Ambrus Valsin has called you into his offices in the afternoon of a lovely spring day. Once you enter you immediately notice a muscular female half-orc. She is looking out of the window and turns around when you enter. She looks you up and down and then asks
"Are you sure of this Ambrus?" she asks before sitting down. "Yes I am Calisro , it is time you dealt with it. I am certain these fine Pathfinders can do what we ask of them." the well-known Venture Captain answers before turning to you.
"Have you met Venture Captain Calisro Benarry? She is our most experienced contact in the Shackles, operating from her ship the Grinning Pixie. The Venture Captain needs to take care of some personal business on the island of Flintyreach and I am sending you to the Shackles to see if there is opportunity for a more 'permanent' lodge there. One that does not move about."
The half-orc scowls, but Ambrus ignores it. [b]"We know next to nothing about the ancient Ghol-Gan empire. Anything you can turn up from that age will be very interesting. I probably don't have to remind you that there are also several legends of treasure. You might need to make a bit of a name for yourselves before you can interest the free captains to allow a lodge on one of the islands, so keep an eye open for everything"
Calisro adds "I have arranged for a friend of mine to bring you to the shackles in his ship 'the Craven'. Don't be alarmed by the name, the free captains know he ain't a craven. He can be trusted, but has his own agenda. So does everybody who means anything in the shackles. He said he wanted to depart first thing tomorrow." she stands up
"We will continue this discussion tomorrow Ambrus" and looks at you "Good luck, and stay out of Besmara's locker!" before she leaves.
Ambrus clasps in his hands "Any questions?"

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An athletic, dark-haired young human woman listens carefully to the assignment, then nods her head approvingly once she hears the full mission, "Should we pretend to be pirates once we're in the Shackles, or can we openly be Pathfinders?"
Will be buying two doses of Air Crystals before we leave.


"You don't have to pretend to be pirates, not everybody is a pirate in the shackles." Ambrus replies. He picks up his mug of tea and takes a sip.
"As for when and how you should declare that you are pathfinders, I leave that to you. You earned your wayfinders, now live up to them"

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"Treasure? Make a name? Sure, I'm in. Hell, i couldn't ask for a better gig today! Ok, so I ain't gonna pretend I'm a deckhand or anything, but scoundral? Yah, I can get behind that. I mean, who wouldn't love to play pirate for a spell, am I right? Right? You all know what I mean... sure ya do..."
He looks around at the expressions on peoples faces, and then says "Gee, where ARE my manners. Everyone calls me 'Doc.' Don't really know why. Well, not my mother... she used my given name. Heck, she was the one what gived it to me! And Clara... boy, I did enjoy hearing her say 'Emmett, dear...' - Brings back memories..."

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What is very obviously a Wayang, with pitch-dark skin and sharp, alien features even by the standards of his own people, lurks in the far corner of the room to hide from the miserable midday sun.
"Pirates? Shackles? Now that *does* sound like an adventure! I understand the weather's wonderful there, too - hardly a ray of sunshine to be seen through all the stormclouds!" He chirps happily.
"Oh, and introductions: I am Ṣ̄ilpin k̄hxng ngeā thī̀ xāṣ̄ạy xyū̀ - but 'Xasay Xyu' will do, if that is what you prefer. A ship voyage can be a terrible thing without an entertainer - not that I would know, for never have I been on any such journey so lacking!"


"Any other questions? I suggest you take care of your packing and report to the captain of the Craven as soon as you can."

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"Oh, yah, packing. I have most my gear right here. But, like, what do you want for founding a lodge? We don't have to build it, right? Can we commit to a long-term lease? Or are we looking for a bit of a fixer-upper?"


"Don't worry about the actual establishment of a the lodge. What I want you to do is to find out is what people think of the society founding a lodge on one of the islands and what island would be best suited."

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"Oy, sorry I'm late.", says the imposing man walking into the meeting room. "Call me Scratcha', 'ere for ya bodyguardin' services and wot not. Can't remember me real name, but I was called dat for fightin' tooth an' nail an' all."
After getting a recap on the mission, he nods. "Blimey, dealin' with real life pirates. At least that outta be excitin'"
"Guess I outta know if there are any blokes down there that have a chip 'gainst the Society."
For additional purchases, getting 2x potion sponges imbued with touch of sea and 2 air crystals for a total for 202gp. Also using 2PP for a scroll with 5 lesser restorations.


The next morning you go to the docks and find the Craven. A woman in her late twenties sees you coming "Ahoy yee landlubbers, what brings you to our fine coward?"
You explain that you have been send by captain Benarry and she helps you aboard. "Capt'n will be around shortly. I am first mate Sandara Quinn"
You get aboard and store your belongings in one of the holds. A short while later Sandara comes to get you "Come on, Capt'n Darrel is waiting for you". You enter the captains quarters behind her and are introduced to captain Horace Darrel. He explains that ferrying you to the shackles is done as a favor to captain Benarry and that he wants you to keep out of trouble during the journey.
Later that day the Craven leaves port. The days string together as you sail west and then south. During the evenings the crew love to gamble and share tales and you manage to make some friends. The captain keeps his distance from the men, but first mate Quinn mingles freely with the sailors. She is clearly respected by all.
Once you reach the neighborhood of the gigantic hurricane "The Eye of Abendego" the sea turns rougher. Although the captain intended to skirt the worst storms the sea is fickle. All day and night the ship is tossed from side to side in the storm. You manage to hold on for your shear lives, doubting the wisdom of this journey.
During the darkest hours of the night there is a huge crash as the ship hits something underwater! All movement is stopped and you are tasked with pumping water out of the ship. The ships carpenter makes some temporary repairs and slowly the sun rises and the winds abate.
The ship is stranded on some coral reefs just before a small island!
Giving you some time to interact with each other and get to grips with the situation

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"Sandara, now that's a pretty name. My friends call me Doc, but you can call me anytime."
Emmett doesn't seem able to keep from flirting with pretty much any woman, but he always keeps it clean and cordial.
When the gambling starts, he jumps right in. In fact, it may be hard to tear him away to go do other things. Win or lose, he keeps a light mood and seems to just enjoy the game.
He looks over the edge of the ship to take stock in the situation. "Anyone know how to swim?"

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"I 'ope der's some trouble, or I'ma gonna be bored 'ere!", Scratcher commenting back to the captain. Scratcher watches the gambling, but doesn't participate; he's not a fan of games of luck as he thinks he doesn't have much, despite what the fates think.
"So wot you guys do 'ere?", he asks the party as he sharpens his forearm-mounted clawblades. "I'ma here to try an' protect the lot of you, as charged by Milani. See, it's my divine duty to protect, but just being a static bodyguard ain't my thing, need more adventure an' challenges to by worthy of my divine charge." Pointing to his weapons, he continues. "Dat's why I use deez; dey allow me ta fight, protect myself an' others, an' stop an attacker non-vilently if need be, yaknow?"

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When the water starts filling the hold, the Scratcher somewhat freaks out. "Blimey, what's goin on?", doing his part in the water chain.
"I ain't learned to swim propa yet, though I do have sum tricks, guv."
How deep is the water from here to the shore?

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During the trip, Vag has made herself helpful in the galley, where her skills as a chef provide a little relief in fine weather from the stedy diet of sea biscuits.
"I know a little swimming" admits Vagram.
The sylph's expression on her face makes it obvious she is not keen on water though.
"Call me a Genie Scratcher, it looks like your wish is granted and we have struct trouble already."

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Tori appears quite at home on the ship, quickly doing her best to assimilate with the crew and offering to help with some of the ship work. Although she eschews any gambling, she does participate in drinking and listening to sailor tales and shanties.
To Scratcher's query about the groups abilities, she replies, "I'm an archer by training, although I'm okay hand to hand if I have to. I leave most of the talking or heavy thinking to others more qualified. I do know something about sailing though, that's probably one of the reasons they picked me for this mission."
When the ship runs aground, Tori appears troubled, "Depending on how bad the damage is, we could be stuck here for awhile. If that's the case, maybe we can be productive and check out that island."


"Capt'n!! Come quickly!!!" you hear a distressed voice coming from the middle of the ship. Curious as you are you move to the place, just besides where the ships main water-barrel is lashed to the main mast.
The barrel is ruptured by several holes and a weird goblin-like creature lies next to it, dead. Instead of legs it has the tentacles of an octopus...
In one of it's hands it has the besmaran talisman that Sandara Quinn wore around her neck. A quick roll-call is done and indeed, she is missing together with a sailor called Jake Snarl, well-known for his animal imitations. Captain Darrel turns to you
"It seems we are missing two crew-members, the ship has been severely damaged and we are almost out of water. To make matters worse it seems that Sandara and Jake have been abducted, and not just been thrown overboard. Will you explore the island to see if there is water to be found and if possible also rescue Sandara and Jake? You can take the dingy. I am afraid I need my crew here to make repairs and make sure the Craven does not sink beneath us"

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Would've posted this just under an hour ago, but the power went out right before I posted.
Xasay heads to the lower decks, and quickly makes a place for himself in the party atmosphere, trying a few of the games, but really getting involved in the storytelling, learning several new ones, sharing several that the crew had never heard before, and impressing the daylights out of them (literally) with displays of his unique art form. As darkness falls, Xasay's star rises with the crew, and the crash comes as a most unwelcome interruption. Several of the crew (more than would be necessary, in fact) volunteer to pick up Xasay's slack if only he'll finish the frightful Erutaki ghost story/apotheosis legend he was in the middle of.
"...the tide rose high that night, higher than it ever had, and it swallowed Sedna's cruel and selfish father. When the sun rose once more, all that could be heard was the sound of the gulls, and the seals, and the sea...which sounded like it was laughing."
His tale come to a close, Xasay makes his way past the awed and frightened sailors to rejoin his party.
"I'm not a good swimmer, but" He raps on his lacquered teak chestplate. "At least I'm dressed for it if I must! There are other ways, as well, of course, if need be...."

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"Sure, we'll take care of it. We'll return with your crew members and a source of water if there is one." Tori replies confidently to the Captain's request for aid.

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"Certainly!" says Vag, supressing a shudder as she looks at the mutant goblin. "I hope we find things with legs not tentacles though. I wonder why the holed the barrel. It's almost as if they wanted us to go ashore.."

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Xasay peeks over the edge and looks with interest at the "goblopus...."
Knowledge (Local or Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

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"Ok, boys. Looks like our game will have to wait. Gotta get some water, cause we can't just drink whiskey! Plus, Sandy needs a rescue, and Jake still owes me money! We'll be back."


Xasay remembers that the creature is a Grindylow and that it's tentacles are capable of tripping adjacent creatures while it can still attack with any weapons it is holding.
"Here, take Sandara's amulet with you. She might want it back as soon as possible"

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"Ahh, that would be a Grindylow - and where there's one, there's presumably more, so it's worth mentioning that they can be tricky fighters with all those limbs."


You board the ship's boat and set of to the south with some spare barrels to get water. The Craven is stuck on a coral reef at the northeastern corner of an island.
To your immediate south a glowering fist of rough granite rises from the jungle on the eastern end of the island. It is approximately 50 feet high. To the west of the fist the jungle makes way to lower vegetation. Farther to the west (some 6 miles) you see a the jungle start again on a mountainous ridge that rises to approximately 500 feet above sea level.
To the east of the fist the ocean begins as the island continues to the south. You would have to row a bit to see what is to the south of the fist.
You have effectively 3 options: go west, go east around the fist or go south towards the fist

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Vagantem, looking a little green in the small boat, points to the beach to the west.
"Lets get to land. The sooner we find water the better. I guess we could row around the outside until we find a stream... assuming there is one. I'd feel better walking though."


You see no beach. The coast is made up of mangrove swamp in the area near you.

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"Ugh, on second thoughts, sinking into a mangrove doesn't sound fun either. Lets try east around that big rock outcrop. "
She eyes up the rock for a bit
perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
"Anyone think we could climb that and get a good view from up there? That might save us all some time. And its closest too."
Vote for directly south and trying a climb.

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"Climb? Really? I reckon I can climb, but ain't had much call to do so before. We're in the boat now, so maybe we should just keep trying around until we find a dock?"
So, will try the climb, but only get a +1, and swimming isn't much better...

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"Why don't we see what's on the other side of the rock? No need to climb unless we have to." Tori offers her two coppers.

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"Caus' I like high places where I can feel the wind in me hair" replies Vagantem.
Still, with a shrug she goes back to her oar to help guide the boat around further east.


Lurking for a bit while you row and discuss...
From this distance it is hard to make out how easy it would be to climb the rock.

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"Others are scared of heights" opins Vangram - who herself doesn't seem so worried by the idea of a climb.
"But if there is a beach round the other side there may be an easier way up."


You round the cape to the east and see that the island turns again to the right after a few miles. The fist seems to stand at the easter edge of the land and you round the next corner after an hour of rowing. In the far distance you make out what seems to be a sandy beach!

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"Much better! Some sand, some rum, and a little me time... let's make shore there."
Emmett starts rowing towards it, as best as he can.

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"Lay on me hearties!" calls Vagantem, putting some effort into the oars.
As she rows she keeps a keen eye out for any streams that may be exiting the small island.
perception: 1d20 ⇒ 7


While rowing along the shore you pass a small stream that exits the swamps. However it is seems to be hard to land here with all the mangrove. You decide to push on and land on the beach.
Towering palm trees stretch along the white sand beach for a mile or so, each around 50 feet high and crowned with a wide canopy of palms brimming with coconuts. You walk towards three of the trees when Xasay, Emmet and Slasher note that there are a huge amount of coconuts beneath these three trees...
Xasay: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Tori: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Vagantem: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Emmet: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Scratcher: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Xasay: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Tori: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Vagantem: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Emmet: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Scratcher: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
3: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Initiative, Surprise Round
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
Standard Round
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
Emmet! Remember, surprise round action only. As a standard action you can do a perception check

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Then let's do that perception check, because otherwise, I don't think Emmett senses danger. At least he won't be flatfooted...
Emmett scans the area for signs of trouble.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29 wow


Emmet spots three big crabs lurking in the leaves of the palms! Two of them drop down and attack the Scratcher and Vagantem...
Charge Vagantem: 1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 4 = 19
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Grab: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 8 + 2 = 19
Constrict: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Charge Scratcher: 1d20 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 4 = 13
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Grab: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 2 = 14
Constrict: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Vagantem is hit and the crab's pincer gets a good grip on the sylp, holding her in a deadlock!
Initiative, Surprise Round
- - -
- - -
Standard Round
- - -
- - -
Vagantem 10/20 hp
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

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"Oy, figure I'd have to 'ead to port to get crabs comin at me!"
Scratcher decides to prepare one for stewing.
CE Tekko-kagi @ Red crab: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
Damage on hit: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
AC is currently 21; no penalty for using Combat Expertise as the Threatening Defender trait reduces the penalty by 1

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"Is anyone else looking forward to lunch?" Xasay cries out cheerfully as he makes his way to help Vagantem with her new "friend."
Moving into flank, hopefully I can stand under the trees, but at least I know I'm safe from attack of opportunities while its grappling Vagantem.
masterwork longsword, flanking, Dirty Fighter: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
slashing damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5