Chaos in Korvosa - Crimson Throne for PF2e by DM Doctor Evil (Inactive)

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Old Fishery - Chaos in Korvosa

PF2 actions guide

Choas in Korvosa Loot Tracker

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Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

Never having had a reading before, Rienas was at the edge of his seat, enthralled, absorbing every detail of the process. From what he knew, this was not an exact science. Every card revealed seemed to change the meaning of rhe cards that were revealed before it. The fates were definitely not an area he excelled in, never mind dabbled in.

The half-elf leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers under his chin, thinking, as their host took a moment to collect herself before proceeding down the next column. I wonder at the accuracy of prediction here, or the ability of these cards to reveal a glimpse of our fates? Is the teller merely a conduit for the information the cards are presenting or is she, somehow, integeral to the process? Digging deep into his well of patience, the warlock continues to wait quietly.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber sits still, carefully examining the room and its companions. At the very least, he has an address: Westpier 17. He's still not sure what spells are being woven by the Harrow, but he knows what he's going to do, whether or not the magic helps.

But why would the Queen get mentioned in all this? What is the Varisian playing at?

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Not very familiar with fortune telling, Daesra sits quietly while awaiting to gauge every one else's reactions to the cards. When Zellara mentions "our ignoble Queen, who is lovely, but not very royal in intentions" Daesra's posture stiffens and her head tilts slowly.

"Why would you mention The Queen in all this, and in such a fashion? Do you think she would have some connection to this common thug Lamm?", her voice rising slightly as she addresses Zellara.

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"I mean no offense," says Zellara quickly, raising her hands. "The goings-on at Castle Korvosa are very much on my mind, and in the cards, of late. I fear there are portents there that bode less well for the city, than even a scoundrel like Gaedren Lamm can achieve. But perhpas that is just in the cards, no?"

When it appears the group is ready to continue, she goes to the middle column, which stands for the present. The top card, which would be in the Neutral Good position, turns out to be The Idiot. "This card is misaligned for it is evil in nature. The idiot means grave foolhardiness and greed, but here it is the opposite. Some clever is feigning idiocy to trick or fool you. Be on your guard, yes?"

The next card is in the direct middle of the Spread. It appears to be The Locksmith. Zellara says, "This card means the unlocking of a new fate, or a finding of a consequential object. Maybe this means us finding Lamm in his hideout, maybe in means something yet to be revealed. Either way it is a partial match, so important. "

This card is also from the suit of Keys, so another Harrow Point is awarded to the group.

The last card in the middle column is turned next. It is revealed as The Big Sky.
"This card is misaligned, a good card in an evil position. It's meaning is opposite, so instead of indicting freedom or great change, it instead means replacing old bonds with new ones. I don't know what that portends, but it an evil omen, and you should be watching out for such a change, no?"

We will do the reading of the last bit of the Spread tomorrow night, and then see what happens next. Make sure your character is ready to enter combat having all the gear, spells prepped, etc needed while we are still in downtime.

Finally, the Varisian fortune teller gets to the last column of cards. "These cards tell what will be. For good here at the top, for evil at the bottom. Let us see what we do not yet know, yes?"

She reveals the top card and it is a frightening image, The Lost. Zellara has a sharp intake of breath. "This is a truly evil card it can mean insanity or loss for the future, but since it is in the top row, it has an opposite meaning-- one of Good. It is clarity of purpose, even under duress. Success in a difficult venture, perhaps. This bodes well not just for tonight's work, but jusy maybe for more greater things to come, no?"

She flips the next card, which should be neutral. It is The Uprising. Zellara explains that this card is very important due to being partially aligned in this space. "The Uprising can mean an overwhelming groundswell, where the people are aligned with or against something. I don't yet know what that might mean, but it is possible that a move against Lamm is the start of something bigger, or perhaps other forces are at work, eh?"

Only one card remains unturned. "This space may show us evil tidings of the future, so be prepared for bad news, yes?" says the woman, with foreboding. She flips the last card, and a familiar card shows. OIt is The Dance, the same card Daesra drew in the Choosing.

Zellara looks right at the masked woman. "This card is meant for you, my dear. It cannot be any other way. It is a card of Good and the Law, but here, in this place, it fully misaligned, which means it has the opposite and very important meaning for you. The card typically means staying in order or harmony. But in this case, it means that breaking away from rigid conformity is best and that staying lockstep is perilous." She continues looking almost as if through the young warrior. "I know the order you keep. You may not yet understand what this card means, but perhaps you have an inkling now, no? It could be that your own order is your undoing?"

The Dance is another in the suit of Keys, so everyone gains a 3rd Harrow Point. Since this was Daesra's Choosing card, she gains an extra to stand at 4 to start this chapter.

With a practiced sweep of her hands, Zellara gathers up all the cards and begins ordering and shuffling them again, almost without effort or any concentration. She speaks once again, a look of earnestness on her dark features. "Thank you for humoring me once again, my friends. My deck tells me many things, some things I don't understand at the time, but these events often come to pass in some way. It seems luck smiles on your outing to Westpier 17. Great things loom on the smallest turn of events, and perhaps this is one of those occasions, no? I urge you to act tonight, and with all haste. Move quickly before Lamm becomes aware of what you know, if you delay, he my uproot and all of my work will be lost. Strike at him, my friends. You are my only chance to bring that conniving old dog to justice at last. Do it for yourselves and your loved ones, and do it for my poor lost Eran as well!"

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”Well Miss Zellara, I don’t know how apparently managed to find this many of us who want a piece of Lamm’s hide, but we thank you for the information. After we finish the mission, do you want us to return here? If he had his crew, it just might get loud there and we’d need a place to lie low and all,” he says as he looks around at the others.

Zellara nods at the the gnome's words. "My deck is attuned to the city in ways that hard to explain. It led me to you, is the easiest way to explain, yes?"

When Nox asks about returning to her cottage, the fortune teller merely shrugs. "You may return here, though this is not a keep or stronghold. If you succeed in killing Lamm, I find it unlikely his minions will stay a cohesive band, but anything is possible, yes? Also, I know fate has a way of pushing us along a path, not always of our choosing. While you may intend to come here, perhaps other things will become more important. I will know if you bring justice to Lamm; you needn't come and report to me."

She looks to the others to see if they have questions.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

Rubbing his chin, deep in thought about the details of the reading, Rienas looked over the revealed cards on the table. When they were originally flipped over, and explained by their host, all details seemed logical; now, he just saw an assortment of odd images and could not order them by position as Zellara had. Clearly a skill she has developed over time.

Looking around the table, knowing he knew very few details about his new companions, the warlock had no idea how this opportunity of theirs was going to proceede. It matters not. This is not an opportunity I would of otherwise had; likely not an opportunity any of us would have had.

Snap! Snapping his fingers again, under the table this time, the half-elf leans back into his chair. Anyone who knew him better would have noticed his teeth gritted and a wave of discomfort wash over him. It seemed to pass as quickly as it came and he leaned forward over the table, addressing all his new companions Thank you Zellara, I'm sure that as we progress events and details will solidify what you have shown us. I, for one, am ready to depart immediately. We have a small window of time and I'm sure we all intend to make good use of it. Are any of you familiar with this 'Westpier' area? I tend to think all of us, showing up as a group, may be a little suspicious.

Zellara pipes in before others can answer. "The place in question is at North Dock, not far from here, perhaps 15 minutes to walk. The docks are a bustling place in the day, but at night, there are few around. If you are careful, you should be able to approach without being noticed, yes?"

You maybe recall this place from your days at the orphanage. When food rations were low, you were sent to a fishery on the pier to buy "dock-dumplings" -- cakes made from fish slurry made from day old catch, guts and other cast offs, and who knows what else. It wasn't good, but it was food at the time when that could be scarce. You remember the building being rather sad and dilapidated even back then, if its the same place.

Secret Rolls:

Camber Know Korvosa: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Daesra Know Korvosa: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Rienas Know Korvosa: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

"I'm familiar with the place, but it has been a long while since I've been there, many many years." Daesra says through her helm, sounding more far-away and wistful that perhaps she intends. "It's not too far, nothing but a bit of a winding path through this portion of the town. We shouldn't get too far apart - perhaps if we pair up and head out keeping each other in sight until we get there. I'll be in the lead group."

She stands slowly, readying her gear on her back and keeping her sword unfastened in its scabbard. Sighing inwardly, she thinks Well, this is it - going into an hazardous situation with unknown folks about me. Not sure what that last card meant, but I would feel better if tried & known Sisters were with me. One strike at a time!

"Camber, how about you walk with me? We can speak in Halfling should we need secrecy." She checks that her shield is ready to deploy if a fight breaks out and heads towards the door.

Turning to face Zellara she says, "Thank you for this opportunity. I'm not sure what all this talk of cards and fate may mean in this, but if it helps bring justice then all the better. Fare thee well, Lady."

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

Rienas nods to Daesra, accepting her suggestion as a plan. Agreed. He swings his attention to Laijiri, the hulkimg orc, extending an invitation. You and I to take up the rear position then? Although, I dont know if we should have you that far back from potential trouble with the lead pair. What do you figure?

"Lamm is suspicious." The orc growled in response to the cautious plan. "We don't give him time to run." So far, it seemed that he was keeping a hold on his temper, but he seemed to be angry by default, and the look on his face promised darkness to the one it focused on. Just the thought of getting a hand around Lamm's neck was fuel, so close he could almost feel it.

The grin that Rienas got was a bit intimidating, giving him his attention. "Let's go." A large hand was raised, flexing it into a meaty fist and releasing it. The rumble of a sentence that was nearly a growl came as he stood, deference shown to Zellara.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber smiles and shrugs. "Certainly, I'd be happy to walk with you."

He turns to Zellara and adds, "And thank you for having us. And for the reading. Very hopeful, don't you think?"

I will move us to Westpier 17 tomorrow when I can get back on the system. I believe the action will begin in earnest once you arrive at that place.

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Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Nox looked around and noticed he wasn’t invited into either group. He figured it’d be best to let the front group scout things out and take care of any trouble. He smiled and began walking with the group in the rear.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”So, if you all don’t mind sharing, what did Lamm do to you to make you hate him so much?”

Led by the gnome, the group works their way stealthily through the darkened streets of the West Dock area of Korvosa. True enough to Zellara's prediction, the streets are quiet at this time of night. Through the air above you, a trio of hippogriff riding members of the Sable Company whoosh past, paying you no mind at all.

Soon enough, and without incident, you arrive at the docks, and find your way to Westpier 17. The building standing there is a creaking, decrepit structure. All visible windows are boarded up and the wooden doors seen from the street are mottled with mold and grit.

The fishery is perched atop a very steep embankment that drops more than 10' to the Jeggare River below. The fishery's external walls extend seemingly to almost the waterline. The reek of brine and the stink of week-dead fish hang thickly in the air here. The old double doors in the front of this weathered building are tightly closed, with a dropping signpost hanging above. The sign it once displayed is long gone, leaving behind only a bit of rusty chain, blowing in the gentle breeze off the river.

The fishery seems to be shut down for the night. A wooden loading dock sits on the north side of the building, while a narrow wooden sidewalk runs along the south side. It appears a ship of some kind is moored along behind the building, but its too dark to see it or the intervening structure very clearly.

The moon reflecting off the rippling river surface projects dim light for 30' in any direction, but after that, it is too dark to see clearly without darkvision or light. From what you can see from the road, there is no one moving around outside the dilapidated fishery.

Please note that for some reason, East is at the top of the map (which is linked in the top margin). You stand across the deserted road from the structure currently, facing the double doors as described above. What do you do next?

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”Should we wait and see if some of the crew leaves at some point this evening? If we’ve got to fight them, it seems it would be better to do it when he has as few helpers as possible,” the gnome whispers to the others.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

The half-elf hesitates, and his mood darkens noticably before answering the first question from Nox. That one is still a little fresh, best save that conversation for another time; gotta keep our minds focused on the job at hand.

The smallest ammount of time passes before a second question is put forward by the sorcerer and Rienas nods, agreeing with the gnomes line of thinking. Agreed but it would sure be nice to have some idea what we're up against in the first place. The warlock quiets a moment, thinking, before offering his suggestion. I'd like to notify our companions first but I should be able to cause a distraction that will shed at least some light on what we're dealing with here. Under the cover of night we should spread around the building to keep watch from several different angles, I can draw their attention to the front door and we can possibly make an oportunity to learn something about the inside of that building. Looking to their faces, the half-elf is unable to gauge the confidence of his new companions so he awaits their responses.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”I think that’s probably a good idea, too. Always know the game before you sit down and throw your money in the pot,” Nix nods. ”What do the rest of you think?”

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber shrugs. "I can go take a look, try getting in close to see what's happening through the window or roof."

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

"Yes, perhaps after this business is done we can share the wrongs done to us by this villain, Nininox," Daesra offers as the group leaves Zellara's. "One strike at a time will see us through this..."

Upon arriving at Westpier 17 and taking assessment of the building, she listens to everyone's plans. "What sort of diversion were you thinking of Rienas? Something that draws attention but not TOO much attention may do the trick."

Pondering a moment she says in a lowered town, "Is anyone else comfortable giving Camber back up? I don't like the idea of anyone being on their own this close to a possible fight." Daesra takes a moment to affix the darkened steel shield to her arm and hunches down to survey the building and the surrounds again. "I'm not particularly quiet when it comes to moving about," she whispers.

She'd like to make a Perception check to see if there are any watchpoints on this side of the building, or other places that guards may be positioned to watch the street.
Not sure if this is a secret roll or not, but in case it isn't:

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

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All Seek checks are Secret, you shouldn't know that you don't see something with a bad roll. Recall that perception is a skill, but Seek is an Action. Typically, but not always, you make skill checks to perform actions. I'll allow your roll this time, but I will roll it from now on, just provide your modifier.

Daesra scans the outside of fishery as much as the moonlight allows, but she she does not spy any watchpoints or guard posts. Since you can only see in dim light about 30', it's impossible to say for sure, but she sure doesn't see anything obvious right away.

The visible windows appear to be boarded up so looking in will not be possible. The roof is a tin shambles, and while it could be tried, it looks rickety, like the entire structure.

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NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

I could go with Camber. I'm not exactly used to sneaking about but at least I can see quite well in the dark. So unless someone else feels better suited...? She looks around at the rest of the group hoping one of them might offer. Either way, we should try to have a look at the building from all sides if we can. We'll want to know our options for entry as well as Lamm's options for exits.

Take your time making a plan (or barging in) but I am just sitting back until you have actions. No rush. It takes time to work out via PBP

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

"I appreciate the concern, Daesra, but I suspect this is the sort of thing where we're all going to have to risk our safety," Camber says.

Looking around with the blacksmith, he adds, "At least there doesn't look like anyone is visibly guarding the place, so perhaps..." he swallows, "it's just guarded from the inside by the children."

Looking at the front doors, he finishes, "Perhaps a distraction is in order, then. Anyone up for that? Morganne, we can check out dockside. There's usually a good way into a fishery from there."

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

”What kind of distraction are you all thinking of? Are you thinking larger scale like a fire, or something more targeted to the building, like knocking on the front door and pretending to be lost?”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber snorted. "Something small is fine. There's a lot of good folk just trying to earn a living on this street, no reason to burn their livelihood down."

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

The knock on the door I can do from a safe distance. Other than support at the entry, I think our manpower would be best spent somewhere like the dock, making sure none escape when our friend the juggernaut here The warlock reaches up to pat Lajiri on his massive shoulder. Makes his way throught whomever answers the front door. After pausing a moment in thought he adds. Of course, if No one answers the door, I would expect our entry to only be delayed by a few seconds. Rienas cocks an eyebrow toward his mountainous companion, giving him the oportunity to disagree with the half-elfs last statement, although he was fairly confident it was not needed.

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Sighing inwardly, Daesra is glad of her mask as it is conceals her uncertainty of this newly formed group. Far too many unknowns for this to end quickly and well. Glancing up at the hulking barbarian, He seems very eager to start things and cause a lot of damage. Better keep an eye on him...

Glancing around at the rest of the group she remarks in a hushed tone, "The rest of you are lightly armored and not sturdy for close-up fighting. As we've not worked together before, not really sure how to work this. As I see it, there are two options.

"One, we all go in through the front and take the place by surprise. If it's fast enough we can catch them all unaware and make sure no villains excape.

"Two, we divide our forces and go through those doors while a couple of us cover the back of the building to make sure no one escapes. Either could work."

Daesra pauses for a breath, and thinks for a second. "In either case, there are likely non-combatants, children, in there who will be scared. I'm hoping none of them join the fight so we may have to deal with them. Knock them out, if they do."

She reached over and bumps Laijiri on his bulging forearm. "Right?!?"

"We're here to deal with Lamm and his lackeys. The rest we'll have to figure out what to do with once this is done", she offers, glancing around at the rest of the group.

"I'm good with either of those options. You know yourselves best - which approach works for you?"

While the others talk, Laijiri had not moved his focus from the door, his impatience growing the more the others decide to sit and talk rather than act. Along the way he had picked up a large maul, and carried its weight effortlessly. Right now, he was like a coiling spring, and a growl warned them that he was tiring of waiting. Payback was inside that old fishery, and he was going to wreck the whole thing, if he had to.

"Done talking?" he growled between clenched teeth.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

Rienas stopped his conversation to answer Laijiri A moment more, big man, we're nearly ready. turning back, he responds to Daesra, echoing her plan and adding a few specific details. I think we should go with option two. I can prep the front door for Laijiri and we'll have one person back him up. You take the remaining two and circle the structure; making use of another entrance, if you find one usable, and cutting off both retreat and boat access. If you feel there is nothing worth staying for, you can be back around and shortly behind the first group. Of course I, like the rest of you, am making asumptions about the abilities of people I've just met. Before turning away, the warlock smiles to show that he did not intending his last comment as an insult.

While still giving his companions time to give their input, Rienas prepares to act as he had suggested. He hoped Laijiri's patience would last just a little longer if he saw they were starting to be ready.

Just to be clear, Rienas, you plan to approach the front door and do what? The others who are circling around are going where exactly? The river cuts off the ability to "surround" the structure, so either the loading dock on the north side, or the rickety looking wooden plank walkway on the south side?

Remember that, for whatever reason, the top of the map is East

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber leads Daesra down along the north side of the fishery, towards the water. He does his best to simply blend in, familiar with dockwork and how ships would tie up to the river ports.

Stealth +6 and Guild/Labor/Korvosa/Sailing Lore +5

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

As the other group starts to move out, Rienas maintains a twenty-foot distance from the front door and uses hushed tones to speak to Laijiri. Wait for the knock and time your arrival. I and the others will be right behind you. The half-elf nods to his remaining companions, indicating go time.

Directing his full focus on the front door of the building and letting himself be filled with his granted powers, the warlock concentrates on moulding his spell to his intentions. He aimed for a lighter knock done to match a well-known melody from a local drinking song, he did not want a heavy pounding which might raise the alert unnecessarily. With quick, intricate hand gestures, and a few words barely audible above a whisper, Rienas extends the magic out to his intended target.

(casts 'Ghost Sound' targeted at the space closest to the front door.)

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Nox stands behind those knocking at the door, wondering what exactly awaited them inside.

Rienas approaches within 30' of the front door, which puts him squarely in the middle of the road without cover, except perhaps that which is given by hulking orc Laijiri who stands beside him aching to be loosed on the inhabitants of the structure. Nox stands behind them waiting for the magic to happen.

Anyone else with those two out front? If Daesra and Camber are the circling party, where do they go? And please explain how the timing is going to work.

NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

Morganne positions herself just behind Laijiri and Rienas, a hand grasped around Pharasma's symbol which hangs around her neck. She feels the magic dancing at her fingertips as she prepares to support the group however she can. All who live must face her judgment.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Anyone else with those two out front? If Daesra and Camber are the circling party, where do they go? And please explain how the timing is going to work.

Hard to answer without knowing more about what's seen on the north side of the fishery. If it turns out that it abuts an adjacent building but the south side is clear, we take that side instead.

My plan is to enter via the back as soon as we hear the front being kicked down.

Camber Seedsplit wrote:
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Anyone else with those two out front? If Daesra and Camber are the circling party, where do they go? And please explain how the timing is going to work.

Hard to answer without knowing more about what's seen on the north side of the fishery. If it turns out that it abuts an adjacent building but the south side is clear, we take that side instead.

My plan is to enter via the back as soon as we hear the front being kicked down.

So you are going to the north side first?

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]


Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

As they move out, Daesra does her best to mimic her smaller companion and tries to make as little sound as he does. Scanning the upper sides of the building for movement or watchers, even a glint of light leaking from cracks in the walls, she mentally prepares herself for a fight.

Her mantra begins to flow through her, helping focus her emotions - fear, worry, excitement - into action. One strike at a time, one blank at a time, one sword at a time.

Timing the last to align with making it to the corner of the building she silently slips her sword from its scabbard and holds ready should the need arise.

In a hushed tone directed at Camber, Daesra whispers in halfling, "Stick close with me - I intend to see you're back safe by your hearth when all this is done."

Once we reach the current position on the map, Daesra will Seek along this new side of the building.

Daesra and Camber:
The fifteen foot wide loading dock abuts the side of the decrepit building here. A few carts sit nearby, partially loaded with large, tar-caked barrels marked with a fish-shaped splotch of red paint on their sides. Double doors to the immediate south of the loading dock's ramp appear to provide access to the building's interior, while a rickety flight of steps descends ten feet to a point only three feet or so over the the river's roiling surface, where a simple single door provides a secondary entrance.

It is dim light here due the moonlight reflecting off the water, but you can only see partially and that for only about 30' before total darkness takes over. Camber's low light vision makes that dim light same as full light but Daesra struggles to see much.

She does not see any obvious signs of enemies, watcher, or other exterior defenses as the small group looks about the loading dock.

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Daesra and Camber:
Is there anything along this side of the building that could be used to block/prevent doors from being opened - rope, tools, anything of that nature? How far would it be to roll a barrel to block some doors??

Again in a hushed tone, in halfling, "What do you see Camber, anything we can use to keep folks from opening one door while we use the other? At this point I'm thinking that may be a good thing to do."

In her mind, she assesses her ability to roll a barrel relatively quietly in rhythm to the sounds of the pier over to the larger doors to block them. That will take time we may not have...

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Daesra and Camber:
Looking around, Camber replies in halfling, "There's the double doors here, and another door dockside. Given that these doors are at the same level as streetside, these will likely be the best first place for people to escape from, or for us to head inside to join the rest of the crew."

He then looks at the stairs. "Those steps have seen better days. You know, it's just an accident waiting to happen. If someone carrying a barrel would slip at the top of these stairs, well, you get a barrel rolling down the stairs at best or no more stairs at the worst. Neither would go well for anyone coming out of the door below."

He shrugs. "But I'm just speaking as a guy who has to go up and down these sorts of stairs on the daily. Just talking about what would worry me."

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Daesra and Camber:
"I can move a barrel over to the top of the stairs, you can roll it down to block the lower door. I'll cover the double doors - when the rest go in the front you roll the barrel and then we'll go in the double doors.

Sound good?", she says, looking directly at Camber to gauge his comfort level with this assualt.

If he assents, Daesra will put away her shield/sword, try to quietly move (lift if possible) it to the top of the stairs before setting it on its side, to be rolled straight down to (hopefully) stop right in front of the door to block it. Or at least if it breaks open the fishy bits will make it slippery.

If the barrel is too heavy/unwieldy, she will stay to roll it down and Camber can check on the larger doors.

On the Loading Dock:
Daesra tests the weight of one of the fish-cake barrels, and finds that while heavy, it is not impossible for her to move and maneuver it to the top of the stairs that lead down to the lower door.

It would be an Athletics check to push the barrel over and down the stairs. The DC will be relatively low, but not a given it can be done. You can choose which of you pushes the barrel or looks at the double doors.

How do you let the others know you are ready?

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

On the Loading Dock:
Daesra maneuvers the barrel into position as quietly as possible and when in position whispers to Camber, "All set here - I'll take care of this. The others ready to go? Just say when and we're good to cast."

I really hope my halfling is better than I imagine, she fervently thinks as she prepares her shield nearby out the way, to quickly pick up and don it after the excitement starts.

Really hoping her experience moving heavy things about helps with the aim here. When we're ready to start I'll make the Athletics check. All the pressure is on Camber to start the barrel rolling! :)

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NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

Morganne, noticing they hadn't really discussed a way of coordinating the two groups, positions herself at the corner so that she can see both groups. Her lips begin to move yet no sound comes out of them.
Camber hears Morganne's words as though she whispered them right next to his ear. Are you two good to go?

Morganne casts message, targeting Camber.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Camber nods. "You take the door, I can handle the barrel."

Hearing Morganne's message, he rushes back a bit to look across the street and responds quietly, "We're in position!"

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