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Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Society GM. 2,339 posts (59,677 including aliases). 4 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 37 Organized Play characters. 28 aliases.
DM Carbide's PFS Emerald Spire Asvald Bjornson Level 13: The Pleasure Gardens COMBAT MAP Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Asvald Bjornson
Level 13: The Pleasure Gardens
KC's Age of Worms Tanith 'Kordson' Creed The Library of Last Resort is your last chance to find the resting place of Dragotha's phylactery. But you aren't the only people looking for it. Loot Sheet. GM Notes. Gameplay Discussion Recruitment Players Characters
Tanith 'Kordson' Creed
The Library of Last Resort is your last chance to find the resting place of Dragotha's phylactery. But you aren't the only people looking for it. Loot Sheet. GM Notes.
DM Bloodgargler's Heroes of the Shiv DM Khel's Scions of the Sky Key Series DM Morvius's Chelish Heroes DM Oladon's Second Darkness Lost City of Barakus. Talanor, the Bright Tower Talanor, the Last Haven (Table #1) Talanor, the Last Haven (Table #2) TET(With a T this time)'s pantflyer campaign (No, it's not dirty.) Way of the Wicked Reversed, Group Two (Dien's) Blakros Matrimony, Tier 3-4 (inactive) 1.) GM Edwin's Jade Regent (inactive) 9-17: Oath of the Overwatched (inactive) A-Red Murder's Mark (inactive) Alternate Giantslayer - Belkzen Tribe Campaign (inactive) Amazing Red's Elven Entanglement (inactive) Amazing Red's Mists of Mwangi (inactive) Amazing Red's Price of Friendship (inactive) Amazing Red's Rivalry's Ending (inactive) Amazing Red's School of Spirits (inactive) Amazing Red's Secret Stones Keep (inactive) Amazing Red's Slave Master's Mirror. (inactive) Amazing Red's You Have What You Hold (inactive) BrOp's "Cult of the Ebon Destroyers" (PFS) (inactive) BrOp's Pathfinder Society PBP - Delirium's Tangle (inactive) Chaosorbit's PFS PbP GameDay VI - #8-20: Torrent's Last Will (inactive) Cultist's Kiss (inactive) DaWay's PFS SS The Crow (inactive) DM Amazing Red and the Golden Serpent (inactive) DM CH-P's CoT: The Bastards of Erebus (inactive) DM Elanmorin's The Jarlsblood Witch Saga (inactive) DM Feral's Aspis - Loom of Fate (inactive) DM Feral's By Way of Bloodcove (inactive) DM Feral's Forgotten Realms Adventure (inactive) DM Feral's Fortress of the Serpentfolk (inactive) DM Feral's Hellknight's Feast (inactive) DM Feral's Horn of Aroden (inactive) DM Feral's Icebound Outpost [PFS] (inactive) DM Feral's Player's Choice (inactive) DM Feral's Serpent's Rise (inactive) DM Feral's The Mantis's Prey (inactive) DM Feral's Tower of the Ironwood Watch (inactive) DM Khel's Bronze House Reprisal (inactive) DM Khel's Core Wounded Wisp (inactive) DM Khel's Questapalooza (inactive) DM Khel's Tower of the Ironwood Watch (inactive) DM Red's Incident (inactive) DM_the_Loreweaver's First Steps (inactive) Feral's #0-22: Fingerprints of the Fiend (PFS) (inactive) Feral's #3–23: The Goblinblood Dead (PFS) (inactive) Feral's Bid for Alabastrine (inactive) Feral's Darkest Vengeance (inactive) Feral's Death on the Ice (Outpost III) (inactive) Feral's Devil We Know (inactive) Feral's Encounter at the Drowning Stones [PFS] (inactive) Feral's Feast of Ravenmoor - Sanctioned PFS Module (inactive) Feral's Feast of Sigils (inactive) Feral's Frozen Fingers [PFS] (inactive) Feral's Giantslayer: #5 Anvil of Fire - Sanctioned Seeker Adventure (inactive) Feral's God's Market Gamble (inactive) Feral's High Level PFS (inactive) Feral's Hydra Fang (inactive) Feral's Infernal Vault (inactive) Feral's Kirin and Kraken (inactive) Feral's Overflow Archives PFS (inactive) Feral's Pallid Plague (inactive) Feral's PFS Eyes of the Ten (inactive) Feral's PFS Plunder and Peril (inactive) Feral's PFS Special Event - Siege of the Diamond City [DM Feral] (inactive) Feral's PFS Special Event - Siege of the Diamond City [GM "The Wise Fox"] (inactive) Feral's Reaping What We Sow (inactive) Feral's Rivalry's End (inactive) Feral's School of Spirits (inactive) Feral's Shades of Ice (inactive) Feral's Siege of the Diamond City PFS Event (inactive) Feral's Silent Tide (inactive) Feral's Silent Tide #2 (inactive) Feral's Silken Caravan (inactive) Feral's Temple (inactive) Feral's Test of Tar Kuata (inactive) Feral's Through Maelstrom Rift [PFS] (inactive) Feral's Tide of Morning (inactive) Feral's Valley of Veiled Flame (inactive) Feral's Voice of the Void (inactive) Feral's Wardstone Patrol (inactive) For the Glory of Icathia: A Soldier's Journey [Completed] (inactive) For the Glory of Icathia: Escape From Skorzeny Manor [Completed] (inactive) Forgotten God (table 2) (inactive) Geoffrey's Finest (inactive) Gladiators of Zirnakaynin PbP (inactive) GM Batpony PBP Gameday VI pt II Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen (inactive) GM Batpony PFS 5-21 Merchant's Wake 1 (inactive) GM Batpony's PBP [Special] Race for the Runecarved Key (inactive) GM Batpony's PFS 5-23 Cairn of Shadows (inactive) GM Burglar's 04-21: Way of the Kirin (inactive) GM Burglar's 4-13 Fortress of the Nail (inactive) GM Burglar's 4-20: Words of the Ancients (inactive) GM Burglar's 5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (inactive) GM Captain Trips Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) GM Derek W's The Dragon's Demand - Group 1 (inactive) GM Feral's Eyes of the Ten II (inactive) GM Kobash - PFS First Steps IC (inactive) GM Kobash - PFS First Steps Part II (inactive) GM Otha's Daughter's Due (inactive) GM Otha’s On Sevenfingers’s Sails Campaign (inactive) GM Otha’s What Prestige is Worth Campaign (Outpost III) (inactive) GM Suede's PFS Salvation of the Sages (inactive) GM Tektite's #04-11 The Disappeared (inactive) GM Tektite's #04-18 The Veteran's Vault (inactive) GM Tektite's Demand! (inactive) GM Tektite's Emerald Spire (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #04-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes 4-5 Group (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #04-26 The Waking Rune (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #4EX Day of the Demon (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #05-01 The Glass River Rescue (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #05-04 The Stolen Heir (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS Reborn Forge (inactive) GM thunderspirit 4–16: The Fabric of Reality (inactive) GM Tyranius (PF2) Quest #5 The Dragon Who Stole Evoking Day (Tier 3-6) (inactive) GM Worg’s Solstice Scar D; The Revengening (inactive) GMAndrewW Siege of Gallowspire [12-13 Champion] (inactive) GMG's PbP: 5-18 The Stranger Within (7-9 4player) (inactive) Halls of Dwarven Lore - by Wise Fox (inactive) The Haunting of Brute Squad (inactive) Hell's Rebels (inactive) Heroes of the Lance (inactive) Infinity's Gathering (inactive) Its "A" Dungeon, Too: The Second Chance (inactive) JZ's Carrion Crown - (Wake of the Watcher) (inactive) The Loom of Fate (inactive) MiniGM's Legacy of Fire (inactive) Motteditor's Fire over Blackcrag 2 (inactive) Motteditor's Savage Tide (inactive) Motteditor's Superstar 2012 Round 4 playtests -- GROUP 2 (inactive) Mummy's Mask Version 1.5 (inactive) OMB's Cosmic Captive Tier 1-2 Table for PbP Gameday! (inactive) On the Razor's Edge, A Razor Coast Campaign (inactive) Order of Tears pre-selection RP (inactive) Outpost: GM Kate's Beneath Unbroken Waves (inactive) P33J's Realm of the Fellnight Queen (inactive) The Past Returns (inactive) PBP Gameday 2: A-Red's Curse of the Riven Sky (inactive) PbP GameDay 2: PFS - Feral's - Pathfinder Module: Broken Chains (5-7) (inactive) PbP GameDay 2: PFS - Feral's - The Quest for Perfection I, II, & III (1-5) (inactive) Pezmerga's Reign of Winter 2 (inactive) PFS - Thod GMs the Goblinblood Dead (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 3: #5-11 Library of the Lion - DM Khel (inactive) PFS PBP Gameday 3: Amazing Red's Risen From the Sands (inactive) PFS PBP Gameday 3: Feral's Midnight Mauler (inactive) PFS PBP Gameday 3: Feral's Thornkeep III: The Enigma Vaults (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: 0-08 Slave Pits of Absalom [1-5] (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: 6-02 The Silver Mount Collection [3-7] (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: 7-98: Serpents' Ire [8] (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: DM Khel's Six Seconds to Midnight (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: Feral's #4-12 Refuge of Time (inactive) PFS PbP Gameday 5: King Xeros of Old Azlant (inactive) PFS Scenario, The Refuge of time (inactive) Pirate Rob's Confirmation (inactive) The Reconquista (inactive) Red's Abduction! (inactive) Red's Weapon in the Rift (inactive) Rise of the Amazing Red (inactive) Road's End (inactive) RoW: Let's Thaw the Frozen Stars! (inactive) Shadows of Eternal Winter (inactive) The Shadows of Zahvroma (inactive) Slumbering Tsar Campaign (inactive) Slumbering Tsar: Forward - The Camp (inactive) Slumbering Tsar: The Desolation (inactive) Slumbering Tsar: The Sip O' Blood Tavern (inactive) Tadloton Merc Guild: Xanadael's Utopia (inactive) Talanor, the Last Haven - A Journey Interrupted (inactive) Temple of Empyreal Brute Squad (inactive) Thod runs Cyphermage Dilemma (inactive) To Wear the Carrion Crown (Group 3 - Trial of the Beast) (inactive) To Wear the Carrion Crown (Group 3) (inactive) We Be Pirates, You Be Booty! (inactive) Westcrown's Reckoning (inactive) Wrath of the Righteous (inactive) [5e AL] A City on the Edge [Completed!] (inactive) [DM Elanmorin's] Vengeance at Sundered Crag (inactive) [Outpost II] GM Silbeg's 10-04 Reaver's Roar (inactive) [PbP Gameday VI] Feral's Jade Regent: #6 The Empty Throne - Sanctioned Seeker Adventure (inactive) [PFS, Standard] GM Blake's Solistice Scar B (OutPost) (inactive) [PFS/CtP] #6–12: Scions of the Sky Key, Part 1: On Sharrowsmith's Trail (inactive) [PFS2] Q1-03 Grehunde's Gorget and Q1-04 Port Peril Pub Crawl! (inactive) [PFS] #7-01 Between the Lines (3-5) Gameday V — GM Crucible (inactive) [PFS] #7-07 Trouble in Tamran (T3–5) Gameday V — GM Crucible (inactive) [PFS] bluedove's #5–19: The Horn of Aroden (inactive) [PFS] GM Granta's #6-18: From Under Ice (1) (inactive) [PFS] GM Lithrac's The Sky Key Solution (#7-00) - PbP Gameday 5 (inactive) [PFS] Iron Gods - The Divinity Drive - Sanctioned Content by GM Upaynao (inactive) [PFS]#09-13 [PFS]#09-11 The Lion's Justice - Gameday VII - B (inactive)