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1,438 posts. Organized Play character for GM Aarvid.

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Defenders of the Bronze Oak

Phaendar - Nimathas

After wandering from town and forest in Nimrathas, Pallicea moved to the village of Phaendar to try to escape memories of the raid, but also protect the villagers from having to suffer a similar fate.

She has served with the small militia and Chernasardo Rangers as a volunteer for two years protecting travelers and villagers as best she can.
The past few months she has taken note of the artistic glasswork of a relatively new resident named Pfvaarsk.
Eventually, the caravan stopped at the small town of Phaendar in the Nirmathas as a final stop for Pfvaarsk. There, he picked up a job repairing windows and making glassware.
The elf lived and worked among disparate guerrilla groups after leaving the city of Tamran and traveling through the Fangwood to the western villages of Phaendar and Cavlinor.
The past month he has been spending more time in the western reaches as rumors of mountain passes growing increasingly hostile with giants and goblinoid raids.
During his last visit to Phaendar he stopped to purchase a few glass vials to aid to his collection. He plans to return with his bear-friend Ursab in the next few weeks on the return trip.
After several days of travel, the heavily injured Aeliexes had arrived at a small village: Phaendar.
He stumbled and passed out at the gates due to loss of blood. He was dragged inside and brought to the home of Pallicea the hunter of Erastil. There, he was nursed back to health, leaving a nasty scar on his throat.

In the past week, the return of the traveling elf Celembriar brings news of the Mindspin Mountains to the west. A band of heroic adventures from Belkzen, Lana the Oracle and a dwarf with a metal hand, an elf alchemist and halfling cavalier riding a celestial tiger were able to topple the Storm Tyrant and now possess the Cloud Castle seen flying near Ashpeak and heading northeast.


Discussion for low level adventure


Dot here with your character and intro


Discussion. I will PM the last two to report if they do not by tomorrow.

This recruitment thread for Gameday VIII game. This is not listed as first-come-first-served since I expected both parts were going to be played by the same characters. There are two other FCFS tables on the signup sheet.

Forged in Flame 1 & 2 Recruitment (Tier 5-9 Standard)
I will run tier 5-6 or tier 8-9 depending on which we get the most PC's enrolled first.

If you are interested in playing both parts with the same PFS character, please post here in the Recruitment thread.

I will run Part 2 for the Gameday. If you are selected for Part 1 then I am assuming you will have first dibs on a spot in Part 2.



PbP Gameday VIII Event # 2694854
Game Listing and Player Signup Sheet: https://tinyurl.com/PBPGD8Signup

This game will be ran as a PFS-CORE Play by Post. Seats are available, up to 6. If more than 6 players enroll, a lottery will be held for the 6 spots. Reminder this is a CORE table (tier 5-9).

Pregens will be accepted, but only if not enough actual PC's enroll to fill the 6 spots.

Projected start date Dec 9th.

Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).

You must be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 7-9 weeks (exceptions can be arranged ahead of time and Holidays).

I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets unless you have unusual races or boons. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
Maps will be posted through google slides. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.






Your team is summoned to the Magnimar Lodge in Varisia.

As you wait, rain patters outside the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s study.

Feel free to introduce yourselves for now (or just dot). We'll start on the 25th


This will be the discussion thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This game will be part of the Official Play by Post Game Day 6, Beginning August 25th, 2017. Seats are available, up to 6. If more than 6 enroll, a lottery will be held. This is a CORE table.


As a couple reminders now that we are underway:

1) Please keep HP and AC status updated in your profile tag
2) I will roll group init and track actions in order. If you want to post ahead, feel free. I may move you or allow you to change your action if someone else goes before you and alters the playing field (blocks a charge lane, is injured, creates a pit, drops your target etc)
3) Miss is always low (20 or 50) on [1d100] if miss chance applies
4) Avoid posting dice rolls without some narrative or dialog.
5) If you cannot post daily (due to travel/holiday etc) let me know so we can bot you. I will likely not post on Christmas or New Years, so I will not expect others to. Enjoy time with your families instead!
6) Finally, if you want to try something a little off base...ask me. Our goal is to have fun. Sometimes the odd actions are the most memorable. :-)

Please re-post your character info below:

Day Job:


As a couple reminders now that we are underway:

1) Please keep HP and AC status updated in your profile tag
2) I will roll group init and track actions in order. If you want to post ahead, feel free. I may move you or allow you to change your action if someone else goes before you and alters the playing field (blocks a charge lane, is injured, creates a pit, drops your target etc)
3) Miss is always low (20 or 50) on [1d100] if miss chance applies
4) Avoid posting dice rolls without some narrative or dialog.
5) If you cannot post daily (due to travel/holiday etc) let me know so we can bot you. I will likely not post on Christmas or New Years, so I will not expect others to. Enjoy time with your families instead!
6) Finally, if you want to try something a little off base...ask me. Our goal is to have fun. Sometimes the odd actions are the most memorable. :-)

Please re-post your character info below:

Day Job:


Low Tier



You join your fellow agents in the gladiator city of Tymon at Smine’s Weaponworks, famed smithy and clandestine Pathfinder lodge run by the dwarven Venture-Captain Holgarin Smine.

I am starting *CLASSIC* recruitment for running a PbP Pathfinder Society adventure, #6-20 Returned to Sky (level 7-11 only). This will be an open recruitment.

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then PbP is the same but running with play-by-post rules. This adventure will 'lock' in a PFS character for about 8 weeks if posting daily.

For players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.
You need a legal *CLASSIC* PFS (non-core Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.

Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).

You must be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 7-9 weeks (exceptions can be arranged ahead of time and for holidays).

I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets unless you have unusual races or boons. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.
Recruitment will open now and will close once I have enough players to start (probably this weekend). I will use a random lottery if we get more interest than slots.
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your character's profile with level and class for consideration. I appreciate good back stories and party RP. I will list alternates if we have any no shows.




After your recent travels from the Far East, a few of you meet one of the Grand Lodge’s outbuildings in Absalom.

“I have no love of puns,” announces a peeved Kreighton Shaine, the Master of Scrolls in the Grand Lodge, “Yet it cannot go unremarked that the Overflow Archives have begun living up to their name.”

The pale elf gestures across the library’s stone lobby toward a pair of shut double doors from beneath which water steadily seeps. He is only one of the midnight visitors bearing witness to this disaster.

Next to Shaine, Paracountess Zarta Dralneen stands with folded arms, glaring at an initiate whose hair and clothes are utterly drenched. All three speak at once, but Shaine’s shrill voice rises above the din.

“Magical shenanigans in the archives are prohibited, especially this soon before the Grand Convocation!”

“Let us prioritize,” Dralneen suggests.

“Are the artifacts within the vaults in danger?” “How should I know?” Shaine barks back.

“This delinquent initiate— what was the name? Wormell?”
“Virml, sir,” replies the sodden Pathfinder.

“Virml says he sneaked into the archives on a dare,” summarizes Shaine, painfully emphasizing the initiate’s name with scolding disdain.

“Presumably, he thought the holdings would be harmless. Instead, in his naivete, Virml triggered some dormant curse or other. So, yes, thanks to Virml here, the archives and the vaults below continue to flood, threatening all the books therein.”

Miserably, Virml holds up an armload of soggy manuscripts. “I salvaged a few, sir.”

Sighing, Shaine leads Virml towards the stairs. “Take them up to the scriptorium. Start making dry copies.”

Then, turning to survey the rest of the room, he continues issuing orders. “The remainder of you should wade in there and plumb the origins of this deluge. Stop it, if you can. I must report this debacle to my colleagues and begin organizing the cleanup.”

Abruptly, he seems to notice the paracountess for the first time. “What are you doing here, Dralneen?”

Zarta smirks and shrugs. “Unlike you, Shaine, I love a good pun.”



I am starting *CLASSIC* recruitment for running a PbP Pathfinder Society adventure, #6-04 The Beacon Below (level 7-11 only). This will be an open recruitment.

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then PbP is the same but running with play-by-post rules. This adventure will 'lock' in a PFS character for about 8 weeks if posting daily. Pre-generated PFS characters are also acceptable.

For players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.
You need a legal *CLASSIC* PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.

Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).

You must be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 7-9 weeks (exceptions can be arranged ahead of time).
I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets unless you have unusual races or boons. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.
Recruitment will open now and will close once I have enough players to start (probably early next week). I will use a random lottery if we get more interest than slots.
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your character's profile with level and class for consideration. I appreciate good back stories and party RP. I will list alternates if we have any no shows.



I am starting *CORE* recruitment for running a Pathfinder Society adventure, #3-09 Quest for Perfection (Part-1 series of 3).
This will be an open recruitment.

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then PbP is the same but running with play-by-post rules. This adventure will 'lock' in a PFS character for about 8 weeks if posting daily. Pre-generated PFS characters are also acceptable.

For players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.
You need a legal *CORE* PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.

Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases). Make sure it is CORE only.

You must be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 7-9 weeks (exceptions can be arranged ahead of time).
I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets unless you have unusual races or boons. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.
Recruitment will open now and will close once I have enough players to start (probably early next week). I will use a random lottery if we get more interest than slots.
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your character's profile with level and class for consideration. I appreciate good back stories and party RP. I will list alternates if we have any no shows.




PFS #3-09: The Quest for Perfection



This is a Game Day 4 recruitment. I am recruitment for running a Pathfinder Society adventure,PFS 6-12 Scions of the Sky KeyPart 1 [tiers 1-2 or 4-5]

This will be an open recruitment accepting a table up to 6 players.

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then it is the same but running as play-by-post rules. This adventure will lock in a new character for about 8 weeks if posting daily. Pre-generated PFS characters are also acceptable.

However, for players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.
You need a legal PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.
Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).
Here is Fendahl Silvermane for example.

Be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 6-8 weeks
I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.
Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.
Recruitment will open now and will close once I have enough players to start. Probably next week.

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your Character's Level and Class for consideration.


This will be run as PFS Standard scenario. I hope to do part 2 in the second slot. Part 3 may have to follow after GD4.








GM Aarvid - PFS Society Scenario #6–19: Test of Tar Kuata (PFRPG) PDF


Hello and welcome! I will be traveling this weekend and next week, so posting may be slow for a bit starting out.

Before we start, please post the following:

Day Job roll


As a clock chimes the hour,
Ambrus Valsin opens the door
to admit his guests then resumes
his seat next to a grey-eyed woman
wearing the robes of an academic.

“Please seat yourselves quickly so
we can begin. This is Lady Darchana
Madinani, archdean of Absalom’s premier school of the arcane,
the Arcanamirium. She’s has come to the Pathfinder Society
on delicate business.”

Darchana takes a moment to greet any of you she has
met in previous missions before continuing the briefing.

Feel free to introduce yourselves or socialize. It will be a bit before I get started full tilt.

This is a Game Day 3 recruitment. I am recruitment for running a Pathfinder Society adventure, 0-17: The Pirate Pact Recruitment tier 3-4 or 6-7.

This will be an open recruitment accepting a table up to 3 additional players (I have 2-3 already on the list)..

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then it is the same but running as play-by-post rules. This adventure will lock in a new character for about 8 weeks if posting daily. Pre-generated PFS characters are also acceptable.

However, for players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.

  • You need a legal PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.

  • Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).

    Here is Fendahl Silvermane for example.

  • Be able to post about 1-2 times per day for 7-9 weeks

  • I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.

  • Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.

Recruitment will open now and will close once I have enough players to start. Probably next week.

If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Please post your Character's Level and Class for consideration.




For Game Day 3


Discuss here.


PbP GameDay 2: PFS Module: Murder's Mark (Tier 1-2)

I am starting recruitment for a running a Pathfinder Society adventure as Play by Post (PbP), of Rise of the Runelords: Thistletop. The module is for levels 3-5 (ONLY). This will be recorded for PFS credit.

Therefore, this is an open recruitment accepting a table of five to seven dedicated PbP players (taking up to 7 due to possible attrition).

If you have played other PFS scenarios, then it is the same but running as play-by-post rules. This adventure will lock in a PFS character for about 16-20 weeks if posting daily. Level 4 PFS Legal pre-generated PFS characters are also acceptable.

For players not familiar with PFS or posting here, I'll post a few guidelines.

  • You need a legal PFS (Pathfinder Society) character. PFS information is here.

  • Post your legal character. (Paizo People --> Aliases).

    Here is Fendahl Silvermane for example.

  • You must be able to post at least once per day for 15-20 weeks. I will work with you if you let me know in advance of upcoming absences (vacations, business travel, illness etc)

  • I do not require your previous Chronicle Sheets. I assume you will be honest with me and your fellow players. If a question of an item or race comes up, I may ask to know where and how you got said item.

  • Maps will be posted through google docs. Please make sure you can access this service if you sign up.

Recruitment will open now and I will select the roster of 6-7 players from the candidate submissions (if there is enough interest).

If you have a question, please don't hesitate to contact me. I have run about a dozenr PFS scenarios online via PbP if you are interested in my track record. Also, I roll initiative by group for encounters to keep things moving, but saves and attacks you roll your own.

Please post your Character's Level and Class and backstory for consideration.


Discussion here...


GM Aarvid PFS PbP : The Devil We Know Series




GM Aarvid - PFS #4-05: The Sanos Abduction - B






A Pathfinder Society Adventure Path designed for levels 3–5.

