GM G |
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Cassomir is located at the mouth of the Sellen River, and is the second largest settlement in the empire of Taldor. It acts as a major trade city, and through its ports enter goods from the Inner Sea, as well as from nations to the north that utilize the Sellen as a trade route. Cassomir is also home to the greatest of Taldor's imperial shipyards, even though the majority of the fleet itself is stationed in Oppara. Cassomir is also chosen by an experienced adventuring party for their next foray into adventure...
The floor is yours! Please introduce your character.

Raymond Jervail |

A gruff young man, Raymond often has his right hand tied behind his back, and jokes that this puts him on a level with those around him. In truth, Raymond is generally depressed and quick to anger, and he finds making "friends" tiring. He does work well in a group, however, and finds adventuring parties just the right amount of intimacy.
Raymond wears a well-made set of studded leather armor, and his main weapon is obviously the gorgeously-forged rapier at his side in a mismatched but also well-wrought scabbard.
"So, what's the assignment today, gents?" He says to his allies, all of whom he's met and worked with before, though he wouldn't say he's "friendly" with any of them.

Orin Tane |

A tall, lean man in his late 20s. Well dressed, he wears an overcoat and wide brimmed hat. At first glance, he looks like any other merchant or lower noble, but on closer inspection, pouches and sashes line his belt and the insides of his overcoat.
He sits across the table from Raymond, casually juggling a single die across his knuckles. "Who wants to buy me a drink? I'll roll ya for it. We can even go for lowest rolls this time, make it fair for you eh Raymond?"

Raymond Jervail |

Raymond smirks and shakes his head. "I know your tricks, ya cheat. You'll not catch me rolling any dice or dealing any cards with you at the table, and you know it. I'll buy ya the drink, though. I owe you for that were-panda debacle."
Raymond stands and walks to the bar. As he walks away from the table, you catch some frantic movement from the fabric that seemingly holds his right hand in place behind his back, but it quickly stops.
Raymnd slaps down a few silver on the bar. "Your best grog, my friend. Four glasses, if you please." He carries the four tankards back to the table and passes them around.

Orin Tane |

Orin nearly drops the die between his fingers and shifts uncomfortably.
"I thought we agreed to never speak of that again..."

Raymond Jervail |

Having heard Orin's last statement as he was walking away, Raymond returns to his seat and says "Was a big favor you did me, taking her off my hands. Wasn't really a bad-looking wench, for one that turns black-and-white and gets even fatter than she had been... Don't really know what she saw in me..." he continues talking about the forbidden incident, to Orin's chagrin, while they wait for their two associates to show up.

Enrithel |

A fairly young elf approaches and sits, having heard the exchange as he walked up. Enrithel has dark hair and appears to be wearing a wizard's cloak and a headband.
"Thanks for the brew, Raymond." As he accepts his own all of the tankards gain a hint of frost as Enrithel chills them further.
Orin's tankard gains the black and white patterning of a panda.

Orin Tane |

As Raymond returns with the drinks, Orin pats Raymond on the back and says. "It's alright buddy. Anything for you. I know how much our friendship means to you."

Hurok |

A massive mountain of a man, grizzled but not quite un-kempt, sits with his back against the wall, his over-large axe propped up within reach. The alertness of his eyes belies the relaxed nature of his posture.
His thick fingers wrap around the mug as he nods his thanks to Raymond. "So many words, such little substance." he says with a sigh as he tilts the tankard back and empties it in 1 gulp.

GM G |
It is good to be back in Cassomir. You have found a nice inn, "The Long Porter Tavern" in the Imperial Naval Shipyards district. While it is not as good as the luxureous "Sword Point" in the Old Cassomir District it is a vast improvement over the "Barking Hound" in the Admiral's Fen district.
Adventure should be readily available in town, but you know you have to do some work for it. You might seek out the Blackrock Company. The group is well known for delving the depths below Cassomir, that are rumored to have access to the Darklands. Another possibility is to get in touch with the constabulary to see if there is any work to be done for the town. You also know of the flat wooden board sitting on stilts in the square adjoining the Abbey Green, Old Cassomir, and Threegates regions of town. Usually there are several broadsheets nailed to the board —announcements of laborers seeking work, rewards for lost pets or missing children, and sketches of wanted criminals.

Enrithel |

"Were you thinking to start with an easy one, or will someone be after your kneecaps until you get a big score?"
Enrithel sips his brew.

Orin Tane |

"No sense in drudging around in the belly of the world when there plenty o' gold to be had for much easier work. I say we check out what kind of broadsheets popped up, and see if the constable has anything we can do at the same time. I always liked getting two paychecks for the same job."

GM G |
The patron of the tavern comes to your table. He is a middle-aged human with a curly mass of hair and a lanky posture "Good sirs, I have your rooms ready. They are upstairs, first and second door to the left. Each with two beds. We have moved the beds apart as you requested. Can I do anything else for you?"

Enrithel |

Enrithel turns Orin's tankard back to normal, so the man doesn't think his cup is permanently defaced.
"I believe we're all set. Thanks for your assistance."
Enrithel hands the man a couple of silver for the next round.
"Well what do you say? Shall we enjoy one last evening before we have new responsibilities, or check the boards before we lose the light?"

Orin Tane |

Orin finishes his second drink and scoots his chair back.
"Let's see what kind of trouble they'll pay us for this time."
If there are no objections, we head to the bulletin board once everyone finishes their drinks.

GM G |
You finish your drinks and head out to the square adjoining the Abbey Green, Old Cassomir, and Threegates regions of town. There a flat wooden board sits on stilts in the square. Nailed to the board are several broadsheets—announcements of laborers seeking work, rewards for lost pets or missing children, and sketches of wanted criminals. When you analyze the board, one item of specific interest stands out:
A flight of harpies has been attacking merchant ships coming to or from the Sellen River. The flying monsters have thus far evaded capture, despite inflicting thousands of gold pieces in losses on the merchants of Cassomir. Further inquiry to me be made at the jewelry shop 'The Golden Goose" in Old Cassomir.
While you are reviewing the board a teenager in a perfect black outfit approaches the board "Excuse me sirs, can you stand aside a bit so I can put this on the board?". You stand aside and the youngster takes a takes a hammer and a few nails from his satchel and hammers in a note.
Adventuring party needed to do some investigation. Experience needed. Bring this note to the Sword Point Inn and ask for Brenda Tulles

Orin Tane |

Orin stops the boy after he hammers in the note.
"Hey kid, take us to the person who paid you to put this up."
He then reaches into his pocket shows him two silver coins. With a flourish, Orin flicks the coins into the air and lands them in the boy's satchel.
touch attack v pocket: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Enrithel |

Enrithel plucks the note off the board to bring with them.

GM G |
"Off course good sirs, follow me" the teenager takes you through the well-lit streets of Old Cassomir to the entrance of the Sword Point. He carefully cleans his shoes using the tools arranged for that and waits until you have done the same. Walking inwards he leads you to an elderly human couple that sit in one of the many rooms of the inn. He is a caramel-skinned man with strong hands. She is a pale, thin woman with neatly piled platinum hair.
"Madam, these folks took your note and asked me to bring them to you" She points to the chairs, inviting you to sit while the boy retreats from the room. After a long, assessing stare, the elderly woman speaks.
“We are grateful that you came. This is my husband and long-time comrade, Verus Crandel—we called him “Igneous” in our day—and I am Branda Tulles. The two of us were once adventurers like you, and we, along with a few of our friends, have had more than our share of excitement in our youth.”
She looks to her companion, who sits up to take a sip of ale, wiping his gray mustache with an embroidered cloth. He says in a weathered voice, “Each year about this time, the remaining four of us gather together in this city to remember our fallen friend, Rhoma Bissel, and to lend our experience to a cause worth fighting for. We can still face bullies and brigands and such, but my hammer gets heavier every time I lift it. I’ve meant for each of our last three ventures to be the end, but Branda and I still travel here every year to meet up with Dern Fosimuth and Taergan Flinn and to share a few stories with younger travelers like yourselves.”
He pauses for a long second before he continues. Worry hangs heavy in the air as he clears his throat. “Our two friends have not made their appearance yet this year. We’ve learned that one, Dern Fosimuth, is laid up in a place called Mother’s Care Home for Invalids, in nearby Hope’s Hollow. The other one is more curious—Taergan Flinn is a half-elf, so he’s a bit more active and nimble than the rest of us. And he never really took to retirement, so this gathering started as his idea. It worries us that he hasn’t shown, especially as we’ve made our share of enemies over the years. We think it’s best we stay here, should Taergan arrive, but ask that you would check his home for us just in case—and bring word back of Dern, as well.”
Branda Tulles takes over from there. “We’ve talked about mentoring a few younger pioneers, maybe even handing down a few secrets we never quite explored. We’d be willing to lend you our company and more if you’d be good enough to check on our two friends. Off course we will also reward you with money for your time. If our friends need help, we’d rather someone younger and up to a challenge discover them. Once we know they’re safe, we’ll look in on them ourselves. ”

Orin Tane |

"Talk to a sick man at an invalid home and help an old man escape his metaphorical demons? This is a job I can really get behind. I was afraid there would be ACTUAL demons involved. Better yet, I hear the old folks at these places get into some righteous games of towersss..."
Orin realizes he is rambling again and glances around to see if anyone is glaring at him this time.
"Any idea where to start looking for Taergan?"

Enrithel |

Would we know where that Home for Invalids is?

GM G |
A melancholic smile appears on the woman's face "Oh, youngsters. Always quick to act. Why don't you sit down for a moment and tell us who you are? I appreciate that you want to sort this out for us, but we would like to know who works for us before you head out. As to where to start looking for Taergan Flinn, I would start looking for him at his house here in town"
Enrithel, you do not have the exact location. You do know that Hope's Hollow is a village a few miles east of Cassomir. She gives you directions to Taergan Flinn's house (see map)

Orin Tane |

"I'm Orin. Gambler & lover with a bit of an adventuring problem. I go where there is coin to be made, damsels to be saved, glory to be had, or sometimes, wherever Raymond ends up." Because someone has to keep him out of trouble.
"I can't say I've ever slain dragons or demons, although I may have bed some. Never seen the arctic north, nor the beasts of the Mwangi, but if you have a reasonable request and the coin to back it up, I'm your man. And based on what I've heard so far, I think we shall get along just fine."
"This here is Enrithel, Hurok, and Raymond. Introduce yourselves boys. Let's show these two why they should give us their gold."

Raymond Jervail |

"What the dandy said," Raymond says gruffly, indicating Orin. He cracks his neck and the muscles in his right arm seem to bulge for a moment, the arm seeming to strain against its restraints, before settling.
"We go where the money is. Orin there likes to call himself some sort of oracle with his cards, but he's really just a good distraction for those that need stabbed. That part's generally my job."

Enrithel |

"I'm not sure why I still join these savages - I suppose it's a suitable counterpoint to my time spent studying. That, and the price of books never seems to stop growing." Enrithel pats his coin purse unconsciously.
"Though I do enjoy putting theory into practice once in a while." Enrithel grins at that, holding his hand palm-up as ice begins to crystallize around it.
Pretending he doesn't realize his hand is still frigid Enrithel pats Hurok on the shoulder, leaving behind a dusting of frost.

Hurok |

"I am Hurok, from the lands of the Mammoths, where the winds blow with the voice of demons and the snow hides white witches at every turn. I was the strongest warrior of my tribe, no other man could life my axe."
Hurok nods his head toward the axe behind him with a small grin on his face.
"While out on a hunt, we were ambushed by a band of orcs. We fought fiercely but were badly out-numbered and, in the end, only I made it back to the camp. Disgraced due to the defeat and failure to protect my people, I was exiled. Now I wander, looking for a heroic death at the very least. These 3 handle the boring stuff, so that works for me for now."

GM G |
"Thank you for introducing yourselves. In my younger years I was a skilled infiltrator. Traps nor locks could keep me from my mark. Verus' hammer made sure monsters would also not stand in our way. I am glad you are willing to take on this investigation. I hope to hear back from you soon.
As you leave the tavern the two watch you go, a forlorn look in their eyes as they are reminded of their own youth. Outside the lamterns on the streets have been lighted to provide vision in the darkness, evening has fallen.
Where to now? I have added a quest log to the map slides

Raymond Jervail |

"May as well stop by Flinn's house now, before we set out for Hope's Hollow."
Without waiting for the others to chime in, Raymond heads toward the neighborhood where Targus Flinn's house is located, according to the two old coots.

Enrithel |

Enrithel warms his hand (magically), nods at Branda and Versus, turns towards Raymond, then casts message on his companions.
(whispered) "I can't help but notice there was no discussion of compensation..."

Orin Tane |

"It seems Raymond doesn't want his share..."
"Speaking of shares, what are we doing this for a share of exactly?"

GM G |
"Yes, you will get paid. We will reward you with 250 gold each for word of our missing companions and will increase that based on your findings"
With that you are satisfied and leave the couple. You walk towards the house of Taergan Flinn’s in this cold, autumn eavening. Near the gates that lead out from Old Cassomir Hurok and Enrithel you hear the jingling of joins and approaching footsteps, without seeing anyone...
Enrithel: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Raymond: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Orin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Hurok: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Enrithel: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Raymond: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Orin: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Hurok: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Enrithel and Hurok get a surprise round action. It is light enough to see by and you are alone on the streets
You have triggered a haunt! The only thing that can normally damage a haunt is positive energy.

Enrithel |

Assuming that's supposed to read "coins". Also, I forgot my racial bonus to perception. Updated now.
Enrithel searches his memory of the area for anything which might suggest the cause of this haunt.
Kn. Local: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
He casts Resistance on himself, and calls out to the haunt.
"Spirit! If you can understand us how may we put you to rest?"

Orin Tane |

---As the haunt appears---
Orin strains like he hears something for a second, then gently fondles his coin purse. Checking the contents.
"hm. must be nothing."
---on Orin's turn---
"Spirit? What spirit? What are you guys goin' on about?"
active perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 LOL! I love the oblivious Orin
"There's nothing out here."

GM G |
An older man and a younger man appear. The younger one snatches a bag of coins from his elder and turns his back. As he does so, the older man pursues him, shouting, “Son, if you hate me so much, why don’t you just kill me already!” The image of the younger man turns on his father, knife in hand, and stabs him. As the scene fades, the older man screams
1d4 ⇒ 3
Enrithel thinks that the guards at the local constabulary would probably know it if something like you just witnessed was commited here. Also the Swift Prison would probably hold anyone who was detained for such an act.
You can take one round of actions until Orin has made his will save and acted

Orin Tane |

Orintenses up and his eyes glaze over a bit
Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
"Why are you all standing around? DO SOMETHING!"
Orin draws a card from his harrow deck. And starts to throw at the boy, but stops mid throw.
"...Unless. You are part of this. HOW HAVE I LET MYSELF BE SO BLIND."
1- Enrithel
2- Raymond
3- Hurok: 1d3 ⇒ 1
He instead throws the card at Enrithel.
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Raymond Jervail |

"Orin, what the hell are you doing?!!" rages Raymond.
Raymond launches himself at Orin, attempting to restrain him. As he does so, Raymond's right hand bursts from the wrappings that were holding it behind his back. As his arm comes around, you see that his right hand is blood-red, covered in veins and arteries right near the skin, and has wicked-looking claws where each fingernail should be.
grapple Orin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 He is unsuccessful at grabbing ahold of Orin.

Enrithel |

Before Orin acts:
"Seems it doesn't want to talk. After we visit Flinn maybe we should ask around about the cause of this."
---Orin and Raymond's actions occurs here---
Orin's card barely misses Enrithel.
"What the-!"
Enrithel was trying to be civil with the haunt, but quickly angers once threatened. He moves back, placing Orin between himself and the haunt then growls:
He casts Burst of Radiance such that it includes the haunt and Orin (if possible). A brilliant shimmering flash lights the area.
Duration: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Dmg to evil: 5d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 1, 1) = 10
Creatures in the area are blinded for 2 rounds, or dazzled for 2 rounds if they succeed at a DC 19 Reflex save. Evil creatures in the area of the burst take 10 points of damage, whether they succeed at the Reflex save or not.