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Convert a wookie to what?
4th Edition, mate. Wookies, in Star Wars Saga Edition, are +4 Str, +2 Con, –2 Dex, –2 Wis, and –2 Cha.
I wanted to play Chewbacca, in an adventure party featuring Huey, Dewey, and Chewie.
But I would settle for playing Count Duckula, Durulz Vampire.

Guldarin |

So a duck, a wook, and a (definitely-not-a-droid) warforged pirate with a hook walk into a bar, and the bartender says "We don't serve their kind in here." How many pieces is he found in?
Despite their appearance, Wookiees are not ambulatory humanoid carpets. They are in fact a noble and gentlemanly race that rip the arms off anyone who insults them.
Average Height 7’”
Average Weight: 275lbAbility Scores
Str +2. Con +2 or Dex/Int +2
One place I’m not sure. Strong is obvious. I know Saga gives them Con, but I am not sure about the other Stat. Not Cha and probably not Wisdom, but both Dex and Int are plausible.
Wookiees are big and strong.
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 squares, climb at full speed
Vision: Normal
Intimidating Presence: A wookiee grants a +2 Intimidate bonus to allies within 5
Claws: A wookiee can use their claws in melee combat. +3 proficiency bonus, 1d6 damage.
Languages: Shyriwook. Many understand, but are physically unable to speak, Common.
Skill Bonuses Athletics +2, Intimidate+2
Blood Rage A bloodied Wookiee can choose to enter blood rage, gaining a +1/tier bonus to damage rolls.
Wookiee Characteristics[b]: Traditional, proud, brave, honourable, violent
[b]Wookiee names: Male – Chewbacca, Bowdaar, Zaalbar, Freyyr, Chundaar, Tarfful
Female – Jianta, Lowcuk, Attiaddak, YaruaPlaying a wookiee:. Outsiders are difficult to trust. Be cautious until you know them well. Of course, if they save your life then you owe them in return. Look after them as you would any other relative. And find out more about outsiders. Understanding is the key to safety.
Is there serious interest in a game?

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Despite their appearance, Wookiees are not ambulatory humanoid carpets. They are in fact a noble and gentlemanly race that rip the arms off anyone who insults them.
Crikey! Thanks for that! Pure Gold!
Ability Scores
Str +2. Con +2 or Dex/Int +2
One place I’m not sure. Strong is obvious. I know Saga gives them Con, but I am not sure about the other Stat. Not Cha and probably not Wisdom, but both Dex and Int are plausible.
Wookiees are big and strong.
I was thinking Dex for piloting and their affinity for crossbows. Although, as Zero points out, Int would give them a knack for repair and mechanics.
Is there serious interest in a game?
Well you went above and beyond with my request, so I'm up for it.
I was also considered converting the Golarion mystery tour campaign in my head into a PBP campaign about the founding of a Durulz homeland!
That story would be called: Clue of Duty: Quack Ops.

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

My lady needs a day out, so I'll be AFK today, possibly into tomorrow. Hence moving the proposal to OOC for more detail. What do people think of splitting, both IC and OOC? There are, frankly, a *lot* of us for a PBP, and if Rev doesn't mind two groups, it might be practical. Conveniently, there are two of us in each role, I believe.
Leaders: Cronin, Dram
Defenders: Greeg, Kevaras
Strikers: Nayce, Don
Controllers: Guldarin, Andaros
If we do this, at least one Goliath should probably go to the Giant-speaking market. Other than that . . . Cronin's ok with whichever.

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Im ok with a split.
Greeg is not going to be much good at any type of negotiation, and that is something I firmly believe the Giants will need if there is to be success there. If we go that path then Cronin should be the one travelling there I believe.
Greeg would be loath to split from his friend, but will follow the wisdom of the plan if that is how we go.
I advise Cronin (Giant speaking and some negotiation ability), Keavaras (Defender), Don (striker, who is feeling uncomfortable about the the bug situation) and Andaros (only because Dwarves usually don't get along with Giants so sending Guldarin may not be wise, not sure if that's true in this game though). This group to do the Giant bit.
The rest of us to do the bug bit. However, any combination of the party roles should work fine.

Rev Rosey |

Possible party split looking like this at the moment:
Market group
Bug Group
Andaros has Comp Lang
Guldarin has Sending and Far Sending so you'd be able to keep in touch with each other.
Let's just see what Kevaras, Don, Guldarin and Dram have to say about this.

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and here we see the differences between Nayce and Don, while similar in ability, quite different in character and morals. Which reminds me that Don needs to ask Nayce how he does that shadowstuff when they next meet up again.
I always love the idea of people just not 'getting' what other characters do. While a good Arcana, Religion or Nature score may make these things easy to understand, Don has none of those.
This is also why Raya doesn't really know Lynore is an assassin, she doesn't really have time to pay attention to what she's doing.

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I have fun with the "righteous assassin" idea. He has trained to be very good at killing things... as long as they deserve to be killed. I think there was a scenario in the last adventure where he similarly took issue with some sort of domination as well.

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Care to learn a bit more about your loudmouth braggart and cohort?
Follow me into a forgotten corner of his mind...
Listen to this as you read, if you would
A raucous laugh echoes throughout a small dimly lit cave, as a group of ne'rdowells survey their recent acquisitions.
"Heh, I told you it'd work!"
"God you were just lucky, Don. You can't expect people to fall for the old 'ill traveler' bit every time."
"Awww you're just jealous, Meanae. Anyway look at what we got this time!"
"Heh, I'm going to buy me a house with this! Maybe even with servants!"
*laughter fades*
"No, Pull the other lever, THEN this one."
"Water's rising, Boss."
"Cliff'll get us out."
"You hear that, Cliff? Get moving."
"He's gone, he took the loot and ran."
"Don't you dare say that. We're brothers now."
"Gorg, just hold the grate up, stay against the ceiling..."
"What's that noise?"
"So anyway, once we can get in to the merchant's guild, things ought to pick up, so keep the wagon ready..."
"Heh, still trying to pull the big score? You're dead set on getting us killed, aren't you?"
"Bah, we're the Dark Scorpion Burglars, Cliff. We'll never fail, and we'll never die."
"See, even Gorg agrees with me!"
"Dammit, someone tipped them off!"
"Wasn't me!"
"Shut up, Chick, I'm thinking."
"I can't stop the bleeding, Don. Hurry!"
"I can still fight...."
"Right, Right, okay, we've got no option, we go right through their lines."
"Are you serious?"
"Look, they're spread out, when we break the line en masse, we'll be able to breakout. See they're not expecting that."
"That's because it's suicide! You just had to leave a calling card, just had to go for notariety. Well now we've got freaking Arcadian merchant guards after us."
"Stand tall, Scorps, we got this."
"Crap, just keep climbing, we get over this cliff, we're home free."
"I don't think Cliff's going to make it."
"Just keep climbing."
"Don, she's been hit!"
"Dammit we're sitting ducks out here."
"You just had to do it, didn't you? One job after another, just had to live large."
"Chick, I..."
"Shut it, Don. I ain't a part of this no longer. Cliff's gone, Meanae's dead. It's over. We're over."
"Chick, no...We can make this work."
"No. No we can't. Goodbye, Don."

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okay I have a game morality question. Paizo's die roller stores rolls, if I understand properly, to ensure a player doesn't try to cheat.
I originally had a post that had two extra rolls in it, however I realized that unless Stunning Strike hits, everything changes, because I need that CA for anything else. So do I sit on these rolls, knowing what their outcome is, or do I prime the system by rolling on here a few times or what? What is the proper way to keep this from being metagamey?

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wanted to appologise for apparent absence recently. Work is killing me with marking and prep at the moment. It's likley to continue like that for at least two more weeks. I read the posts, but rarely have time or energy to put into a decent response. Sorry about that, but can't be helped at this time of year.

Greeg |

wanted to let you know my time is getting more and more squeezed. I just had to drop the last of my DM roles in PbP. I plan on sticking with this game though (assuming Greeg lives more than a few more rounds hehe). This is just a heads up though, in case my real life comitments really go pear shaped.