The First Seeker’s meeting room is a lavish space, with several lush couches and armchairs surrounding a wide, low table. First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo appears uncharacteristically extravagant, having exchanged her typical stationwear for a sleek, fashionable suit in a shade of copper that matches the Starfinder Society logo emblazoned on the table. Behind her stands the towering vesk leader of the Acquisitives faction, wearing a suit of ceremonial armor.
Luwazi smiles and gestures to the seats. “A pleasure to see you all. I trust you’ve heard about tonight’s gala? I have a rather important announcement to make, so we’ve decided to use the opportunity to entertain and impress representatives of the various interests who have helped the Starfinder Society through our setbacks with the Scoured Stars Incident.”
“That’s where you come in. As some of the shining stars of the newest Starfinder Society agents, I’d like to have you mingle with the guests so they can see for themselves what we’ve been able to accomplish. It’s nothing too fancy; I’d just like you all to be polite and talk about some of your experiences with the Society so far. We’re expecting some government dignitaries, investors, corporate interests, and the like, so be sure to stay on your best behavior. Also, don’t be afraid to brag a bit—it’s our goal to impress them.”
“But don’t be stupid,” the armored vesk breaks in. Luwazi Elsebo glances over her shoulder and grins. “Have you all met Radaszam? He’s certainly someone else you should be trying to impress.”
Radaszam scowls. “Events like this never go as planned. Luwazi’s contracted one of my merc outfits, the Obsidian Spiders, to provide security for the night. I want to make sure that if anything goes down, you’re working with my agents, rather than us all tripping over one another. So stay alert, but if anything happens, make sure you’re talking to me about it rather than jumping in blindly.”
The First Seeker nods and picks up the datapad. “I’ve singled out five guests who I would really like to make a good impression with. These folks should be your priority tonight, so I’ve compiled basic information about each of them here. Things will start up in about an hour in the Skyreach Room. Any questions before we go?”
See map for information on the guests

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Piggy, a chubby white haired Ysoki, rides in on a mighty contraption. His drone is painted bright pink, and the main body appears to 'armored' in a steel beer keg. The face is almost pig-like, including two ears welded on top. When a stranger walks in the room, the drone's metallic jaw unhinges slightly, revealing the heavy laser cannon inside the belly of the robot.
The Ysoki is beaming at the opportunity to meet his mentor, and can hardly contain his excitement. "Hello, um, ma'am. I am so honored to meet you. My name is Piggy. Piggy Longbottom. But you can call me Piggy. Or, whatever, really. It's ok. Ummm, I had a question, I think. " Flustered, he takes a moment to catch his breath, then pulls a large chocolate bar from his jacket and takes a bite. Finally calming down, he continues. "Why would anyone want to attack you? I mean, you're so noble and a shining example of what every leader should be! "
His eyes flicker over to Radaszam quickly. "So, we're like, back up security? But mostly wining and dining? "

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Telwyn is a tall Damaya Lashunta, with a charming never-too-serious attitude. She is dressed well over her protective second skin, already looking more ready for mingling at a party than adventuring with a party.
"Oh a gala? This is the first I've heard of it, how exciting!" She sees Piggy ride in on his ridiculous mount and laughs. "I love it! Nice to meet you Piggy, I'm Telwyn."
Telwyn has worked these kinds of events before. Entertaining guests is simple enough, but Radaszam's warnings ring true. Before joining the Society, Telwyn "working" one of these events was usually NOT part of the "as planned."
"Radaszam, who are your point people at the event? I'd just like to know who we can get ahold of on coms if we see anything suspicious."
Telwyn reviews the files to familiarize herself with the guests and see if she recalls anything about them.
Culture: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9, if any of them have criminal ties, outlaw theme reduces the DC by 5, not that that's likely helpful on that roll

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Mavrik walks in to the meeting room and smiles at the lavish interior. He certainly is not dressed for the occasion wearing his normal gear, a well fitting set of black medical fatigues adorned with medical and mechanical tool kits. When the meeting starts his right eye flashes.
Drift begin recording.
After it concludes he focuses his attention on the leader of the Acquisitives.
"Sir, with the increased security level should we be expecting trouble? Nothing we can't handle but it could complicate our dealings with the guests. Speaking of the guests are there any specific deals we want to work on?" he asks going down the list of guests noting his personal interest in Royo and Ykris.

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Saeron looks around the meeting room, taking in the lavish furnishings and the inhabitants of the room. Her ensemble of close-fitting pants and tailored coat are simply cut, but of respectable quality. Wearing low-heeled calf-high boots, she is of average height (or so she likes to tell others, but in truth, she is an inch or two shorter) for a Damaya Lashunta. A pistol is holstered on one side of her belt, while a knife is sheathed on the other. A stylised spaceship is delicately emblazoned on the knife's sheath.
She listens intently to the introductions and subsequent briefing. "What sort of trouble are you expecting?" she asks, looking over the guest list. The entries for ZO! and Ykris seem to catch her eye.

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Lounging back in a nearby armchair is a striking human, his normally unkempt hair impeccably combed and his facial stubble precisely trimmed. His second skin is completely covered by a dashing black-and-white tuxedo, complete with coattails that cover his pistol holsters. He flashes a sly smile to the Vesk. ”Now this is a gig I can get behind. Schmooze with the bigwigs and given them the elevator pitch about why we’re awesome. Any day, any time, Boss. It’s not a cash bar, is it?”
He takes a quick selfie of himself in his formal attire on his comm unit, then looks over the guest info Luwazi provided. ”Gotta send this to Envar, it’s not every day I get to bust out the penguin getup. These five are the ones to rope in, eh? Piece of cake. How can I learn more about them before turning on the charm?”
Culture (outlaw): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

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Cade looks down at his overalls, toolkits and shell-cracked computer hanging from various belts, "I should probably change, I reckon I've got an old zoot suit that I wore to my sister's wedding somewhere at home. The missus'll know."
I might do some shopping as well.
"I've got a pal who does translations too: any point in bringing him along? He scrubs up pretty sharp."
living translator boon

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Realizing that he too is not properly dressed agrees with Cadence.
"I do not frequent these types of events. I suppose a good doctor must be able to dress up on occasion. Anyone skilled with high fashion?"
Buying Formal Clothes. Updating character sheet.

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Piggy looks down at his clothes, dirty from engine oil and various food stains. "Yes, I should find my graduation suit. I've only gone up two sizes since then. Should be able to squeeze into it! " Then, a look of fear goes over his face and he bends over to cover the drone's 'ears'. "If I put a bow on her, can Porker come? "

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Telwyn pulls out a small applicator of lipstick, kneels in front of Porker and shrugs at Piggy somewhat inquiringly. If he does not object she draws a puckered grin on the drone's face.
"That's perfect, but the bow would go well too." She tries really hard not to break out laughing.

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Piggy looks at Telwyn, skeptical. Well, if it means I don't have to leave her behind... I feel so defenseless and small without her, I'm not sure where I would find my courage. He nods, quickly. "Ok... "
After Telwyn stands up he jumps off the back of his pink drone with surprising dexterity. He pulls his shirt back down over his belly and takes a good long look at the robot's face. "Not quite as frightening as a war hog should be but... I like it! " He leans over and stares intently into the two red cameras. "Porker. Do you want to go to a party? "

Porker |

The robot wiggles it's ears and let's out a loud robotic, "OINK. OINK. " Then it stares at Telwyn and drops it's jaw slightly. Just enough that you can see the heavy artillery laser hiding within.


You have to slot boons before I will give you the results of the culture checks. Those who have not rolled yet can also roll (trained skill only). DC 10 gives you info about one person, DC 15 on two. You can decide who you want info on & theme does not help you here. Telwyn: 9 and Reynold: 11
"Why would anyone want to attack you? I mean, you're so noble and a shining example of what every leader should be! "
Luwazi shrugs "A woman in my position should be prepared for the worst." before she turns to Reynold
"How can I learn more about them before turning on the charm?”
"You might know some stuff already, besides the data I just gave you. Other than that you might want to engage in some small talk to learn more about these guests before you turn up the charm"
"What sort of trouble are you expecting?"
“I’m always expecting trouble,”/b] Radaszam says, but a moment later he shrugs. [b]“I don’t know of any plans specifically targeting this event, but my team and I have our eyes and ears open.”
"If I put a bow on her, can Porker come? "
"Sure, you’re Starfinders, and there’s a certain air of excitement that comes along with the armor and gear.” Luwazi answers before adding "or with a mechanic pig. Having said that, we have other preparations to make. Thank you for representing the Society. You are expected in the Skyreach Room in three hours, that will be when the gala begins"
With that she and Radaszam leave the room.
This is the time to slot your boons, as the two faction leaders’ presence implies, this scenario is of high importance to both the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) and the Acquisitives factions, and you are encouraged to slot one of these two factions in your Faction boon slot. Please slot your boons in the discussion thread

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Piggy hurries out and comes back within the hour in a suit, that would be wrinkled had it not been stretched so tight over his ample belly, and with a rather large white bow in hand. "Telwyn, would you, uh... mind helping? " After Porker is beautified, Piggy settles in, trying to decide if he can hide his laser rifle under his suit jacket.


You have three hours before you are expected. There should be shopping time in that ;-)
For those that rolled above 10 for their culture check: who do you want to know more about?

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Cade pops home to collect his old suit and scrub up. He also pops a few potions from his personal stash into a pocket.
Purchasing formal wear and hygiene kit for 8 credits. Also pick up three serums of healing for a 150 credits. Total spend, 158 credits.
He hangs his weaponry rakishly from his belt and threads his devices through sleeves and out of pockets. All controlled from a stylish, extendable wrist pad/watch.
Also buying a tier 2 computer with three miniaturisation upgrades to create negliigible bulk. 325 credits: 483 spent.
"Well, my better half said she likes it. Let's enjoy this!"

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Whilst out purchasing a beautiful white bow for Porker, Piggy takes to the net to learn more about Ykriss.


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Cade has been researching the ysoki, Royo.
If Cade has Royo covered, Reynold will inquire about Naiaj instead.

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Seeing her companions sprucing up for the gala, Saeron takes her leave to follow suit.
While making her preparations, she takes the opportunity to search for information about ZO!
Culture (ZO!): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
A little over an hour later, Saeron returns to the meeting room, transformed. Gone is the practicality of pants and jacket, replaced by a long violet dress. Straight and simple, it features small embellishments that speak to its quality.
A modest application of make up highlights her natural features and her mid-length hair is swept up and fastened high by an ornate pin.
Her knife and pistol are still at her hips, tucked behind a lavendar sash. A small plain satchel hangs incongruously from a shoulder and she deposits a backpack in the corner of the room for safe-keeping.

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Cadence Rem wrote:Cade has been researching the ysoki, Royo.If Cade has Royo covered, Reynold will inquire about Naiaj instead.
Oh, sorry - i'm an idiot - I don't know how I messed that up!

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Taking out her comm unit, Saeron holds it before her at arms length, readying to record a selfie. If possible she positions herself in front of any plants or vegetation in the room, otherwise in an nondescript and unobtrusive corner, so as not to impose on the others.
"Hello again, my friends. Welcome to the latest installment of An Hour of Flower with Saeron." She pauses to slowly rotate her comm unit down and then back up, taking in the entirity of her garb. "As you can see, I am well - thank you for your concerns and words of encouragement. Today's episode is a departure from what we are used to on the show - really more of an update than a true episode." Her delivery, while not terrible, is far from what might be called inspiring.
"As you know, recent events have forced me to flee my home and are preventing me from returning to Castrovel, effectively leaving me in exile. Upon hearing of my plight, a... benevolent viewer contacted me and has offered me sanctuary. I am safe and well cared for." She smiles.
"I will continue releasing new content for you all; afterall the show must go on! Farewell for now, my friends." She ends the recording and returns to join the gathering Starfinders.


I have added the information from the culture checks to the google slideshow
A few hours later
The lift doors open into the Skyreach Room, a classy space made breathtaking by large windows set into the vaulted ceiling, providing a shining view of the Armada orbiting Absalom Station and the galaxy beyond. A low stage with black skirting and a sleek podium overlooks the room from the far end of the hall. A dozen or so guests, representing a surprising array of races, mingle in twos and threes, while servers in sharp vests bring around a variety of bizarre snacks and drinks. A curly-haired AV technician arranges the wiring along one side of the stage, and Luwazi stands at the other side speaking with a damaya lashunta man.
The guests described in the google slideshow can all be found in the room, and you are free to interact with them as you see fit. Roleplay!

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Piggy, in his slightly wrinkled suit, riding atop his Porker the pretty pig, rides into the room. Boy, this place sure is snazzy! I hope Porker doesn't have any glitches. How embarrassing! He smiles and goes to the buffet table. Its alright, they'll love her! How could they not?
After grabbing a plateful of food, not counting the six chicken legs shoved into his cheek pouches, Piggy begins to looks around for Ykriss. Upon seeing the wealthy alien attached to his suited host, Piggy approaches. He ignores the half-elf, reserving his attention for the real VIP. "Hello, sir! " The Ysoki pulls on his suit jacket nervously. " My name is Piggy Longbottom. Such a fancy party here tonight! " He leans in conspiratorial. "You HAVE to try the chicken legs. DELICIOUS! Well, anyway, I represent the Starfinders here tonight. What brings you here tonight? Business or pleasure? "

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Telwyn approaches the gnome Naiaj, curious about her background and experience. "Greetings ma'am, I'm Telwyn, a new agent. I understand you've been around the society for a long time, well before Scoured Stars I mean. What do you think of the society today? I understand it's been hard and they - we - need the new blood now, otherwise I doubt they'd have taken me in!" She laughs a little at her last comment.

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Reynold smoothly plucks a glass of wine from a serving platter and moseys up to the ysoki scholar. "You seem like someone knowledgable, my friend. My grandma has been going a little daft in her old age and my siblings are talking about some kind of cybernetic enhancement to slow her deterioration. I see their point and I want to help but...sticking implants into her brain? Doesn't seem natural to me, and I wouldn't want to have to count on some fancy computers just to keep my wits about me. I'm torn, what are your thoughts?"
He gestures to himself with his thumb. "Name's Reynold, by the way. Field agent, I do the doing while you scholarly types take care of the thinking. Nice to put a face to mission assignment, am I right?"

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Mavrik arrives shortly after the others having obtained appropriate attire. He took time to acquire a suit tailored to the style of Old Golarian opera goers, well-fitted black attire with red embellishments.
As he grabs a cocktail and heads towards Ykriss he sees Piggy has already started chatting up the CeriCore affiliate.
Looks like business talk will have to wait. I suppose the associate from the Apsis Consortium will provide valuable information.
He sees the android standing off to the side observing the guests and introduces himself. "Evening, I am Dr. Mavrik Drix. What brings one such as yourself to such a boring event?"

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Knowing his people, Cade approaches the curly-haired AV tech, "Hell of a job: want a hand?"


Ykris appears as an iridescent, segmented insect clinging to the scalp of a cleancut, immaculately dressed half-elf man. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that many of Ykris’s spiny legs pierce the man’s skin and deeply into his flesh, particularly along the base of the man’s skull and down the back of his neck.
The half elf answers Piggy's question "Why can't it be both? I believe it is an exiting time for the Starfinder Society. There might be business opportunities and I am also interested what direction the Society will take going forward"
Sense motive check please


Naiaj makes no concessions to the formality of this event; she wears her usual carbon skin armor, datapad never out of sight and wrist-based comm unit constantly blinking with updates. She wears her gleaming white hair cropped close, and despite her small size, she looks as if she could stare down a team of hardened vesk mercenaries.
"Don't sell yourself short girl." the gnome replies to Telwyn's comment "Yes, we do need new people, but that does not mean we have lowered our standards. The fact that you are an agent should tell you enough. Now, tell me something about yourself, how do go about preparing for missions for instance?"
She peeks at her comm unit while Telwyn thinks how to answer this question best.
Sense motive check please


Royo wears immaculate formalwear about 20 years out of date; his tawny fur is beginning to go silver around his whiskers and paws. He wears elegant spectacles, having refused corrective surgeries due to the hours or even days in which he would be unable to read following such a procedure. Tucked beneath one arm is a small folio of physical paper. He stands among a circle of scholars engaged in an exuberant discussion of esoteric topics.
Royo frowns when Reynold calls him "my friend" "I am sorry, I do not believe we have met before. I am in a very interesting discussion at the moment and I would like to continue that without further interruption."
Sense motive check please


Iteration-177 wears their sleek dark hair pulled back, in a sharp contrast to their silvery skin and the android’s signature circuitry pattern shining nearly white. They wear Absalom Station’s latest fashions in shades of black, white, and gray.
"One as myself? Are you refering to me being an android or the fact that I represent the Aspis Consortium? I am Iteration 177" he holds out a hand
"As for boring, I disagree with you on that. When one has the opportunity with Starfinder agents such as yourself I doubt the occasion will be boring. Can you tell me something about your missions?"
Sense motive check please


The technician, a tawny-skinned woman with wildly curly hair, looks at you and then answers "No thanks. No disrespect, but I get paid to do a good job and I do not know what your abilities are."
You can either join one of the other conversations (and roll a sense motive for that NPC) or approach Zo! (and likely roll a sense motive for him, unless you want to try to influence him directly)

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Saeron spends some time wandering the room, observing the guests while sampling some of the fine dishes and drinks being served. Okay, you can do this - gods, look at all these important people! Take it easy. Just relax, be yourself - I mean, c'mon' you're used to dealing with self-important research grant fellowships and corporate boards -
this will be a walk in the park...
Having finished her circuit of the room, Saeron approaches Zo!, attempting to greet him telepathically before introducing herself. "My name's Saeron, I'm a representative of the Starfinder Society. I've heard about your organisation's support of the Salvation's End expedition. Were you lucky enough to be directly involved with the trip?"
She listens intently to his reply, following up with questions about the possibility of the mission leading to a vidshow series or documentary, and inquiring if there are any other joint ventures in the works.
Just in case, having seen the other interactions...
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

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Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 2
Piggy means to listen to the shiny worm-person, but is quickly distracted by a chicken leg which slips from his cheek pouch into his mouth. Ooh, delicious. The colonel sure knows his stuff.
After taking a few bites, he snaps back to the conversation. " oh, interesting! What sort of business opportunities are you interested in? The society sure seems to have its fingers in many pies! " Mmm... pies...


Originally one of Eox’s native elebrians, Zo! retains the characteristic appearance of that race even in undeath: an elegant build with refined features and an extended cranium. His face now bears a permanent rictus grin, which adds another level of enthusiasm to his exaggerated interactions.
Zo! puts his fingers up, putting Saeron in a frame "Was I involved? Oh, my I sure was! It is a pity Luwazi only tells what she wants me to know about what the society found there. But let's not dwell on the past and instead focus on the future, I am working on a project with a lot of action scenes. Tell me, can you do a somersault or walk on your hands? We could use that in the show. Or maybe you are a fine shot or good with melee weapons?"
Zo! walks around Saeron, looking her up and down as if she is merely an object "I have the feeling I know you from somewhere, should I?"
You can use acrobatics or an attack roll (making a showy display with the weapon) to influence Zo!
If you have a chronicle on this character (even when not applied yet because of the tier 3-4) for 1-00 Salvation's End you can also inform Zo! about what you heard. Please consider that we do not want to spoil that scenario for other characters
Finally an Icon can use her chosen profession to try to influence Zo!


As you might have guessed we do this in turns.
I want to resolve this first turn before we move on to the second. That means that I am waiting for Sense Motive checks from Telwyn, Reynold and Mavrik and an action for Cade. Cade, you can use the information that Saeron discovered if you want to make an attempt to influence Zo!

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Telwyn thinks to herself It's not that I doubt my abilities, more so the results of a background check
To Naiaj she responds "Preparation can only go so far. Obviously some research or a good briefing can help. But usually something hits the fan, and it's usually something messy, and then quick wits and improvisation win the day."
Noticing the gnome's divided attention, Telwyn jokes "This is the part where usually my job might be to distract you from your com, so I'd make up some outlandishly interesting story to divert your focus from the critical message you are waiting for. But you are in luck and I am only joking! If you have business to attend to I'd take no offense."

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Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (20) + (3) + 5 = 28
"My apologies, didn't mean to interrupt. You just have the look of a scholar and expert, so I thought I'd ask your opinion, but if you're busy discussing scholar things I'm sure I can find another expert."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

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Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 6
"As a member of the Apsis Consortium. I meant no ill I assumed they would share my distaste over the pomp. I like to be out in the field or in a lab installing augments. The Acquisitives give me plenty of opportunity to chase down exotic items. We recently did some work salvaging a ship lost in The Scoured Stars incident where we ran into a nasty drift dead...it possessed the captain of the ship. A little out-there but nothing too difficult. I imagine you have some stories to share as well?" he shares his story while opening the dialogue for the android's own stories.


Naiaj looks up from her comm unit "Things are happening everywhere, and as a venture captain I need to be aware of all the moving pieces" Just then the comm unit blinks and she quickly takes a peek at it
"This message on the shipment from the drow on Apostea has to wait for a bit. I did listen to you, I agree that preparation only goes so far, it is a good thing to be able to adjust for any mishaps during a mission. No plan survives first contact, but having a plan always helps."
You realize that demonstrating competence in the field through a successful Computers check can impress Naiaj. She can also be persuaded that cunning words can preclude combat altogether via a successful Diplomacy check


Royo nods "Apology accepted, now what did you want my opinion on? I am afraid I did not get all the details the first time"
Royo is impressed by any PCs who can step into the circle of scholars and hold their own via a successful Culture, Life Science, Mysticism, or Physical Science check to recall knowledge.


The android seems genuinely interested in the story you tell "Oh, I wish I had stories like that. My endeavours are not nearly as interesting as yours"
The pies are delicious and although the half-elf answers your question you do not really listen, having your attention on the next servant that is carrying in some delicacies.
Cade is unsure where to go and decides to visit the toilets first to make up his mind.


Social Turn 2
You can move to a new person or stay with your current NPC. Multiple PCs can go to one NPC. You can either attempt to learn a bit more about the NPC you are with (using Sense Motive) or attempt to influence him or her (using the information you learned)