(5) Ancient Fortress of Kotelia (Table B) (Inactive)

Game Master mdt

North Octet, 3rd Barrier Wall, Tower 3 (Scepter Tower)

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would you allow a worshiper of Sithana Nehandris to take Inner Beauty?

Is This enough for proof of concept? Just need feats/Languages and a backstory

I worked under the assumption we were using normal rules for CharGen as opposed to Fractional Base Bonuses - I'll need to adjust my saves down and my BAB up if I did it wrong!

I wound up changing my mind after nearly completing the character - I really liked the -obvious- stuff for the character, but he felt really two-dimensional in the end, as I didn't have much beyond 'is a paladin'.

So... now you get Cygnus, Blinkdog Skald, follower of Bast! Allow him to sing you the song of his people.

Cygnus is a new addition to the city of Kotelia - which is saying little for a millenia-old citystate. Little more than a decade ago, Cygnus made his home - alongside his pack - within forested lands that the elves had once called their homeland.

Cygnus's people had once pledged loyalty, as the dwarves had, in days far gone, though the stories seemed little more than myth - generation upon generation had grown gray-muzzled in the time since their exodus.

Life had not been easy for the pack, either. During the best of times, they could simply hunt, and live as they pleased, but during the worst, they were forced to slink within the shadows, avoiding the notice of roving warbands. They could stand up for themselves, certainly, but to do so was to risk not only themselves, but their ancestral homeland - the Dark Horde would certainly not fight fairly against an opponent they could neither see nor outpace... or at all, for that matter.

But, unfortunately, simply hiding and biding their time would not be enough. The warmachine saw the possibilities of adding the Blink Dogs to their armies, and if they were not friends, then clearly they were foes. As many times before, the battles were short, fierce, and fraught with chaos, the Blink Dogs using their knowledge of their home along with their natural abilities to ambush, flank, and harry their foes... but alas, their foes had little use for the one thing the blink dogs cared for - their home.

The Dark Horde brought fire, rendering the Moonsfang Tribe exposed. While they could still outpace their foes, their ancestral home was far more important to them. Those few that did not die to the razing died seeking vengeance, all but the youngest.

Cygnus was one of the youngest, yet the oldest amongst them. He was wise beyond his years (or so he would have you believe), and storied in the traditions and tales of his people. The most important legend being of a land far away, to which their allies had withdrawn when the humans had brought blood and hatred upon them. It was to this land that Cygnus would travel.

It took more than a year of journeying across the land, seeking what information he could manage from what few allies - temporary though they may be - he could find. Often, he shared meals in exchange for company, and tales in exchange for knowledge, which he then spun into more tales. He learned much of the history of the land as he sought out the land he would one day call home.

He arrived during a time of relative peace, relative safety. He was able to continue to forage and hunt for himself, though he had grown capable of feeding more than himself in his travels... and while he avoided overhunting, he often found himself having to choose between meals too large, and meals too far apart, and so he shared with those who had little in this land of plenty, and learned more of the world.

As he moved within the farmlands and forests within the fifth wall, he made unlikely allies with the catfolk of the region, and moreso than any but his own stories, one called out to him as wisdom that all should know - the tenets of Bast. Protect, Guard, Spirit, Groom, Courage, Caution, Love, Respect, Death, and Judgment. He would carry these with him as he carried his tales, as he carried his starless sky.

As Alpha and Sage, Cygnus came to a difficult conclusion - he would be required to fight for the land he called his new home, and he would need to do so soon; not only did the land demand it of him, the hole in the sky to which his heart sang, of brothers and sisters long gone, and mothers and fathers nearly forgotten called for him to do so as well... and so Cygnus joined the military, to learn of man's war in the way a pup could not.

The Exchange

I'll withdraw my submission. Nothing really, that I want to do.

Here is the crunch for my submission. I am still writing down the background.


Terrill Vorell
Male contemplative psychic (formless adept) 1 (Bestiary 4 41, Occult Adventures 60, 104)
LN Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +4; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11, Sense Motive +11

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge) (19 with mage armor)
HP 42 (5 HD; 1d6+4d10+1)
Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 claws +3 (1d4-1)
Ranged magic missile 2d4+2 or
magic missile 1d4+1 and 1d4+1
Special Attacks phrenic pool (7 points)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +12)
Constant - detect magic, mage hand, read magic, tongues
At will - daze (DC 18), detect thoughts (DC 20), ghost sound (DC 18), magic missile(2 missiles)
1/day - telekinesis
Psychic (Formless Adept) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +11)
1st (6/day) - chill touch (formless body only) (DC 21), expeditious retreat (formless body only), mage armor, recharge innate magic
0 (at will) - arcane mark, know direction, mending, prestidigitation

Str 8 -1, Dex 19 +4, Con 10 +0, Int 30 +10, Wis 17 +3, Cha 24 +7
BAB +4; CMB +3; CMD 19
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Third Eye
Traits beast bond, pragmatic activator
SQ +1 hit point, formless body: blurred body, formless spell

Acrobatics +4 (-8 to jump); (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Appraise* +10; (Ranks:0, +10 Int)
Bluff +14; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +7 Cha )
Climb -1; (Ranks:0, +0 class, -1 Str, -0 ACP)
Diplomacy +15; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +7 Cha)
Disguise +7; (Ranks:0, +7 Cha)
Escape Artist +4; (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Fly +20 (Ranks:5, +3 class, +4 Dex, +8 racial, -0 ACP)
Handle Animal* +16; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +7 Cha, +1 trait)
Heal +3; (Ranks:0, +3 Wis)
Intimidate +8; (Ranks:0, +0 class, +8 Cha)
Knowledge (arcana) +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +14; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (history)* +17; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (local) +15; (Ranks:2, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (nature) +15; (Ranks:2, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +17; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +14; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +10 Int)
Linguistics* +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Perception +11; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (driver)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (merchant)* +8; (Ranks:2, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (stable master)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Ride +5; (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, +1 trait, -0 ACP)
Sense Motive +11; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Spellcraft +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Stealth +4; (Ranks:0, +0 class, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Survival +10; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Swim -1; (Ranks:0, +0 class, -1 Str, -0 ACP)
Use Magic Device +14; (Ranks:4, +10 Int)
Background Skills *
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Catfolk, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, Sahaugin, Undercommon;
telepathy 100 ft., tongues

Equipment and Encumberence
Weapons and Ammo
Armor and Defense
Combat Gear
Other Gear travelers' outfit
Coins 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Carrying Capacity
L / M / H - 26 / 53 / 80 lbs.
Light Load - 0 lbs.

Tracked Resources
Detect Magic (Constant) - 0/0
Mage Hand (Constant) - 0/0
Read Magic (Constant) - 0/0
Tongues (Constant) - 0/0

Daze (At will) - 0/0
Detect Thoughts (At will) - 0/0
Ghost Sound (At will) - 0/0
Magic Missile (At will) - 0/0

Formless Body: Blurred Body (10 rounds/day) (Su) - 0/10
Open Third Eye (1/day) - 0/1
Phrenic Pool (7/day) (Su) - 0/7
Telekinesis (1/day) - 0/1
Third Eye (5 minutes/day) - 0/5
Third Eye Read Auras (1/day) - 0/1

Special Abilities
+1 Hit Point (FCB) (1) +1 Hit Point
Beast Bond +1 to Handle Animal and Ride checks. Handle Animal is a class skill.
Blindsight (60 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dodge +1 AC.
Fly (30 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Formless Body: Blurred Body (10 rounds/day) (Su) You can act under the effect of a blur spell.
Formless Spell (Su) 1 pool: Cast standard-action spell as part of action to assume formless body.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Phrenic Pool (7/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.
Pragmatic Activator Use Int bonus for Use Magic Device checks.
Telepathy (100 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language.
Third Eye (5 minutes/day) As std act, open third eye to gain perception bonuses.
Weapon Proficiency (natural) Proficient with natural weapons.
Weapon Proficiency (siege weapons ) Proficient with siege weapons.
Weapon Proficiency (simple) Proficient with all simple weapons.

Hey guys! Chess here! Following suggestions and redrawing several times, here's my submission. mdt, please feel free to bring up any questions or concerns.

I just realized that Sithana's favored weapon is actually a 2h weapon but I built Kincaid as s&s. Oh well /blush. It's kinda late here so not going to change it tonight (besides I've played my fill of 2h paladins).

So still tweaking the crunch a little, and went witch instead of investigator. Details are in the profile. Essentially just need to select spells known, and debating whether or not to get a flaw. Oh, and need to stat up my rat familiar, Marigold.

Realized I forgot to put in a personality section, since everyone knows each other for quite a while in this scenario. Also spells known.

Kayniik Goldvolt:

Kayniik Goldvolt
14 years. Height 3 ft, Weight 32lbs.
Male goblin cleric (Theologian) 3
NG small humanoid (goblin)
Init: +4, Sense Perception: +8, darkvision.

AC: 15 Touch: 15 Flat-footed: 11 (+4 Dex, +1 size)
Hp: 24 (3d8+6)
Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6, +2 vs, charm and compulsion effects

Speed: 30 ft.
Fire bolt: +6 touch 1d6+2 6/day
Channel positive energy DC 13
2d6 5/day
Cleric spells prepared CL 3
2nd - Weapon of awe, grace, produce flame DC16 D
1st - Bless, shield of faith, sun metal, burning hands DC15 D
0 - Detect magic, read magic, stabilize, enhanced diplomacy,

Str: 9, Dex: 18, Con: 12, Int: 12, Wis: 17, Cha: 14
Base atk: 2 CMB: 1 CMD: 15
Feats: Spell focus evocation,
Skills: Diplomacy (1) +6, heal (1) +7, knowledge religion (3) +8, sense motives (1) +7, spellcraft (3) +8, ride (0) +7, stealth (0) +11,
Background: Knowledge history (2) +7, linguistics (2) +7, knowledge nobility (2) +7
Armor check:
Traits: Birthmark, magical lineage burning hands,
SQ: Good aura, focused domain fire, weapon proficiency (Warhammer, simple, light blades, firearms)
Languages: Common, goblin, draconic, elven,
Combat Gear:
Other Gear:


Kayniik Goldvolt was left as an infant at the door of a goblin family in the fourth precinct. The goblins were an older couple in the mid-20s serving in the temple of Gormen Greatforge, they adopted the infant as they had never been blessed with a child themselves. Kayniik had a birthmark in the palm of his left hand, which with age clearly showed the holy symbol of their deity, and at that point the agree that he would have to study to also become a priest as was destined him with the mark. Kayniik is good at heart but some of his wild instinct sometimes show, he was a quick study in the clergy on some elements of the forge farther, particularly the fire aspect of his portfolio. He however could not really concentrate on other parts of his teaching and his adoptive parents made him focused entirely on the fire and hoped he would later learn to call on other parts of his powers. He is now enlisted in the military cause his parents thinks by joining the battle and help with his supportive talents in the field might teach Kayniik to embrace another domain of his god, though they fear he’ll never grow out of the fire fetish as they call it.

My cleric is mostly done now.
I might tweek ability scores around a bit before the start and I miss a feat. But the overall character is done and ready to play.


Reserved Slots
Seth86 - Ogre the Two-Headed Ogre (Ogre 3)
Alluria - Kayniik Goldvolt Goblin Cleric 3

Competetive Submissions
ScorchedOne - Hylar (Alsied Hunter) (Requires Background/Build out)
Almonihah - Terex the Rogue Pseudodragon
Crayfish Hora - Mr. Pasternack ???? 3 Catfolk
Hotaruface - Cygnus Blinkpuppy Skald 2
Demon Lurking - Terrill Vorell contemplative psychic (formless adept)
Adsapiens/Chess - Abbo Lyrio Fashtali Weretiger Monk
FangDragon - Mr. Kincaid Drow Raksahsa-Spawn Tiefling Paladin
Rozzev - Ratfolk Witch

Needs more Info
Pathfinder Zoey - Need rough build at least and background

Just a Mort


If I missed anyone, please alert me. New submissions are now closed. Anyone who already posted has until tomorrow night to make changes or finish up their submissions. If you don't have a background, please submit one. We'll have to tweak them after game start, but it gives me an idea of what you want. We ended up having 4 openings, and 8 submissions (including Zoey's). If you are not selected, do you want to be considered on a list of 'go to' for when someone drops out? That seems to happen with distressing frequency.

Unless I messed up, Cygnus is a blinkpuppy Skald 1. :) If he should be CR2 and level 2... I'm not complaining!

Amdog has no problems with filling in for dropouts. :)

(Also, +1 for attack helicopter as gender and pseudodragons named T-rex)


Woops, missed the class labels and such. The Marvelous Mr. Pasternack is an Unchained Rogue, with Scout and Thug archetypes.

I don't see my Hobgoblin Alchemist on the list. Did I forget something?


Reserved Slots
Seth86 - Ogre the Two-Headed Ogre (Ogre 3)
Alluria - Kayniik Goldvolt Goblin Cleric 3

Competetive Submissions
ScorchedOne - Hylar Alsied Hunter
Rannik - Rokas Nepavyk Hobgoblin Alchemist
Almonihah - Terex the Rogue Pseudodragon
Crayfish Hora - Mr. Pasternack Unchained Rogue Catfolk
Hotaruface - Cygnus Blinkpuppy Skald
Demon Lurking - Terrill Vorell contemplative psychic
Adsapiens/Chess - Abbo Lyrio Fashtali Weretiger Monk
FangDragon - Mr. Kincaid Drow Raksahsa-Spawn Tiefling Paladin
Rozzev - Ratfolk Witch

Needs more Info
Pathfinder Zoey - Need rough build at least and background

Just a Mort


If I missed anyone, please alert me. New submissions are now closed. Anyone who already posted has until tomorrow night to make changes or finish up their submissions. If you don't have a background, please submit one. We'll have to tweak them after game start, but it gives me an idea of what you want. We ended up having 4 openings, and 8 submissions (including Zoey's). If you are not selected, do you want to be considered on a list of 'go to' for when someone drops out? That seems to happen with distressing frequency.

@Rannik - Nope, missed it the first time, and only added people since my last post. :) He's there now.

@ Rannik it's because we don't like Hobgoblins :p they are to big for us other goblins

Some of those monster pcs have ridiculous ability scores compared to us "normal" races :p

Quite the interesting collection, aren't we? :D

A veritable menagerie. Of course you understand this isn't a petting zoo...

Of course not! I'll sting anybody who tries!

Well... unless they scratch behind my horns just right. Then it's okay.

I'm not particularly opposed to some petting, but you'll have to ask Kasha how she feels about it.

Yeah, but the monster PCs are losing class levels to get those stats. So it's not a problem. Besides, most of those monsters still get slammed hard by a will save. :) The ones who don't get slammed hard by a reflex or fort save.

mdt wrote:
Besides, most of those monsters still get slammed hard by a will save. :) The ones who don't get slammed hard by a reflex or fort save.

Except for me, thanks to the obvious superiority of my dragon blood! The pseudodragon puffs his chest out proudly, sticking his snout in the air.

In seriousness, if it weren't for the fact that he's the size of a housecat and only slightly more dangerous in combat than one, I'd worry that Terex is kind of overpowered. As it is, he has a lot of unusual advantages, and in the right circumstances he can be fairly dangerous... but your average first-level barbarian could easily deal more damage in a round than he can, by a fairly large margin. Terex might just put you to sleep at the same time as doing 1d3+1d6 damage.

Kayniik likes to carry around small animals, so watch out Terex or he'll grap you and pet you :p

That is quite inappropriate. I make a much better dragon perch, after all. Also, Terex, if you want to take teamwork feats I will be having basically a lot of them.

Is there still room to put forth a submission for this game? I am interested

Seth here Introducing: Mork and his dumb brother : Gork

Well, then, I'll have to teach Kayniik where the itchy spot behind my horns is, or he'll be taking lots of unplanned naps! I am a team player, Hylar, so if we're on the same team, I'll make sure to teach you some neat tricks we can do together.

This is entirely too much fun already. :D

@Conch If you look about halfway up this page, you'll see that the GM is no longer accepting new applications.

I believe my submission is now complete. Please let me know if I've missed anything. The name has been updated (I missed that it had been autocorrected).

T'Krell Voril
Male LN contemplative psychic (formless adept) 1 | HP: 42/42 | AC: 15 (T: 15, F: 10) | CMB: +3, CMD: 19 | F: +1, R: +8, W: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 5', fly 30' | telekinesis: 1/1 | Phrenic pool: 7/7 | Formless Body: 10/10 | Third Eye: 1/1 | Spells: 1st 6/6 | Active conditions: None.


T'Krell Voril
Male contemplative psychic (formless adept) 1 (Bestiary 4 41, Occult Adventures 60, 104)
LN Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +4; Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11, Sense Motive +11

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge) (19 with mage armor)
HP 42 (5 HD; 1d6+4d10+1)
Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +9
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 claws +3 (1d4-1)
Ranged magic missile 2d4+2 or
magic missile 1d4+1 and 1d4+1
Special Attacks phrenic pool (7 points)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +12)
Constant - detect magic, mage hand, read magic, tongues
At will - daze (DC 18), detect thoughts (DC 20), ghost sound (DC 18), magic missile(2 missiles)
1/day - telekinesis
Psychic (Formless Adept) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +11)
1st (6/day) - chill touch (formless body only) (DC 21), expeditious retreat (formless body only), mage armor, shield
0 (at will) - arcane mark, know direction, mending, prestidigitation

8 -1, Dex 19 +4, Con 10 +0, Int 30 +10, Wis 17 +3, Cha 24 +7
BAB +4; CMB +3; CMD 19
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Third Eye
Traits beast bond, pragmatic activator
SQ +1 hit point, formless body: blurred body, formless spell

Acrobatics +4 (-8 to jump); (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Appraise* +10; (Ranks:0, +10 Int)
Bluff +14; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +7 Cha )
Climb -1; (Ranks:0, +0 class, -1 Str, -0 ACP)
Diplomacy +15; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +7 Cha)
Disguise +7; (Ranks:0, +7 Cha)
Escape Artist +4; (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Fly +20 (Ranks:5, +3 class, +4 Dex, +8 racial, -0 ACP)
Handle Animal* +16; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +7 Cha, +1 trait)
Heal +3; (Ranks:0, +3 Wis)
Intimidate +8; (Ranks:0, +0 class, +8 Cha)
Knowledge (arcana) +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +14; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (history)* +17; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (local) +15; (Ranks:2, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (nature) +14; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (planes) +17; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +10 Int)
Knowledge (religion) +14; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +10 Int)
Linguistics* +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Perception +11; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (driver)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (merchant)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (soldier)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (siege engineer)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Profession (stable master)* +7; (Ranks:1, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Ride +5; (Ranks:0, +4 Dex, +1 trait, -0 ACP)
Sense Motive +11; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Spellcraft +18; (Ranks:5, +3 class, +10 Int)
Stealth +4; (Ranks:0, +0 class, +4 Dex, -0 ACP)
Survival +10; (Ranks:4, +3 class, +3 Wis)
Swim -1; (Ranks:0, +0 class, -1 Str, -0 ACP)
Use Magic Device +14; (Ranks:4, +10 Int)
Background Skills *
Languages Aboleth, Aklo, Catfolk, Common, Cyclops, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc, Sahaugin, Undercommon;
telepathy 100 ft., tongues

Equipment and Encumberence
Weapons and Ammo
Armor and Defense
Combat Gear
Other Gear travelers' outfit
Coins 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Carrying Capacity
L / M / H - 26 / 53 / 80 lbs.
Light Load - 0 lbs.

Tracked Resources
Detect Magic (Constant) - 0/0
Mage Hand (Constant) - 0/0
Read Magic (Constant) - 0/0
Tongues (Constant) - 0/0

Daze (At will) - 0/0
Detect Thoughts (At will) - 0/0
Ghost Sound (At will) - 0/0
Magic Missile (At will) - 0/0

Formless Body: Blurred Body (10 rounds/day) (Su) - 0/10
Open Third Eye (1/day) - 0/1
Phrenic Pool (7/day) (Su) - 0/7
Telekinesis (1/day) - 0/1
Third Eye (5 minutes/day) - 0/5
Third Eye Read Auras (1/day) - 0/1

Special Abilities
+1 Hit Point (FCB) (1) +1 Hit Point
Beast Bond +1 to Handle Animal and Ride checks. Handle Animal is a class skill.
Blindsight (60 feet) (Ex) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Dodge +1 AC.
Fly (30 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Formless Body: Blurred Body (10 rounds/day) (Su) You can act under the effect of a blur spell.
Formless Spell (Su) 1 pool: Cast standard-action spell as part of action to assume formless body.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Phrenic Pool (7/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.
Pragmatic Activator Use Int bonus for Use Magic Device checks.
Telepathy (100 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language.
Third Eye (5 minutes/day) As std act, open third eye to gain perception bonuses.
Weapon Proficiency (natural) Proficient with natural weapons.
Weapon Proficiency (siege weapons ) Proficient with siege weapons.
Weapon Proficiency (simple) Proficient with all simple weapons.


When word of the Black Horde's siege of Kotelia reached the conclave of the Contemplatives, the thought spread that assistance should be rendered. But concordance was not easily achieved about what that assistance should be. For a decade minds debated, concepts and positions flowing through the conclave like ripples in a pond.

Eventually one plan won. A caravan was assembled and crewed. A dozen souls traveled with non-perishable supplies, alchemical reagents, plans for siege engines, and what warriors the Contemplatives could supply. After years of travel they arrived to find the Black Horde disbanded and repairs already begun.

Their mission, in a way, accomplished they sold their goods and most began the trek home. Part of their deal was for consultants to interpret the weapon plans. The three youngest of their number remained in Kotelia to help with the assembly of the new siege defenses.

T'Krell Voril was one of those three. A mere stablehand when they left, he had been trained on the journey to trade with any they encountered. He had a way with the draft animals and was able to quickly pick up new languages and how to assemble and use the massive weaponry they brought.

Since their stay in the fortress city the three young Contemplatives joined the service to add that experience to their own. During the intervening years there has been some attrition to their number. T'Krell is the only Contemplative remaining in Kotelia.

The deaths of his companions were a series of mighty blows to T'Krell. Having felt their minds fade while in telepathic communication and their souls move on, he has begun to change. Turning his studies away from the engines of war and to the transition away from the corporeal world.

As he has served in the defense of Kotelia, T'Krell has begun to see the material plane as a stepping stone to more evolved state. He seeks the release of the physical body and the limitations of a physical mind. His studies have already born some fruit as he can now shift his corporeal form slightly out of phase making him harder to hit in combat.

T'Krell Voril is easy to spot, he's the giant floating brain. A diminutive body hangs below the engorged cerebral matter. Dressed in what amounts to dolls clothing, T'Krell's body is definitely inhuman. His long thin arms end in hands hands armed with pointed chitinous claws. His short dangling legs taper to chitinous tips rather than feet.

When he first arrived in Kotelia, T'Krell reveled in being smarter than anyone else. As his companions died, his attitude mellowed. Still a master of book learning, he has begun to question how much he actually knows about the world. While not a warm person, he has grown to be less cold and emotionless. When he came to Kotelia he worshipped Kalaban as a merchant does. However, his time since has slowly moved his devotion to Alcinea. As a lone member of a fairly communal species, T'Krell seeks others to share his continuing journey.

Well, They say you need to be optimistic in life so I created my alias for the game!

There he is : Rokas

Hylar has a bit of story to him now.

And yes, Terex, I distinctly agree. And I will make sure Kasha does not eat you. We have Outflank, so if you can flank with either of us (we also have Pack Tactics so we'll generally be on the same side) you can get that. Also Precise Strike is slated for a few levels from now for +1d6 more precision damage.

Conch wrote:
Is there still room to put forth a submission for this game? I am interested

Sorry Conch, submissions are closed now. Just waiting for the current submissions to be completed and decisions made.

In the interests of helping the GM with his job of parsing all of these character sheets, and for the benefit of allies if I happen to be in the final group, I thought I'd list some of the unusual strengths and weaknesses Terexaltherin brings to the table:

* Flight: obvious, but I thought I'd point it out, since it's unusual at 3rd level.
* Telepathy: Pseudodragons have 60' range telepathy. Terex uses it almost exclusively to speak, in spite of how many languages he knows (he doesn't like how small his voice sounds, and prefers using telepathy to have a nice, baritone voice)
* Blindsense: Turns out pseudodragons have blindsense. I didn't know that before looking over their stat block.
* Spell Resistance: It's only SR 12, but he does have it, and that's enough to be relevant at level 3, though it'll drop off at higher levels.
* Immune to paralysis and magic sleep: Standard dragon immunities, but unusual for PC's to have.
* Tiny: Both a strength and a weakness. Combined with his high Dex and a racial bonus to Stealth, Terex has a +24 to Stealth. On the other claw, being the size of a housecat means that he deals basically no damage without Sneak Attack. It also means that his bite has a reach of 0', meaning he has to get into an enemy's square to use his bite instead of just his stinger.
* Speaking of his stinger, that sleep poison is nice now, but without much means to raise the DC in the future, its usefulness will slowly fade.
* He's a quadruped, which means he has a better carrying capacity than a tiny biped, but it does rather limit him to using equipment only while staying still.

Terexaltherin wrote:

* Flight: obvious, but I thought I'd point it out, since it's unusual at 3rd level.
* Tiny: Both a strength and a weakness. Combined with his high Dex and a racial bonus to Stealth, Terex has a +24 to Stealth. On the other claw, being the size of a housecat means that he deals basically no damage without Sneak Attack. It also means that his bite has a reach of 0', meaning he has to get into an enemy's square to use his bite instead of just his stinger.
* Speaking of his stinger, that sleep poison is nice now, but without much means to raise the DC in the future, its usefulness will slowly fade.
* He's a quadruped, which means he has a better carrying capacity than a tiny biped, but it does rather limit him to using equipment only while staying still.

Any thing of that size has flight.... At least once! Also, considering I have throw anything, could we combine my throwing and your four claws for a super claws to the face sneak attack time four? ;)

XD Sadly, Terex's claws are too small to even count as natural weapons.

@Terex - Being Racial, the SR would be based off his hit dice. Best I can tell, it should be 13, not 12 (Greater Spell Resistance, 3RP). So going forward, it would go up by +1 with each level, and is actually a pretty big detriment since he'll be getting friendly spells cast on him more than hostile ones.

The biggest limitation is weight of equipment. Even with the division by 8 on the weight for being tiny, the weight and his strength are going to overtax him quickly. I forsee many tattoo's in his future if he's picked.

Oh... so would that mean the DC of his poison would go up every-other level, as well (as the formula for it is probably 10 + 1/2 HD + Con + the mentioned 2 racial bonus)?

Honestly, using equipment in general will be a problem for Terex. He'll need some magic items custom-made for him (I can't see him wearing normal cloaks, for example) even if he doesn't go for tattoos. It is, as you suggest, probably his biggest weakness.

The friendly spells issue will mostly be a problem in-combat. Out of combat he can voluntarily lower his resistance as a standard action, but in-combat that standard action would be a significant price to pay for friendly spells. And of course, if he gets knocked unconscious...

Unconscious creatures are considered willing. FOR CUDDLES!

There's no race builder entry for Poison, so there's no rules for it. At most, it would follow the 'monster advancement' route. Boosts to his constitution would boost it, but that's about it. I'd have to look over the monster advancement, but I doubt it'll go up much if at all.

@Terex: Hey, I can fly too! I mean, not for very long. Or very often. Grrr. So jealous!

@mdt: just wondering if it would be possible for Rozzev to rig a kind of primitive wing suit out of canvas and cloth based off of his knowledge of grippli, flying squirrels, and flying snakes. It would be for him to use to glide while feather falling to pretend like he's flying. I'm picturing something that would probably be too bulky and limiting for general use, but when taken to a high point with thermals would allow him to practice flying from first level. He's really obsessed with flight. In that vein, if that's not allowed, raven's flight technically meets the requirements to take a rank in the flight skill, but if you think that's pushing it I understand.

Handle it in game if he's picked.

Ok, as usual, I get too many good submissions and end up over-committing myself. What I'm going to do is run two tables, with the understanding that you are both in the same city, running concurrently. When each game loses enough people that I have 8 total, I'll combine both games into one, and hopefully have one steady game from there forward. (That seems to have worked with my Champions game).

Table 1
1) Mork & Gork - Ogre - Fighter
2) Kayniik Goldvolt - Goblin - Cleric
3) Ciaran Shalquoir - Doppleganger - Sorcerer
4) Cygnus Blinkpuppy - Blinkpuppy - Skald
5) Mr. Pasternack - Catfolk - Rogue
6) Rozzev - Ratfolk - Witch

Table 2
1) Abbo Lyrio - Weretiger Fashtali - Monk
2) Terex - Pseudodragon - Unchained Rogue
3) Hylar - Alsied - Hunter
4) Mr. Kincaid - Drow Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling - Paladin
5) Rokas Nepavyk - Hobgoblin - Alchemist
6) Terrill Vorell - Contemplative - Pyschic

I'll create gameplay threads shortly.

Table A

Table B

Woohoo! Thank you for the opportunity to play this. Can't wait to try this guy out.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

Do the characters know everyone from both tables already?

They know everyone from their table. They have a passing familiarity with the other table. If you've ever worked at a large corporation, or gone to college, imagine the people that work in HR vs the people that work in Customer Relations, or the Math Majors and the History Majors. They've seen each other around, vaguely know where the other group is assigned to, but they're not spending a lot of time together.

Huzzah! I'm guessing it would be good to keep abreast of the other table's doings in case we do merge at some point?

That's up to you.


Oh sweet, I got in!

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