Sky Dragon

Gerald's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,981 posts (48,521 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 30 Organized Play characters. 65 aliases.

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Silver Crusade

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Male Grippli Un.Monk 1 | AC 18/18/14 | HP 10/12 | F+3, R+5, W+4 | Int +3, Per.+7 | CMD 17 | SM +7 | 30’ movement

Thanks for botting Eegru, GM. Yesterday’s travels took longer than I figured.

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Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

Apologies, everyone. I lost my dot in the gameplay thread for some reason. I’ll get a post up tonight!

Dark Archive

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Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |

Ash again casts Haste on the group, not wanting to move and become entangled in the sticky webs.

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Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

Hey DAA, welcome! I played with your character (Deseri) for a while in a Mummy’s Mask game a few years ago. Glad to have you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

”It has been a very strange day, Dyre. If you told me this morning that I would have fought with demons and forsaken at my back, I would not have believed you. I am glad we all have survived and I think Iomedae will be happy with the day’s results. I still think there is good in you, Dyre. I’m going to keep trying to bring it out,” the paladin grins after using her lay on hands to heal the young blood rager.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

Sense motive 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Wisdom check 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Plus mythic surge 1d8 ⇒ 8

Elena thought it was strange that a group of demon leaders were making jokes with the group. Ellena wasn’t the most clever, but she was able to figure out a couple things at the scene: the warriors had killed crusaders before and would prefer the forsaken, but the youngsters would be better protected back home than to be with the demon troop. As she begins to tell that, the paladin again notices a voice in her head. It was indeed the spirit of the banner. She supposed at least one of the group needed to move forward and accept the terms of parley.

”Nona, I intend on parley. Will you join me,” she says as she steps forward.

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Human female Universalist wizard 1 | 14 AC | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | Initiative +0| Perception +4 | 25’ speed |

Hope things went ok, Aria, and you have no long lasting trouble!

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Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

sorry for the delay, GM. I’ve been kind of waiting for any of the others to jump in and start posting.

The paladin turns to the rest of her group. [b]”Anyone able to make something out of that tattoo and whatever language surrounds it? I bet there’s a story to it, from what little I know about these tribes…”[/b{

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Everything okay, GM?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

Sense motive 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

The paladin watched the two cultists engage in their demonic form of debate. She turns to the younger man and prepares to rebind his hands. ”You and I both know these ropes won’t hold if you surprisingly change form again. And I’m fine with that, but if you take an aggressive action toward any of our group, just know I’ll have no choice but to deal with you.”

”Seems as you didn’t really expect to do that, anyway, from what I observed,” she says quietly, while applying the rope to the man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4
Liliyashanina wrote:

Note, while you are leveling up, consider putting a background skill rank into Linguistics and grabbing Kellid.

I took your advice and did just that, GM.

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Thoughts and best wishes to he and his family.

Sovereign Court

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Anyone for a high-ish level Core run? Doodle is getting bored with nothing going on lately since hitting level 10!

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Hey everyone, this is Nox’s player. I’m looking to do something different than sorcerer this time so I am considering some sort of monk. Maybe human dexterity build using crane style for some AC help. Still considering backgrounds, etc.

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

Alie has officially completed her Society career!

Thanks for all the wonderful adventures everyone and special thanks to Otha for doing a wonderful job running a couple super high level modules for me!

Good luck to everyone in the future!

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

”Opening a Lodge on the moon? That is both cool and scary,” Alie grins as she nods at Theodoric.

Alie wasn’t sure what she was going to do in the immediate future. She had attracted unwanted attention of that awful Izmaria. Maybe it would be better for her to blend into the Society background and protect it from the inside.

”Guys, it has been so fun and exciting adventuring with you over the years. I’m getting up in age and think my time of fighting every threat might have passed. There is probably more I can do to help the society with more administrative type duties for a while. If you ever need me though, don’t hesitate to come find me!”

Of course she’d love to let her friends know that she was one of the ten, but that was a secret she’d be keeping to herself!

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

And I definitely appreciate you for running two different modules for me, GM! You’ve done a bang up job with both of them!

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Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”Ill keep the light for you, so long as you keep stabbing the bad guys with that nifty sword,” he responds.

Im definitely keeping her on my good side, he thought to himself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Nox hands off the light source, knowing damn well that he’s not being the first one down this time. ”After you, milady,” Nox says with a flourish as he removes his top hat in a nice bow.

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

Alie casts the requested spells on Theodoric as the group prepares themselves.

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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

You shorted yourself one HP, Skane. CMW is 2d8+3, not +2.

”Geedra am not want fight army of giants. Should group run back in cabin? Or keep fighting,” she asks as she keep cackling.

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Pethjun | Female kobold fighter 4 | AC 22/13/20 | HP 34/34 | F+5, R+3, W+2; +1 v. fear | Init.+2, Perc.+7 | Darkvision 60' | Movement 30’ |

Thanks again for guiding us through, GM!

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Pethjun | Female kobold fighter 4 | AC 22/13/20 | HP 34/34 | F+5, R+3, W+2; +1 v. fear | Init.+2, Perc.+7 | Darkvision 60' | Movement 30’ |

We need to buy you a gift certificate for taking this one on, Redelia, as it seems like there is a lot of heavy lifting here!

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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Geedra giggles at the fury of the cat, rending the giant to and fro, as blesses Skane with her fortune hex, hoping to aid his accuracy in his upcoming spear thrust. She then cackles to keep the blessing active on the large human.

Skane, remember your Fortune hex, please.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pethjun | Female kobold fighter 4 | AC 22/13/20 | HP 34/34 | F+5, R+3, W+2; +1 v. fear | Init.+2, Perc.+7 | Darkvision 60' | Movement 30’ |

Pethjun looks closely at her surroundings.

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Sovereign Court

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Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

No day job for Shel. She has campaigning to do as after this downtime, she’s going to be an official Senator of Taldor.

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Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Nox looked around and noticed he wasn’t invited into either group. He figured it’d be best to let the front group scout things out and take care of any trouble. He smiled and began walking with the group in the rear.

Sovereign Court

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Ranger 2/Rogue 10 | HP 85/99| AC 29/ 22(23) touch/23(24)flatfooted | Sneak Attack +5d6 | Resiliency 1/day F+16,R+22,W+13 ((1/day can reroll Will save)| Init. +10(+12)| Perc +19/24*(+21/26)| Evasion | Trap Sense +4 | Improved Uncanny Dodge

Oh that stinks!

But that final encounter was a doozy as I remember! I could see it going poorly really quickly.

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Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

The gnome picked himself up, dried the slight sweat that always formed at his brow when he had to fight back those urges that reared their ugly head from time to time. Its just another day. I am not falling back into that trap again, Nox thought to himself.

He couldn’t help but stare at the card. He’d seen tarot and harrow cards before, of course, be he didn’t regularly carry a deck on him. ”where in the world did this thing come from,” he asked out loud to no one in particular in his empty room. He wasn’t surprised that someone else in the town hated Lamm almost as much as he did, that was for sure. That bastard had a hand in every low level crime in town.

He made sure that none of his belongings had been tampered with, and finding his pack in tiptop shape, he shrugged. Intrigued by whatever was happening, he threw on his gear and pulled his hat down tightly on his head.

He locked his room as he left and after a quick bite of dinner, Nox headed out to Lancet Street.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

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Pethjun | Female kobold fighter 4 | AC 22/13/20 | HP 34/34 | F+5, R+3, W+2; +1 v. fear | Init.+2, Perc.+7 | Darkvision 60' | Movement 30’ |

Pethjun double moves again, closing with the intruders.

Could someone move Pethjun up to the enemies, please?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Undine Psychic 10 | AC (20)16/16/13 | HP 72/72 + _10__ temp HP| F+9, R+9, W+12 | Darkvision 60' | Cold Resistance 5 | Init+3, Perc +15 | CMD 18 | Phrenic Pool 7/7 |

Hey GM! Thanks for running this for us, as always!

Ashwell checking in for duty.

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Pethjun | Female kobold fighter 4 | AC 22/13/20 | HP 34/34 | F+5, R+3, W+2; +1 v. fear | Init.+2, Perc.+7 | Darkvision 60' | Movement 30’ |

Now that Hats has engaged the guards Pethjun double moves to try to provide support in the upcoming rounds.

Could someone move Pethjun on the map towards Hats (and avoiding the traps) please? Thanks!

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Samaranth wrote:
Thank you so much DM DE, I am very patient and happy to be in the group. Plus, now I have more time to read up on PBP and the CRB. (It should be here any day now.) :)

Same here. My 2e book is en route to me as well!

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

Alie is pretty good at Greater Dispel Magic so she could certainly make an effort.

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Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
::sad trombone::

Keep hope alive,PDK! Maybe they will take care of their 1e crew.

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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

”Why Byakko am jump in pool? Plenty time for swim after group complete mission Geedra jokes as she watches her now drenched friend.

Silver Crusade

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Female Gnome Warpriest 4 | AC 17/12/16 | HP 35/35 | F+6, R+2,W+7 | CMD 15 | Speed 20’ | Init+7, Perception+5, Sense Motive+8 | Lowlight vision.

Dont forget Bless, Muddy!

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

Aloe casts False Life, suspecting something bad was getting ready to occur soon enough.

Temp HP 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Scarab Sages

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*Need to level* (Mutagenic Mauler/Steelbreaker) 9; HP 57/85; AC (22)20/ T 14/ FF 18; (+2 damage while using Mutagen) Perception +14; F+10,R+10,W+9 (+2 vs. Charms, Compulsions and Emotion effects); CMB +15 (+22 on Sunder), CMD 27 (32 vs. Sunder), Speed 30'; Init.+2

FYI, I played this in core, so I have a bit of an idea how to proceed from here. So I’m going to sit back and let the others try to figure things out.

Scarab Sages

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*Need to level* (Mutagenic Mauler/Steelbreaker) 9; HP 57/85; AC (22)20/ T 14/ FF 18; (+2 damage while using Mutagen) Perception +14; F+10,R+10,W+9 (+2 vs. Charms, Compulsions and Emotion effects); CMB +15 (+22 on Sunder), CMD 27 (32 vs. Sunder), Speed 30'; Init.+2

Fahd isn’t the most clever. ”I never understood anything other than normal common. All that other talk is gobbledygook to me…”

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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Geedra remembered when the shaman resisted the offer by the rider. Seemed dumb then, seem dumb now, she thought as she nodded at his words.

The goblin shrugged. ”Geedra am ready to meet spirits. Maybe give Geedra more power. More than Baba Yaga maybe,” she said as she broke into a grin, obviously missing the point of Krosh’s explanation.

Sovereign Court

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Fey Sorcerer 16 | HP 159/159 (+ __13___ temp HP) | AC (23(19), Touch 16 Flat Footed 15 | CMD 20 | Fort: +(22)20, Ref: +(20)18, Will: +(18)16 (+2 vs. Illusions) | Init. +8 | Perception +2 | SM 0 | Evasion |

I don’t have a way to make the whole party invisible or concealed unfortunately.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Linguistics 1d20 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 10 = 29

”This Ioberian witch rune am mean ‘dragon!’ Geedra am almost dragon,” she says as she grabs the amulet and puts it on.

”Where time catches up to us all? Am graveyard, maybe. That am Geedra’s guess. No idea what Mother when the moon is full am to mean, though…”

If anyone else wants the amulet, just let me know. Geedra is selfish, so I grabbed it. But if someone wants it, I’m cool with that!

Scarab Sages

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roll4initiative wrote:
If anyone else drops before the game, I would love to take a spot. I have several PCs to bring, but I'd like to know if I'm in first before choosing which PC to bring. I have several PCs in the 5-9 range to choose from.

Roll4, I’ve signed up for several games and you’ve been kind enough to run games for me in the past, so I’m fine with stepping away and letting you have my spot here.

Grand Lodge

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Male Ratfolk Psychic 5 | AC 13/13/11 | HP 32/32 | F+4,R+4,W+7 | CMD 12 | Init+6,Perc+12 Phrenic pool 6/6 day | 20’ movement | Darkvision 60’ & Scent |

”Well, that worked out swimmingly. His behavior was antithetical to the society. Stealing relics for his own selfish needs….the nerve of that guy!”

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Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Please feel free to use Krosh as necessary GM. PBP makes it hard for us to remember all the clues that would be easier if we were all around the table together.

And congrats to everyone. Finishing an AP volume deserves applause all around…GM and player alike!

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Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

I think that’s a good idea. The only AP that I ever completed here was was of abridged like that. Play out the major battles, summarize the remainder and keep plowing ahead! I’m all in favor of that!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Goblin | Winter Witch 8 | AC (19)16/14/12 | HP 46/50 | Cold Resistance 5 | F+5, R+9, W+7 | Perc.+2 | Init.+4 | Darkvision

Geedra shrugs. ”Is Geedra’s but now. Am time to take out trash, sounds like,” she grunts as she moves toward the door.

Sovereign Court

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Core Monk 7 | AC (24/25v Evil)/19/(23)17 | HP 59/59 | Ki pool 6/6 | 50’ Movement | F+9, R+9, W+9 | +2 vs. Enchantment spells and effects)(immune to all diseases) | Init+2 |Perception + 13| Evasion |

Hey guys! Let’s go for round two!

I’ll get my details up tomorrow. I’ve been at the track all day and didn’t want to not get a post up indicating my interest!

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Pal 10 [HP: 146/146] | AC (29)27| T 13 | FF 24 | CMD 28 | Fort+17,Ref+13,Will+14 |Init: +6 | Per -1 | Smite Evil 3/3, LOH 7/7 Immune to Fear and Charm affects | Immune to Disease | Allies within 10' get +4 on saves v. FearandCharm |MythicTier 4

Thanks for the refresher, GM. I’d forgotten all about that!