The Lost City (4e Paragon)

Game Master Rev Rosey

Open Design's Lost City adventure for Paragon pcs.
Starting level 13.

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No worries. It's a decent point for a lull and I'm up to my neck in nativity hell. I'm just posting to make sure everyone knows I'm paying attention.

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

When I get time to do it, Guldarin is going to take Grasping Shards in place of Divine Bolts.

The Exchange


thanks for the wellwishes, it might be a few weeks before I'm up for rejoining the games, I'm confident Raya'll pull through, she's built Ford tough :D

hope you guys are enjoying yourselves!


Take care of yourself Zero. I'll slot you back in whenever you want, so don't feel rushed in any way.

The Exchange


so since I'm up and mobile, shall I jump back in next encounter? It's cool if I need to sit out for a little bit for narrative purposes, I've still got Raya to deal with.


I'll pop you back in once this battle is over. Don has been having a wonderful time among the Hallampour beauties, but I think the notion of anyone finding valuable stuff without him is starting to get to him.

The group will be extremely simple to track down :)

Pick up Raya as soon as you like.

The Exchange


sweet, I just got caught up on the other campaign, so I'll be posting again momentarily, hurray for no mummy rot XD


Barel rolled superbly :)

The Exchange


that was a Heal check for himself you know >.>

no tap backs!


Someone did roll for you and it definitely wasn't me or Raya would still be coughing up mummy dust :)

Dark Archive

Merry Christmas Rev :-)


And to you :)

The Exchange


A merry Christmas to you all. Christmas eve here, and since forced to type these out on an iPad I'll not be posting again till get back home in a few days.

Hoping you all have a great time with family and friends.



Christmas Eve here now too. Have a wonderful time, Wrath.

Will keep Greeg in a festive mood if necessary, but I'm not anticipating a lot of posting in the next couple of days.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid


And she said "yes."

*goofy grin*


Superb news.

Wishing all of you a very happy Christmas.

M Goliath Cleric 14 / Storm Speaker / Druid

Thanks, Rev!

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

Merry Christmas everyone.

Congratulations, Pat/Cronin. Many years of happiness to the both of you.

Male Drow Protecting Paladin 14 / Hospitaler

Good on ya, Pat! That's excellent news!

The Exchange


I almost see an infinite loop for a Paladin vs these things.

Glass golem uses the AoE with PLD out of range. Divine Challenge hits, it does the immediate response, with the AOE again, DC hits again etc...

Happy Holidays to everyone.


@Zero - eep. That isn't one that occurred to me, but yes. It would work. At least I can't see any reason for it not to.

Happy Holidays indeed. I hope I'll be able to post from Cyprus, but I'm not guaranteeing it. If you, you will be unwillingly abandoned for a week.

The Exchange


I am betting its because you can do only one immediate action a round. ;)


Saved by the rules :D

The Exchange


sort of glad Don's sitting this combat out, its gettin rough!


It is certainly getting quite interesting. I foresome some butch powers coming into play any second now.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

Lanthair seems like the "go down in a blaze of glory" type.

The Exchange


wrong game thread ;) , and I guess we'll see if it gets that bad. Mostly depends on if Raya falls in a pit.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

I feel like I mis-post in these two discussion threads a lot...

The Exchange


i'm sure its mostly the same people either way, right?


There is a fair bit of cross-over. The 4e pool is small but perfectly formed.


And suddenly everything looks a good deal better for our heroes.

The Exchange


I think Greeg is going to hug the bear and Cronin after this fight. Those golems hit hard.


I'm sure Dirt will appreciate the gesture.

They do. I'm more impressed with them than I thought I was going to be.
Bodes well for some of the other encounters I had a few doubts about.

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

[whisper]Sadistic bloody GMs.[/whisper]


Just smiling benignly.

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

This cavern is giving me flashbacks to some old Runequest sessions I've played/run. Phosphorescent plants in an underground cavern, a mostly ruined metropolis above. Beware of over-sized fire-breathing snails.



Oh, lordy, I remember dragonsnails . . .

(sorry I've been quiet lately -- major work deadline impending. Should ease soon)

The Exchange


I changed my mind, Greeg is going in first. >.>;

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

Weirdest thing I ever made for an RPG: a chaos-mutated Duck worshipper of Thed with a necklace of skulls riding a huge two-headed dragonsnail that exploded when it died, and his Waltapus Atyari partner riding an undead dinosaur. Good times.


Only in Runequest. Although I now have a perverse desire to resurrect Ducks in 4e. Or whatever D&D turns into this time.

The Exchange


huh, I can't compete with that. Weirdest thing I was a part of, was a scene where the GM had no concept of IC/OOC boundaries. I recall being put up on a huge piano where this giant from out of nowhere started playing "Heart and Soul". (same song my brother had relentlessly been 'practicing')

The Exchange


I've had a few really big days at work and have another one tomorrow that promises to be huge as well. Haven't had the mind for too much creative writing sorry.

Letting you know I'm reading along and will try to drop an in character post tomorrow night if I'm not shattered. If you need to run Greeg to keep things rolling, feel free. He'd happily take lead, and has quite a decent perception plus dungeoneering and nature skills. Cheers


Thanks for the heads up Wrath and hope things get easier for you soon. We're in an exploration phase at the moment, so don't worry too much.

Male Dwarf Invoker/Divine Philosopher 14

The durulz or anthropomorphic ducks are a sad and lonely race that deserve worse. Though as Uz say, they’re good with garlic sauce.
Average Height 3’6”-4’0”
Average Weight: 40-60

Ability Scores
Dex +2, Con +2 or Cha +2

Ducks are dextrous little monsters when it comes to fine manipulation, which they’ll often use to lift your purse or to stick a shiv in your back when you aren’t looking. They’re often tougher than you imagine, and many ducks are self-confident to the point where they start to believe their own claims to competence. Sometimes they manage to fool other people.

Size: Small
Speed: 5 squares, Swim 5
Vision: Of a future where Ducks aren’t as downtrodden as they deserve to be

Languages: Common. If they ever had a language of their own, they’ve forgotten it in favour of remembering their grievances.
Skill Bonuses Thievery +2, Bluff+2
Necrotic Resistance: Long exposure to the Upland Marsh has left the Durulz with Necrotic Resistance equal to 5 + half their level.
Radiant vulnerability: Hated by the sky, durulz have Radiant vulnerability 5
We will have our vengeance! Immediate Reaction, and time a Durulz becomes bloodied they may immediately use an expended Encounter power against the attacker.
Durulz Characteristics: Sly, devious, thieving, bitter, whining, suicidal, homicidal.
Durulz names: Male - Huey, Dewey, Louie, Donald
Female – Jemima

Playing a durulz: You are bitter twisted little remnant of a race that wants to be proud and warlike. You never will be. It sucks to be a duck in a human world, and while you could try to make it suck less the properly traditional way to behave is to make it suck for everyone else too. Some of you worship a Death god, and go around smiting undead on his behalf.

Silver Crusade

Male Celestial Cleric of Myself 10/Radiant Servant of Me 10

That is awesome.

The Exchange


I'd play one. I'd be some sort of urban ranger vigilante with high stealth skills and a love of theatrics.

and a gas gun.



I now want to play as part of an all-durulz party.


Male Human (Chelaxian) Psion
Guldarin wrote:
Durulz names: Male - Huey, Dewey, Louie

Maaate, convert the Wookie from Star Wars Saga Edition and we've got ourselves a game!

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