Welcome for Siege of the Diamond City. Standard rules tier 7-8. We will start Jan 14th 2019 and expect to finish by Mar 8th.
I first want to get my 'house rules' out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.
Please give me the following information:
1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)
Please take notice of the following:
I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map (to be provided later). If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.
I handle initiative in posting order.
I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.
I attempt to post twice a day during weekdays and once each day during the weekend. This is a special and as such we need to set a higher pace than normal. I will bot you / put you in delay if you have not posted in 24 hours.
And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it.
We will start on January 14th, the gameplay thread is open for dotting

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Hi GMG - Otha, Yogadragon and I are currently in a game being run by Batpony, with the characters we intend to play here. We normally set a fast pace, and fully expect to be done before 14 January.
Usual stuff -
1. Player/Forum Name: supervillan
2. Character's Name: Kiboko
3. Class and level: Hunter5/Barbarian3
4. PFS# (and dash): 75577-6
5. Faction: Liberty's Edge
6. Day job Roll (if any): will make this roll later, as I often use downtime for faction card goals.

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Player: Otha
Character: Flyndyngylyn
Class and Level: Infiltrator 5/Zen Archer 3
PFS#: 239913-1
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: None
Advancement: Normal

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1. Player/Forum Name: yogadragon
2. Character's Name: Kramac
3. Class and level: Fighter 2 / Brawler 2 / Inquisitor 5
4. PFS# (and dash): 239325-1
5. Faction: Grand Lodge
6. Day job Roll (if any): None

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Player/Forum Name: TriShadow
Character's Name: Kivuli Greyfeather
Class and level: Rogue 3 / Investigator 5
PFS# (and dash): 151777-15
Faction: Dark Archive
Day job Roll: Craft {Alchemy}: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Will use reroll on this is available after the scenario.

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1. Player/Forum Name: grimsnik
2. Character's Name: Cygnus
3. Class and level: Wizard (Evoker) 8
4. PFS# (and dash): 99317-3
5. Faction: Scarab Sage
6. Day job Roll (if any): none

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1. Player/Forum Name: Batpony
2. Character's Name: Kelumur
3. Class and level: Fighter 2 UC Rogue 4 Brawler 1
4. PFS# (and dash): 222036-5
5. Faction: Liberty's Edge
6. Day job Roll (if any): None

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Hello everyone! I will be taking over as GM for this special as soon as we transfer the thread to my control. Don't worry, we will start on time on the 14th of Jan.
As GMG remarked above, timing of the special will be fast paced so I expect everyone to keep up and post at least once a day. I don't like to bot players especially at higher levels when there are so many cool options but I will if there is a need to.
Please keep your vital statistics (AC/CMB/CMD/Saves...) updated on your tagline as conditions or spells change since that is what I will use to reference during play. I don't want to open your character sheet unless I really need to clarify something.
If there are choices within the scenario, we will proceed once three of you have agreed on an option.
Combat wise, I will roll initiative (and perceptions for surprise rounds) and (in very few cases) saves (where game flow might be impacted), but I like to leave most of that to you. I do try to follow the initiative order even if player posting is out of sync, so sometimes the monster dies before you get to swing. I will either redirect the rolls to another creature or last resort ask you for another set of actions.
Most of my posts will be midday US time, but I will check in at night as well to answer questions or move along the plot. Judging from other specials I have run or played in PbP, it would be nice to get a round of combat in each day to keep pace with the special.
Let me know if you have any questions of me before we begin, otherwise Good Luck Pathfinders!

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Greetings, Mr. Illustrious GM! I look forward to playing with you!

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Hi GM, thanks for taking over.
Kiboko has some conditional saving throw modifiers that don't fit onto the stat bar above, as follows:
+1 sacred bonus vs fear, poison, fatigue, exhaustion; +1 untyped bonus vs fear; +2 untyped bonus vs haunts.
The sacred bonuses only last for the first 24 hours of the adventure; they are from a boon.
Kramac, Flyn, Kelumur and I have adventured together on numerous occasions and we're generally able to set a good pace.
Welcome Cygnus and Kivuli!

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Yes, thanks GM, appreciate you stepping up for us...

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Thanks for stepping in to run this. I'm excited to play.

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Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to it as well.

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The battle district is condition green now. Let me know if you wish to stay here or move to another district for this new encounter.

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Is the bank of abadar encounter in battle district or elsewhere?

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I think GM has still used encounters based on first choice but the bank of abadar encounter is district neutral. I vote we move to another district, I'll refrain from making a decision to which though as I'm GMing a table..

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Kelumur is right about this one and I'd rather do the district choices in the Discussion section so as not to muck up the action in the Gameplay. That way as we hear of advances in the threat levels, we can decide during encounters where to go for the next one.
Even though a district is green now, further successes will keep it that way for the duration of the siege.
Since the levels are very fluid right now, let's do the Bank in the Battle district for now and decide where to go after it is complete.

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Confluence seems to need the most help, so I vote for that.

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Confluence is good for me.

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Wonderful. That will dovetail nicely into the next encounter.

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Side note: the fly skill, fly spell, five foot step, and charging rules need a good FAQ or two to determine their proper interaction.

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The whole 5' square grid thing breaks down in 3-D battles. I ran a scenario recently that takes place almost entirely underwater (Kramac and Kelumur took part) - so many flaky rules came up in that one!

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Poker chips, neat idea.
Anyway, we will soon be done with this encounter. Let me know if you want to switch to a different district. (current=Confluence)
The current threat levels are here

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Everywhere looks Green! So Confluence is fine for me. Or we could visit somewhere we haven't been yet.

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When is this scheduled to finish? I have a meatspace con in late February and want to know if this character should be available or not.

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Originally it was scheduled to end March 8, but they shortened the phases we are in now and dropped 8 days off the total so I believe it is scheduled to end Feb 28th now.

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Close to the end on this one, let me know if you want to switch districts...
Also a note that you have been given two seeker aid tokens for use during this act. They can be used to do the following:
Benefit from aid another (with a +3 effect instead of +2)
Increase an attack’s damage by 2d8 points
Heal all PCs for 3d6 hp
Increase a spell’s save DC by 2

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@Kiboko: When were you planning on running Tapestry's Toil? Just wondering as they just announced Outpost II sign-ups...didn't want to sign Flyn up for Outpost if you're running it in that timeframe...

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I was planning to run it pretty much straight after we're done here, but I see it is offered in Outpost (which is due to start March 11).
I'm still happy to do so - we'd probably need to recruit though. We have Flynn, Kelumur, one of Kramac's alts, possibly Martha interested. (By the way Kramac, I should advise against playing up in this one!).
I'm also fine with waiting, or if Batpony wants to sign up for the Tapestry's Toil run offered in Outpost.
Let me know what you'd prefer folks.

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Running it right after this is fine by me, Kiboko, that's what I was thinking you'd said earlier but wanted to make sure. Whatever you and Batpony decide is fine as well...

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March 11 is a good start date for me, as my move is March 6th. All things said, I prefer to be on GM Kiboko's table! If you want to run it part of outpost or separately, it's fine with me.

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Woundward or Outer district next?
Or stay in Egelesee?
First few votes win!

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Woundward is good.
(Also, waiting to hear from Hmm on whether it's ok to add my table of Tapestry's Toil to the Outpost II schedule; will make it easier to recruit if I can, but if not, it'll be an Online Support Programme game).

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My Outpost table of Tapestry's Toil has been ok'd, just waiting for it to be added to the spreadsheet.

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I updated my info on the spreadsheet, Kiboko, thanks!
On another note, I'm gonna squeeze in a session of Tower of the Ironwood Watch (5-9) before Outpost begins...prefer to go low tier (5-6). Thought I'd check with y'all before opening recruitment since I've played with several of you before. I've got most of the prep work done and am looking to start in a few days or so. If any of you are interested and have a character free, you can let me know and/or sign up here:

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I've got the Campaign thread created at the following link for those of you that have signed up:
GM Otha's Tower of the Ironwood Watch
I'll post here no more about this as I don't wish to clutter this thread any more than I already have...

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Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 Sigh, this is not fun! But it was a risk I took when i built him this way.
There are a few magic items that can mitigate a low Will save. Kiboko has a lesser talisman of freedom to thwart Hold spells and the like (learned my lesson when your mummies paralysed him with fear!) Potions of Protection from Evil (or Magic Circle) can reduce the risk of being dominated/charmed/possessed, and there's another talisman that works against fear effects. You lose the Amulet of Natural Armour if you go for talismans, but I think it might be worth it.