(5A) Ancient Fortress of Kotelia - Table A (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Discussion thread here.

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

M Ratfolk Invoker Witch 3 (HP 20/20)
AC15 (13 vs improvised weapons), T15 (13 vs imp weap), FF10 (8 vs imp wea)/ F:+5 R:+5 W:+4/ init +4/ CMD14, 12 vs dirty tricks/ perception +3,+5w/familiar
acrobatics+10, fly+12, arcana+10, engineering+5, history+9, nature+10, planes+9, spellcraft+10, UMD+7, alchemy+18, sewing+8, soldier+5
spells, etc:
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day


Rozzev's ancestors worked for the original exiled nobility that rebuilt Kotelia, and though originally loyal to those families, his ancestors transferred that loyalty to the city itself over time. His family traces its line straight back to those original founders, and takes its duty to the city very seriously. Every generation of his family has had at least one witch, and witches are trained from a young age in the art of potion making and alchemy, as it is assumed that one of their duties while enlisted will be to add to the city's stockpile of cure light wounds potions and alchemical substances.

Being the youngest of 7 brothers, whose father was himself the youngest of 7 brothers, in combination with the mysterious birthmark that was glowing on his palm when he was born, there was never any doubt that Rozzev was meant to be a witch. He worked hard during his apprenticeship, and enlisted the earliest possible time he could. After so many years of doing nothing but training and working, he's starting to realize how little he's actually experienced life, and he's looking forward to doing something else.


Rozzev is perfectly willing to listen and be silent when the discussion revolves around topics he isn't familiar with, but when it's something he feels he knows about, he becomes very vocal, and is willing to talk back to people that may be considered his elders or superiors. He is a fan of lively debate, though he is slowly coming to realize that not everyone is, and many just consider it being argumentative. But being factual is more important to him than anything else. He is intensely interested in the world around him, and with his newfound freedom, is up for trying new experiences, often without considering the consequences too much. He is smart enough to realize that book smarts aren't everything, and he is severely lacking in most nonbooksmarts categories. He is also somewhat obsessed with the idea of flight, and spends much of his spare time studying flighted beings, and when he thinks no one is looking, practicing what he thinks it would be like. He is also intensely loyal to his family, and he has in his enlisted time put his squad mates in that category. He is a bit naive about the real world, but realizes his shortcomings in that regard.

Checking in! Also, I did take the touched by unknown forces trait, in case there are any potential story hooks you want to work in around that.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


Looks good as is.

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View from the 3rd precinct, showing the 2nd barrier wall, the second precinct, and the Primary Barrier Wall and the Inner Precinct.

Female Caucasian
mdt wrote:

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

You're not my real dad


Shalquoir has spent most of her life acting as she was taught before setting out on her own, traveling to various societies and honing her abilities in manipulation and deception by infiltrating small tribes of more primal races in an attempt to gain power within their community. As she ascended from station to station within these tribes Shalquoir discovered she possesses something few of her kind had, empathy.

Unlike her kin the creatures she controlled where more than just playthings; they were beings of their own each one a possible ally, enemy, or enigma with it's own story that made treating them all as toys near impossible for her. This ideology caused her to shed the ideas of her kinship and become a pilgrim of sorts, she left behind the tribes that had trusted her lies and set out in search of a way to overcome her kinds sinister reputation. During her travels Shalquoir discovered a disciple of the dark protector Sithana Nehandris that accepted and guided her as a student until they parted ways, as a final piece of advice the Disciple told her of the The Fortress city of Kotelia where Shalquoir has spent the last five years of her life.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


A large part of the story going forward involves the PCs not knowing a lot about the larger world around Kotelia, because it's so insular. Would you be upset if we modified your background to accomodate that?

Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4

Enraged but I'll manage, I'll try to have a new story by tomorrow

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7


Kayniik Goldvolt was left as an infant at the door of a goblin family in the fourth precinct. The goblins were an older couple in the mid-20s serving in the temple of Gormen Greatforge, they adopted the infant as they had never been blessed with a child themselves. Kayniik had a birthmark in the palm of his left hand, which with age clearly showed the holy symbol of their deity, and at that point the agree that he would have to study to also become a priest as was destined him with the mark. Kayniik is good at heart but some of his wild instinct sometimes show, he was a quick study in the clergy on some elements of the forge farther, particularly the fire aspect of his portfolio. He however could not really concentrate on other parts of his teaching and his adoptive parents made him focused entirely on the fire and hoped he would later learn to call on other parts of his powers. He is now enlisted in the military cause his parents thinks by joining the battle and help with his supportive talents in the field might teach Kayniik to embrace another domain of his god, though they fear he’ll never grow out of the fire fetish as they call it.

Is it ok to make smaller changes/adjustment still?

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


Yes, what did you want to change? Background is fine as it is.


You know, I can never tell when you are joking or not...


The Marvelous Mr. Pasternack, a cat, a professional, and a salesman of information. Starting his life as a poor cat of no distinct clan, he soon found out that others loved to talk. And he listened, and as he listened, he gathered more information. He didn't know what to do with it all, though, until one day, he asked a man if he would like to know something, and he stated his price for doing so.

A modest price, for a modest job. He paid his rent and ate well with his new found job. But he always needed more to keep ahead of his rent payments. So when a recruiter stopped by his hut and knocked on his door, he gladly accepted. And he lived a nonchalant life in the military, but always seems to lose his weapon in the middle of combat. So he adapted and learned to use his fist from the monk friends he made. He even showed up to their meditation times and greatly enjoyed their company.

Especially one female monk, Vanessa, but she had taken a vow of celibacy. Which was perfectly fine, and so he ventured about and tried to repay the people so nice to feed and cloth him in a snazzy uniform with information he gathered.

Wherever we're starting at, the Marvelous Mr. Pasternack is open for any location. If we're just leaving the army, he may have to promise to write to his friends every so often.

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

I'm just not totally sure on my feats/traits. Not used to play a caster so looking around for something fun.

Male Ogre
AC: 23, T: 9, FF: 23; HP: 38/38; F9, R:1, W:3; CMB +12, CMD 22, Init: +0
Climb +10, Craft (Beer) +5, Perception +7, Profession (brewer) +6

dotting in. will post later. busy day

Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4

Yea I have trouble with tone over text since it's nonexistent it's hard to convey the right emotion, sorry I have no problem editing her story I'll just need some time

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

If any of you have advise in playing a fire blasting cleric I open to listen to them and take them into my consinderations for the future feats :)

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Human GM

Asbestos clothing. :)

Do note, fire resistance is the most common resistance (true statement), because fire is the most common type of elemental attack (check the bestiary).

I would very much make sure you get resistance spells so you can cast your spells without hurting your allies. I had a player play a goblin evoker who fired off fireballs all the time, he blew up the party at least once per game and killed a fellow PC two or three times.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

@Crayfish - I think I can work with the background, it's a bit light, which makes it able to fit in. You need to make an avatar for Mr. Pasternack.

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

Why is fire the most common resistance, stupid game :p

Well I'll try and see how it goes, if it crash and burn, maybe I can find time to retrain some, and become more buff focused if the group don't lack a fire crazy goblin :)

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Human GM

I'll be doing equipment shortly. What everyone has currently :

1) Melee Weapon you have Proficiency In (Nothing Exotic)
2) Ranged Weapon you have Proficiency In (Nothing Exotic)
3) One (your choice) of the two above is MW.
4) MW Armor you have proficiency with
5) Backpack
6) First Aid Kit
7) ID tags
8) Any Class Specific Equipment you need (Holy Symbol, Spell book, etc)

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Human GM
Rozzev wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 20 Normal (Not MW)
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 72 Pick
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 79 Light Pick

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 82 +2
Armor Type: 1d100 ⇒ 49 Chainmail

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 47 Steel
Armor Material: 1d100 ⇒ 98 Mithral

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 44 No

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 22 No

Rozzev's family gave him the only thing of value the family had, his great grandfather's +2 Mithral Cainmail, and his father's Light Pick he used while in the army.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Pathfinder Zoey wrote:
mdt wrote:

Please dot and delete the campaign thread, and post here reporting in.

As you check in, please post backgrounds here in spoilers, so we can hammer out fixes to them to fit into the world/city. Thank you.

You're not my real dad

** spoiler omitted **

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 66 +1
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 71 Pick
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 91 Light Pick

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 21 Standard Armor (Non Magical/MW)
Armor Type: 1d100 ⇒ 79 Banded Mail

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 90 Mithral
Armor Material: 1d100 ⇒ 10 Steel

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 100 No

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 53 No

Will leave it up to Ciaran's player how she got the heirlooms (since her background is up in the air atm).

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Human GM
Kayniik Goldvolt wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Is it ok to make smaller changes/adjustment still?

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 63 +1
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 34 Crossbow
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 83 Heavy Repeating Crossbow

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 25 Standard Armor (Non Magical/MW)
Armor Type: 1d100 ⇒ 99 Knight's Plate (Use Hell-Knight Plate stats)

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 94 Mithral/Darkwood Mix
Armor Material: 1d100 ⇒ 64 Adamantine (Overrides Standard Armor, Becomes MW)

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 41 No

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 33 No

Kayniik is given, by his church, his great great grandfather's crossbow and holy knight's armor, that he wore in the 3rd great siege.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Crayfish Hora wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Wherever we're starting at, the Marvelous Mr. Pasternack is open for any location. If we're just leaving the army, he may have to promise to write to his friends every so often.

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 100 +4 That is literally the first time that has ever shown up
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 82 Spear
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 12 Javelin

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 2 None

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 75 Cold-Iron (Adjust damage)

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 43 No

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 2 Yes

Magic Item Type: 1d100 ⇒ 84 Wondrous Item
Magic Item Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 68 Shoulder Item
Magic Item: 1d100 ⇒ 10 Cape of Feline Guise - This item only has effect when worn by a member of a feline humanoid race. It allows the wearer to appear as any other feline humanoid race. It works similar to a hat of disguise, but the person cannot alter their actual features, just their pelt coloration and overall build. Anyone familiar with the wearer will recognize their facial features despite being changed.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Mork&Gork wrote:
dotting in. will post later. busy day

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 39 Masterwork
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 57 Mace
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 55 Light Mace

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 92 +3
Armor Type: 1d100 ⇒ 37 Breastplate

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 15 Steel
Armor Material: 1d100 ⇒ 14 Steel

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 81 No

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 45 No

Mork is given by his family a MW light mace that belonged to a raider that his mother killed while on a date with his father. They also give him a +3 Breastplate that their great grandfather found on a minotaur during one of the sieges on Kotelia (before they decided to join the city instead of attacking it). Gork get's a lemon.

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

mdt clerics don't have heavy armor as standard, and Hellknight's plate is heavy if I have to use the stats from it.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You don't have to use the armor, it's just what your family sent you off with, since they weren't sure what you'd be doing in the army, cleric, warpriest, etc. You can still pick anything you want from the above list (where I listed your assigned equipment). If you can't use the random heirlooms, you can save them for later (you never know where your build might go), or give them to an offspring down the road.

Nobody should worry, by the time you NEED magic items, everyone will have them. This is more to give you more flavor for how the city is. They have stockpiled armor and weapons for centuries, to the point where people toss them to kids going off to the army. They never sell weapons/armor to outsiders, that's just arming the enemy!

So imagine 1600 years of building up weapons and armor, both mundane and magical, and never getting rid of any of it, and how common those would be by then...

Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4

Is that pick as in I get any I want or as in I get the light pick weapon?

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

A pick, as in a light pick, the weapon.

Female Doppleganger Sorcerer ( Celestial ) 0 AC/Touch/Flat 20/15/15 | Fort/Ref/Will +6/+8/+7 | Init +4

Alright sorry for the mix up

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

@Ciaran - No problem. :)

I'm fine with minor tweaks to your characters if you want to make them to accomodate something you got. Changing the class entirely is out. Switching feats or weapon groups or archetypes is ok.

Blink DD
0/2 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0
Blinkdog HP (42/42) PR (7/7)
AC/Touch/Flat 19/13/16 | Fort/Ref/Will +09/+06/+04 | Init +03
+11: P(Percussion, Sing); +9: K(History), Survival; +8: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perception; +6: Stealth; +2 K(Not-History)

Amdog amdotting. Then undotting. Where dot go? Mystery for all catkind.

Didn't want to completely remove this, for posterity. Now time to catch up!

I didn't really list any proficiencies for Cygnus. Unless there are weapons I don't know about, he's not gonna have much access to weapon training. I mean, maybe siege engines?

Cygnus is a new addition to the city of Kotelia - which is saying little for a millenia-old citystate. Little more than a decade ago, Cygnus made his home - alongside his pack - within forested lands that the elves had once called their homeland.
Cygnus's people had once pledged loyalty, as the dwarves had, in days far gone, though the stories seemed little more than myth - generation upon generation had grown gray-muzzled in the time since their exodus.

Life had not been easy for the pack, either. During the best of times, they could simply hunt, and live as they pleased, but during the worst, they were forced to slink within the shadows, avoiding the notice of roving warbands. They could stand up for themselves, certainly, but to do so was to risk not only themselves, but their ancestral homeland - the Dark Horde would certainly not fight fairly against an opponent they could neither see nor outpace... or at all, for that matter.

But, unfortunately, simply hiding and biding their time would not be enough. The warmachine saw the possibilities of adding the Blink Dogs to their armies, and if they were not friends, then clearly they were foes. As many times before, the battles were short, fierce, and fraught with chaos, the Blink Dogs using their knowledge of their home along with their natural abilities to ambush, flank, and harry their foes... but alas, their foes had little use for the one thing the blink dogs cared for - their home.

The Dark Horde brought fire, rendering the Moonsfang Tribe exposed. While they could still outpace their foes, their ancestral home was far more important to them. Those few that did not die to the razing died seeking vengeance, all but the youngest.

Cygnus was one of the youngest, yet the oldest amongst them. He was wise beyond his years (or so he would have you believe), and storied in the traditions and tales of his people. The most important legend being of a land far away, to which their allies had withdrawn when the humans had brought blood and hatred upon them. It was to this land that Cygnus would travel.

It took more than a year of journeying across the land, seeking what information he could manage from what few allies - temporary though they may be - he could find. Often, he shared meals in exchange for company, and tales in exchange for knowledge, which he then spun into more tales. He learned much of the history of the land as he sought out the land he would one day call home.

He arrived during a time of relative peace, relative safety. He was able to continue to forage and hunt for himself, though he had grown capable of feeding more than himself in his travels... and while he avoided overhunting, he often found himself having to choose between meals too large, and meals too far apart, and so he shared with those who had little in this land of plenty, and learned more of the world.

As he moved within the farmlands and forests within the fifth wall, he made unlikely allies with the catfolk of the region, and moreso than any but his own stories, one called out to him as wisdom that all should know - the tenets of Bast. Protect, Guard, Spirit, Groom, Courage, Caution, Love, Respect, Death, and Judgment. He would carry these with him as he carried his tales, as he carried his starless sky.

As Alpha and Sage, Cygnus came to a difficult conclusion - he would be required to fight for the land he called his new home, and he would need to do so soon; not only did the land demand it of him, the hole in the sky to which his heart sang, of brothers and sisters long gone, and mothers and fathers nearly forgotten called for him to do so as well... and so Cygnus joined the military, to learn of man's war in the way a pup could not.

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

Ok I understood the post you made before the rolls as we got something we could use ie light or medium armor for me :) I might consider getting heavy armor but my dex is a bit to high for that unless I swap ability scores around a little.

Unless you do this differently Heavy Repeating Crossbow is an exotic weapon, shall I change proficiency from bows to Xbows to use it?

Blink DD
0/2 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0
Blinkdog HP (42/42) PR (7/7)
AC/Touch/Flat 19/13/16 | Fort/Ref/Will +09/+06/+04 | Init +03
+11: P(Percussion, Sing); +9: K(History), Survival; +8: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perception; +6: Stealth; +2 K(Not-History)

Once Cygnus gets shiny new Versatile Performances, what happens to already-spent skillpoints? For example, Cygnus spent a summer working as a sheep dog, hence gaining a rank in Handle Animal. If he then Versatile Performances his Percussion, he gets Handle Animal for Free. Whatdo with the 'lost' ranks? Retrain immediately, or retrain via rules, or no retraining?

Re: Not knowing much about the outside world: For someone who had to sneak across the land, Cygnus actually doesn't have much in the way of K(Geography) or the like, instead having simply crossed the country half-blind. Will that be a problem on the outside-world thing? He is pretty well-versed in the world's history, at the moment, but only has a passing understanding of everything else.


I know there's a teamwork feat for blowing up your allies for bonuses. Not that a blaster cleric would -ever- pick that...

I did, it was hilarious.

Spell Specialization is great for blasters. Anything without straight up immunity is going to be hurt, with or without resistances. It'd stack nicely with your already improved casting of fire spells.

Male Ogre
AC: 23, T: 9, FF: 23; HP: 38/38; F9, R:1, W:3; CMB +12, CMD 22, Init: +0
Climb +10, Craft (Beer) +5, Perception +7, Profession (brewer) +6

WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gork loves his lemon, he wares it like a hat!

And i plan to use random objects, so the weapon will prob be traded or sold. LOVE the armor though ;)

M Ratfolk Invoker Witch 3 (HP 20/20)
AC15 (13 vs improvised weapons), T15 (13 vs imp weap), FF10 (8 vs imp wea)/ F:+5 R:+5 W:+4/ init +4/ CMD14, 12 vs dirty tricks/ perception +3,+5w/familiar
acrobatics+10, fly+12, arcana+10, engineering+5, history+9, nature+10, planes+9, spellcraft+10, UMD+7, alchemy+18, sewing+8, soldier+5
spells, etc:
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day


The reason I was asking in the other thread about rigging some kind of glide suit for feather falling, is it's something I'd have to have done since first level to take ranks in fly. I'm totally willing to re choose my feats and skill points to make it happen. And I was picturing that it would require making fly checks to turn and successfully catch thermals, etc. The main thing is that Rozzev wants to fly. If that's not something you feel like dealing with, I totally get it, and I'll slot my level one and two fly skill points somewhere else.

Also, as far as crafting, would I have had any opportunity or the money to make any alchemical items or potions for personal use?

@Kayniik: Let's talk. I've got a sweet suit of of +2 mithral chainmail that sounds like it might be right up your alley. +8 AC, max dex +4, armor check penalty -2, counts as light armor rather than medium, and weighs 10 pounds for small size. And it seems like we've all been serving together for a few years, so I think we can easily work something out. I definitely have a vested interest in my squad mates staying alive.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


A large part of the plot involves the PCs (and city) not knowing a lot about the area beyond a dozen miles away. The city is very very insular. Given that, would you be alright with an adjustment to your back story that Cygnus's parents were captured by the horde during the last siege, along with him as a pup. He was one of the few survivors, and all of them were pups (too small to be forced into the fight). Kotelia rescued them and let them into the city, and Cygnus is the oldest, so the rest still hangs together with him as the elder. They have no knowledge of where they came from even or how to get back or visit relatives.

@Kayniik - A weapon group gets you the basic weapons (Martial and simple). If you want, a second weapon group can get you the exotics as well. Since you get Simple (which includes all x-Bows other than exotic), you could spend one weapon group on X-Bows (Exotic) to get the repeater as proficient. ANd yes, you can pick any one (non magical) armor as equipment you are assigned by the army. You can make it MW if you choose (or choose another weapon to accompany the x-bow that's MW).

@Cygnus - A) You can use the retraining rules to retrain the skill points. B) See the spoiler.

@Mork&Gork - While I will allow you to trade/sell the heirlooms, note that it's considered a really s#&%ty thing to do in Kotelia. To give you an idea, most people would consider trading away family heirlooms slightly less bad than impregnating your sister. Unless you're doing it because your family is broke, in which case it evokes a massive dose of pity instead, and everyone treats you like the broke cousin all the time. Either way, it's not a fun way to live.

@All - Note that while you can certainly loan equipment to each other if you ahve something nice you can't use, it's socially unacceptable to give it away/trade it permanently without a very good reason. Your great grandpa would roll over in his grave, etc.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM


While I personally have no issue with him trying to figure out how to fly, there are quite a few dragons living in the city that tend to frown strongly on anyone figuring out how to fly without magic. That's why I said to wait until game start.

Exactly why that is Rozzev hasn't been able to find out, as the dragons are not willing to talk about it. But it's something to keep in mind... remember, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup...

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM
Blinkpuppy wrote:

Random Equipment :

Weapon Level: 1d100 ⇒ 58 Masterwork
Weapon: 1d100 ⇒ 20 Chain
Weapon Subtype: 1d100 ⇒ 28 Spiked Chain

Armor Level: 1d100 ⇒ 32 Masterwork
Armor Type: 1d100 ⇒ 3 Chain Barding

Weapon material: 1d100 ⇒ 7 Steel
Armor Material: 1d100 ⇒ 53 Steel

Shield? 20%: 1d100 ⇒ 16 Yes
Shield Level: 1d100 ⇒ 26 Non-magical
Shield Type: 1d100 ⇒ 80 Light Wooden
Shield Material: 1d100 ⇒ 18 Wood

magic Item? 5%: 1d100 ⇒ 79 No

Cygnus has three keepsakes from his puphood.


Assuming you are ok with the mods to your background, the chain weapon was the weapon the Orc leader who rode your father into combat used as a weapon. The barding is the barding your father wore in his forced servitude, and the wooden shield is a shield found in his mouth when they found him on the battlefield. Cygnus likely used it as a comforting chew toy when he was younger.

Blink DD
0/2 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0 | 0/0
Blinkdog HP (42/42) PR (7/7)
AC/Touch/Flat 19/13/16 | Fort/Ref/Will +09/+06/+04 | Init +03
+11: P(Percussion, Sing); +9: K(History), Survival; +8: Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Perception; +6: Stealth; +2 K(Not-History)

That's fine. He'll still tell it the original way, though ;)

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

@mdt I take the crossbows exotic just for the laughs, I have more dex then anything so I'd stay with it. that say would you allow me to get a repurposed version of Ironbound master so I can some day use that heavy armor without sacreficing my dex bonus?

I think I'll burrow that armor Rozzev if you don't mind, untill such a time where you need it or I can use the heavy armor :)

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Uhm, you could Kayniik... or you could just take the Heavy Armor proficiency and be able to wear the armor regardless without penalty whenever you want. :) You already have medium... Both are a feat.

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

Yeah I know but they armor still only allows one dex bonus, I have 4 wouldn't want them all to be wasted :) but ofc that armor also has DR3 so that is also something to consider since it's that or 3 AC

Male Catfolk
INIT: +4, AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 dex) HP 24 (3d8+6) Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1
Unchained Rogue, 3
Climb +8, Perception +6, Stealth +10 (+14 in Crowds), Sleight of Hand +10 (+11 for pickpocketing) Bluff +12, Intimidate +10, Linguistics +7, Sense Motive +8, Disguise +10, Diplomacy +6

A javelin is strangely perfect and it fits in with the idea that I lose my weapon too often. No armor, no problem. A skirmisher's life is a fine life. Wait, a +4 javelin! That's something else. And a magical altering of my catself is perfect as well.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

You can still request armor from the army, while you are enlisted.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

BTW: Ya'll do realize I've posted in the gameplay thread, right?

mdt wrote:
BTW: Ya'll do realize I've posted in the gameplay thread, right?

I'm still tweaking stuff on my character. Are we ok to post before we finish doing that? I don't want to end up in combat while still changing things.

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Yeah, you have a bit before combat starts.

M Ratfolk Invoker Witch 3 (HP 20/20)
AC15 (13 vs improvised weapons), T15 (13 vs imp weap), FF10 (8 vs imp wea)/ F:+5 R:+5 W:+4/ init +4/ CMD14, 12 vs dirty tricks/ perception +3,+5w/familiar
acrobatics+10, fly+12, arcana+10, engineering+5, history+9, nature+10, planes+9, spellcraft+10, UMD+7, alchemy+18, sewing+8, soldier+5
spells, etc:
lvl0 daze, message, stabilize, touch of fatigue/lvl1 urban grace, cure light wounds, frostbite/lvl2 raven's flight, spectral hand/hexes feather fall at will, levitate 1/day

Oh, how much ammunition do we have for our ranged weapons?

Male Goblin Theologian HP 24/24, AC21, T12, FF20, Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6, +2 vs. charm/compulsion/ +4 init / CMD 14
Diplomacy +6, heal +7, religion +8, sense motives +7, spellcraft +8, ride +8, stealth +12, history +7, linguistics +7, nobility +7

@ Mork&Gork you should ask to be allowed to run with varied multiclassing so each head has it's own class it tries to fulfill :p That would be funny.

@ mdt I don't see any "new" posts in the gameplay even through I wrote a message and deleted it but I'll keep a closer eye on it now.
Can we also request to get shields?

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Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Waiting on the Blink Puppy to finish being house trained before continuing...

@Kayniik - Yes, as long as it's a normal shield (not magical or special properties).

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