Loup Blanc |
Hi everyone! I'd like to apologize in advance if this post is a little short or not greatly worded: I originally had a longer, more complete one mostly typed up, and then my laptop restarted and lost it all. So here's take two...
Hey all! This is a now open interest/recruitment thread for a game I was already planning to run for some friends, but due to some changes in how much people are busy and all, we've decided to open it up to the public sphere here. There's a lot of great folks on these boards so I definitely have no problem welcoming you to apply with interest to the game!
What's the game, you might ask. Well, it's a modern day investigative supernatural game, with horror overtones, secret cults, and references to contemporary pop culture and internet phenomena and so forth--urban legends and entirely fictional creations as well. It all centers, at least to start, in the fictional city of Romney, New Hampshire*, an old-blood New England college city of the typical vein. There are a number of colleges and universities in and around Romney, each with their own reputations for prestige, areas of focus, and so on. Romney's a pretty decently-sized city, with lots of old historical ties coupled with modern amenities.
You'll notice I'm leaving a lot of things there pretty open and vague, and that's because I'd rather leave them without as much exclusive detail until need be. Your characters and events in the game will inform us of most of what there is in Romney, from things like popular majors and clubs at a given school to if the local café is known for any particular specialty drinks. There's a tad more info to support concepts and such in the spoiler below, but the long and short of it is that you should feel free to make some stuff up, so long as it doesn't outright contradict what someone else has said.
If this all is of interest to you, then please, ask questions, mention interest, submit concepts! If not, I understand, because this is a tad vague and weird.
[spoiler=Character "Creation"]The System: Chronicles of Darkness, essentially New(er) World of Darkness. If you're familiar with those books, you'll probably be good here; there's been some updates in mechanics and advancement and such, but the basics are pretty much the same.
Creation Rules: Standard, for the most part. 5/4/3 on Attributes, 11/7/4 on Skills, 7 dots for Merits. I do give 1 dot in Resources for free, and I'd ask that you not take more overtly supernatural Merits like Psychokinesis, Telekinesis, things like that, unless you have very strong backstory for it to support both why you have it and how you've made it this far without it being a public thing at all (this is very much a world where stuff like that gets out and leads to big bad trouble). There are also some Skills that would need good backstory reason to have more than one or two dots, mostly the combat-based ones: anything over two dots essentially requires in-depth training, so "I go to the range each week" isn't a good reason for your graduate student to have four dots in Firearms, for example.
Other Such Crunchy Stuff: Nothing of note off the top of my head, really. Again, ask if you're curious.
Background: As long or short as you like in terms of backstory, but it should let me know the basics of your character's history and what they're doing here today. Are they Romney born and raised, or did they move here more recently in their life? If they're linked to a college, which one? What's their job? How do they spend their free time? There are some specific questions I do need answered, though!
--What are your Aspirations? These are goals you or your character have. Two should be relatively short-term, like Get a date with that cute guy/girl from work/class, or Find a job, or Go on a really great bender. The third should be longer-term, like Take over the company or Bring my uncle's killer to justice. They can be in-character things your character wants, but they could also be things you want to happen to your character that they might not--maybe you want your alcoholic mechanic to Get sober (and stay that way), even though she doesn't think it's necessary.
--What is the worst thing you've ever done? This should be answered in-character, and that includes the perspective on "worst"--maybe they're a soldier who watched the life fade from an enemy's eyes, but they personally think their worst action was hitting that dog with their bike when they were fifteen. This informs a breaking point, some action or situation that would potentially make your character have a stroke of conscience and issues with their personal integrity.
--What is the worst thing you can imagine yourself doing? Again, in-character. This is an actual act they could see themselves doing, as in hypothetical, but possible. They might never murder someone in cold blood, but maybe in self-defense, or to save a loved one. This also informs a breaking point.
--What is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing? This may well go further than the last answer, and probably should. Again, breaking point.
--What have you forgotten? In this kind of setting, it's basically impossible to grow up without any exposure to the supernatural in some form, and the type of people who're willing to stand up to the strange things in the night definitely have experienced things before, even if they don't remember. In fact, you usually don't recall your first interaction with the supernatural, and thus the phrasing of this question. Maybe you saw a vampire vanish in smoke, or a man turned into a beast and mauled your would-be mugger. Try to describe the scene in as much detail as you can. This also turns into a breaking point, although in a different manner than the others.
--What is the most traumatic thing that has happened to you? Everyone experiences something traumatic. The goal isn't to make a traumatized character, it's to set a bar. Maybe they were very sick, or were attacked by a creature natural or supernatural at one point. This is the final breaking point generation question.
--How did you know Ricky Thompson? Ricky was a nice kid attending Romney State University, a well-liked guy who was a pretty good student majoring in International Relations and Sociology, active in several clubs on campus and generally loved by everyone. He disappeared almost a year ago under mysterious circumstances with almost no hard evidence, and the police investigation didn't turn up much. He was a local kid, so the loss is still very much in the minds of the community. This isn't a breaking point, but it provides a more direct tie to the start of the game's plot. Please make it some sort of connection, don't respond with "I didn't know him but I heard about it." You should be invested somehow.[/spoiler]
I think that's everything I can put here for now, I know there's probably lots I haven't said and that you'd want to know about, so once more, please ask away!
*I'm pretty sure there isn't an actual Romney, NH, but if there is, this is a totally fictional place, and any persons and events herein are entirely fictional as well.
Vrog Skyreaver |
colour me interested as well.
I have an idea or two, I would just need to get ahold of the book which I don't have right now. Here is my background-y type stuff for the character forming in my head:
Thomas Coate was, at one point, one of the most feared crackers in the history of the web, at least within the last decade or so. his darkweb alias was Nobody, and included in his resume are a pair of breaches of federal level systems: the first was the Department of Justice, where he added his foster father to the sex offender's registry after he molested one of the girls in his foster home (this intrusion still hasn't been detected) and the other time is the one that he became famous for: He changed the student loan debt of over a million students whose loans were in default to $1.42. Once federal agents from The Department of Homeland Security showed up at his 4th foster family's door, he knew things were bad.
Given that he was 15 at the time of his arrest, he was offered probation in exchange for the list of names of the people whose debt he had erased. Thomas steadfastly refused. In exchange for his complete immunity and entry into the witness protection program, he offered federal investigators the names and locations of a ring of child pornographers with over 1000 members worldwide.
He also said that his other option would be to point out that the agents were questioning a minor without a guardian, making whatever he said inadmissible.
Federal prosecuters agreed to his terms, and he was enrolled into witness protection until he became an adult and given a new life on the other side of the country. After moving around several times, he finally turned 18 and was free of witness protection. He was enrolled in the New Hampshire Institute of Technology, or HIT for as everyone called it. Unlike the university in Massachusetts, however, HIT was more of a party school, where most people were trying to invent or steal the next Facebook or Napster.
John Cabbot (Thomas' new name) is majoring in software design (even though he has the skillset to at least be teaching the intro classes he's currently taking), database administration, and system architecture. He tends to stay away from people, go to class, and does not drink, smoke, or do drugs (too many years of having federal agents control quite a few aspects of his life ingrained it as a habit).
He spends most of his freetime reading (mainly conspiracy theories, but only because he finds them funny, and "serious" pieces about the supernatural, cause he likes poking holes in their theories with actual fact), although he does still occasionally dip his toes into the darkweb, he mostly leaves well enough alone.
--What are your Aspirations? While Thomas doesn't really have clear cut goals, I think my short term goals would be to have him discover that the supernatural is real and that there are methods of power that can be gained by people who are willing to sacrifice/learn them, and my long term goal for him would be that he learns to trust people (cause between his birth parents leaving him and spending his teenage years under the thumb of the federal government, he will have some serious trust issues).
--What is the worst thing you've ever done? The worst thing that I have ever done is to trust my first foster parents. They were nice enough, sure, but they had no capacity to understand me, and when I was forced to ask them for help, they lacked even the ability to understand what I was asking them for. Never again. I don't care if I have to steal what I need, I'm never relying on anyone else when push comes to shove; people are just unreliable at best, and monsters pretending to be like everyone else at worst.
--What is the worst thing you can imagine yourself doing? Never touching a computer again. I would have to be worse then dead to give up what I love doing, especially since I'm so good at it.
--What is the worst thing you can imagine someone else doing? Hurting a child, or someone so handicapped that they might as well be one.
--What have you forgotten? The foster father that he had flagged as a sexual predator was an Incubus, a being that feeds on the sexual energy of his prey (in this case one of the girls remanded to his care by the state).
--What is the most traumatic thing that has happened to you? His parents leaving him, although he would never admit it. They didn't die or anything, they just had him get out of the car and then drove off. They wouldn't even look at him.
--How did you know Ricky Thompson? Thomas didn't know him personally, but he has become somewhat obsessed recently with his disappearance, or more specifically the mystery surrounding it: He has gone over witness interviews, managed to get a copy of the police records of the investigation, and has a level of hard data that the police couldn't begin to compare to. An entire wall of his solitary dorm room is covered in a curtain, behind which sits a wall covered with pictures and documents in different colors in a byzantine filing system that would make a librarian from the library of congress weep. Between video surveillance and eyewitness accounts, Thomas has documented the majority of the day that he went missing, minus several key hours that he can't account for. He spends at least 10 hours a day trying to puzzle it out, and it's become like the proverbial thorn in his side. It started out as curiousity, and now he will probably go crazy if he can't figure it out.
Loup Blanc |
I actually do know why the tag is showing, spoilers don't work with quotations in the title, I don't know why. Probably something to do with coding. Oops. Sloppy work.
Also sloppy: Don't worry about books! I don't want full characters. I want concepts, I want backstories, I want all the things that make your submission interesting. I'd love to know a little about you as a player as well, what you'd like to see in the game and things of that nature. I really don't want mechanics right now, I don't want built characters, I'd rather have people do that all together once the party's been chosen. In my experience it tends to make a party of characters that are more conducive to working with each other, both roleplaying wise and mechanically.
kamenhero25 |
Alright, so I think I have most of the details of my background worked out. Some stuff is still rough, and I haven't done mechanics, but that's not a problem so...
Unfortunately, his plans fell apart his senior year when his father died in an accident. His mother had a nervous breakdown with the loss of her husband and was eventually diagnosed with depression. She kept slipping off her meds, requiring James to stay close and keep her from completely falling apart. Not willing to leave his mother to live alone, he instead managed a full ride to Romney State University and went in to the English department. His love of literature and myths proved to be just what he needed to find joy in writing fiction and by the time he graduated, he was in talks with a publisher to release a couple of short stories. Within the next year, his first novel his store shelves. It was quite a hit for an unknown author and actually made the New York Times top 20 best sellers. However, his publisher told him under no uncertain terms that he had to take part in a tour for the book before they would consider publishing a sequel. The tour took him exactly where he wanted to be: New York, LA, Chicago, and plenty of places in between. After almost a year on the road and working on his next book, he finally came home to finish his new novel and see if he can top his last success.
Aspirations- Short term: Make sure mom takes her pills this week, finish the last few chapters of my book; Long term: Write a book that tops the Best Seller list.
Worst Thing He's Ever Done- In his freshman year, James learned that an old high school buddy of his had starting dealing drugs to supplement his tuition. He turned him in to the cops, but even though it was the right thing to do, he's always felt horribly guilty about turning in a friend.
Worst Thing He Can Imagine Doing- Torturing someone, especially someone innocent, is something that truly disturbs James. He's occasionally toyed with using some interrogation scenes in his urban fantasy novels, but they always make him a little uncomfortable.
Worst Thing He Can Imagine Someone Else Doing- James always hated the idea of mind control and brainwashing. The thought of stripping someone of their free will and identity and leaving them alive is a fate worse than death in his eyes and utterly abhorrent. Thankfully, that's the stuff of science fiction and fantasy...
What Has He Forgotten- When James was young, he was always afraid of the dark and it lasted well in to his teens. He always thought that it was a silly, irrational fear. What he doesn't remember is that when he was five, something tried to lure him away in to the dark one night. Occasionally, it's face appears in nightmares, all dagger-like teeth and fiery eyes, but he doesn't realize that this thing actually existed. Or perhaps still exists.
What's the Most Traumatic Thing That's Happen to Him- James is the one who found his father's body. He came home from school to find that his father had broken his neck after falling down the stairs and had been dead for hours. The memory of his father's unnatural twisted neck and the bloody impact mark on the hardwood floor still haunts him.
How Does He Know Ricky Thompson- James was a senior when Ricky was a freshman. They met in a Sociology 101 class that James was taking to round out his core curriculum. They hung out a bit and became friends over the school year. James stayed in touch after he graduated and they still hang out at the Fog and Flame Coffee Shop in town. He didn't have much time to keep touch with friends while he was on the tour, so returning to hear about Ricky's disappearance was a shock to him.
Fenris105 |
Hey man,
here is one of my concepts, i have two others if this one doesn't fit so let me know, Derek is a primary mental, secondary physical character who is a bit of a medic/survivalist/tracker but can also fight at range. Im planning on him tacking another dot or two in resources when he gets access to his "Inheritance" other then that you can put whatever you want in there as a potential story hook. Also while I admit that I was thinking of making the creature that attacked him a werewolf, your free to change it to something that fits better to your story. I do have the mechanics finished if you want to se them.
Background: Derek Byrne grew up in upstate New York in a rather well off family consisting of just himself and his parents. Growing up Derek spent most of his time outside in the woods; hiking, camping, and hunting. Derek first learned to hunt from his father who taught him how to use a bow when he was 8. That Christmas Derek received his first personal bow from his grandparents while visiting them in Romney NH. Since then he gained an amazing amount of proficiency with his new bow by using it exclusively whether to go bow fishing or hunting big game and overtime upgrading it as he was able to and needed to as he got stronger. Once he was in high school Derek started going out for extended trips on his own during breaks and long weekends while he spent most of his free time in school studying medicinal application of different plants, migration patterns and other such topics. Despite his extra curricular studies Derek still excelled in his basic schoolwork, especially in biology and chemistry. However he very much lacked in terms of social skills, spending most of his time alone whether at school or on one of his trips, preferring the company of the forest over other people. After graduation Derek was accepted into the forestry and wildlife program at Syracuse University, where he spent his first 2 years. In the summer leading into his junior year of school however, Derek’s grandmother and grandfather both passed away of heart attacks within a week of each other. While in Romney for the funeral Derek began to question the circumstances of his grand parents death, he also met the grandson of one of his grandparent’s friends, Ricky Thompson who he found rather easy to be around despite his usual dislike of people. As the summer rolled on Derek eventually came to the decision that he was going to transfer to Romney State so that he could look into the death of his grandparents. This decision became even easier when his grandparents will left him there house in the suburbs and a rather large sum of money along with many of there possessions as he was their only grandchild. Most of what was left to Derek however was put in a form of trust fund that he could only access once he was 21, though he was still left plenty to live off of with his part time job at the local hunting store. A year later and Derek has become used to life in town and is coming along in school though has made little progress with his grandparents, the only thing of note was during one of his hunting trips during which he was attacked by what he believes was a bear. He received a rather nasty wound to his face that left three scars running from the top of his left cheek to under his chin, he’s still not sure how he ended up in the hospital. Another year and Derek is now a senior in college and his 21st birthday is fast approaching, Derek is really hoping that some of the his grandparents things will be able to give him a clue as to their death, could it be related to the disappearance of Ricky a year ago?
Aspirations: Long-term; did my grandparents really die of a heart attack? If not what happened? ; Short-term; it’s senior year, I need to find myself a bloody job, maybe at the local state park? / what did my Grandparents leave me? Money I can understand but why restrict possessions to my 21st birthday as well?
Worst thing you’ve ever done: The worst thing Derek has ever done was to accidently shoot another hunter on one of his trips, he patched him up best he could and called for help but the hunter ended up loosing the use of his legs. This happened when he was younger and was one of the things that pushed him to learn more about medicine and to go out on his trips alone.
Worst thing you can imagine doing: The worst thing that Derek can imagine himself doing is to refuse to help someone who has been injured, or to ignore someone who he is capable of helping, despite his dislike of be around others.
Worst thing you can imagine someone else doing: the worst thing Derek can imagine someone else doing is intention cause excessive pain to any other living creature, torture or using poison tipped hunting arrows are examples that he finds simply abhorrent.
What have you forgotten: It wasn’t a bear that attacked Derek a year ago, he refuses to believe that it was anything else but what ever it was it had wicked sharp claws. He’s also not sure how he ended up at the local hospital when he had been by himself out in the woods.
The most traumatic thing that has ever happened: The most traumatic thing that Derek has experienced was finding the hunter that he had shot. The arrow had pierced the hunters lower back and had damaged his spine. Derek had to stay with him for two and a half hours after calling for help on his sat phone, during which he tried to stop the man from bleeding out and from being attacked by any other animals. The man had fallen in a mud pit earlier that day and his vest had been covered in mud, due to this it was decided that it was not Derek’s fault but the fault of the other hunter for not cleaning off his vest, no charges were made but Derek felt horrible.
Ricky Thompson: Derek met Ricky at his grandparents funeral service, after transferring to Romney he ended up hanging out with the boy a few times over the first year he was there but fell out of touch as Derek’s reclusive tendencies took over again. When he heard about Ricky’s disappearance Derek tried to look into it himself but got stonewalled by the cops a number of times, now a year later the case has officially gone cold, allowing Derek a little more freedom and some looser lips. As graduation approaches and Derek gets more free time he has started adding Ricky’s disappearance to the list of questions he has been asking around town.
Loup Blanc |
Your Aspirations are fine, although I'd love to see one from John's perspective. (From Thomas's perspective? What should be referred to as?) The Ricky connection seems like an obvious long-term one, although it'd be very long-term and a bit too pointed; you could easily alter the long-term goal you have now to "Trust somebody" as a shorter-term Aspiration, and even have it as something John himself secretly wants, even if he wouldn't admit it to himself.
I like your answers and your connection to Ricky, although I'll say the evidence wouldn't cover a wall--when I say mysterious circumstances, I'm not kidding. The hard data the police have is pretty much all there is, and it isn't much. Do note my change to this setup down below, though.4
The Aspirations aren't bad, although they may change if you alter the background. Ideally the answers to the breaking point questions aren't very linked to each other, although one and five aren't super linked to each other and would lead to separate breaking point types so it works.
The connection isn't bad, although I don't love how it starts; most kids don't go to the funerals of friends of their grandparents, even outgoing types like Ricky. There are other possibilities for kicking off that relationship, though. The cops wouldn't have become more open about the case over time, it's become the skeleton in Romney's collective closet, so to speak, but it's an open secret that they really don't know much: there was very little evidence to determine just what happened. And note the change to that below, which might mess with your timeline a little.
As far as other concepts, if you like one of them more then go ahead, but in the end I want to see the concept that people want to play. Mechanics should come once the party's been put together, which I think helps with party cohesion since everyone can kind of keep track of who's who and who can do what. So, if this is the main concept you want, let me know about my questions above and stick with this; otherwise, post whichever one you like the most.
Everyone else: I'm very glad to see interest for this, and I'm excited to see what people are putting together. I look forward to more concepts and neat characters! And finally...
Another sloppy note from me: I screwed up the timeline of Ricky's disappearance when I posted here, because I'd gone back and forth and hadn't fixed it when I was writing up the final draft after losing the first attempt at a post. Ricky Thompson has been missing for almost two years, significant because it's now been long enough that the case is well and truly cold, and there's been some talk that the Thompson family may be moving to have Ricky declared dead so they can move on from this dark chapter in their lives.
Hope that's everything everyone needs, and of course, I hope people continue to post interest and any questions you may have!
kamenhero25 |
Thanks. He's supposed to be very Wake/King inspired, even his last name is a kind of obvious reference.
The background change is fairly easy. Instead of not hearing about Ricky's disappearance until he got back, he was as worried as everyone else when Ricky vanished, but he had to leave town before anything came of the case. Coming back to find that everyone had basically given up has been sort of disturbing for him, especially since it hasn't settled as much for him and he still has hope that he's alive.
Vrog Skyreaver |
Okay, I'm down with toning down his background elements some. Instead of a university or program, how about a specific bank instead? That would fit with the idea of him being a hacktivist that I have running through the back of my head.
I'm fine with the changes to the pornographer's ring as well. Let's change it to "he offered federal investigators the names and locations of a ring of child pornographers with almost 100 members worldwide."
As far as Ricky's disappearance goes, I'll have everything that the police know on the case that I can get from their computer systems, plus anything I can find on anyone he spent significant time with or was related to: family, close friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, teachers he related well to, roommate, information on his favorite restaurants, places he spent his free time (given this is a college town, probably bars), and things like that. Add to that anything at all of note that happened on campus that day, with anything that made the crime blotter in town as well (including things like incident reports if filed online). To be thorough, he'll even have whatever conspiracy theories are circulating locally, even if they are ridiculously implausible.
While Thomas is his given name, My alias (both the characters' and the one I create for the forums) will be John Cabbot.
Goals from John's point of view: (short term) I want to pass my classes for this term without giving anything away about myself; I want to see if I can finish getting root access to the school's administrative databases.; (long term) I want to solve the mystery of Ricky Thompson's disappearance!
How does that work for you?
Fenris105 |
so first off the inheritance in terms of resources, Im intending to take dots in resources later in the game as his "inheritance" becomes available to him and he gets the paperwork done if your game keeps the characters anywhere as busy as I think it will, it will probably take a while to complete the necessary steps to get access to it. Derek struck my as kind of an Arrow/Batman guy so I'm thinking about the house being a safe house and him kind of being the procurement guy with his connection to the hunting store (If we ever need something like that/ depending on how your game goes) which will also eat up some of the money. As for possession of the house, it was a family house so they weren't going to sell it. The idea was that the grandparents left the house to Derek as a place to live (His parents already having one) but it could easily just have been left to his mom and he is just using it.
The transfer is due to the fact that both of his grandparents were in their sixties and in good health and still somehow both died within a few days of each other of a heart attack caused him to be a bit paranoid, plus there were other more mundane reasons piled on top, Derek's grandparents as well as his mom grew up in Romney so there is a desire to go back to his roots. A small desire to take care of the house that would otherwise lay empty, possibly a little guilt that he couldn't do anything to help them. His parents aren't necessarily completely fin with the switch. but they couldn't really put forth a good enough reason to stop him, he's been mostly a loner so he's not leaving that many if any friends, he has good grades
As for jumping to the connection between Rick and his grandparents, i admit its thin I was trying to come up with a good reason that it took Derek so long to start searching since he knew the guy but the new time line actually helps with that since Ricky is now disappearing soon after Derek's grandparents die. also there is honestly a lot of hoping that they are connected cause otherwise he has very little information on either case. Derek's asked around a bit but most of what he gets are conspiracy theories.
as for how Derek and Ricky meet, how about Ricky was asked by the school to introduce Derek, kinda like a student adviser but just to show him around campus, answer any questions he has and just help him settle in ok. Sound better?
In regards to the cops its not that they become more open but once a case goes cold a lot of info that was restricted is made more public knowledge. Also you can search more on your own without interfering with the cops.
lazulin |
Here is my preliminary concept; let me know what you think.
So when Hunter got an athletic scholarship to attend a university in far off New Hampshire, he jumped at the chance, even though Romney wasn’t the big city he had always dreamed of. Regardless, anywhere was better than Elkin, and he adapted pretty easily to life at college so far from home, even though he had to balance being on the soccer team, working, and going to class full time. Hunter picked his major pretty soon after arriving at college--art. It was something that he had always had his heart set on--whenever he had a little extra money back in Elkin he had always bought paper and occasionally paint, and now he had an opportunity to really do something with it.
Aspirations: Short Term: Decide what to paint for his final project/Come out to someone
Long Term: Find out what happened to Ricky.
Worst Thing He’s Ever Done: Back in Elkin, he once helped his brothers rob one of the nicer houses. They told him that they were getting back something that they were owed in the first place but Hunter knew that wasn’t what they were doing--but money had been tight so he went along with it anyways. They didn’t get caught, though the police did show up at their trailer--the McBannon clan always did have a little bit of a reputation in town, after all, but Hunter wasn’t known to be a criminal and he convinced the cops that they had all been at home that night.
Worst Thing He Can Imagine Doing: Hunter can imagine lying about pretty much anything if it was necessary. It’s not really wrong as long as you’re just doing it to protect yourself--as long as you aren’t lying to hurt somebody else, it’s okay, which is admittedly a pretty thin distinction that Hunter tries not to think about too much.
Worst Thing He Can Imagine Someone Else Doing: To Hunter, this seems like a pretty obvious one: murder, for any reason, is about the worse thing one can do. Anything else, a person can go on living--but once you’re dead, you’re dead, after all.
What He Has Forgotten: Hunter thinks he’s never met his father, but that isn’t actually so. Three times he has a particularly vivid dream of a man in a black suit, soaking wet and blood pouring out from his neck. His mother didn’t keep any pictures of his father around so he’s never recognized the man in this dream--he’s always at his window or at the door, tapping at the glass and holding his neck, trying to say something but unable to do so.
What’s the Most Traumatic Thing to Happen to Him: When Hunter was about thirteen his mother decided that it was time for him to be born again, just like she had been and his brothers had been, since she was worried that maybe he was starting to go down the wrong path, whatever that meant. So she drove him down to church--it wasn’t one of the ones in town, it was up in the hills somewhere, down a back road--and took him to be baptized. Hunter had never seen any of the other churchgoers before--he didn’t recognize anybody there except for his mother--and the pastor who took him into the water was the strangest looking man that Hunter had ever seen. And when he held him under the water, Hunter thought for sure that he was going to die--he held him under there for far longer than he should’ve, and Hunter eventually blacked out. When he came to, he was in his mom’s car, being driven back home--she didn’t take him to the hospital or tell him what had happened, but he was fine after that, and she stopped bothering him about going to church.
How Does He Know Ricky Thompson: Hunter was a couple years below Ricky; they met in an International Relations course that Hunter took as an elective. They became fast friends--and pretty soon, more than friends, though Hunter insisted on keeping it a secret--he was pretty far away from Elkin, but you never know how quickly word can travel nowadays. The day that Ricky disappeared he and Hunter had planned to meet up at a local club--and Ricky never showed up. When the police began investigating Ricky’s disappearance, he was questioned, but he was never a person of interest and he didn’t admit to their relationship.
Loup Blanc |
Quick check-in to say that I'm here, I'm monitoring the thread and what people are putting forward as often as possible, even if I'm not posting all replies all the time. I will try and get a longer reply post up this afternoon/evening or something.
Doomkitten (and anyone else): Don't worry too much about books. I'm alright with walking people through character creation or otherwise working to get people the info they need once you've been selected. I really just want to see that you have a solid, interesting concept that I like and want to work with in a full-fledged game.
Also, in case anyone's wondering about timelines, I'll leave this open until I get a group of 4-6 characters I like, but my rough end-date would be the 4th of October, so a week from today. If I get a group sooner than that I'll let people know.
Derek J Byrne |
So I've been thinking about what you said about the change in schools not making sense, and you're right so I've tried to change some things around a little bit and it snowballed a little. but first a question, do you want our characters to have a reason to be actively looking into Ricky's case, or simply be interested enough to follow up a random lead that they happen to find?
the accident where Derek shot another hunt happened as a rising senior, and though no official charges were brought up the media managed to get a hold of the story and made him out to be some kind of troubled kid. after the accident number of colleges rejected his application, siting various reasons. In the end Derek sent an App to Romney State where his grandparents had graduated from and still had connections. Derek was accepted to Romney as an Environmental science major and biology minor. (Derek met Ricky at orientation, and has had a couple classes with him) After spending the first year with his grandparents Derek had he hunting accident that left him in the hospital. His grandmother being the worrier that she is decided to do some research on similar attacks in the area and partition the city council (or whatever form of gov there is) to try and have the beast that attacked him hunted down. A day before she was supposed to officially meet the Council both her and her husband died in a car crash coming home from lunch. the police said it was a drunk driver and that the driver also died in the crash. Derek ended up missing a semester at Romney as he felt with the loss, after asking around a little he found that the other driver was a john doe as the wreck had messed him up and no one had reported any one missing and the man had no id in the car.
after returning to school Derek soon heard about Ricky's disappearance and can't help thinking that there's something weird happening in this town.
New long term aspiration: who the hell was the guy that hit my grandparents? and was it really an accident?
Let me know what you think
Rocan |
About 7 years ago, when Michelle was 13, she and her parents moved from New Mexico to New Hampshire and settled in Romney.
Before that her greatgrandparents from her mother's side came from Mexico as immigrants. In New Mexico, she and her family led a pretty great and enjoyable life, family being almost the most important thing to her.
One night when she was out late playing outside of the house in her neighbourhood she saw a most peculiar thing; a red-eyed creature stalking a stray dog from behind some bushes. Inquisitive as she was at the time, she didn't scream or run away, only up until the creature struck the dog with its mouth and kept it still with its paws or claws. Then it looked directly at her as she tried to stifle a scream. Before she knew it, she had run into the house and locked the door, yelling for her parents to keep out the strange creature.
But when they looked outside, nothing was to be seen. Her old grandma who stayed with them only said one word after hearing her story: Chupacabra!
Superstitious as her family was, they didn't want to stay much longer in that neighbourhood. As soon as her father found work elsewhere they moved to Romney.
At Romney, her father found a job as a carpenter and part-time mechanic in the surrounding area and towns. Her mother also works a job as a Spanish teacher in the evenings, so her grandma is usually the one that makes dinner and greets her when she comes home from college.
She holds her grandma in high esteem, listening to all the old stories she tells and also because of the strange but intriguing set of tarot cards she uses. When she had a bad nightmare, usually about the glowing red eyes that followed her, her grandma would be there beside her bed, waking her up and calming her down. To her suggestion, Michelle took up arts and crafts as an outlet, making beautiful things to forget about the 'demons' troubling her in her sleep. Sometimes, alas for her, the 'demons' come forth in her drawings, her scribbles and paintings, she doesn't even know she is drawing them until she is distracted by something or someone.
Easy-going and sociable, Michelle is quite popular. Though not a cheerleader or sporting-type she is quite the looker and head-turner. Though she holds back her fears about the red-eyed creature and seems a little closed from time to time, people asking about it too much might get a bad and fierce reaction.
Her grandma is still keeping the art of making charms and protective amulets alive and Michelle wants to work on her own special one together with her.
She is in need of a job herself and would like to get a job in the local arts café and coffee shop. She has been there multiple times and the atmosphere is really good.
Long-term: She admires other artwork and would love for her own work to be part of those that others look up to. She'd like to have a drawing or painting up for display either in the art café or in a gallery.
Worst thing she has ever done She has once stolen a moneytin meant for charity from the local church to buy art supplies. She couldn't get anything good to paper after it.
Worst thing she could imagine herself doing
She can be quite fierce, but that is also what scares her in herself. She knows she could scratch someone's eyes out if it meant to save herself.
Worst thing she can imagine someone else doing
Keep hitting someone who is already out of a fight just out of spite or rage and taking it too far.
Things she has forgotten
The thing that her grandma has called a Chupacabra is often depictd as a dog-like being or devil. However what Michelle has pushed back into her mind, was that the figure was more humanoid in shape than she now remembers. And fast, very fast. The scratching and grinding sound its claws made on the door and porch that fateful night, her father shouting, her mother sheltering her from the noise and her grandma screaming Spanish protective charms and incantations. And after that the silence... and the restless sleep.
The most traumatic thing that has happened
After her grandma explained to her how the tarot cards worked, Michelle gave it a try herself. The first attempt was all fun and games, but the second one predicted a troubling future. A good friend or family member would encounter an obstacle that spelt Death. Her grandma tried to ensure her that nothing was going to happen and eventually she believed it. But then her mother died on her way back from teaching the evening Spanish class after losing the control of the wheel and crashing into a wall. After that Michelle didn't dare to touch the cards again, although she might have the gift as well according to her grandma.
How she knows Ricky Thompson
Ricky was a good friend of Michelle's, he was one of the first to welcome her to Romney when she arrived as he lived in the same street but several houses further down the road. The two of them have hit it off quite well and he was one of the few she trusted with what she had seen once before in New Mexico. The two of them have never really dated as romantic interests, but they were close as friends and did a lot of stuff together, like grabbing coffee, talking through the night, go to museums. He was quite interested in Michelle's family and their customs, especially the same old stories that Michelle loved from her grandma. His disappearance promptly resulted in Michelle's dreaming about the red-eyed creature again, something that has only quite recently stopped.
Quite a large piece of text. In a nutshell, Michelle is a sociable, spiritual and crafty young woman. Quite intelligent, lean and highly charismatic.
The Doomkitten |
aAwright, here's a basic concept. As you know me, Loup, you know that a lot more is coming up :P
When Diana took her first breath, they thought it was a miracle.
Her mother, Anya, had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer mere weeks after she was conceived. Her father, Bruno, was honestly surprised that his actual wife had born his child and not one of his mistresses. Regardless, it was a miracle, at least to them.
Against all odds, Diana grew to be a healthy child, at least physically. Not the most athletic or strongest, by any means, but no major health problems. However, her parents' constant squabbling, which eventually grew into full-on abuse by her father, had her constantly retreating into her shell. When Bruno was finally put in prison for domestic abuse when Diana was seven, the damage was already done.
Anya tried. Bless her, she tried. She dragged Diana, kicking and screaming, to parties and play-dates and sleepovers and school plays and fundraisers. But it all failed. Diana either just locked down, looking at her shoes and refusing to talk to other kids, or she just... broke, running away into the smallest, safest space she could find, and only a half-hour of coaxing from Anya could get Diana out of there.
When she was twelve, Diana had barely made any progress. She could attend school without completely breaking down, but, despite her immense intelligence that developed in place of her social skills, she froze up whenever a teacher called on her, or whenever somebody talked to her. Because she wouldn't fight back, the kids began bullying her. First, it was relatively normal for children. Called names, rumors, whispers. Then being shoved into her locker. Then into her locker. It all came to a head when her classmates brutally began kicking her in the courtyard, nearly killing her and hospitalizing her for a month.
And then she made a friend. His name was Owen.
Owen introduced Diana to fantastical worlds beyond her wildest dreams. Monsters and angels and spells on the backs of cards. Fantastic adventures contained within the pages of books. Wonderful friends and sweeping stories behind the TV. And slowly, ever so slowly, Diana emerged out of her shell. She talked. She waved. She smiled.
In the space of two years, Owen had done what an entire life of therapy couldn't accomplish. Diana was whole. By no means was she an extrovert. She was still a shrinking violet. But she had friends. She could make terrible, terrible puns. She went to HEMA, in a desire to learn more about cool techniques her characters could do than anything else. And she could play games.
Oh, yes, so many games. Card games, roleplaying games, videogames, board games. She loved them with all of her heart. When something bad happened, all she had to do was grab a few friends and dice, or go to the local shop and duel, or hammer on the controller. She even created her own.
And then Owen left.
Diana was devastated. He was her best friend. The person who made her whole. And he was just gone one day. No note, no letter, nothing.
She sunk into a deep depression.
She nearly killed herself.
Then something happened. A friend, she doesn't remember who. Crying. A hug.
Diana was alright again.
She got a full ride into HIT, for a degree in game design. And now she's living the life. Learning how to make games. Having friends, a roommate she can bond with.
Aspirations: Short term, Diana wants to make at least a modestly successful, fun indie game to put on her resume for when she applies for her first industry job, and she wants to finally get up the courage to ask someone out for a date. Long term, Diana wants to be the lead developer on a wildly successful AAA game.
Worst Thing She's Ever Done: A gentle soul at heart, and despite that all the... things that her father has done to her, Diana feels terrible about the fact that, when visiting her father, she unleashed a vicious, acerbic tirade against him. Especially when he died a week later.
Worst Thing She Could Do: Hurting someone just because they hurt her in some minor way.
Worst Thing Anyone Could Do: Hurting someone just because they're different somehow.
What She Forgot: The force that possessed her classmates to nearly beat her to death when she was twelve was the Wraith of her dead father, still violent and vicious, and especially bitter ever since her denouncement of him just before he died. She saw his face, snarling and howling, imprinted upon each of her classmates as they nearly killed her. Owen, on the other hand, is a friendly Changeling who couldn't decided whether or not to help Diana with her stunted social skills, before supernatural elements became obviously involved. He quickly changed into a schoolchild around Diana's age and fought against the Wraith magically, before finally, temporarily dispersing it. Temporarily. He guided Diana through life, and it brought him great joy to see him finally mature into a joyous young woman with hobbies and friends. In order to not eventually accidentally reveal the existence of the supernatural to her, however, he left. When Bruno returned and nearly drove her to suicide, he came and went all-out on Bruno, once again temporarily dispersing him, and placed wards on Diana before imperfectly wiping her memory of the whole event.
Her Greatest Trauma: Her father nearly raping her before her mother busted him and knocked him out cold with a pipe wrench.
Ricky: While working on her first real game, Diana consulted with Ricky on how to hit the player's hard in their emotions, due to Sociology essentially being Psychology on a larger scale. Naturally, Ricky couldn't exactly help her out, but they became friends anyways.
Pvt. Aaron Nikhols |
Ignore what's actually in this alias, I'm re-purposing it for this game.
Aaron is the only son and eldest child of former Baltimore Police Commissioner Marcus Nikhols and his wife, Jillian. While his younger twin sisters took more after their mother, Aaron was nearly attached to his father at the hip. He was enthralled with his father's work on the police force, especially considering the changing tides of Baltimore's criminal underworld. At one point and time, Marcus intended to join the police force in Baltimore, but as he grew older he realized how emotionally taxing the job could be; a few people he had known (although not necessarily 'friends of his') were arrested while he was in high school, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to do the job as it should be. Instead, Aaron branched out into military service after college. He was sent to Afghanistan as a Private in Army CID, and served for five months before being sent home. An insurgent attack killed most members of Aaron's squadron, and he himself was left mentally traumatized by the event. Rather than discharge him, he was assigned to Fort Triton, a small military base just outside of Romney, New Hampshire. Having now been there for a few years, Aaron is still working a case on a missing Master Sergeant who disappeared a few weeks before Ricky Thompson.
Aspirations: Aaron wants to find Ricky, believing that he might have been involved in the disappearance of Master Sergeant Hughes, whether as a suspect or (more likely) a witness. Still, he has other goals; he's smitten with a girl working at the local pizzeria, and would like to find the courage to finally ask her on a date.
"When I was just a kid, y'know, in Baltimore, I had a friend named Glenn. Glenn was this rich-ass white kid, grew up in a different part of town. Baltimore's always had a bit of a racial divide, but at the time it was pretty bad. We were an odd pair, but I'd know him since I was five; my father had enough money to send me to a decent school." Aaron pauses, taking a small sip of the soda in his hand. He breathes deeply, his dark nostrils flaring as he shakes his head. "Still, as we got older... Glenn and I got different. I took more after my father, and he just... didn't take after anyone. His parents were worried, but he did well enough in school and just kept to himself. I found out when we were seventeen that he'd fallen in with a bad crowd, and had developed a codeine habit. He begged me not to tell my father--who certainly would have arrested him and done everything in his power to get him shipped off to rehab--and I listened, against my better judgment. I talked to him for the last time, I think, at our graduation." Aaron sits on one of the stools of the bar, cracking his neck as he sets the glass on the bar top. "My sophomore year of college, I heard he robbed a pharmacy, killed two people, and eventually died in a stand-off with police. I couldn't get home to attend his funeral, but... it wasn't much to speak of. His dad brushed it under the rug. Every time I think back on that, I just... I know if I'd told my father, if he'd gotten help... things would've been different.
"When I was overseas, I remember my CO telling me about a guy who shot a kid when he ran out in front of an armed convoy. We'd received word about suicide bombers being active in the area, and this kid had something strapped to his chest, it was hard to see... and he shot him, right in the middle of the street. It turns out he was deaf, hadn't heard the convoy coming... and he was carrying a metal lunchbox. The guy tried to give him medical attention when he realized the mistake, but it was too late. They didn't discharge him for it, but he was a bit screwed up in the head after that. A screw-up like that, I... don't know what I'd do, truthfully."
Worst Thing He Can Imagine Someone Else Doing: Aaron doesn't have to imagine the worst thing someone else has done, as far as he's concerned. When his father was still on the police force, he remembers when they tracked down a serial killer operating near the harbor. The man had cut off the fingers, toes, and lips of his victims, all women, before shaving their heads bald and beating them to death with a hammer while they were chained to the ceiling. His father never brought his work home with him, but Aaron heard plenty about it on the news when they finally found the guy's lair; there were four women still there, with only one of them still alive.
What He Has Forgotten:While Aaron's unit really was attacked while he was overseas, it wasn't normal insurgents that assaulted them. Militant mages assaulted his caravan and caused their APC to explode, killing almost all the men inside. His own vehicle took the brunt of explosion, but his head slammed into the side of the car and knocked him out. Neither he nor any of the other survivors remember it as anything other than a normal terrorist attack.
Most Traumatic Thing That Has Ever Happened: Aaron views the death of his friend Glenn, or more specifically his failure to help him, as the worst thing that's ever happened to him. He views it as his worst personal failing.
How Does He Know Ricky Thompson: Aaron only knows Ricky through his possible association with a case involving a missing Master Sergeant. Ricky disappeared under similar circumstances about two months after the sergeant, and Aaron has been working the case in his off-time ever since Ricky disappeared. He's heard news of his family wanting to declare Ricky dead, but something tells Aaron that both he and the sergeant are both still alive.
Loup Blanc |
My apologies! I've been checking in here as promised and I'm aware of what's been posted. And I do still want to do this! I've just been far more busy than anticipated the past few days, between IRL games, other business, schoolwork, and an election that thankfully will finally be over soon. I've also been slowly writing notes on people's concepts and such. I'm not feeling very well tonight, so I may wait until tomorrow to post my thoughts, but it'll probably be some final questions for people and then wrapping up the recruitment by the 11th. A week longer than I'd planned, but things came up.
Again, my apologies for not posting sooner, but hang in there, guys! My recruitments are often slow, but I like to think they pay off in the long run.
Loup Blanc |
Alright. One day everything will go according to plan, and not be crazy or have unexpected things come up that keep me busy for way longer than they should. Yesterday was not that day.
Whew. Not as many direct notes for people as I'd thought, but I did want to go down the line compiling my own thoughts and giving people some insight into what I was thinking. I plan on making my final decisions tomorrow (I swear I should have free time to do so), but for now, a list of applicants as I have them.
Vrog Skyreaver--John Cabbot, Hacktivist Student at HIT
kamenhero25--James Prince, Local Author
Fenris105--Derek Byrne, Hunter and Student at Romney State
lazulin--Hunter McBannon, Athlete/Art Student at Romney State
Storyteller Shadow--Russel Wilcox, Psychiatrist
Rocan--Michelle Arguiz, Local Artist (Student at a college?)
Doomkitten--Diana Miller, Game Design Student at HIT
JDPhipps--Aaron Nikhols, Army Private at Fort Triton
But seriously, I'll be posting my decision either later today or tomorrow.
Loup Blanc |
And now, for the exciting conclusion of the Recruitment Saga!
Drumroll please....
EVERYONE'S ACCEPTED! In the end, I realized that I really liked the submissions involved here, and I didn't want to drop one or two people, because everyone seemed like a unique opportunity for this. I was thinking about potential hooks, interactions between all of you, ties to Ricky and ways to develop the story I already had in mind, and it all seemed really good. So, perhaps against better judgment for my own sanity, I'd like to welcome all eight submissions to the game!
(I mostly joke about the sanity. I've run games for this many people in the past, and it's a little hectic but absolutely doable. And with a group like this, I don't imagine it'll be a drag.)
So, I'd like to invite you all to move to the Discussion thread; there are a couple posts at the start from when this was a closed game, but I've posted with my GM alias to get things moving forward. I don't have a set date for when Gameplay will begin, because people obviously need to build their characters mechanically, and that's likely to take a little bit of time with everyone working out book stuff, but I'm not worried. If you've stuck this far and stick through that process, we'll be set to go with what I think is gonna be a fantastic group of players and characters.