Rev DM |
Peering into the darkness blasted darkvision ..., Kevaras identifies some telltale shapes and points them out to his companions.
Sensing that this is not a healthy place to be, the donkey flees.
Squares on the map mark their entry point.
Anyone who hasn't given me their surprise round action can do so at will.
Dram - readied action
Don - posted
Young Sand Giant Sunspeakers - no action this turn
Kevaras - posted
Young Sand Giant Sneaks - no action this turn
Guldarin - posted
Cronin |
What's the lighting? If it's actually dark, then Sun's Glow on my halberd -- bright light close burst 4 for the duration. If it's not, then Shield of Gales -- Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses. When any enemy ends its turn adjacent to you, you can slide that enemy 1 square as a free action.
Rev DM |
Dark. There is some dim light from cookfires, but it's patchy. You'll need the light.
Yup - missed that Greeg, for which I apologise.
Moved Zeric into a wall.
Preparations made, the companions ready themselves as they get their first good look at sand giants adolescents. Surprisingly graceful, they have none of the characteristic brutish look of their hill and mountain kin. Unless, that is, one looks at their faces and sees their eyes. You sense that their notion of fun will not be yours.
Nayce - attempting to lurk
Dram - readied action
Young Sand Giant Sunspeakers
Young Sand Giant Sneaks
Don Zaloog |
Don quietly motions to the one guy he doesn't remember the name of, Dram , pulls out a knife and gestures to the spot between him and Dram.
Free: pull 2nd knife. Hide against the shadows, Stealth! 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34. I'll ready an attack if one gets flanked between me and Dram, but I doubt it'll get that far.
Rev DM |
The young giants advance, working their way through the small community and gazing curiously around. Two of them come within range of the mostly concealed party, while a third approaches the central square. Seeing Kevaras, he gestures and sends a small ball of light at the drow. A fourth appears behind Zeric and Guldarin and kicks sand over the pair of them.
OK. This is going to get a little complex. Here's what happened.
P1 double moved and is within range of Dram's readied attack.
P2 double moved.
P3 moved and attacks Kevaras. Nayce's readied attack can't happen as Nayce can't see around the corner.
P4 double moves and attacks Zeric and Guldarin with a minor.
Attacks on Kevaras, Zeric and Guldarin
Solar flare (Ref) - v Kevaras. 1d20+19=20. Oh what a great start.
Sand Blast (AC) close blast three v Zeric and Guldarin. On hit target is blinded (se)
1d20+19=25 - P4 v Zeric. Hits.
1d20+19=25 - P4 v Guldarin. Hits.
15 damage to Zeric and Guldarin and they are blinded (se)
Dram needs to roll his readied attack.
Zeric - blinded (se)
Young Sand Giant Sneaks
Guldarin - blinded (se)
Nayce - readied action for first to pass within 6
Dram - readied action for first to pass within 10
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeakers
Guldarin |
"Shield your eyes, everyone." Guldarin obeys his own command. "My word, I'd read about this but I never thought it would happen to me."
Immediate Interrupt:
Insightful Warning; trigger, a creature you can see makes an attack roll for an area or close attack that includes you as a target; effcct, you and each ally included as a target gain a +2 power bonus to defences against it.
That makes the attack a miss agaisnt Guldarin at least.
Rev DM |
Thanks to Guldarin's warning, Zeric shuts his eyes in time. The giant looks a little disgruntled.
Young Sand Giant Sneaks
Nayce - readied action for first to pass within 6
Dram - readied action for first to pass within 10
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeakers
Dram Rao |
I will have full internet access back tonight so I can seel the maps when I am at home, i am going to post as if P1 is the only one in my zone, but more maybe
Grasping Tide: burst 1 within 10 squares, each creature in burst, 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30 vs fort, 1d6 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15, effect: If the target moves out of the area of effect before the end of your next turn it is subject to a secondary attack, 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30 vs ref, target is knocked prone
Dram sends a steam of water out of his waterskin at the rushing giant, that wraps itself around the creatures legs and makes a goey mess on the ground around it.
Rev DM |
Liquid mud erupts beneath P1 feet, causing the giant to pause before moving again, while P4 looks even more disgruntled as the gnome follows the blinding thought back to its origin and vanishes from sight.
Young Sand Giant Sneak 1
Young Sand Giant Sneak 2
Young Sand Giant Sneak 3
Young Sand Giant Sneak 4
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 1 - in Dram's zone and falls prone if moving out of it before end Dram's next turn
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 2
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 3
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 4
Zeric - invisible to P4 to start next turn
Kevaras Zanorin |
Drawing his sword, Kevaras vows to demonstrate that youth and enthusiasm is no match for experience and treachery.
Minor: Draw longsword. Move to Z17.
Standard: Charge to Z12.
Use Ardent Strike in place of a Melee Basic Attack.
1d20 + 19 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 19 + 1 = 21 vs P2's AC.
103 of 103 HP; 13 of 13 Surges
Initiative +8:
Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 19;
AP: 1
Rev DM |
The ex-abbott introduces himself to P2 but is distracted by the sheer size of his opponent.
Advancing from the shadows, more giants appear, and a barrage of javelins and blades thud out of the darkness. The giants seem to be in a party mood, despite most of their attacks missing.
S1 moves and attacks Greeg with his scimitar.
S2 and S3 both go for Kevaras (S2 with a scimitar, S3 with a javelin.
S4 chucks a javelin at Don.
S1 v Greeg - 1d20+19=39. Crit. 30 damage.
S2 v Kevaras - 1d20+19=29. Miss.
S3 v Kevaras - 1d20+19=20. Miss.
S4 v Don - 1d20+19=26. Miss.
30 damage to Greeg.
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 1 - in Dram's zone and falls prone if moving out of it before end Dram's next turn
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 2
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 3
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 4
Zeric - invisible to P4 to start next turn
Young Sand Giant Sneak 1
Young Sand Giant Sneak 2
Young Sand Giant Sneak 3
Young Sand Giant Sneak 4
Guldarin |
"Well, lets slow you down a bit, keep you apart from your friends. See how you like this." Guldarin moves a little further away from the nearest giant and points at a spot on the ground. With the smell of brimstone, chains erupt between two of the giants.
Move to Y20
Chains of Carceri, area burst 1 in Aa10, attacks all creatures in burst
Against P2 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 vs Ref
Against S2 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 vs Ref
2d8 + 9 ⇒ (5, 4) + 9 = 18 damage and target is slowed teomnt
Greeg |
Greeg grunted at the blow but smiled none the less. "So you want to dance big man eh? Well I can oblige you, but you might not like the steps." He speaks in giant, letting the thing know he was willing to communicate, but not liking his chances of it changing tactics any time soon.
To follow up his statement he swung his hammer, hoping to strike the thing with enough force to reduce its ability to attack be fore sliding further in front to prevent it moving in and engaging Cronin.
Mountain Hammer -Standard Melee1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 vs AC 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (4, 4) + 8 = 16 damage and target takes a -5 to hit penalty until end of my next turn. Note I have reach 2 due to my paragon path
Move action to shift diagonally to Cc 18.
Free action to mark target
Edit - AC is now 28, ref now 24 since that first attack struck me. Good start :)
Rev DM |
Guldarin's chains prove less effective than he had hoped as the giants simply walk over them almost without seeing them. Greeg's partner smiles broadly and responds in giant.
"I like you! We will have some fun now!"
At least you're all getting your rubbish rolls out the way early. Kevaras rolled a 1 and Guldarin managed snake eyes. I've had my crit allocation, so you're clearly going to win this in two rounds :) You all missed, btw.
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 1 - in Dram's zone and falls prone if moving out of it before end Dram's next turn
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 2
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 3
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 4
Zeric - invisible to P4 to start next turn
Young Sand Giant Sneak 1
Young Sand Giant Sneak 2
Young Sand Giant Sneak 3
Young Sand Giant Sneak 4
Cronin |
Cronin raises his halberd above his (rather high) head and winds funnel down and around him, deflecting blows. He then races to Kevaras's side and swings the halberd against his friend's foe, lightning arcing around the head.
Minor: Shield of Gales (Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses. When any enemy ends its turn adjacent to you, you can slide that enemy 1 square as a free action.)
Move and Charge to BB13, using Storm Hammer vs P2 Fort.
1d20 + 17 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 17 + 1 = 361d10 + 13 ⇒ (8) + 13 = 21
21 lightning and thunder
Status: 96/96, 9/9
+2 to defenses, can slide enemy ending turn adjacent to me
Rev DM |
Cronin hurtles out of the night and clobbers P2 with his halberd. The young giant looks enchanted.
"This is going to be more fun than I thought! Could be a proper fight now."
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 1 - in Dram's zone and falls prone if moving out of it before end Dram's next turn
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 2
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 3
Young Sand Giant Sunspeaker 4
Zeric - invisible to P4 to start next turn
Young Sand Giant Sneak 1
Young Sand Giant Sneak 2
Young Sand Giant Sneak 3
Young Sand Giant Sneak 4
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent
Nayce Mernorr |
Nayce shifts into an ethereal form and drifts directly through one of the tents to assault one of the giants with his sword.
Blade from the Mist. Shift to V30 with phasing. Blade from the Mist on P3. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 vs AC. 2d12 + 18 + 2d8 ⇒ (7, 10) + 18 + (7, 4) = 46 damage.
2 shrouds on P3.
Rev DM |
Floating through a cottage, Nayce appears under P3's nose but makes no impact with his blade. P3 is laughing too hard to see the prospect of future danger in the shrouds draped over him.
Don - readied action for flanked enemy
P1 - in Dram's zone and falls prone if moving out of it before end Dram's next turn
P3 - two shrouds
Zeric - invisible to P4 to start next turn
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent Nayce
Dram Rao |
Move to W28
Dirt Move to X28
Combined attack versus P3 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (16) + 18 = 34 vs ac, 1d12 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 and Dirt moves to W31 and attacks P3
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20 vs ac, 1d12 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
Aura from bear, Nayce gains +2 to all defenses when next to the bear
Dram rushes up to support Nayce and Dirt follows suit both attacking the giant and Dirt swatting at the giant when it tries to make any move towards Nayce.
Don Zaloog |
Don peers across at the young giant with his one good eye, over the side of the tent. He deftly flips his blade over to the edge, slides out of the tent space, flipping the knife at the giant, before seeking cover against the next tent.
Deft Strike R-23 vs S4 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (11) + 21 = 32 Damage 1d4 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14+ Sneak Attack since I was hidden +3d8 + 5 ⇒ (3, 6, 8) + 5 = 22 Total damage 36
Move to V26, restealth with -5 penalty 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Cronin |
If I get an OA on P2: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 261d10 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
If P2 ends next to me, these are the descending preferences for the slide:
- Flank
- Not adjacent to any PC
- Not adjacent to me
Rev DM |
Dram and Dirt converge on P3. The druid makes a telling blow, but Dirt swats nothing but air as the giant becomes aware of the threat.
Don's attack is also successful, but he is over-confident in his ability to hide.
"More warriors!" shouts P3 joyfully as he shifts backwards and kicks sand towards Dram, Dirt and Nayce, followed up by a dagger thrust at the druid.
P2 shifts away from Kevaras and Cronin and tries to blind the pair before stabbing at the drow with a glass knife.
P1 and P4 advance cheerfully on Don - P4 completely unaware of Zeric's whereabouts and nearly crushing the gnome in his passage to the rogue.
P3 Sand Blast (Fort), close blast 3, on hit target is blinded (se)
Targets Dram, Nayce and Dirt
1d20+19=33 v Dram. Hits.
1d20+19=39 v Nayce. Crit
1d20+19=38 v Dirt. Hits.
28 damage to Nayce and he is blinded (se)
23 damage to Dram and Dirt and they are blinded (se)
P3 stab at Dram
1d20+19=39 - Crit
21 damage to Dram.
P2 Sand Blast (Fort), close blast 3, on hit target is blinded (se)
Targets Kevaras and Cronin
1d20+19=20 v Kevaras. Miss
1d20+19=27 v Cronin. Hits.
18 damage to Cronin and he is blinded (se)
P2 stab v Kevaras
1d20+19=25. Miss.
P4 and P1 v Don - they do an additional 2d6 fire damage when they flank.
1d20+21=37. P4 v Don. Hits.
2d6+9=14 plus 2d6=8 for the flank - total 22 (8 fire)
1d20+21=37. P1 v Don. Hits.
2d6+9=17 plus 2d6=4 for the flank - total 21 (4 fire)
43 damage to Don, 12 of it fire.
Damage totals this turn:
43 to Don (12 fire)
18 to Cronin and blinded
23 to Dirt and blinded
44 to Dram and blinded
28 to Nayce and blinded
Zeric, you get an OA v P4 as well as your own turn.
Don, you get an OA v P4 as well.
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
Don Zaloog |
Don curses loudly, as he gets caught in the worst of a situation, battered about and bloodied within a few seconds, a scowl shown as blood trickles down his face.
OA vs P4 (who didn't seem to be next to anyone else when I could get my OA, so I get SA damage)
1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39 damage 1d4 + 11 + 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 11 + (6, 4, 7) + 5 = 36
Heck yeah, I knew this was going to crit!
That's 37 dmg + 3d10 ⇒ (9, 7, 8) = 24+6 from Giant's Ring Total 67 dmg to P4
Two Weapon Opening free action attack!
Using my Wraithblade...
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24 damage 1d4 + 10 + 3d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 10 + (4, 2, 7) + 5 = 30
Don unleashes his frustrations on the giant flanking him.
At SOMNT P4 will take 24 more damage from the bloodiron dagger
If I bloody him, there's more to come.
edit: corrected crit damage.
Rev DM |
P4 looks stunned as his attempt to slide past the rogue ends in near evisceration.
Note to self - don't try and sneak past Don.
Yes, that does indeed bloody P4 rather badly.
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
Don Zaloog |
Don's brutality must simply shock the giant, as a litany of curses spew forth. stealing opportunity away from the young giant, as well as possibly his life.
I home rolled this one because I just HAD to know how it'd end up if I hit. LMK if you would rather me roll again.
Press the Advantage, another free action!
18+19 = 38 to hit, damage is 23 + 17+6 = 46 more.
Cry some more!
I don't know if I get another two weapon opening attack, but that was a 2nd crit, so I would have the opportunity since it's a free action.
Those closest to Don, if they were to pay attention, only catch the last of his curses, which ends with, "and they'll have to pry that chair out of you with a team of MULES!"
Also, I don't believe I'm blinded? or at least not mentioned above in the attacks against me. I got the fire damage. Also, if this drops the giant, does that affect the damage I've taken?
Rev DM |
Zeric - don't bother with the OA.
Don's annoyance expresses itself forcibly and P4 collapses before his attack can hit the rogue.
P2 looks thoughtfully in Cronin's direction (not that the goliath is in any position to appreciate it).
"You are good warriors. You deserve that we cheat."
Don - you only take 22 damage as P4 died before making his attack. You're not blinded as neither of them used that particular attack on you. An ommission to be rectified :)
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
Guldarin |
"What would they need a team of mules... Oh my. That sounds as if it would be rather painful. And not terribly practial, really, in the middle of a battle, though of course if you can do it I'm sure it would affect the way msot people fight quite profoundly." Guldarin pauses. "Should we lay in a supply of chairs? And mules or perhaps donkeys, of course."
Zeric |
The gnome moves toward some of his friends in need. His eyes go black as he delves into the mindset of his foe to hinder his offensive capabilities.
Mind Wipe vs S2 (Center on CC9) 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 231d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 vs. Will. on hit takes -2 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn
Rev DM |
Back - well, enough to move things on at least :)
The gnome attempts to probe one of the giant minds with a view to wiping it clean of aggressive thoughts. He narrowly fails to overcome the giant's feeble will.
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
Kevaras Zanorin |
Shift to Aa11.
Kevaras feels pity towards those who would waste their lives for mere sport and honour.
"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?"
Valorous Smite
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27 vs S2's AC for 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (8, 6) + 8 = 22 damage.
On Hit: Both P2 and S2 are subject to Divine Sanction until end of Kevaras' next turn.
Minor: Mark S2 with Divine Challenge. S2 takes 11 radiant damage if S2 makes an attack with does not include Kevaras.
103 of 103 HP; 13 of 13 Surges
Initiative +8:
Passive Perception 19, Passive Insight 19;
AP: 1
Encounters: Valorous Smite
Rev DM |
"We don't die as cattle. We die as giants of a warrior race. A much better thing. Do not let yourself be blinded by weakness," advises the Sneak as Kevaras's blow just misses.
The giant sneaks advance living up to their name as after their attacks they simply break apart into grains of sand, lost in the desert.
S1 attacks Greeg with scimitar (AC)
1d20+19=37. Hits. 2d12+6=16
16 damage to Greeg
S2 attacks Kevaras with scimitar (AC)
1d20+19=26. Miss.
S3 scurries around P2 and attempts to blind Kevaras
Sand Blast (AC). On hit target is blinded (se)
1d20+17=24. Miss.
S4 trudges towards Don and tries to blind him.
Sand Blast (AC). On hit target is blinded (se)
1d20+17=34. Hits. 2d12+4=21
21 damage to Don and he is blinded (se)
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
S1 - discorporate
S2 - divinely challenged by Kevaras; discorporate
S3 - discorporate
S4 - discorporate
Guldarin |
Welcome back.
"I wonder where those fellows went? Seem rather large to just disappear." Guldarin moves round the corner of a building so he can see the two nearest foes. "Ah well, they'll turn up. Somewhere." He lifts his rod, and lightning flashes from the end. "Now what is it these fellows don't like?" Guldarin tries to remember some of his reading.
Move to X26
Divine Bolts, two targets,
vs P1 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (2) + 17 = 19 vs Ref
vs P3 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (17) + 17 = 34 vs Ref
1d6 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 lightning damage
If it's usable as a minor action, Nature check for monster lore on the sand giants 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
Rev DM |
Monster knowledge checks are a free action I think, so you've got a minor left if you want to use it.
Apart from being large and having a tendency to blind their opponents with sand, Guldarin recalls that these giants are resistant to fire - possibly part of their claimed elemental heritage. They use weapons of glass or onyx for preference and hunt in small warbands. Although older sand giants display a good knowledge of tactics, youngsters often head into impossible odds simply to say they have done so.
P1 proves deft enough to dodge the lightning, but P3 is less fortunate.
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P3 - two shrouds
S1 - discorporate
S2 - divinely challenged by Kevaras; discorporate
S3 - discorporate
S4 - discorporate
Greeg |
Greeg shouted to the winds as his opponent slips into its sandy form. "If you didn't like teh dance, you could've just said so. Now I'm gonna have to go mess with your friend."
He shifts his focus to Cronin and the Dark elf, wondering if they need help more than the others. Most of the other group were clutching thier eyes and trying to rub grit from them, but with only two others to hold the rear of the line, things could become messy in a hurry.
He dashed forwards to assist his friends, calling on his power of the earth to traverse the final distance and strike the sand giant threatening them both.
Minor action to activate stones endurance. I now have resist 14 all damage.
Move to engage P2. Using my daily thunderstep power to finsih at z11.
Thunder Step - Standard melee; Before attack, teleport 5 squares. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 vs AC 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (8, 3) + 8 = 19 thunder damage and target is dazed until end of next turn. On a miss, target is still dazed.
As he finsished his attack, he called over his shoulder, "we really need to close back with our friends Cronin, we've left too much space here for the sneaky buggers to slip in between us. Get back and support them while I hold them up a bit."
Rev DM |
Only slightly disconcerted by the disappearance of his dancing partner, Greeg shrugs and gives his wholesale attention to P2. What might have been a gentle tap in less vigorous hands turns into a bloodying blow from the goliath. The giant looks startled and his eyes roll with the force of the attack.
Cronin - to end enc +2 all defenses and can slide enemy ending adjacent; blinded (se)
Nayce - +2 all defenses (Dirt); blinded (se)
Dram - blinded (se)
Don - blinded (se)
P2 - BLOODIED, dazed to end Greeg's next turn
P3 - two shrouds
S1 - discorporate
S2 - divinely challenged by Kevaras; discorporate
S3 - discorporate
S4 - discorporate
Greeg - resist all 14