A beautiful morning to wake to, sweet air and soft pillows. If only all mornings could be as fair as this. Iscarian stretched and looked around not recognizing his surroundings. He remembered copious amounts of intoxicants, maybe something about a bet with his cabin boy... did it involve a girl? A man? Maybe a couple... His first hint of danger was the yelling from down the hall, he didn't wait for a second warning. Pants and belt... he could always get another shirt... and off he ran with a smile on his face and a half empty bottle of something dark and sweet in his hand...
Iscarian is good. I have two unused intimacies I can't quite get my head around, but should be easy enough to add in as we go. Rebuilt a bit of the idea for him as a free market merchant and fighter for the dignity of humanity battling with the sudden exaltation after having fought hard to undermine the exalted's hold on mortal affairs for so long. No gods, no kings, only man. His exaltation is a tool to do more in the world and free mankind from bondage no matter who it is that yokes them.
Toptomcat. T-rex in an f-14 right? But seriously, I know the primordials created creation and the gods, gods created exhalts and fought the primordials, dead primotdials became the neverborn, most other became the Yozi. The major gods start playing the games of divinity and neglect creation. A bunch of wars later, Autochthon creates his own pocket world which is now sending out scouts to creation. The fae keep trying to unmake creation. The things that used to be primordials have their own plans. Dragon blooded rebel against the solar and win. They have 700 good years and then a plague hits that nearly ends everything. Realm begins, has issues from the outset, and solar come back about 700 years after that. Many many rebellions and "peace actions." In the minutia I am lightly read on the lore but by no means an expert.
Appreciate that. Like I said, trying a little more for Schindler (The businessman that slowly realizes there are major ills and has to fight his conviction and belief to finally do something about the problem he lives in in the way he can, not by being a bad ass fighter, but by being the businessman and talker.) I'm hoping to slowly build up his compassion over the course of the game, though probably not his temperance. As we go on he sees more and more that the dragonblooded are destroying creation, and maybe, just maybe, it will take a strong market force to bankrupt the realm and rebuild from the ashes.
True, the Solar exhaltations are given to grand heroism, but I would say that grand heroism can come from unlikely sources. How do you bureaucrat or trade grand heroism? But, that being said, I think I misunderstood the answer farther up about an origin story. I was under the impression we would exalt as part of first adventure, but I reread that and realize it was in reference to us as a circle and not us as exalts. Language is funny some days. The motivation was written more in character, which was truly my fault I should have written it in a standard format to read "Working to open a free and fair exchange of goods and services through all of creation. Wishes all to have the same access to technology and prosperity as the realm and its dragonblooded rulers." The flaw I pulled from a site that had a lot of well-made flaws, meant to tinker it around so it was more in line with the character and just skipped my mind after I took a break and came back to it. I need to putter around with the wording but for him the easy path is just accepting what you have and not working for that next great haul. He loves to party, is very flippant about his life, but underneath their is a pure and unwavering entrepreneur who truly believes trade makes the world better and wealth is only good if you spend it. Those experiences and creature comforts don't just fall into his lap, and he can't stand lazy people who are not willing to put in the work to make their lives better, so the benevolent tyrant is supposed to kick in and make him into a Stalinesque dictator, but the more I go over the ideas in play the more it sounds a little wonky so I will probably look it over and come up with something different. Completely forgot there was errata, going to look that over and fix were needed, thanks for pointing that out.
Heart of battle becomes 2.
I will replace rough hands with Loner, a quiet man given to long periods of hunt bringing back what he can to feed his village... maybe they are all long dead now, murdered by the monsters of the lands... now he will make sure no other suffers the same loss... I am the night... I am owlhunter...
Need to do equipment, but the rest is good. Not 2 B story: Life had been weird since the end of the war, granted life had probably been weird during the war by most standards. Half a life spent fighting in hills and mountains trying to cut off supply routes and harass the enemy so they could not find rest, the other half spent trying to make a life in a world not made for his kind. Then came the protests, no war no warforge. What do the warforged do in a land after war? Slowly the answers fell into place, he built a life, made a place and a job for himself. He repaired things where once he destroyed, interacted with people when all he known was quiet payrolls and enemies off in the distance.
During the war he was 1778376-2849-2B. He did not know who he was in this world yet, but he knew he was not 2 b.
(Ok, I just had to do this...) Duncan picks up the new axe and flies into a rage as he rushes the front lines.
Smashing into the enemies last fortified pill box he rushes insides becoming a whirlwind of destruction.
And emerges raising high the axe he has used to crush the resistance to Imperial Rule.
Always. Duncan just has not had much to add to most of the conversations. Can only force so much comedy relief into the grimdark before it starts becoming an issue. Do not worry boss, you have my gun... and my other gun... oh, and my third gun... and my knife... ooh ooh and fuzzy Val, fuzzy Val is good. But you can't keep fuzzy Val, fuzzy Val is mine.
Duncan smiles at the returned Davien. "You missed so much. Fuzzy Val played leap wit me, an Val taught me to count to one." He held up two fingers happily. "I member what da lady had me learn. When mister Boom has lost his shoe... he be angry." An even happier happy smile at having learned his lessons so well.
Duncan smiles as he is handed the larger print file, the squiggles he makes are not any writing anyone would be able to call words. "I write bout my stuff. I got dis rock I pick up last year, it got dis green stuff on it dat taste real gud. An I got Val. An I got fuzzy Val. An I got Krev. Oh, an Nock, Nock is a gud man. An I got clacky Val. Oh Oh an der is cranky man make fire wit his thinker...I like fire. You eva see da fire burn down a forest? It just da bestest fire eva. Hey, Lady, I tink I put me stick to hard. Can I has mo stuff? Loik anuda stick, an dis papa, oh, an anuda table... I might ave put my stick through da table." Duncan continues to smile at the woman as he continues listing off his gear as he waits for a new form. "Oh, an di boomas an bangas, I gots lota dem. You wanna see? ere... wait, isn dat sposed to ave a ting keepin it quiet?? Hey lady, can I get a key fo dis booma? I lost mine when I grab it." He now held the active grenade out to show the woman... thankfully set to impact by some small miracle of the Emperor.
Orc Fighter(Twohanded Fighter) 6 (HP:69/69; AC:21 T:11; FF:20 ) | ;Init:+1)
Gur looks to his friends, stubborn faith in his judgement allowing no quarter. He strikes out against the little man to shut him up and make him easier to carry, wishing he had a better way he could trust to put an alchemist down. With all the things he had seen so far, he was not taking any chances. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 Non-lethal: 1d12 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 "Ok, let's go then. Room by room collect what evidence we need and then we head to the court. With all the misbegotten creatures around, I would not be surprised if we run into the whatever they used to frame Charlie chained up." Gur lifts the limp form of the little man and heads to check out the area down here before moving to check the upper areas.
More of a happy with what I have and not worried about getting more stuff. That being said...
Dunc wanders off for two days of smashing through the ship, coming back with random gifts picked up along the way.
Parry:21: 1d100 ⇒ 21 I did not foorsee that. Duncan catches the axe on his ripper and smiles as his return blow swings down towards his foe. Happily thinking of the emprah he begins bellowing out a battle hymn... off key and the words are wrong... but the heart is there. 82: 1d100 ⇒ 9All-out plus CQB
Always shooting at the closest unless there is something obviously super big and scary. Dunc continues pulling the trigger and screaming "WAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH" 1d100 ⇒ 26 Exact save...
Duncan has a new favorite word. His echoic skills are top notch. Edit: Forgot the parry