
Kerastes's page

370 posts. Organized Play character for Magabeus.

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Fiend series | Shackles

Please dot and delete your post afterwards

Fiend series | Shackles

Welcome for Siege of the Diamond City. Standard rules tier 7-8. We will start Jan 14th 2019 and expect to finish by Mar 8th.

I first want to get my 'house rules' out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

Please give me the following information:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

Please take notice of the following:

I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (to be provided later). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

I handle initiative in posting order.

I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

I attempt to post twice a day during weekdays and once each day during the weekend. This is a special and as such we need to set a higher pace than normal. I will bot you / put you in delay if you have not posted in 24 hours.

And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it.

We will start on January 14th, the gameplay thread is open for dotting

Fiend series | Shackles

“Rachikan has been discovered!” exclaims Venture-Captain Adril Hestram as he peers up from a collection of ragged maps, dusty tomes, and tarnished coins from behind a massive desk within the Grand Lodge in the heart of Absalom. His excitement quickly fades and Adril gestures toward an elderly man sitting by the hearth.

“May I introduce a former Pathfinder and respected friend, Benton Grone. This gentleman has suffered a great loss to bring a grand discovery to us and he has agreed to trade all rights to his claim of locating lost Rachikan in return for locating his missing nephew. Go with him and make haste; he has agreed to guide you to the Pillars of Anferita in Cheliax.”

Knowledge (history) DC 15:

Historians suggest a stern society called the Jistka Imperium helped advance Golarion during the Age of Anguish. At their height, they spanned parts of Cheliax,Rahadoum, and Thuvia. Remnants from this once great empire include a numbering system still used today.

DC 20

Jistka was known for their golemworks artificers who created many mathematical wonders.

DC 25

Occult whispers hint at the forged pacts between the Jistka artificers and fiends from the lower planes to grant unsurpassed skill at the forge.

DC 30

Evidence indicates the Jistka Imperium was filled with secret, diabolist societies and that these societies worked hand-in-hand with the golemworks artificers to create frightening fiendish constructs.

Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy (gather information) DC 15:

A member of the Pathfinder society spent several ancient coins from the Jistka Imperium recently in a town called Macini in southwestern Cheliax along the Inner Sea coast. He claimed to have found lost treasure and has since disappeared.

DC 20

Recently, large purchases of mining equipment have been shipped from several cities in Cheliax to the Pillars of Anferita.

DC 25

A beautiful woman made a large purchase of slaves from a desert slaver near the Arch of Aroden—she indicated they were heading to a dig site in the Pillars of Anferita.

DC 30

A feared and respected man named Haliduris Karn is the man behind the recent slave and mining equipment purchases and it’s rumored that the Aspis Consortium funds his every move.

Fiend series | Shackles

Welcome to this Series of the Fiend! This game will be played following the Standard PFS rules and will include the following scenarios:
#22 Fingerprints of the Fiend
#2-10 Fury of the Fiend
#5-17 Fate of the Fiend

I first want to get my 'house rules' out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

Please give me the following information:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (this is a link). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

  • I handle initiative in posting order.

  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

  • I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it.

    We will start once everybody has signed in and is available.

  • Fiend series | Shackles

    Please ninja-dot by posting and then deleting your post. Double check that your post is actually gone!

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Hi there! Welcome to the Special Solstice Scar B. This game is expected to start May 7th

    Current campaign and tier: Standard 5-6

    I first want to get the house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following:

    I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (this is a link). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order. I will also put the map link in my status bar when we start.

    I handle initiative in posting order. That means you will enter delay if you could take an action before the next enemy and then come out of delay in posting order.

    I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

    I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

    This is a special. As such we need to keep our focus, have steady posting and move the scenario forward. I will bot you if you do not post. For that purpose: please add a botting spoiler to your profile so I know what you usually do. For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

    And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Welcome to this game of Tide of Morning! This game will be played following the Standard PFS rules.

    I first want to get my 'house rules' out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (this is a link). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

  • I handle initiative in posting order.

  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

  • I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it

  • Fiend series | Shackles

    In Absalom, the Venture-Captains claimed it would be a nice walk in the woods, a pleasant change of pace from the bustle of the city. Obviously they forgot about the brambles, boulders, and biting insects of the Verduran Forest, which turned the jouney into an arduous three-day scramble of detours, torn clothes, and near falls. Fortunately, Venture-Captain Dennel Hamshanks made a firm impression before the expedition left Absalom.

    The air grew still as Hamshanks rolled into a meeting room deep inside the Pathfinder Lodge in Absalom, his jowls glowing and his enormous axe clanking against his thigh. The man’s black eyes scanned the room. “You lot?” Hamshanks spat.

    “Well, maybe you’ll surprise me. Your boat leaves in an hour, so I’ll be brief. One of the Society’s contacts in Andoran sent us an interesting little nugget this morning. A druid named Hemzel swept into Augustana’s Civic Library last week, demanding his right of research. Our contact learned that Hemzel acquired a lorestone from somewhere in the Verduran Forest. Heard of such a thing?” Hamshanks paused expectantly and spat again.

    “Of course not. Heard of druids, at least? And their crazy stone circles? Well thank Gorum for that. Lorestones are somehow connected to them—supposedly they can bestow you with all of the knowledge of the druids. We’d like to know how, so we want that stone and you’re going to get it for us.Unfortunately, the Society is not a friend to Hemzel. He’s the self-declared protector of the Verduran Forest inside Andoran’s borders and some of our more eager explorers have angered him and his little band of gnomes. He’s sworn a blood feud with the Pathfinders.”

    “Break out your skills of persuasion and get me that i]lorestone[/i]. Do what you need to—sweep the floors or plant some trees for the old man. Something nice—let him know we’re there to study and not to slash and burn.” As the sun sets on the third day of travel in the Verduran Forest, the welcome sight of a puffing chimney—Hemzel’s home, according to the map—reveals itself atop a hill.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Welcome all!

    This is the discussion thread for my Outpost run of the Starfinder Society scenario The First Mandate. It is a tier 1-4 scenario.

    I am on holiday until March 5th, so we will probably start on the 7th and not right out of the gate.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Please dot in!

    After comparing the different light starship weapons it seems that the coilgun is too good to be true:

    Coilgun Long range, average 10 damage (min: 4, max 16) per hit and costs 6 build points. 1.67 damage per BP

    We can compare that to two other weapons that also have no special properties and have similar damage output:

    Light particle beam Medium range, 10.5 damage (min: 3, max 18) for 10 BP: 1.05 damage per BP and shorter range.

    Twinlinked light laser cannon Short range, 10 expected damage (min: 4, max 16) for a minimum of 8 BP: 1.25 (or less) damage per BP, shorter range and uses two mounts.

    In my opinion these three options should be similar, with players really having to choose between the options. I would expect that with longer range comes lower damage output per BP. This is currently not the case.

    Therefore I am seriously considering to increase the costs of coilguns to 10 BP. That would set their damage output per BP at 1.00, which is slightly lower than the light particle beam. The advantage of a coilgun is the longer range

    You can take a look at the key figures here, I am curious to see what your thoughts are on the subject.

    Edit: I should probably have posted this in homebrew or rules.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Welcome all, this is an invitation game where I will attempt to document everything I do as a GM.

    I always open with something like the below first to have my expectations clear. I copy paste this from an earlier game and adjust where needed. Everything that is in there also goes for this game ;-)


    Welcome to this game of From the Tome of Righteous Repose! This game will be played following the Standard PFS rules and at tier 3-4

    I first want to get my 'house rules' out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)
    7: Whether you have played/ran this scenario before and what arc(s) you followed ( you can see this on your chronicle(s), it is either Bones, Scales, Scoundrels or Tusks) I will attempt to offer a new challenge to all players.

    Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (this is a link). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

  • I handle initiative in posting order.

  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

  • I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.
  • The map

    The slideshow for the map is usually a copy from an earlier game. I could make a template for it, but this also works fine. I assume you all know how to make slide-shows and share this with other people, if not please let me know and I will explain.

    For the map links I make sure that the link goes to the first slide. This is always the slide that is the most important for the current encounter. Normally the shared link is something like this: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NjQYdMaZbscVZrw-VOv9qd2Ew-uPS4av4-R l3T_3KxA/edit?usp=sharing but you want the last bit to be /edit#slide=1

    I always put a link to the map in my status bar AND in the campaign information, so players can easily find it. It is good practice to check both links.

    I will be mostly offline until December 29. After that I will start preparing for this game, with preparing starting in earnest on Wednesday January 10th.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Placeholder opening post to allow for dotting, please delete your dot once placed

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tears at Bitter Manor

    Cassomir is located at the mouth of the Sellen River, and is the second largest settlement in the empire of Taldor. It acts as a major trade city, and through its ports enter goods from the Inner Sea, as well as from nations to the north that utilize the Sellen as a trade route. Cassomir is also home to the greatest of Taldor's imperial shipyards, even though the majority of the fleet itself is stationed in Oppara. Cassomir is also chosen by an experienced adventuring party for their next foray into adventure...

    The floor is yours! Please introduce your character.

    Tears at Bitter Manor

    Hi there! Welcome to the Pathfinder module Tears at Bitter Manor

    I first want to get the house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please take notice of the following:

    •I handle initiative in posting order.

    •I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for a PFS example.

    •This game does not have the highest priority, I have other games that will be updated more frequently and I have also responsibilities as a VO that will eat into my ability to update. Having said that: I started this game to finish it.

    •For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

    •This game will be run in campaign mode and you will receive chronicles for playing. Levels 5-7 & 6-8. I will ask for PFS information when it is time to hand out chronicles.

    •And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.


    Can you cancel my Starfinder Society Subscription? As a VL (see Tonya's blog) I think I should receive all scenarios in my downloads. Is that something you can arrange for me?



    Liberty's Edge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Online

    17 people marked this as a favorite.

    I think I can speak for all of the Online Venture Officers in saying that we are super excited and very appreciative for this opportunity to serve the Online community in this new expanded capacity. And we all want to thank Paizo for their continued support for the Online Community - you guys have always been amazing.

    And many thanks to the Online Community for being an Amazing Community to serve and support - you guys make our jobs a lot of fun.

    All that said, It is with great pleasure, and excitement, that I present to you the Venture Officers of the New Online Play Region directly

    Adventure Card Game (ACG)

    VC-ACG: Tyler Beck (CartmanBeck) [email]

    VL-ACG: Andrew Warner (Hawkmoon) [email]

    Play-by-Post (PbP)

    VC-PbP: Hilary Moon-Murphy (Hmm) [email]

    VL-PbP: Gerard vanKonijnenburg (Magabeus) [email]

    VA-PbP, Paizo (Flaxseed): Christine Bussman (Redelia) [email]

    VA-PbP, MythWeavers: Michael Hallet (MichaelHallet) [email]

    VA-PbP, RPGGeek: Phillip Wood (Woodenman) [email]

    VA-PbP, Pathfinder-FR: Sylvain Corbaz (Zinou) [email]

    Virtual TableTop (VTT)

    VC-VTT: James Bartlett (Imhrail) [email]

    VL-VTT: Helen Yau (Hels) [email]

    VL-VTT: Richard Lowe (Suthainn) [email]

    VA-VTT, German Language: Hannes Schunk (Bakamono) [email]

    I could not be happier with the team assembled for the New Online Region - we are very, very fortunate to have such an amazing team of VOs and I look forward to the days ahead.

    - Jesse

    Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
    Regional Venture Coordinator, Online Play
    Discord Chat: PFSChat.com / SFSChat.com / AdventureCardGameChat.com

    Our Mission: To Champion, Serve, Support, and Build the Online Community.

    Hi, it seems that the module the Gauntlet does not add GM credit when run for PFS (towards earning stars).

    Can you look into this? I reported a GM session for event 90019, session 1,519,644


    Yesterday evening I GMed my first SFS game and a few questions came up. One I could not answer was about the mechanic repairing his drone. While researching after the game I found this:

    Mechanic Trick page 72 wrote:

    Repair Drone (Ex)

    When you spend 10 minutes to repair your drone, you repair
    25% of its maximum Hit Points instead of 10%. You must have
    a drone to learn this trick.

    Which implies that there is something written about drone repair, but I can not find those rules anywhere. Can someone help me figuring out exactly how a mechanic can repair his drone, whether there are checks involved etcetera? Thanks!

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Hi there! Welcome to the Pathfinder scenario PFS 7-99 - Through Maelstrom Rift(Lvl 6 Pregens) which will start on or slightly after Oct 6, 2017 as part of PBP Gameday VI)

    Pregens will be made available before the game starts. I will post a short blurb on the characters so you can make your preference known.

    I first want to get the house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please take notice of the following:

    •I handle initiative in posting order.

    •I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for a PFS example.

    •I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

    •For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

    •And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Please ninja-dot by posting and then deleting your post. Double-check if the delete actually came through, it helps to keeps gameplay clean.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Please ninja-dot by posting and then deleting your post. Double-check if the delete actually came through, it helps to keeps gameplay clean.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Hi there! Welcome to the Starfinder scenario SFS 1-00 - Claim to Salvation (Lvl 4 Pregens) which will start on or slightly after Aug 25, 2017 as part of PBP Gameday VI)

    Pregens will be made available as soon as I get the scenario. I will post a short blurb about each pregens so you can give me your preference.

    I first want to get the house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect everyone to be supportive of each other, we are exploring a new ruleset and I expect that we will make mistakes. That is no issue, as long as we keep the communication open.

  • I handle initiative in posting order.

  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for a PFS example.

  • I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

  • For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

  • Fiend series | Shackles

    Hi everyone,

    I use this thread to do lotteries for my PBP games and to communicate the results.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Hi there! Welcome to the Special Solstice Scar

    I assume you have signed up on the sign-up sheet that the overseer made available. If you did not: hop to it! (the sign up sheet is expected to be made available to players at or around June 23rd)

    This game is expected to run from August 25th, 2017 up to Thursday, October 5th, 2017.

    Current campaign and tier: CORE 5-6 (The overseer GM might change this depending on sign-ups)

    I first want to get the house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (this is a link). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order. I will also put the map link in my status bar when we start.

  • I handle initiative in posting order.

  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

  • I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

  • This is a special. As such we need to keep our focus, have steady posting and move the scenario forward. I will bot you if you do not post. For that purpose: please add a botting spoiler to your profile so I know what you usually do. For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

  • Fiend series | Shackles

    Once the game appears in your campaign list, please delete your post, (and check that it is actually deleted) so that it doesn't clutter the thread.

    Actual gameplay is expected to start on August 25th

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Something has been afoot in the Society, for the last several weeks, if not months. Something big is about to happen, although very few people know the details yet. Rumours abound of course, but most of the seem too wild to be believed. What is known, is that the Decemvirate have requested volunteers for a very demanding mission, consisting of upward of twenty teams. Six Pathfinders find their names listed in the roster as team "vytrvalost", the old Azlanti word for 'perseverance'. It might turn out to be justified, but for now it's a motto that's yet to be earned. The group meets up in the halls of the Grand Lodge to get acquainted, share rumours and make the final preparations.

    Here's a first post to get you started with the character introductions, and to tide you over until Friday. I'm not allowed to give any details about the scenario until the 9th.


    Just stopped in here to thank you for changing how the scenarios are listed for a PFS event. This is much more clear and easy. Thank you!


    Hi, I recently earned my 4th GM star. Can you arrange that I get access to the 4star exclusives?


    Fiend series | Shackles

    Event Name: Cosmic Captive PbP Gameday
    Event Number: #94366
    June 9th-July 21st

    CORE tier 5-6

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following:

    I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map link. If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

    I handle initiative in posting order.

    I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

    I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority.

    This is a special. As such we need to keep our focus, have steady posting and move the scenario forward. I will bot you if you do not post. For that purpose: please add a botting spoiler to your profile so I know what you usually do. For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.

    And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    The River Kingdoms is a tumultuous land of bloodthirsty bandits, treasure-laden ruins, and self-proclaimed kings, and for years it has been the subject of study for Ulisha, a curious and capable half-orc explorer. She has approached the Pathfinder Society through a letter.

    In the letter she told about her last discovery, Silverhex, an enchanted sickle used by druids millennia before which she recovered from a collapsing stone circle. She also told about her recent problems with the local nobility, and the bounty they had putted on her head. Unable to deal with her pursuers on her own, she offers to sell the society Silverhex at a steep discount so she is able to pay off her bounty. You have been tasked by the Society to get in touch with her and get the relic back to Absalom.

    When you arrive to the room of the Giant´s Thumb Inn, where you were supposed to meet her, she is nowhere to be found. However, she left behind her journal full of profitable leads as a sign of good faith.

    See map for journal

    Fiend series | Shackles

    This is a scenario for 1st level characters only.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following

    I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map link. If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

    I handle initiative in posting order.

    I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

    I attempt to post once a day during weekdays. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority. I will let you know when I won't be able to post for an extended period and expect the same from you.

    And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    This is a module for 1st level characters only.

    Please give me the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    Please take notice of the following

    I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map link. If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

    I handle initiative in posting order.

    I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

    I attempt to post once a day during weekdays. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority. I will let you know when I won't be able to post for an extended period and expect the same from you.

    And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    You are in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World and you’ve heard rumors that one of the sealed siege castles has been laid open by a minor earthquake. Word on the street is that no one has yet entered the tower, which folks are calling the “Fallen Fortress.”

    It did not surprise you that Venture Captain Drandle Dreng woke you at an ungodly hour and tasked you with exploring the tower and reporting back to him. He has set no deadline, but indicated he would not be pleased if you had nothing to report because others were acting faster.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Hello and welcome!

    This game will likely get underway end of March 2017. I am not the quickest of GM's, so expect a duration of approximately 8 weeks.

    Before we start, can you all fill in the following information:

    1. Player/Forum Name
    2. Character's Name
    3. Class and Level
    4. PFS# (and dash)
    5. Faction
    6. Day job Roll (if any)

    and fill your initiative and perception modifiers on the second slide of the Google presentation that I will use to share handouts, maps etcetera.


    Also the gameplay thread is open for dotting.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    You are in a tavern in Korvosa, enjoying a welcome rest after your previous missions. It seems several other pathfinder agents have also chosen this place as a place to get some rest before they head back to Absalom.

    One morning, after you have broken your fast you head back to your room to get your coat before heading out into the city. You immediately notice the letter on your pillow. Your room is still locked and everything seems to be in the same place as you left it.

    I am about to start the module Plunder and Peril, after a playthrough of Skull and Shackles part 1. It is a 3-parter giving you 9 XP and 12 PP at normal advancement (plus a bonus sheet if you complete all 3 parts)

    I am looking for one divine melee-type to complete the existing party. Preferably level 4 and no pregen.

    Classes that have my preference: Warpriest / Cleric / Paladin / Oracle / Hunter / Druid / Ranger

    Current party composition:
    Tori: Archer lvl 5
    Xasay: Shadow puppeteer lvl 3
    Scratcher: Melee lvl 4
    Emett: Gunslinger lvl 4

    This is a Pathfinder Society Standard game, so you have to bring an existing character that follows the rules of the campaign.

    I will review your filled Chronicles and Inventory Tracking Sheet before we start, so make sure your administration is ok.

    First round of recruitment will be open for approximately 24 hours from now. There will be a lottery after that period. Placement in the lottery will be based on the requirements set above (divine melee lvl 4).

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Please insert your perception and initiative modifiers on the google slide show that I use for maps and handouts.

    Also take your time to read this:

    How I handle PbP initiative:

    I roll initative for everyone at the start of combat and will post a list that looks like this

    Example 1 wrote:


    Combat modifiers like bless or inspire courage are posted here
    Player A
    Player B
    - - -
    Enemy 1
    - - -
    Player C
    Player D
    - - -
    Enemy 2

    In this case Player A and Player B can act, and Players C and D can not. If Player B posts his action those action are resolved and I change the tracker to:

    Example 2 wrote:


    Combat modifiers like bless or inspire courage are posted here
    Player A
    - - -
    Enemy 1
    - - -
    Player C
    Player D
    - - -
    Enemy 2
    - - -
    Player B

    If Player B wanted to wait to see what Player A did before acting he needed to either wait with posting or put in conditional clauses in his post like

    Player B wrote:

    If Player A flees the combat

    Bertrand runs after Aloward, deciding that this enemy is too much for them to handle

    If Player A casts a spell
    Bertrand gawks at Alowards and mumbles "I didn't know you could do that!"

    In any other case
    Bertrand steps up to the Aspis agent and attacks him with his greatsword[/b]

    In other words: in the same initiative bracket your actions get resolved in posting order, not initiative order.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Open for dotting

    The fluff:

    At long last, the Pathfinder Society has reassembled the Numerian device known as the Sky Key. Initial tests suggest it is capable of projecting a location’s past into the present, allowing Society agents to peruse books from destroyed libraries and speak with echoes of long-dead heroes. Now that it has perfected the Sky Key’s controls, the Pathfinder Society is prepared to extract a slice of Absalom’s history and bring it into the present; however, there’s no telling what might be waiting inside—or who in the present might wish to wield the same power.

    The crunch:

    As this is the special run for the PbP game day, it will be subjected to a few more rules.

    First, the PbP has a hard start and end date, this is August 27th-October 11th.
    We cant start earlier, and we cant go over time.

    Since this is a timed scenario ran across multiple tables, I will expect at least one post a day during weekdays for each participant, in order to keep up with the other tables. I will also do my utmost to stick to this schedule.
    If you cant post, let me know as soon as you can, as we can bot you.
    If you don't want your PC botted, you might want to reconsider joining.

    The tier is 5-6. This means I will accept characters of level 3 and 4 only. A multi table special has tiers for all levels, so if you are below or above this tier, please find an appropriate game.
    (more games will get added as time progresses, so check the PbP sign up site regularly at this link)

    Please post below with your applying character with the following details:
    PC name
    Class + level
    Day job roll

    Please also make sure that the character you apply with will be available from August 27th to October 11th.

    I will run the game here on the forum, so you will need to have the character profile for that character up to date. At a minimum I want to be able to see basic info:
    HP | AC | Touch | FF | Fort | Ref | Will | Perception | Init |
    This will help speed things up because it will allow me to make certain rolls for you if needed.

    And last, if you're new to PbP, dont be intimidated by all this. If you need help, ask. If something is unclear, ask. We are all here to have fun :)

    And finally: thank you Worran, I shamelessly copied this from your recruitment

    I will run the last part of the three-parter Scions of the Sky Key. If you want in: post below.

    I have five spots left, given that I am running this by request. As soon as we have four people in total we will kick-off.

    I recommend that you have run parts I and II. Although it is not required for any boons the series is a good one and you will have a better experience if you play them in order. (I know: I am now lessening my chances of getting a table together...)

    I look for people that commit to post once a day on weekdays. I know real-life happens and some days you will not be able to.

    Fiend series | Shackles


    For your information: I will not be able to post until June 7th.

    This is a tier 1-2 table, therefore I assume you will all bring a character within that level range.

    Please post here with the following information:

    Character Name
    Character Level
    Perception Check
    Initiative modifier
    Day Job Roll

    Whoever from the original list that fails to report in before I am able to post on June 7th: your place will be given to someone on the waiting list.

    Let's get this thing underway!

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Players, please make yourself known in character

    Fiend series | Shackles

    Ambrus Valsin has called you into his offices in the afternoon of a lovely spring day. Once you enter you immediately notice a muscular female half-orc. She is looking out of the window and turns around when you enter. She looks you up and down and then asks

    "Are you sure of this Ambrus?" she asks before sitting down. "Yes I am Calisro , it is time you dealt with it. I am certain these fine Pathfinders can do what we ask of them." the well-known Venture Captain answers before turning to you.

    "Have you met Venture Captain Calisro Benarry? She is our most experienced contact in the Shackles, operating from her ship the Grinning Pixie. The Venture Captain needs to take care of some personal business on the island of Flintyreach and I am sending you to the Shackles to see if there is opportunity for a more 'permanent' lodge there. One that does not move about."

    The half-orc scowls, but Ambrus ignores it. [b]"We know next to nothing about the ancient Ghol-Gan empire. Anything you can turn up from that age will be very interesting. I probably don't have to remind you that there are also several legends of treasure. You might need to make a bit of a name for yourselves before you can interest the free captains to allow a lodge on one of the islands, so keep an eye open for everything"

    Calisro adds "I have arranged for a friend of mine to bring you to the shackles in his ship 'the Craven'. Don't be alarmed by the name, the free captains know he ain't a craven. He can be trusted, but has his own agenda. So does everybody who means anything in the shackles. He said he wanted to depart first thing tomorrow." she stands up

    "We will continue this discussion tomorrow Ambrus" and looks at you "Good luck, and stay out of Besmara's locker!" before she leaves.

    Ambrus clasps in his hands "Any questions?"

    Fiend series | Shackles

    This is the discussion thread for the shackles games that I intend to run:

    1) Skulls and Shackles - Wormwood Mutiny sanctioned content (2-4)
    2) Plunder and Peril part 1 (3-5)
    3) Plunder and Peril part 2 (4-6)
    4) Skulls and Shackles - Raiders of the Fever Sea sanctioned content (5-7) ?
    5) Plunder and Peril part 3 (5-7)

    4) Is not certain, depending on party composition and level. To be decided after 3)

    The series will be played with standard PFS characters.

    Please dot in with the character you intend to use.

    Fiend series | Shackles

    The Pathfinder Society has turned its attention to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament—a world-renowned fighting competition, held once every ten years in the city of Goka on the eastern continent of Tian Xia. More specifically, the Decemvirate is interested in the incredible prizes available to the tournament’s winner—a choice of treasure from the legendary vaults of Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix herself. As part of the preparations for the tournament, Pathfinder Society agents have been deployed across the Inner Sea and beyond to seek out forgotten lore, allies, and magical items to be used by the Society’s tournament representatives.

    Venture-Captain Amara Li, leader of the Lantern Lodge and Goka native, has uncovered information about one such item hidden amid the reaches of the Wall of Heaven—an Iroran relic known as the Braid of a Hundred Masters. Organizing the search from her base in the Dragon Empires, she intends to send a group of Pathfinders to the high mountain range in search of the braid’s ancient home: the Clouded Path Monastery.

    The two-week-long journey to the mountains began in the cosmopolitan city of Goka, passed through the surrounding villages and farmlands, and led thousands of feet up into the tallest mountain range on Golarion; all that remains is the final day’s journey up from the base camp.

    Obviously the pathfinders have prepared well for this journey and consulted with several people about what you might expect.

    You can make a Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local) and /or Diplomacy check to see what you know. If you are untrained in the knowledge then let me know.
    Please introduce yourself in character to each other

    Fiend series | Shackles

    The Pathfinder Society has turned its attention to the Ruby Phoenix Tournament—a world-renowned fighting competition, held once every ten years in the city of Goka on the eastern continent of Tian Xia. More specifically, the Decemvirate is interested in the incredible prizes available to the tournament’s winner—a choice of treasure from the legendary vaults of Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix herself. As part of the preparations for the tournament, Pathfinder Society agents have been deployed across the Inner Sea and beyond to seek out forgotten lore, allies, and magical items to be used by the Society’s tournament representatives.

    Venture-Captain Amara Li, leader of the Lantern Lodge and Goka native, has uncovered information about one such item hidden amid the reaches of the Wall of Heaven—an Iroran relic known as the Braid of a Hundred Masters. Organizing the search from her base in the Dragon Empires, she intends to send a group of Pathfinders to the high mountain range in search of the braid’s ancient home: the Clouded Path Monastery.

    The two-week-long journey to the mountains began in the cosmopolitan city of Goka, passed through the surrounding villages and farmlands, and led thousands of feet up into the tallest mountain range on Golarion; all that remains is the final day’s journey up from the base camp.

    Obviously the pathfinders have prepared well for this journey and consulted with several people about what you might expect.

    You can make a Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local) and /or Diplomacy check to see what you know. If you are untrained in the knowledge then let me know.
    Please introduce yourself in character to each other