Cronin |
Before answering Rev's questions, let's see what we've got
Cronin - Goliath Cleric of Kord Ritual Caster
Kevaras Zanorin - Drow Paladin of the Raven Queen
Greeg - Goliath Warden
Guldarin - Dwarf Invoker of Moradin Ritual Caster
Don Zaloog - Human Rogue
Dram Rao - Human Druid
Nayce Mernorr - Half-Elf Assassin
Tieren's Psion
Rituals covered:
Hand of Fate
Traveler's Chant
Endure Elements
Ancestral Whispers
Raise Dead
Ghost Walk
Summon Winds
Feat of Strength
Cure Disease
Commune with Nature
Water Breathing
Remove Affliction
Portend Weather
Brew Potion
Raise Dead*
*I know Raise Dead is duplicated, but we need some form of duplication in case the one who knows the ritual is the one who needs it.
For a communal pool -- these things are expensive. Not just the rituals, but also the components. Contributions would be a good thing, especially from anyone who wants a-raisin' (5000gp). Cronin, after his personal shopping and ritual shopping, can save out about 1800gp. Who else?
Cronin |
Skills covered (a purely arbitrary +13 or higher, pending Tieren)
Acrobatics: Nayce, Don
Arcana: Guldarin
Athletics: Cronin, Don, Greeg
Bluff: Nayce
Diplomacy: Nayce
Dungeoneering: Guldarin, Greeg, Kevaras
Endurance: Dram, Guldarin
Heal: Dram, Cronin, Guldarin
Insight: Nayce, Cronin, Guldarin
Intimidate: Dram, Don, Kevaras
Nature: Dram, Cronin, Greeg
Perception: Dram, Guldarin, Greeg
Religion: Cronin, Guldarin
Stealth: Nayce, Don
Streetwise: Nayce, Don
Thievery: Nayce, Don
Hah. The band of archaeologists is well covered except in History!
Cronin |
Ok, shutting up soon.
Cronin can take History, if need be.
I actually saved out about 1600gp for components (forgot about potion-shopping).
Cronin's generally found giants to be folk one can talk with, as long as one speaks slowly and loudly.
Wishlist is in profile.
I'm not set on this, but I kind of like the idea of the two goliaths not knowing each other at start. That said, with three divine characters, there might be some good background there. Thoughts?
Cronin |
You also seem quite low on the social skills, given that only Nayce has any at all.
Note too that Celestial is planning a rebuild of Nayce as he's proving fragile.
Cronin also has Diplomacy at +12, just below my own cutoff. And Intimidate is a social skill in the right hands . . .
Greeg |
Hmmmm....usually I just stand around looking big and trying not to break things. Social interactions can be summed up by the fact I really don't find giants bad company at all. Most of them anyway. They hit hard though.
As for cash, I've still got some stashed away. I was looking to pick up a sling for some ranged action in case it happens I can't hit things with my hammer. That'll leave me about 4400 to pool into the group stash. Hwever I don't have any potions yet, so I may pass up the sling for something along those lines.
Is it likely that Cronin and I know each other. Two goliaths joining up at the same time, makes sense we came together.
Zerombr |
I can always play something else if you guys need it. A Cunning Bard sounds interesting as does any type of support character. The only thing I would prefer NOT to play is a Charismatic Paladin, since I've already got one active.
Being how new I am to the game, I've got a lot of options I am eager to try out!
Rev Rosey |
To answer Kevaras's question about inherent bonuses and whether they apply to items which do not normally do crit damage, I think the answer is that they don't.
Usually such items have a potent property and getting crit damage as well seems extreme.
It seems like a grey area at best (checking the forums about this one made my brain bleed a little), so I'm going with the solution that seems most in keeping with the spirit and intent of the system.
You all have an automatic +2 to defences and damage at level 13 by the way.
Zero - to echo Pat - play what you want. Party balance is nice, but it truly is not the be all and end all.
Kevaras Zanorin |
Righto, so my distance dagger +1 has no bonus crit dice, while my bardsong dagger +1 adds an extra 1d6 on crit?
Skills covered (a purely arbitrary +13 or higher, pending Tieren)
I've mellowed out somewhat under life in the big blue room so I'll swap Intimidate for Diplomacy.
+2 to defences and damage at level 13
We get an additional +1 at level 12, so the total inherent bonus to damage and attack is +3.
Rev Rosey |
Righto, so my distance dagger +1 has no bonus crit dice, while my bardsong dagger +1 adds an extra 1d6 on crit?
Yes. We'll work with that and if it starts to feel unbalanced, look again.
Cronin wrote:Skills covered (a purely arbitrary +13 or higher, pending Tieren)I've mellowed out somewhat under life in the big blue room so I'll swap Intimidate for Diplomacy.
A diplomatic drow paladin. It's a beautiful thought.
Rev DM wrote:+2 to defences and damage at level 13We get an additional +1 at level 12, so the total inherent bonus to damage and attack is +3.
Yes. I'm not great at number crunching - as you've probably all found out by now.
Rev DM |
Some background to tantalise (I hope).
Everyone knows about the Ishmai Desert. Most have passed through it as fast as possible, pausing at Ekabba, the only ciy of note and a prime trading spot.
Apart from that, litte is known of the vast wastes, and truthfully, few care.
Nonetheless, serene Ekabba is nervous. For the last few months, visionaries have been troubled by perplexing dreams. They report seeing armies marching from the sands, massive figures silouetted against the setting sun. Far too many have reported such dreams for them to be mere imagination. Lately too, there have been additional images. Behind the marching armies, in the far distance, a faint light throbs like a beating heart.
Worse, the few settlements in surrounding area are attacking for no reason that anyone can see. Ekabba can defend herself, but the Emir is concerned. It seems a madness is consuming the people and if it spreads to the city, who knows where it will end. A plea has gone out. Surely there must be a band of intrepid adventurers prepared to find the source of the problem. The Emir offers wealth and items from his vault in payment.
Cronin |
Armies of "massive figures"? Sounds like something has the giants riled. This will not do. Giants may respond to reason, but are more likely to do so when the person applying reason also has a bigdamnaxe.
The settlements attacking is more concerning. Between the two, someone who is built to withstand the elements, has a BDA, and a reputation for honesty may be needed for, um, peacekeeping.
That's a start. Maybe something to spin with the different divine characters?
Nayce Mernorr |
Peasant Railgun/Kevaras - Nayce learned the ways of Shadow from a half-drow exile named Vernyth. Perhaps, as a fellow drow outcast, you were acquainted with Nayce's teacher? That can give a background connection.
Assuming Nayce isn't slain by the agents of Mammon...
Guldarin |
Guldarin didn't quite know exactly where he was. He hadn't actually meant anything rude by his comment, it had simply seemed to him that if the princess chose to dress the way she did she'd expect people to remark on it. And then there was all that shouting, and the Royal Guardsmen were drawing their weapons, and it seemed to him that now would be a good time for a change of scenery. It was hardly the first time he'd left somewhere before his pursuers could catch up with him; possibly the seventeenth, depending on whether you count that occasion when he fell off a ship as it fled pirates and got washed ashore on the Vadeli Islaes, or the incident when he was tied to the tail of a horse and it was left to run free, or a few other occasions that were actually embarassing in restrospect. Still, this was a road, and roads always led somewhere, and if he just kept walking no doubt at some point he'd find some shade because really this desert seemed to be quite large. And after all, this sort of thing was the commonest way that gods would communicate their divine will to him. All the other times he'd been chased, he had ended up somewhere his particular skills were needed.
Like Nayce, this depends on Guldarin surviving the attentions of Mammon
Don Zaloog |
The uneasiness of a city just made life easier for Don, at first. Certainly one who enjoyed taking advantage of chaos to pad his pockets, always with a raucous laugh or a sly smirk as he puts one over on another rube. In one of the rare moments of conscience in his life, Don Zaloog takes a few moments to observe the waning liveliness of the city.
Scratching his chin, a frown crosses his face. Musing to no one in particular, he kicks back underneath a shady canopy. "Town's gone to ***** lately. Everyone's gettin worried. Not even as much fun as it was, and I was sort of liking this ********." He pulls up one of the fliers advertising assistance, bringing it up to his one eye to ponder it.
Slowly a crooked grin crosses his face, "Sounds like fun actually. Better than sittin round here like a dead man at least." Kipping up to his feet, the rogue tosses aside the flier, "And the rewards sound pretty good too, heh might even earn an honest coin or two!" With a loud gruff laugh, the bandit prepares for his adventure.
Rev Rosey |
Good isn't it :)
If I can just find a way to link the various adventures that form campaigns together I'd be entirely happy, but I think it's 100 shades of awesome already.
Thanks to Don, Guldarin and Cronin for their thoughts on why they're around Ekabba. I'll start piecing something together.
Rev Rosey |
oh, have a pic of ole Don, since the avatar doesn't quite fit
Great picture :)
By the way, to post a link, you have to add this is the link .
If you hit reply, you'll see the coding - or it's in the spoilered list about how to format.
Kevaras Zanorin |
Peasant Railgun/Kevaras - Nayce learned the ways of Shadow from a half-drow exile named Vernyth. Perhaps, as a fellow drow outcast, you were acquainted with Nayce's teacher?
Yes, I met Vernyth when I was a novice at the Darkspire College of Thaun. I learnt much about the world above from his tales and anecdotes. This was before I was kicked… graduated for there, my summer job, and the incident at Gateway.
Last I heard, he was invited to teach at the Obsidian Tower^.
^Serendipitously that Dungeon article was released on Monday, and describes several academies of magic, including a shadow one.
Greeg |
Ok, I took some liberties here with me knowing Cronin. I also completely fabricated a homeland for the Goliath since I have no idea of any existing one in your games Rev. Feel free to change those details as needed. Also, if I've overstepped the mark with Cronin, let me know. Cheers
Greeg sat watching the magma pool as it bubbled and hissed in the vast cavern of Ordholme. It had been a few months since his last foray into the wildlands surrounding his peoples homes, and he was growing restless again. Standing watch at the Butte's or patrolling the Tunnel Runs was ok for a month or two, but nothing really satisfied Greeg like a foray into the unkown realms of the uplands or deeper caverns.
He felt Croin coming before he heard him, listening to the stones as the clerics feet tramped along the passage leading to the magma pools. The priest stood quietly behind him while Greeg continued to study the pool a little longer, witing for ...something. A great bubble fo gas broiled up from the centre of the chamber, exploding out from the magma with a roar and hiss of expanding gases. The magma itself errupted into the air on either side, a fountain of living rock lit within by the fires of the mother earth herself. Greeg's eyes drank in the vista, storing every moment and keeping the raw power of the event stored within his mind and soul for future reference.
He stood suddenly, turning and embracing Cronin in a crushing hug of welcome before booming "I love it when it does that. So primal!"
His grin was large and infectious. He liked Cronin. The man was always running off to random places to stop "trouble" of one type or another. He liked to think of himself as all diplomatic and stuff, but Greeg had seen him swing that Big Damn Axe of his a few times now. The result usually settled the trouble, but he wasn't sure he would call it diplomatic.
The last time these two had travelled together they had upset a particularly delicate situaton between some Ghaleb Dhur and an Earth Elemental crystal grove. It hadn't been Greeg's fault that the crystals were so fragile. He had merely leaned on one of the collumns to scrape some of the Ghur dung from his boot and the column had cracked. The elementals had been a little terse after that, and the Ghalebs themselves had blamed the two goliaths for the fallout. The two of them had to fight their way out of that one. Cronin hadn't been too happy at first, but Greeg had found his new hammer amongst the Ghaleb's gear. He liked the way it sparked when he hit things. Reminded him of a lava spray in a field of setting stone. Ah, good times.
Cronin told him of the troubles in the desert lands near Ordholme, something the cleric wanted to check out again. He played the "you owe me" card, but in truth Greeg was just happy to travel again and see what would come about. Giants always caused mayhem, it was in their nature. Greeg kind of thought of them of bigger and clumsier cousins more than anything else. They got grumpy right quick though, so maybe tagging along and helping to keep his friend alive long enough to see what was going on would be great fun.
"Right then, I'll just grab me Hammer and shield. Oh, and a bite to eat. Yeah. And I best say hooray to Meeren, she may get upset if I don't at least stop by for a kiss afore we go. She brewed up some new Firebrew yesterday too, best there is to be had here Cronin. Warm a mans heart it does. I'd ask you to join us, but ...well, Meeren's a might welcoming when I pop in and you might be feeling a little uncomfortable"
He thumped the cleric good natredly on the back, confident in doing so with a fellow Goliath. The same blow would crush a gnome or halfling. He had hurt one once when he forgot that fact. Poor little fella took weeks to fogive him.
"Better give me a day two get sorted. Then we can go look into these giants eh! I wonder if there'll be any women folk down there?"
The big man's conversation boomed down the tunnel as the two of them left the Pools. Behind them, the venting gas slowly subsided and the magma burbled in relative peace once again.
Rev Rosey |
Just a quick visit to see how everyone's doing with their builds.
Looks like we'll be good to start at the beginning of October as the Halls campaign is rapidly reaching its climax.
Could all players just check in with their current build status? My understanding is as follows:
Greeg and Cronin look pretty good to go, Kevaras was on the way, Don and Dram as well. Nayce and Guldarin need to know if they're going to live long enough to adventure again.
Tieren - any word on your psion?
Kevaras Zanorin |
I'm going to buy just a basic sling so that will also leave about 6 grand to go into the kitty for rituals and resurrections
To make the most of your prodigious strength, may I suggest a magical heavy thrown weapon such as javelin? That way you'll:
- use your primary attack stat for ranged basic attacks
- won't have to stow your shield (normally a Standard Action) to reload your sling
- never run out of ammo
Kevaras was on the way
Well my suitcases are finally packed and I've exchanged my money for about 5,000 GPs worth of Emirate of Ekabba dinars and travellers' cheques. I also have an appointment tomorrow with the local Vistani Harrower to divine why I'm going to the Ishmai Desert.
Greeg |
I thought about a javelin, but haven't gone through all the magic items to find a returning one or such. Will look into it today since I'm having a lazy day on my holidays : ) . I'm trying to keep it under 2k so I can throw money into the kitty for the ritualists to use.
Wrath |
Greeg, all magical thrown weapons return. Even a 360gp +1 Javelin will do the job.
I must remember to read the rules sometime hehe. None of my players have ever used one so we never went into that. Given I just spent 20 minutes on the builder looking for one and not finding it, I was beginning to get that impression. Thanks for letting me know, now i can stop looking or worrying aobut that facet of things.
Bought a +1 guardian javelin. Will update in Greegs profile today sometime.
Rev Rosey |
Hi all :)
Back from the land of the disconnected.
Tieren, can make sure that full power descriptions with to hit and damage bonuses are somewhere accessible. That can either be in your Paizo profile or via and iplay4e link or - well, anywhere really just so long as I can get at it if needs be.
Those that don't have wish lists, please create them. Up to level 17/18 should do nicely for now.
Greeg |
Brought myself a shiny new javelin for throwing at things that keep running away from my hammer.
Also wrote home to ma with a list of items to look out for when my birthday comes around. Hoping she doesn't knit me a new sweater again, those things itch underneath this hide armour.
Completed wishlist and updated the sheet to include my Javelin. Spare cash is 6000gp, listed on sheet
Rev, I'll get a little section of the special interrupts and reaction things that Greeg can do, on his sheet soon. I believe you need something like that when you run combats to help you with round economy?
Greeg |
An interrupt and reaction list would be hugely helpful.
As for the birthday gifts, maybe Mother Greeg will make this for him.
I love beanies. It's all about my big bald head and how it loses heat. I once had a wizard fella tell me it was too much testosterone that made all my hair fall out. I really hadn't understood what he was saying, with all his fancy book learning. I got a might angry and hit him for it, and it was only later that I found out he was just being clever, not insulting.
They tell me the desert gets real cold at night too. Kind of a paradox that, but I tend to listen to the wizard types more since then. I reckon a beanie with ear warmers would go down a treat. I shall call it mr warmakins.
that works for me rev. If it has type of insight bonus attached to it, I would find it perfect loot.