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557 posts (5,669 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 57 aliases.
1. GM Edwin's Zeitgeist Campaign Brain-Eaters from Space! The Colony of Varas--A Kingdom Building Game DM Crispy's Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition DM Easy's Plane Escape DM Mego's - Skull and Shackles Felix's Group For Love of Money (Shadowrun 4e) Genesis GM BigBusMan's Ultimate ROTRL Campaign GM Cap'n Jackson Sparrowshank's S&S Group B GM Nayr's Carrion Crown AP GM Tarondor's Ptolus Campaign Innocence Proves Nothing: A Dark Heresy Campaign The Jade Goblin Adventure Path Kingmaker: The Destined Duo L5R: City of Lies Only Degrees of guilt Rise of the Run Lords and Beyond! #2 A River of Time. Seeds of Heresy: Dark Heresy Second Edition ToxicStar's appropriated Wrath of the Righteous (5) MDT's Revivified Kingmaker (inactive) (6B) MDT's Revivified Kingmaker (inactive) Ancient Heartbeat (inactive) Big OM's Way of the Wicked (inactive) The Black Mist (inactive) Captain Collateral Damage's Iron Gods (inactive) Castle Greyhawk! (inactive) Dark Heresy - The Heavens Call (inactive) dm night-shade and friends' Carrion Crown (inactive) Eberron: Shadows of the Last War (inactive) Exalted Campaign (inactive) Gamma Terra: Meriga... Ascension and its Confines... (inactive) GM Choon presents: Righteous Indignation until the Abyss Just Can't Anymore (inactive) GmMasters's Mummys Mask (inactive) In the shadow of the great famine. (inactive) Justice League Generations (inactive) Leinathan/mdt's Kingmaker (inactive) Leinathan/mdt's Kingmaker: Sanita's Group (inactive) Mister Fixer's Sandbox Shadowrun Campaign. (5th Edition) (inactive) Mister Fixer's Sandbox Shadowrun Campaign. (5th Edition) Gameplay (Redux) (inactive) Mongoose Traveller (inactive) Mummy's Mask: The Sand Scarabs-Gameplay Thread (inactive) Nearly gods... (inactive) The Patrician Maker (inactive) The Patrician Maker: Lies of the Patrician (inactive) Reign of Winter / Snows of Summer (inactive) Return to the mines of Bloodstone (inactive) Ruins of Pathfinder: Road to Damnation (inactive) Skyfall- An Only war story (Completed) (inactive) Star Wars Legacy Era - Tempest Feud - the Sith Empire (inactive) Stare Deeply into the Abyss (a 40k Campaign) (inactive) TEAM BRAVO: A d20 Modern game using the PHOENIX superhero expansion (inactive) The Tion Cluster Gambit (inactive) Up the Valley (Torchbearer RPG) (inactive) Vampire the Masquerade (inactive) Vampire:The Masquerade Minneapolis by Night (inactive)