I've heard Velociraptor, Roc and Cat (Big) are the main 3 and have been for some time (although levels 4-7 Ape is king) but is that still true or has something new come to the fore (Ive heard things about the Digmaul for instance)? Or is my information inaccurate? PFS legal only please, I know about the Warcat of Rull and how broken it is. ![]()
Chess Pwn wrote:
Thanks for the Clarification. That ruins a lot of things. Any ideas on how to salvage my feats? ![]()
plaidwandering wrote: be careful with sacred summons and a NG deity, I believe there are very few things that qualify for it. Summon good at least adds the foo dog/lion and some devas. All the Summoned Animals qualify as they all have my alignment. Which is NG. 9/10 a Summoned Animal is usually the best bet, especially as a) my archetype means they take complex instruction and b) I can't summon Demons. Summon Good Monster also gives me some control options like the Grig and the Pixie as well as the Vulpinal, who is very powerful for his level. Any other advice? ![]()
I have built a Cleric for PFS. Said Cleric is a Human Herald Caller of either Sarenrae or Uskiyeria (Both NG deities with Scimitar favoured weapon).
My Expected Feat Progression is Weapon Finesse (1st), Improved Initiative (Bonus), Dervish Dance (3rd), Sacred Summons (5th), Summon Good Monster (7th, though I'm considering switching it and Sacred Summons around). I'm not sure what to take for further levels, although I'm considering taking divine interference at 11th level. My archetype grants me Augment Summoning and Superior Summoning for free. My Skills (of which I get 6 a level from my favoured class bonus and from the better skill progression of my archetype) are Perception, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Perform (Dance) (until I get two ranks, after which I'm thinking of putting it in a profession skill for Job Checks), Spellcraft, Linguistics and I can't decide what to use the 6th Skill on (maybe Knowledge Religion or Knowledge Planes?) My Traits are Seeker (Class Skill Perception) and Cleansing Light (re-roll 1 on Channel Energy), although I'm considering replacing Cleansing Light with some trait that gives me a dex-based class skill like Acrobatics or something and putting my 6th Skill into that. My Domain (of which I have only one due to my archetype) is the biggest stumbling block for me. Sun has good anti-undead stuff but the domain spells are weak. Glory (Heroism subdomain) has decent spells and abilities but I suspect they're targeted at a more "Battling" Cleric. Fire has some nice blast spells but I think the usefulness will wear off at higher levels. These all assume Sarenrae as deity and I'm tempted to switch to Uskiyeria (which means changing trait also) solely for that god's Animal (Feather Subdomain) as an animal companion is usually quite powerful. But then, I'll lose the ability to summon elementals based on my archetype's restrictions. Very Tricky. I feel I have some Good Ideas but I need help. Any advice? ![]()
Why did the Andoran Revolution work but the Galt Revolution "fail"? Both were instituted by Hossetter and Jubalich with the advice of Talmandor, Galt and Andoran both had similar "national mindsets" and unlike in actual history the second one to rebel was the one which was successful. What made things bad in Galt? Will the Heralds in Inner Sea Faiths who do not have prior stats be appearing in any Paizo Products now that there's no need to write their divine masters up in AP's? ![]()
What are the current ten largest cities in Golarion (including ones in Casmaron, South Garund, Arcadia and Sarusan). What was the largest city ever to be in Golarion? Were the cities of technological Androffa larger? Did or does Androffa have psychic magic? Avistan has Aroden's death and The World Wound. North Garund has the Eye of Abendego. Tian Xia lost its Emperor and got the sucessor states. Do Casmaron, South Garund, Arcadia and Sarusan have their own "lost omens" moments? Or are they unchanged like the crown of the world? Arodens death will never be revealed. The Worldwounds origin has. Will the Eye of Abendego origin ever be revealed? ![]()
Is it a coincidence that the Ghol-Ghan capital is directly under the eye of abendego?
As you can tell I propose the Cyclops and the Ancient Brethredans either made a deal together or made a deal with a third party and the eyes in abendego and the ancients are the price. I know you can't reveal but thoughts? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
Good to know. Whilst you are here, why is detect good replaced with detect evil? Neither ability is aligned and one would think Arushalae would maintain the power to see the good in other people. ![]()
When she is CN, Arushalae loses most of her spell like abilities. These are returned to her when she finally becomes CG, with changes. Her Detect Good becomes Detect Evil. Her Energy Drain becomes an inverse variant. But by the rules, she maintains the ability to summon a Babau once a day with a 50% chance. Is this intended? What should her summon be replaced with? ![]()
Regarding Elohim, it has the mythic magic special ability and another special ability which lets it mimic Natural Spell and yet it has no spells, only SLA's. Is something missing? The Elohim blurb also talks about creating Permenant Demiplanes and but it's statblock cannot do so. Is something missing? ![]()
If Cerunnos is so powerful, how come he has such a minor presence in the universe? What unique tricks does Hastur do? Any movie themed monsters no one (or few) have mentioned? How does the Body Thief control? Does it crawl into you? Put something in you? Manipulate remotely? Cerunnos and Pazuzu fight. Cthulhu joins in and they have a 3 way fight. Who wins? ![]()
There seem to very few NPC's with Mythic tier 9+. Largely because a) mythic is new and b) mythic tier 9+ gives re-spawn. Which NPC's would you give Mythic tier 9+? Does this list include the runelord of pride? Baba Yaga, Oliphant of Jandelay and Cthulhu are apparently the only CR30 beings currently statted up by Paizo. What other creatures or NPC's would you give the highest killable CR, even if it is many years before these beings join the big 3? ![]()
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Do they still count as mythic? http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q5yk?Demon-Lords-and-Mythic James says they do ![]()
Will any of these monsters be released by Paizo and what are the plans for how soon? Arrowhawk
j b 200 wrote:
That would make him CR 10 altogether am I right? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
By that logic, would a character who took divine source and got people to worship him be immune to anti-magic field like a demi-god. Remember, if he picks it three times he has just as many domains as a demon lord, horse man, archdevil or celestial lord. ![]()
Magic Dinosaur, I ask for guidance! 1. Antimagic field does not affect artifacts or deities. Does it affect a) supernatural abilities gained from mythic tiers, b) Legendary Items or c) demi-gods like demon lords? 2. What class/mythic path combo was Aroden before he ascended to a full deity? 3. Before he became a 5 domain deity, how did Aroden fight? What sort of spells (if any), feats and path abilities were favourites of his? 4. Even if you never reveal it, do you actually know how Aroden died? 5. What did Shelyn use as a weapon before she got her brother's weapon? 6. Zon-Kuthon was promised a treasure from the first vault by Abadar if he stayed in the plane of shadow until the sun left the sky. What did he pick come the age of darkness? 7. Baba Yaga, Cthulhu, Deskari and the Oliphaunt of Jandelay have a four way fight. Who wins and in what order are the losers taken out of the fight? 8. Will Hastur and Bokrug join Cthulhu in Bestiary 4? These are the only public domain Old Ones in your universe as Mhar and Xhamen Dor are paizo property.