Rev DM |

Barel stands his ground and forces his tiefling friend to keep her attention on him. She raises her spear and attacks.
Arishat - Viper's Strike v Barel please. Up to you who gets the OA if he shifts.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated.
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se); marked by Barel
Devourer - two shrouds; can only target Raya this turn
Lynore - used AP
3 successes/0 failures - 6 before 3 needed.

Arishat |

With a happy smile, Arishat tries to slip a strike in to limit Barel's movement and set him up for her non-existent allies.
Viper's Strike, 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 damage and Lynore can make an OA if Barel shifts beomnt
saving Throw 1d20 ⇒ 17
"Oops. Charmed again. Sorry about this."

Rev DM |

Arishat's spear thumps into Barel and the impact helps bring her to her senses.
18 damage to Barel.
As she recovers, the air next to her blurs and a faithful replica appears, smiles the smile of hellfire and turns on Thom.
False Arishat has all of Arishat's powers, kit and so on.
Uses Deceiver's Ploy (Will) v Thom. On hit, he takes -2 penalty to attack rolls to end FA's next turn
1d20+20=34. Hits. 2d10+10=25
25 damage to Thom and he is at -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn.
Forced to attend to Raya, the Devourer does its job well. Exactly according to her plan, the paladin's eyes start to glow with holy fervour as she looks at her former allies for the true foe.
Devourer (Ref)
1d20+20=39 v Raya. Hits.
Raya gets an auto check to save v worst effects. Athletics - 1d20+10=13. No.
3d8=18 necro
18 necro to Raya and she is dominated (se)
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated.
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Lynore - used AP
Raya - dominated (se)
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Arishat - marked by Barel
Devourer - two shrouds; can only target Raya this turn
False Arishat
3 successes/0 failures - 6 before 3 needed.

Rev DM |

Lynore ignores the burgeoning chaos and continues to tinker with the trap. She feels sure they are getting closer to disabling the thing.
Meanwhile, Raya's smile matches False Arishat's as she throws punch at Thom.
Raya - unarmed melee v Thom please.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated.
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Raya - dominated (se)
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Arishat - marked by Barel
Devourer - two shrouds
False Arishat
Lynore - used AP
4 successes/0 failures - 6 before 3 needed.

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Wuss Slap vs Thom 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Even in her dominated state, she rages against her controller.
save vs domination 1d20 ⇒ 14
Outraged by the control surrounding her, Raya frees herself from it.
Everyone within 5 of me, gets +6 to their saves USOMNT
Hee hee hee, Fake Raya will be unarmed, I totally wasn't thinking of that when I dropped the blade!

Rev DM |

Raya waves a random hand at Thom, more concerned with ridding herself of the invasive mental assault. She succeeds only too well and a shadowy form of herself appears in front of her, eyes alight with holy fervour. Blade in hand, the false paladin looks alluringly at Barel as Lanthair and Thom between them disable the trap.
There now remains only the problem of getting rid of Arishat and Raya, both raging in their different ways.
False Raya attacks Barel using Siren Voice (Will). On hit target is dominated to end her next turn or until attacked.
1d20+18=38 - a crit.
Barel is quite unable to withstand the false paladin's call to battle.
Barel - Weight of Earth v Arishat.
Barel - dominated to end false Raya's next turn or until attacked.
Arishat - marked by Barel
Devourer - two shrouds
False Arishat
Lynore - used AP
False Raya
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
6 successes/0 failures - trap disabled.

Rev DM |

Egged on by False Raya, Barel swings mightily and hits Arishat hard.
This may be the first time I've managed to get dominated characters to do anything useful.
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
False Arishat
Lynore - used AP
False Raya
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Barel - dominated to end false Raya's next turn or until attacked.
6 successes/0 failures - trap disabled.

Arishat |

Arishat winces. "Good hit, Barel, and I suppose I deserved it. Let's have a few more like that, but do some enemies instead." She looks around. "All right, now the trap is dealt with, let's take these b~!&%es down." She moves up and lets her doppleganger know exactly what she thinks of her.
Move to H15 via G14
Viper's Strike, 1d20 + 20 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 20 - 2 = 20 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 damage and if FakeIshat shifts beomnt then Barel gets an OA against her.
Hmm. Well, at least I'm not provoking any immediate reaction retaliation.

Rev DM |

Arishat and False Arishat face each other down. The false version sneers as the attack misses and she mobilises her unlikely ally to help.
Lead the attack (AC). On hit allies gain +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter. On miss, +1 to attacks.
1d20+20=39. Hits. 3d10+10=24
24 damage to Arishat
"This is how you do it, you simpleton."
Lynore - used AP
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Barel - dominated to end false Raya's next turn or until attacked
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
False Arishat

Arishat |

"If I'm a simpleton, what's the person who forgets to take account of retaliation."
Immediate Reaction, Vengeance is Mine, trigger, Arishat gets hit; Arishat makes MBA versus triggering enemy, and one ally within 5 can move their speed and make MBA with +2 to hit and damage against triggering enemy
Melee Basic Attack, 1d20 + 20 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 20 - 2 = 34 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 damage
Lanthair can move and make a melee basic attack +2 to hit and damage (with flanking for +5 damage as well, one would hope.)
"Have some of that!"

Rev DM |

"Like for like. I still do this better."
Arishat and her simulcarum trade blows and insults, calling on their allies to assist.
Just a leetle complex here. Arishat's immediate reaction hits False Arishat. I've tentatively moved Lanthair to a suitable spot.
False Arishat also takes the same immediate reaction and ropes in False Raya to assist with flanking and the +6 she already has from Lead the Attack.
False Arishat v Arishat - 1d20+26=40. Hits. 1d10+10=11
False Raya v Arishat - 1d20+17+6+2=36. Hits. 1d8+5+7=16
27 damage to Arishat
Lanthair to make MBA v False Arishat with +5 for flanking and +2 to damage.
Lynore - used AP
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Barel - dominated to end false Raya's next turn or until attacked
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
False Arishat

Lynore |

Shroud 1 on False Arishat
Shadow Step to J14
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 22 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 22 + 2 = 38 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 5 + 3 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 12 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 31
Lynore disappears into Raya's shadow and reappears next to Lanthair. Taking advantage of the situation she stabs the false tiefling.

Rev DM |

Lynore has no difficulty discerning friend from foe and does her best to make the false warlord shut up. She gets a hellfire glare for her pains, but the attack lands true.
FA makes another immediate reaction against Lynore. Infernal Wrath. 2d6+5=12 fire damage.
Lanthair to make MBA v False Arishat with +5 for flanking and +2 to damage.
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter
Thom - -2 to attacks to end FA's next turn
Barel - dominated to end false Raya's next turn or until attacked
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
False Arishat - one shroud
Lynore - used AP

Arishat |

Just a leetle complex here. Arishat's immediate reaction hits False Arishat. I've tentatively moved Lanthair to a suitable spot.
False Arishat also takes the same immediate reaction and ropes in False Raya to assist with flanking and the +6 she already has from Lead the Attack.Lanthair to make MBA v False Arishat with +5 for flanking and +2 to damage.
Even more complex.
Can FRaya get there without provoking an OA?Lanthair attacks with +2 to hit and if flanking +7 damage.
Infernal Wrath as an immediate reaction to being hit by False Raya 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (4, 6) + 3 = 13 fire damage; I'll save Blade Burst Trap for now.

Rev DM |

Good point. FR takes OAs from Lynore and Raya.
Aren't you glad we're in the same time zone?
To summarise:
Lynore and Raya need to make OAs on False Raya and Lanthair needs to make an MBA on FA with a +5 to attack and +2 to damage.
And then real Raya is up.[/b]
Trading flame for flame, Arishat bloodies her false self.

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Wow, okay. First things first.
In the volley of fiery blows, Raya can only murmur a quick prayer to aid Arishat's cause.
Shield of Devotion: Arishat regains 11 HP.
She swats at her darker self as the simlacrum passes by, catching her with a vicious uppercut.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 Damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 6 dmg.
I *KNEW* I'd crit then of all times
She then picks up her blade, thrusting it up to the sky, sending crackling thunder through her two foes. "This mockery comes to an end."
Minor: Mark both with Divine Challenge
Astral Thunder vs Fake Raya and Fake Arishat's Fortitude
vs FR1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21
vs FA1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30
damage 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (3, 5) + 9 = 17
Fake Arishat has -3 to Strike USOMNT

Rev DM |

In the general confusion of fire attacks, opportunity attacks and conflicting versions of the same person, various things become clear.
Raya punches herself soundly in the jaw, picks up her weapon and bludgeons False Arishat with divine power. At the same time, she bolsters the real Arishat with some healing power.
The fake paladin smoulders and provides support for her ally.
Minor - Shield the Virtuous on False Arishat.
Standard - Astral Thunder (Fort) on Barel, Lanthair, Lynore, Arishat, Raya and Thom.
Close Burst 3 (on hit target takes -3 penalty to attacks to end FR's next turn
1d20+18=31 v Barel. Hits.
1d20+18=23 v Lanthair. Miss.
1d20+18=28 v Lynore. Hits.
1d20+23=35 v Arishat. Hits.
1d20+18=38 v Raya. Crit.
1d20+18=32 v Thom. Hits.
23 damage to Barel, Lynore, Arishat and Thom
25 damage to Raya plus 3d6=12 for the crit. 37 total damage to Raya.
Lanthair to make MBA v False Arishat with +2 for flanking and +7 to damage.
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Thom - BLOODIED?; -3 to attacks to end FR's next turn
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to end FR's next turn
Arishat - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to end FR's next turn
False Arishat - one shroud; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to end FR's next turn
Raya - BLOODIED?; -3 penalty to attacks to FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya

Lanthair |

Melee basic from before. 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (17) + 21 = 38 vs AC. 1d8 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 damage.
Lanthair takes the opportunity to instruct Raya on some of the finer points of unarmed combat, demonstrating on Fake Arishat. "Use your entire weight, don't just slap with an open palm."
Channeling an inner power, he strikes at Fake Arishat again with a withering touch.
Tormented Spirit 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27 vs Fort. 3d6 + 17 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) + 17 = 23 necrotic damage and the target is weakened to EOMNT.

Rev DM |

Raya shows that you don't have to be ethereal to help your companions and pulls Thom back from the brink.
Lanthair's demonstration bloodies the false tiefling, but his next attack misses as she laughs at him.
"Oh, no. I'm much stronger than that you tiny halfwit."
Thanks to False Raya's protective armour, the halfling suffers for attacking her.
12 damage to Lanthair for attacking FA.
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Thom - -3 to attacks to start FR's next turn
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to atart FR's next turn
Arishat - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Arishat - BLOODIED; one shroud; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to start Raya's next turn
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
Raya - BLOODIED?; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya Lanthair

Thom Verikal |

Thom thinks Maybe a little fineese instead of brute force will work here... He elects to target the false Raya while avoiding Arishat.
Standard Action, Area Burst 2 Square E15
Attack: Intelligence 1d20 + 18 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 18 - 3 = 19 vs. Will
Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends).
Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).

Rev DM |

Thom's excellent plan is foiled when he makes the mistake of looking into the false paladin's beautiful face, luminous with divine light. She shakes her head sorrowfully as the spell collapses before her awesome will.
"Please keep your lustful intentions to yourself."
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to atart FR's next turn
Arishat - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Arishat - BLOODIED; one shroud; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to start Raya's next turn
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
Raya - BLOODIED?; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya; slowed (se)
Thom - -3 to attacks to start FR's next turn

Barel Dlode |

Barel (Channeling Thom's lustful nature!) steps up to the pair of falsies, and does his best to deflate them.
Move: to H14 via H13.
Free Action: Mark Farishat and Fraya.
Standard: Shake the Earth--Close Burst 4 VS FORT
Attack#1: 1d20 (20) + 21-3 = 38 NATURAL 20!
Attack#2: 1d20 (7) + 21-3 = 25
Damage: 2d10 (3, 6) + 11 = 20 Thunder damage
crit damage: 31+ (3d10= 4,4,3)=42 thunder damage.
Darn, without the -3, they both would have hit...oh well...I'll take my -12 for missing Farishat.

Rev DM |

Barel succeeds where Thom failed, malleting the ground in front of the fake pair and sending a disconcerting tremor through the false paladin. Her hands close in prayer as she heals herself and False Arishat as well.
"My devotion protects me," she says smugly.
Reactive surge. False Raya gains 28hp and resist 3.
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Arishat - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Arishat - BLOODIED; one shroud; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to start Raya's next turn; marked by Barel; resist all 3
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
Raya - BLOODIED?; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya; slowed (se); marked by Barel
Thom - -3 to attacks to start FR's next turn
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to atart FR's next turn

Arishat |

Arishat moves slightly so she's further from the crazed version of the paladin, and glares at ErsatzArishat. "Get ready to be a dead fake. Come on, people, we're not letting this half-witted tramp get the better of us." Her attack is fierce.
Inspiring Word, Arishat spends a healign surge and regains an additional 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) = 6 hit points.
Shift to I14
Stand the Fallen, 1d20 + 20 - 5 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 20 - 5 + 1 = 18 vs AC, 3d10 + 10 ⇒ (7, 10, 9) + 10 = 36 damage. (-3 from the FakeRaya's effect, -2 because she's marked by Barel, +1 for racial bloodhunt ability; which possibly means she isn't taking damage from attacking FakeIshat when not marked.)
Effect: all allies within 10 can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 3 hit points.

Rev DM |

Morning all :) On the mend and can type enough to update a bit, so let's get going. The whole stupid saga will be up on the blog later if anyone wants the details (which are not really that interesting)
Arishat stares herself in the face and doesn't like the picture. Healing herself briskly, she misses her simulcarum, but restores her allies and awaits the results.
They are not long in coming. Fake Arishat loops her tail elegantly over one arm and plays the same game. "Nobody would think you were once in the lacrosse team. Look at you. All over the place. Come along Fraya, scoop that ball."
Inspiring Word on herself. No longer bloodied.
Infectious determination (AC) v Raya
+20 vs AC; 2d10+10; effect, any all within 5 can make a saving throw with a +7 bonus; secondary attack, +20 vs Fort; 1d10+10, target is knocked prone, any ally within 5 can spend a healing surge and recover an additional +3 hit points as a free action.
1d20+17=32 v Raya. Hits. 2d10+10=27
Secondary v Raya (Fort); 1d20+17=29. Miss.
Neither now bloodied.
27 damage to Raya.
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
Raya - -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya; slowed (se); marked by Barel
Thom - -3 to attacks to start FR's next turn
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to atart FR's next turn
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Arishat - BLOODIED; one shroud; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to start Raya's next turn; marked by Barel; resist all 3

Lynore |

Shroud 2 on Fake Arishat
Eyebite on Fake Arishat 1d20 + 19 - 3 ⇒ (10) + 19 - 3 = 26 vs will, 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 and I become invisible to Fake Arishat until the start of my next turn
Lynore lances a ray of psychic energy at the fake tiefling trying to score herself from her memory.

Rev DM |

Lynore calmly sets up the Fake Arishat to receive future just desserts and fails to hide from the ethereal tiefling.
All - to end encounter unmarked targets take 12 damage when hitting or missing False Arishat.
Raya - -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Raya - +6 to attacks v Arishat to end encounter; marked by Raya; slowed (se); marked by Barel
Thom - -3 to attacks to start FR's next turn
Barel - -3 penalty to attacks to atart FR's next turn
Arishat - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn
False Arishat - BLOODIED; two shrouds; marked by Raya; -3 attacks to start Raya's next turn; marked by Barel; resist all 3
Lynore - used AP; -3 penalty to attacks to start FR's next turn