increase the pace of the game.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Yeah! I think more characters' opinions and talents would really help drive the party forward.

Hotaru of the Society |

First character is Felicia 'Fix' Neir (named after the image I'm using for her, it's pretty neat.)
Second character is a little harder to name... because I have a lot of ideas and nothing has stuck. Starting with most liked:
Conduit, Salem, Mercury, Evoke, Hex, Quicken.
Concept: Modern Mage (Primary Inspirations: World of Darkness Mage, Dresden Files)
Ideas: Variable Effects to 'change elements' on the fly. Starting with two (and hopefully getting more 'free' later as mdt thinks they should be unlocked, then eventually paying for a wider assortment), probably fire and frost, since they're nice and binary.
Variable Limitations similar to both Mage and Dresden Files: If I have my (obvious, accessible) focus - Awesome. If I don't... add gestures, incantations, extra time, hopping on one leg, whatever MDT feels fits well. Probably with a 'Magic' Roll regardless of access to the focus.
Preferably an Aid to Energy Blast so I can incant and 'gather power' before throwing out larger bursts of damage. Assuming I'm still alive. Possibly Usable as Attack (feeding raw magic into someone's energy blasts is neat!)
Maybe go with ice armor rather than a barrier or force fields to start (though a force field 'wall of ice' would be neat!)
Side affects are welcome, especially on a failed magic roll!
Magic Sense that only works on DM Fiat would also be neat.
Should be fairly academic, someone who's 'well-read'. Probably with Speed Reading and Cramming. Deduction is a plus. Doesn't sleep, or sleeps rarely is neat. Beyond that, I'm not incredibly sure.
My idea of how she would act is pompous but playful - an air of better-than-you that she doesn't intend, but just shows up. So, high ego? Probably Lightning Reflexes on her armor spell. Possibly Absorption for her elements? Is there any way to have her changed elements have different effects when her Special Effect changes?
Background depends on what makes sense for the world... self-taught, apprenticed, and so on. Utility spells that MDT thinks fit, as well. I.E. Mirror Image/Disguise Self type spells are cool and useful, but might not fit in the theme of 'evoker'.
Disad related to hunted, DNPC, always keeps her word, treats knowledge as being comparably important to people. Can easily work up more.

Hotaru of the Society |

No worries. If you want, I'll get on the spreadsheet later to chat realtime with you. Also, if you have literally anything else to do, I don't mind waiting. I know being busy a ton and then having more to do when you finally get done with it sucks.
I prefer the magic character over the daredevil animist. It feels more relatable, and thus playable. I can do alien, but I've found it's rather hard to do.
Also, feedback/ideas from other players is appreciated. :)

mdt |

Hotaru of the Society |

I think the characters are very different from what we've talked about, and can fill very different roles. My character seems to be someone who needs protection, which isn't a feeling I get regarding hers.
Reading about what I have so I can know what I can do.
General Power Framework Rules say I can't have a power in a framework that affects another power in a framework. From my understanding, this limits the usefulness of my Aid significantly. Though it says 'a wizard could do this to aid his spells', which is technically what you're doing.
Would my inability to Aid power frameworks still affect my Aid targeting others? For example, I can Aid Mud's spacial awareness, or possibly his push, but I couldn't affect any of his other powers (as an elemental control and a multipower).
If a power has a focus and 'usable by other', should I hand off the focus, or just lend the power and keep the focus?
Enhanced Wind of the Desert - 5d6, NND, OIF, Limited Range, Requires Skill Roll - 4 end
Desperately Enhanced Wind of the Desert - 1.5d6, NND, OIF, Increased Endx2, Limited Range, Requires skill roll - 2 End
Wind of the Desert - 1.5d6, NND, Increased Endx4, Gestures, OIF, Extra Time, Limited Range, Requires Roll, Concentration - 4 End
+3.5d6, - Increased End, -Gestures, -Extra Time, -Concentration... same cost.
-Endx2, -Gestures, -Extra Time, -Concentration, half cost.
(Used as Base)
I feel like I'm missing something about the 'base' runic powers. I don't feel like I'll use them often at all, as they're strictly inferior... though I might just not see it.
Is it that I can use the three separate multipowers together (I.E. Desperate Teleport, Enhanced Wind, and Normal Damnation?) that makes it worth having the most obviously not-worthwhile option?
So far, I like it quite a lot. I'd initially thought 'Deduction', not knowing about Research, which the term means what I'd intended, sooo. Research is the much better fit.
Ideas for Disads:
Arabic Sorcerers had blonde hair and blue eyes as a signifier of who they are, and as a bonus these are very uncommon amongst the Arabic races, hence they would stand out. I'm not sure this is worth anything, because blonde hair and blue eyes are normally nothing special.
Possibly a Hunted (Cult of Set or something of the like). Bringing my own 'friends' as a problem for the group seems like a fun idea. :)
Leaning towards 'Hala Nefer' for name. Still not sure of a 'code name'.

mdt |

The multiple multipowers represent different levels of effort.
If you use the base by itself, it takes no gestures, and costs the listed end. If you feel the base isn't strong enough, you can add on the extra power of the other multipowers, but they require more endurance, more effort, more concentration.
Base Damnation of Elements : 6d6 Energy Blast, 4 End, Requires Skill Roll at -2.
Enhanced Damnation of Elements : 8d6 Energy Blast, 6 End, Requires SKill Roll at -2, Requires Complex gestures with both hands.
Desperately Enhanced Damanation of Elements : 10d6 Energy Blast, 10 End, Requires SKill Roll at -3, Requires Complex gestures with both hands, At 1/2 DCV, Full Phase to use.
This is your 'I can do more but it's harder' type magic.

Hotaru of the Society |

I think the part that confuses me is the name order. Now that I know the 'Base' is the 'Enhanced' it makes sense, I think the names are just out of order. And the fact I can stack them on top of each other makes it rather interesting. I don't think I'd have gotten that nuance if I hadn't asked. I'd have understood I could mix, but didn't even consider matching. Pretty neat.
Likewise, that I can change the allocation every turn is nice. So I could also use the 16" teleport and then do a really expensive 4d6 blast, or a decent 3d6 flash. Really neat.
Can I mix-and-max the flash and energy blast in the same attack?
I appreciate the build-a-block. :) Thanks!

mdt |

The names are messed up. It should be 'base, enhanced, desperately enhanced' I'll fix that. And yes, you can mix, but you're paying a lot for that ability (for example, using enhanced and desperately enhanced teleportation doesn't work well, as the desperately enhanced is a full phase action, so it doesn't make sense to mix). Basically you can use the base and enhanced to teleport 3" and fire an EB, but the desperately enhanced is only valid as a all matched spell.
You could mix the EB and Enhanced/Desperate flash together into one full round 1/2 DCV combined power attack, but you can't mix the desperate teleport with anything.

Hotaru of the Society |

It might be a few days before I get a good backstory up. I'm slowly learning about the 'weeaboo' portions of egyptian culture. From there, I'll try to get a better grasp on things. I'll still need to look into modern life over there, more on archaeology and the like.
Right now, I'm leaning towards Fire and Air being her two 'basic' elements, though an argument can be made for Earth and Water. The reason I'm leaning this wau, is because if she has a psychological problem that makes her believe her magic works as it did for Egyptians, most likely some of the mythology would shape that. The idea for the order is to go back to their creation, because magic is fundamental to the creation of the world. In the beginning, there was magic and chaos. From the chaos, water was formed, and then from the water, earth slowly rose. Then came sky, and within sky came day (fire, wisdom) and night (divination, knowledge). From this perspective, it makes sense for my character to begin at the least purely magical aspects, starting with that which came at the end, and working her way back towards a more 'pure' magic.
On the other hand, man was formed from earth and water (forged from clay). So it also makes sense to treat earth and water as the elements that most obviously tie in with 'humans'. But also, what detracts from this is that water is also considered to be one of the most chaotic and difficult to control elements.
This is all assuming what articles I could find were correct, of course. I feel that from a 'growth' standpoint, fire and air coming first (and probably the nickname Sirocco) makes the most sense.
Any thoughts, opinions, or corrections?

Pathfinder Zoey |

Still working on disads for my character but I've gotten a few more that fit and working on more.
Hunted: US Goverment (As Pow; NCI; Harsly Punish)
Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common;Strong)
Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently, Major
Vulnerability: x2 From Ego Attacks (Uncommon)
Psychological Limitaiton: Paranoid (Common;Moderate)
Distinctive Feature: (Easily; Recongnizable; Common)
Psychological Limitation: Hatred of Rats (Common; Moderate)
Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Occasionally; Severe; Some Cultures)
Hunted: Rival Group (As Pow; NCI; Occ; Kill)
at ~105 points so far
Also did you post my character sheet link on google docs? I remember you mentioning a link but I didn't get it so it may have glitched
Also would it bother anyone if I dot the gameplay tab?

Hotaru of the Society |

Starting Elements: Water and Earth
Ideas for other Disads: Rivalry - Professional, Superior Position (Johnathan Tibalt)
Reputation - Almost Always within a specific group (Most academics)
Both should be worth 10 points each, I think.
While I -really- like having multiple 'Cramming' skill slots, there are other things I feel fit a little better.
Perks: Money 1, Contact ? (see below), Passport 1 (I know it won't come up, but it fits)
The idea for the character's contact, rivalry, and reputation (even the character's discovery by the other metas) revolves around the character's occupation.
Her first job was a smaller dig in the Egypt area, which had been set up by her Anthropology teacher(Contact). She was there mostly for observation, cataloging, and an extra set of eyes and ears. Everything went as expected - no major discoveries.
After a few years, Hala and her Rival wound up working within the same team at the same dig. They'd hardly spoken, but the Rival had been significantly more successful... which lit a fire beneath Hala. She began to work longer hours studying and scrutinizing artifacts, looking for patterns amongst the ruins, spending hours making sure a rock was actually just a rock, and not a worn piece of statue.
Finally, Hala had a major discovery: Based upon several minor clues that she'd found amongst the ruins, she was able to possibly pinpoint the location of a tomb. Unwilling to simply push her data forward without verification, she took a few pieces of equipment and went into the desert with a camel and several days of rations and water.
In the end, she discovered that she was correct about the ruin, and strangely... the ruin was obvious and intact, the entrance still sealed. Moving forward to investigate, she began to read sand-worn hieroglyphs set deep into the wall; she couldn't be certain of what was said in many cases, she only understood a few words. The sun was slowly rising on the horizon as she worked.
She looked to the horizon, and heard a slamming sound, when she turned, she discovered the door had collapsed into the ruins, the door cracking and crumbling. But that was the least of her worries... like many long-sealed locations, oxygen was not on the priority list. She blacked out.
When she awoke, the sun was high in the sky. Amongst the worst times to travel... and amongst the most dangerous times to be out. Worse, her camel had left with most of the equipment. She really only had one choice. She went into the tomb, intent to await the passing of the day.. so that she could brave the cooling sands that night.
The tomb was unlike any she had ever seen. It was quite clearly not an actual tomb but more of a reliquary. Wonderfully preserved artifacts rested on dais, unmarred hieroglyphs were strewn across walls. She was laying eyes on something that may not have been seen in millenia.. while waiting in a room that may well have been her tomb.
She took her time working through the day, reading what she could upon the walls, slowly piecing together a story that slowly became more of an illustrated guide to ancient egyptian rituals. Body, Heart, Spirit, Shadow, and Name. Each needed to be scrutinized in order to understand the self. Once one understood the self, one could understand the rest of the world, bind pieces of the world to you and your power to those pieces.
Mostly worthless nonsense and drivel. Interesting from an academic standpoint... but nothing that she could use, unless she got out of here. She only had one canteen of water left, with the camel having fled. She decided to sleep to try to conserve energy and hydration.
When she awoke the sun was setting, it was time to go. She traveled on into the night, following the northern start towards civilization. Onwards and onwards she went, doing her best to drink only a minimal amount of water, while bracing herself against the chill of the desert night, thinking on what she had found and discovered, musing about what the discovery could really mean for the scientific community.
Eventually, though, the moon lowered on the horizon, and the sun began to rise. She would be trapped beneath the deadly, beating sun without shelter. That was when she noticed the cavern on the horizon, mixed amongst wavy lines... she prayed it wasn't a mirage. And it wasn't. It was the ruins she had begun her journey to find.
Now without water, or any real hope of rescue, stomach begging for food, Hala collapsed on the cold stone floor. A fit of hysterics was, of course, a requirement in times such as these. Logic be damned. And so she slept. Surely someone would discover her notes. Surely someone would come to find her. But nightfall came, and still she was alone. Hungry, thirsty, and alone, she began to entertain herself by moving amongst the various objects. Looking, but not touching. She studied the walls once more until she found the answer that made no logical sense. She would be damaging the artifact by doing so. Her life was not worth the destruction of ancient knowledge. Unless it would never be found without her.
She thought about things long into the night, until the sun crested the horizon once more. She stared at it blearily, and sighed. There would be no help for her. No one would come. Then came the rumble and the unnatural dark. A sandstorm had arrived, blotting out the sun. There would be no help, and soon the entrance would be covered over.
Imagine, her colleagues opening the tomb, and finding an anachronistic desecrated corpse. Would she still be recognizable by the time they discovered what had happened? She couldn't brave the storm. She couldn't brave the sun, and the desert chill would likely take her life if she collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration in the night. She only had one choice. Trust in the things she had spent her life studying.
And trust she did. She moved through the motions, step by step, precisely as the pictures upon the walls showed. Step by step, until she finally took up the tiny charm before her. And just like that, her hunger and thirst waned. A placebo effect, surely. But she wasn't going to argue with feeling better.
The storm subsided. But the way was closed. As far as she knew, she would die of old age within that cramped, dark space. Worse, her torch was failing, soon she wouldn't even be able to see the hieroglyphs, the rituals. So she did what felt right, what felt obvious. She followed the instructions once more. This time, taking up a small eye. Nothing happened. She was unable to see within the dark space, once she had turned off the torch. She sighed. Perhaps it was all a placebo. But nightfall came. And then morning. She wasn't certain how she knew. But she did. Every few hours, she went through the motions. Testing another relic. And each time, she was surprised to find that they actually worked.
Would one believe they were going mad if they were truly growing mad? One by one, she was able to do many strange things. And she was also destroying ancient history by contaminating each of the objects.
She discovered that she couldn't use all of the trinkets at once. Her Ib simply could not maintain several of them simultaneously. She took the lack of hunger and thirst, as well as the reinforcement of comfort without a second thought. But others drained her Ka, slowly weakening her body as she used them. They simply couldn't be used too frequently without losing consciousness. She learned that on the sixth day. Was it the sixth day? How was she still alive?
Finally, she took up the Ankh. The symbol of life. She had been most hesitant to ruin this most of all... had she only known from the beginning that it would be her salvation. Though, perhaps it was for the better that she had not, or she would have perhaps starved to death long before bonding herself to the others.
The Ankh was strange. It allowed mastery over elements. If the wall was to be believed, earth and water would come most easily - while water was chaotic and difficult to control, it was inherent to man. Similarly was man formed from earth, and so mastery would be amongst the simplest of feats - though they would be far from simple. Then would come sky and flame and divination, before finally the ability to understand magic in its purest forms.
Sadly, control over water did not allow her to fill her canteen, nor even to find an oasis. Control over earth allowed her to move the sands away from the doorway, however. Or was it simply the effort of all those days spent within that one small room with nothing but her heartbeat for company that had resulted in her digging her way out with no memory thereof? She stil wasn't certain.
Even still, she found her way to the surface at sunset - precisely the time she had expected for it to be... and slowly she moved across the desert, cresting hills by simply willing herself to the top. She fancied that if others could see her, they would think her a mirage (or would they simply wonder why the woman blacked out as she walked up the hillsides?). She wondered for perhaps the hundredth time if lucidity was a sign that she wasn't insane, or if she only thought she were lucid.
Even with her new-found powers, she arrived after having been missing for nine days, exhausted, hungry and thirsty. Her story was... completely unbelievable. Clearly just proof that the desert wasn't safe for outsiders.
But worse, was that her rival had found her notes, and rather than turning them in, and using them to save her, he had taken the time to rewrite them in his own hands, and destroy hers in the process. By the time she had returned he had stolen her research, possibly the biggest discovery of her lifetime. Two days prior, they had made their way to the ruin, busted open, nothing but gibberish covering the walls. There were more spaces hidden deeper within, marking his find as monumental.
Two positive things came out of the experience, however: The relics she had found were deemed 'too new, showing signs of modern manufacturing processes', and while made of high quality materials, were deemed tourist trinkets. And she was approached by other sorcerers (Metas).
Unfortunately, the ensuing battle over the discovery left Hala's career in shambles. Her 'mental breakdown' was cited multiple times, and the story of how she had wandered into the desert and had a psychotic episode, clinging to the other man's discovery as the reason for her disappearance spread like wildfire. Further, she couldn't seem to work her magic and prove her abilities, so why would anyone believe her? She became anathema to her own career.
Later, she discovered that the reason for the loss of her powers, was due to the loss of herself. Her legend had been stolen, her Ren taken by her rival. She has slowly worked to regain that sense of self.
If not for her old professor, who pulled some strings, she wouldn't even have the research job in Louisiana to fall back on. Still, spending a few days out of the year teaching a summer course on the occult (what irony), and having quite manageable hours was hardly anything to scoff at. If only she could return to the field.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

So I assume we're mostly waiting for new players and characters to be built. Which isn't a problem; just let us current players know if we're stalling the game by mistake.

mdt |

To all my games :
You may have noticed I've been iffy responding since Thursday the 4th. My wife is having surgery (again) Wednesday. Her mother was supposed to fly in to help, but she had an emergency Thursday and ended up having a minor surgery Friday. So I've been canceling work trips, and generally doing all the stuff she was supposed to be here doing. I'll continue to be iffy this week. Sorry. Will hopefully be more consistent week after next.

![]() |

Actually... If there are any points left over (sort of doubt), having a cryptozoology contact would be pretty great for 'what's going bump in the night in my corner of the world'. :)
Also, what she said. :)

mdt |

Wednesday : Surgery for wife, doctor says she had no knee left, she has one now, all computer designed and doctor ground out. Surgery went well. Wife dopey. Doctors found compression fracture in back while prepping for surgery. Will deal with later.
Thursday : Wake up sick as a dog (As usual, every time I go to the hospital with my wife, I get sick...). Get wife and take her home from hospital.
Friday : Don't remember Friday...
Saturday : Wake up at 8AM, pack, take wife to bank for errand, get her settled in at home, drive 9.5 hours, still sick, to deal with sick father.
Sunday : Get yelled at by uncle, for not wanting to visit dad and get him sick, get up, go visit dad. Spend two hours going shopping to buy dad new clothes he needs. Go back to hotel, collapse on bed.
Monday : Wake up at 6AM to start work day early so I can take off early for dad's doctor's appointment. Realize it's a holiday and I don't have to work. Post on threads, go back to bed...
Monday Evening/Tuesday : Get games running again...