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![]() Hello all, Brighthaven is looking for companies interested in managing holdings and outposts! That includes managers, foremen, workers, haulers, ranchers, farmers, lumberjacks, miners, and those that would defend their brethren and their land. By joining Brighthaven, and becoming a sponsored company, you will reap the benefits of some of the best training the server can provide, as well as access to an unparalleled pool of resources if you wish to refine, craft, or outfit you and yours. Brighthaven is a Neutral Good settlement focused on defending its citizens and its allies from negative fringe based PvP (Player Killing and Griefing) while striving to become a large and shining beacon for Good. Whether you wish to benefit from this protection or you love PvP and wish to assist in providing this protection, Brighthaven aims to be the home and support center for you! Brighthaven will provide a safe harbor, a place of relative security in the wilderness areas away from Thornkeep and Fort Inevitable. In striving for excellence we will also be offering good-aligned characters the highest level of training and services available anywhere in Pathfinder Online. If you are interested and you want to know more about Brighthaven click HERE, you can also PM me here, or ask for Cheatle, Gedi, Fierywind, or any Brighthaven Officer in world chat. ![]()
![]() The Empyrean Order Name: The Empyrean Order
The Empyrean Order is made up of the following sub-companies:
Please apply to one of the above companies. Political Status -
Ideology: The Empyrean Order believes that just because you can do something in a game, that doesn't necessarily mean you should. To that end, we want Pathfinder Online to have a community where PvP is fought at the Settlement and Nation level, while random player killers and griefers are fringe elements rather than mainstream. We have several dedicated organizations specifically in place to help battle these fringe elements. The Empyrean Order also believes in helping new players, reaching out to the community, and generally making Pathfinder Online a better world for people to enjoy together. The Empyrean Order seeks to carve out a portion of our shared play world where all of the above are true, a place we call home, and hopefully you will too. Who Should Join TEO?: Everyone who agrees with the above ideology and wants to be a part of an organization that puts it into action. We currently have nine sub-guilds, and if you take a look above you can see each sub-guilds focus. We are looking for the folks who are willing to stand on the front lines as well as those who are willing to work to supply and support them. We cater to every play-style; from people wanting to be part of an elite military to pacifists; from people looking for a heavy role-play experience to those who'd prefer to avoid it; from Americans and Europeans to Australians and more. Currently our membership represents North Americans, Europeans, Asians, and Australians, you will not find a time of day where you are alone on our mumble channel. Our Rules:
Joining The Empyrean Order:
Mumble Usage: CotP has a dedicated 24/7 Mumble server. Mumble usage is a requirement for all TEO members, but a microphone is not required unless you are part of the military. This is because Mumble is where most of our conversations happen, and if you aren't in there, you really will not get integrated into the community as much as we would like. Mumble does offer text chat options and if everyone in-game is using Mumble then you can likely reply to comments on the Mumble via our in-game chat as well. Mumble Information:
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, The EBA has established our borders, shown on the following map, for resource, escalation, and holding claims. We consider anyone harvesting resources, attacking escalations, or establishing holdings to be hostile, unless given prior permission from EBA leadership. Any non-hostile individuals are free to travel our land, trade, buy/sell at auction houses, as well as bank. You may contact any of the following people for more information about the above statement: Cheatle - Brighthaven Rep.
![]() General Guides Harad Navar's Unoffical Pathfinder Online Atlas Pathfinder Online User Guide w/Informational Images and Charts Pathfinder Online: Criticals, Opportunity, and Flat-Footed Reactives Guide Pathfinder Online: Deities and Domain Selections Guide Sspitfire's Feat Advancement Tables Sspitfire’s No-Brainer Guide to PFO Keyword Guides Pathfinder Online: Cleric Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Spell Keywords Pathfinder Online: Expert Guide - Armor Keywords Pathfinder Online: Fighter Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Maneuver Keywords Pathfinder Online: Freeholder Guide - Armor Keywords Pathfinder Online: Rogue Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Maneuver Keywords Pathfinder Online: Wizard Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Spell Keywords Gathering, Refining, and Crafting Guide ![]()
![]() I wanted to get this out there to those doing the test. The doors are either pulsing white, bright white (slowly or fast) or strobing rainbow colors very fast. This can cause some people's eyes to hurt, or maybe even have a seizure. Nihimon's Video - Bright White Pulsing ![]()
![]() So, good game, Golgotha, we both took some lashes, and traded recipes. Here is my issue, as soon as we closed the gap, even if we can tab target, we just can't see each other very well. I really hope that there is some kind of raid feature, company/settlement icon indicator, or something along those lines. ![]()
![]() The Empyrean Order Name: The Empyrean Order
The Empyrean Order is made up of the following sub-companies:
Currently due to game mechanics please apply to The Empyrean Order in game. Look at the top left hand side of your screen, find the tower icon to the right of that, open it, search for The Empyrean Order, open and apply. Political Status -
Ideology: The Empyrean Order believes that just because you can do something in a game, that doesn't necessarily mean you should. To that end, we want Pathfinder Online to have a community where PvP is fought at the Settlement and Nation level, while random player killers and griefers are fringe elements rather than mainstream. We have several dedicated organizations specifically in place to help battle these fringe elements. The Empyrean Order also believes in helping new players, reaching out to the community, and generally making Pathfinder Online a better world for people to enjoy together. The Empyrean Order seeks to carve out a portion of our shared play world where all of the above are true, a place we call home, and hopefully you will too. Who Should Join TEO?: Everyone who agrees with the above ideology and wants to be a part of an organization that puts it into action. We currently have four sub-guilds: Argent Crusade, Empyrean Guard, Golden Scaled Trade Guild, and The Wolves. If you take a look above you can see each sub-guilds focus. We are looking for the folks who are willing to stand on the front lines as well as those who are willing to work to supply and support them. We cater to every play-style; from people wanting to be part of an elite military to pacifists; from people looking for a heavy role-play experience to those who'd prefer to avoid it; from Americans and Europeans to Australians and more. Currently our membership represents North Americans, Europeans, Asians, and Australians, you will not find a time of day where you are alone on our mumble channel. Our Rules:
Joining The Empyrean Order:
Mumble Usage: CotP has a dedicated 24/7 Mumble server. Mumble usage is a requirement for all TEO members, but a microphone is not required unless you are part of the military. This is because Mumble is where most of our conversations happen, and if you aren't in there, you really will not get integrated into the community as much as we would like. Mumble does offer text chat options and if everyone in-game is using Mumble then you can likely reply to comments on the Mumble via our in-game chat as well. Mumble Information:
![]() Brighthaven is focused on bettering the community, protection of the weak, and promoting justice. Under these ideals we are looking for citizens and companies to join us in our endeavor. Settlement Name: Brighthaven
Sponsored Companies - The Empyrean Order
The Platinum Blades
Bloodstone Swords
Political Status -
Ideology and Focus:
Brighthaven will provide a safe harbor, a place of relative security in the wilderness areas away from Thornkeep and Fort Inevitable. In striving for excellence we will also be offering good-aligned characters the highest level of training and services available anywhere in Pathfinder Online. Brighthaven is also one of the most vibrant settlements in which to trade and conduct business. Government:
As a neutral good settlement, our first priority is always the greatest good for the greatest number of people. As such, the good of the people in all cases will be prioritized over the letter of the law. While every effort has been made to ensure the laws spelled out in our charter provide fair and equitable treatment for all, it is recognized that in some cases the letter of the law may be used unjustly or to leverage an unfair advantage against others. If such is found to be the case, the ruling Council of Brighthaven, the Chamber of Regents, reserves the right to act in a unilateral manner to effect justice and fairness. Citizen Rights
Joining Brighthaven as a sponsored Company:
Joining Brighthaven as a Citizen:
Mumble Usage: CotP has a dedicated 24/7 Mumble server. Mumble usage is a requirement for all TEO members, but a microphone is not required unless you are part of the military. This is because Mumble is where most of our conversations happen, and if you aren't in there, you really will not get integrated into the community as much as we would like. Mumble does offer text chat options and if everyone in-game is using Mumble then you can likely reply to comments on the Mumble via our in-game chat as well. Mumble Information:
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, First off, I did not want to besmirch Aragon's reputation by posting its name in the title thread. Bluddwolf has shown me respect, so I wish to do the same. However, I am here to lodge a complaint on behalf of Brighthaven, per the NAP, with proof that Aragon has taken NAP core towers from Hammerforge. I ask Golgotha to confirm this information based on our coordinated scouting effort earlier tonight. After this has been confirmed, I ask that Aragon attempt to fix this issue without a tribunal being issued. ![]()
![]() Settlement Leaders and Membership, I would like to have a meeting with all of the Settlement Leaders to talk about Crowdforging and the direction of the game. After talking to several Settlement Leaders over the last 48 hours it is apparent, to me, that we really need a server wide meeting to potentially hammer out a list of suggestions to submit to Goblinworks. I would like for each Settlement Leader who attends to talk with their membership and come up with a list of their top 5 suggestions for intimidate implementation. These lists will be discussed at the meeting and hopefully we all can come to a solidified list of our own to submit to Goblinworks. If you would like to attend this meeting please post your intent here, as well as days/times you would be available for a meeting. If you want you can just send me a private message. If you can't make the meeting, please come up with your list anyways and private message it to me. Thank you all for your time,
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, It was a really fun night! Golgotha attacked our alliance members in Hammerfall with over a dozen members. We created a response team, marched in to the Golgothian Mountains, took their tower, and finally took their Keep! I think we had about 25-30 people at one point attacking, with around 7-12 Golgotha members defending their mountains. I am pretty sure we had 40 people ALL FIGHTING in a hex and we had no issues at all. After taking their Keep, Golgotha, Brighthaven, and Phaeros farmed the Monster Hex together (with like 30 of us after PvP) and got a ton of Tier 2 recipes and expendables. A few things - Settlements/Alliances need their tokens on the minimap to all be the same color (even if their people are flagged red). Healing reds needs to be a thing if they are Settlement/Company/Party members. ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, Brighthaven, as an extension of The Empyrean Order, is reaching out to all Settlement Leaders, we would like your email and/or contact information. As you all know public relations can be complicated, and if there are any incidents or problems they need to be dealt with swiftly. Beyond the PR situations, we would also like your up to date information in case of trade opportunities, events, and other more niche situations that may arise. Please send me a PM, here on Paizo, with at least your email or a way to contact the leadership within your Settlement. Thank you all for your time,
![]() Saturday December 20th, at 5PM EST/2PM PST/10PM GMT - Brighthaven population test! [Make it if you can!] Due to the new optimizations from the last two patches, we would like to try a HUGE Endeavor, we want to get 100 accounts (more if we can) logged on at the same time in Brighthaven. This will be a population test just to see how hard we can stress the server, so we ask everyone to try and make it for the betterment of the game. If you can't make it, just log your character(s) in ahead of time, and idle in Brighthaven near the bank. If we meet and exceed 100 accounts, please move excess accounts to the center of hex directly south of Brighthaven, at the tower. Thank you all for your help and support! ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, Come join The Empyrean Order in Brighthaven, Thursday December 3rd, 2014 at 8PM EST/5PM PST/1AM GMT for a major event! This event will start with a showcase of all Tier 1 armors +0 versus +3 versions, then a showcase of some Tier 2 armor and weapons. Following this we will take group pictures of everyone, and then enjoy a HUGE mock battle splitting into two teams; defenders of Brighthaven, and the attackers. Afterwards we will try our T2 armor versus 100% escalations, and all are welcome to join! If you need armor for the pictures, mock battle, or anything after we should have some extra stuff (At least basic) to hand out. Anyone is welcome to come! Hopefully we can fully test the servers with this event, and maybe 100 total people will show up, and we can test the Hex stability. Edit: If you don't want to participate in the battle, we will have safe zone sections where you can watch the entire event from! Feel free to come in and RP too! ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, The Empyrean Order decided to make the journey from Brighthaven to Ozem's Vigil to claim the coveted prize of first organization to attain a tier two item, made from at least 3 tier two refiners. After some initial set backs and technical difficulties we were underway. It took us about an hour and a half to make the trip, but it was well worth it! Fighting through hordes of undead, goblins, and cultist, we finally made our way to Ozem's Vigil, and claimed Caldeathe's Prize. After months of hard work, and a long journey, we were able to claim victory, and it was sweet. Here are some pictures from the journey, as well as some more pictures of some armor The Empyrean Order crafted. More pictures of our squad and armors These are all low resolution, sorry guys. ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, Over the last few months there have been a lot of opinions going back and forth, and a good many solid threads have gotten bogged down in negativity, spite, and the need to have the last word. That being said, I would like to start off this thread as a place for everyone to express their views, opinions, suggestions, and anything else you want to add, but there is catch: You get one post, and only one. You can not respond to anyone else's post, you can't come back and add something you have forgotten, correct someone's way of thinking...etc.. This is a place where everyone gets their voice heard, on equal footing, a place where if you have been lurking in the shadows, you now have a chance to say your piece. I implore EVERY SINGLE PERSON on these boards to come and have their say. Rules:
Suggestions of topic:
The simple fact is, I can't enforce any of these rules, the only person that can is you. I ask though, if anyone trolls this thread, or breaks these rules, that you ignore that person, and do not respond. We can only police ourselves, and if you can't do that simple task, then I guess you show your true colors. ![]()
![]() Settlement Leaders, This is the official agreement thread for the War of Tower Nonaggression Treaty. If your intent is to join this Treaty, please sign this thread with the following information: Settlement Name
You can find the Treaty HERE If you want to discuss this Treaty further go HERE ![]()
![]() Ladies, Gentlemen, and Developers, After a very good meeting, with representation from all power blocks, we were able to re-write the document, extensively, and incorporate all of the things discussed. I wanted to say thank you to Nihimon and Pexx for helping quite a bit with the document re-writing, and Pino for recording the meeting. In general, I would like for all the leadership to overlook the document and give their suggestions, concerns, or their OK with the current document. This review process will last 48 hours from this post, after which we will incorporate anything that might be needed, and re-post for actual signing prior to EE. ![]()
![]() Ladies, Gentlemen, and Developers, There has been a lot of talk about the last patch it added some significant and interesting updates. They were mostly well received, and really sparked an up tick in participation and increased numbers to take a look at the game. Meaningful PvP is great and can keep a lot occupied. Now, why I ask for the Two Week delay (starting around the 13th or 14th), is because of a list of several major and minor things: First, BUGS, we have 3 major ones that need to be fixed, such as random teleporting, falling through the earth into the sky/getting trapped in the sky, and finally the oh so dreaded crash with the unintentional rollback. All 3 of these are extremely annoying, and they can be demoralizing, and demoralizing is bad, bad, bad for business. Second, tweak/UI updates, we need company and settlement UI Icons, as well as ways to actually accept someone applying without manual commands. Companies need to be able to added with GW help, and settlement leaders need a few tweaks so that we can actually set holding times. Also, there needs to be away that we can set friendly settlements, at the very least. Last, content, we still need encumbrance, player looting, critical hits, ammo consumables, camp consumables, stamina drain for encumbrance, Arcane Spell Failure(or what ever penalty) for Armor, repair ability for items, salvage, Node Gushers(and all that entails with Monsters and kits), and major tweaks to combat. We are almost there folks, almost there, MVP is just around the corner. ![]()
![]() So, some of you have been following the updates for this spread sheet, and I just want to tell you all that I have added at least 150+ new Raw and Salvage ingredients to the list. I still need to update the second tab. Here is the LIST The list has been updated extensively with Tier 2 Ingredients. ![]()
![]() Hello all, The Empyrean Order is looking for all of your Coal, Iron, +4/+5 Steel wire, because we are testing: 1 - How long it takes to make +4 Armor Tier 1.
We have the following for trade: Yew and Iron Splint, Weak Varnish +3, Weak Tonic Extract +3, Weak Cathartic Extract +3, Weak Antiseptic Extract +3, Weak Adhesive Extract +3, Warden's Heavy Leather, Tribal Leathers, Steel Plate +3, Spellwoven Robes, Semi-Precious Gem +3, Pine Baton +3, Piecemeal Hides, Parchment Sheet +3, Lesser Vital Gem +3, Crimson Crystal +3, Coarse Thread +3, Clerk's Ink +3, Basic Strips +3, Basic Leather Sheet +3, Basic Hide Sheet +3, Basic Firewood +3, Apprentice's Diminishing Staff, Apprentice's Diminishing Wand, Apprentice's Psychic Staff, Apprentice's Psychic Wand, Apprentice's Quickening Staff, Apprentice's Somatic Staff, Apprentice's Somatic Wand, Acolyte's Elemental Focus We actually have a ton of +1/+2 Recipes, like several hundred, so if you are looking for something in particular let us know! You can contact myself, Urman, or Fierywind here on the forms, OR Empyrean Bankbot, Erma, Fierywind Crafter, or Elric Fontain in game. Thank you all for your time. ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! The Empyrean Order will be hosting several events around 6PM Est/3PM Pst/10PM GMT TODAY! Around 6PM EST, head over to Cloverdale and take some screenshots with us, and bring your best looking armor/clothes! Around 7PM EST, we will head out and hunt down a major escalation to kill, hopefully we can take it out in under two hours as a large group. Around 8-9PM EST, we will be having Arena style PvP fights in the Cloverdale area, since there will be a wipe come Monday, don't worry about Rep! Hope to see you all there! ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, The WoT NAP discussion will take place, again Wed, Spet 10th @ 9PM Est/6PM Pst/1AM GMT, on the CotP/TEO Mumble. Address:
Anyone who is part of the leadership of their Settlement is welcome to attend. Please use your forum name, as well as an abbreviation or designation to tell which Settlement you represent. The topic of discussion specifically will include talks to NAP a specific number of towers of those that sign on with the NAP. Further discussion will include the exact number of towers NAP'd, the duration of the nap, and any other specifics that may need to be discussed. There will NOT be an agreement made Wednesday, this is purely a discussion based talk to weigh pros and cons of the included topics, as well as work out the exact details of said proposal. We will reconvene a week afterwards to make binding agreements, if that is indeed the direction we will be going. To make this clearer for some: This is a NAP specifically for a set number of towers, this does not include non-sanctioned or sanctioned PvP, such as killing randomly or feuding, and this does not include all towers on the map. Essentially, you can still PvP to your hearts content, just as long as you keep with the agreement. ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you all again for showing up at our last strip mining event! For all of our efforts the Devs found an issue with nodes which hindered our progress in strip mining. After talking with Lee, here is what he had to say: Lee Hammock wrote: We think we found the problem; if any one in a category of resources gets to a negative number, that node type would stop spawning (so if you got Sal Amm down to -1 because it was at 1 and you harvested 2 all mineral node stop spawning). We think that's probably what happened with one of the gemstones or Sal Amm and it will be fixed in the next build. So, I will be hosting this event again! Tomorrow night starting at 6PM Eastern/3PM Pacific/10PM GMT. It will be held in the same place as last time 2 Hexes North West of Sotterhill, the Hill/Highlands Hex near the Pass. Since this is a new build and there is a lot of stuff to try out, I will be out there for around 5-6 hours. I invite you all to join whenever you feel like, but I ask that you intend to help out more than 30 minutes that you do the following: 1. Keep a log of what level you are in Dowser, Forester, Miner, and Scavenger.
Thank you all for reading ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank all of you for helping out almost every if not every company/guild helped. They helped by giving me goods, strip mining, protecting me, scouting, or deciding not to kill me. So, again, thank you. My Guide has already been updated with this information. Found Here in Crafting Section Raw Resources
Salvage Resources
Refined Components
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, We mounted a valiant effort against the Thornkeep guards and the spread of their tyranny through Sotterhill. A small group of Elite fighters, led by myself, assaulted the center of Sotterhill and claiming it for ourselves. We removed the Thornguards and their taint from the hallowed shrine of Pharasma, we then spread our influence out from there systematically killing all who opposed us! After hours of battling, we had a glorious victory reclaiming and freeing the western side of Sotterhill. We then attacked the bridge, removing the Thornguard threat and storming the Tavern, Seminary, and War Wizard Schools liberating all of them for our side! In the end, we have killed 14 Thornguard, and fortified the western shore of Sotterhill against enemy incursion. Our current Kill On Sight list: Gpunk, and Xeen, both of these traitors sided with the Thornguards and tried to take back the western side of Sotterhill from our liberation forces. They both failed! Tis was a glorious battle! Thank you to my battle brothers: Caldeathea
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to extend an invitation to everyone in the Alpha server to come help me do a little research by completely strip mining a Hex. We will be doing 2 things, killing every monster in the hex, as well as gathering every single resource node. This event will last from 20 minutes after the server is up until AtwNB! So roughly 2-3 hours. We will be meeting in the Hex 2 North West of Sotterhill. This is a Hills/Highland Hex, and seems to have an even distribution of all four node types, as well as near a monster Hex, and probably has an escalation. Here is who all I am looking for: Clerics, Fighters, Rogues, Wizards of level 4+, as well as those of you that received gear from Bonnie to help fight back the high end escalation if there is one. Tier 1 (Level 1-7) Dowsers, Foresters, Miners, and Scavengers, as well as Tier 2 (Level 8+) of those four. If you are making new characters for the Gatherers this might help you: First, Dowser/Forester/Scavenger level 9+ is in Osterburg, while Miner 9+ is in Cloverdell. Dowser needs at least 14 Personality to get to level 8, you will have to purchase all level 1-3 Cantrips from the Wizard, as well as 3 levels of Base Attack Bonus, I think some Power, and Resiliency from the Rogue Trainer, and of course Dowser and Sage. Best Class for Dowser is Wizard Forester/Scavenger need at least 14 Wisdom to get to level 8, this is pretty easy, just get a lot of Wisdom based Orisons/abilities from Cleric, as well as will based defenses, you can also pick up perception, apothecary, and of course both Forester and Scavenger. Best Class for Forester/Scavenger is Cleric Miner needs at least 14 Constitution to get to level 8, going to tannery, smelter, and sawyer will give a nice boost, as well as all fortitude defenses, hp, recovery, and shield feats. Best Class for Miner is Fighter ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, The Empyrean Order, in partnership with Full Metal Syndicate (The Map Creators), are focused on creating a new map. This new map will feature elevation changes, choke hold entry points (at least some), as well as better identifiers for alliances, alignment, and settlement icons. In light of this new project we are asking each of the Landrush winners, from LR1 and LR2, to create their own icon. HERE is a template to use to create your settlement's icon. Creation Rules: 1. The icon must fit within the outer Hex, but at least 80% of it must be within the inner Hex. The limitation is due to still being able to identify the Hex type.
Please post your icon here, with a link, as well as the name of the settlement it represents. Here is a bit of a teaser of the new Map ![]()
![]() The Everbloom Alliance exists to promote the safety and well being of member settlements, and the citizens that reside therein. More than just a non-aggression pact, members agree to assist in the defense of allied settlements. The Everbloom Alliance is led by a council, with each member settlement having equal representation while maintaining a high degree of autonomy. The council is composed of representatives selected by the respective member settlements. The Everbloom Alliance charter defines the obligations and rights of individual member settlements and contains the enumerated powers granted to the council representatives on behalf of the member settlements. While not required, several of our member settlements are planning to use synergies between settlements and provide services to other allies as a way to cover the broad assortment of play options available in Pathfinder Online. Charter available to prospective members by request, contact settlement leadership below. Membership List Blackwood Glade - Kitsune, Mourn Blackhand, StormWeaver
Brighthaven - Lifedragn
Hammerfall - Gerrik, teribithia
Keeper’s Pass - Cougar, Erian
Phaeros - Decius, Nihimon, Skwiziks, Valkenr
![]() All three of the characters that I am using for Alpha are stuck outside of town, because I used them for testing. During testing they never actually killed anyone, just maybe 30-40 attacks, but they are all three KOS. I realize we have to have Reputation in to stop anyone from killing any town (or at least attempt to stop them), but testing against PCs at the moment, without killing them, should either be allowed without Rep loss, or Rep reset at intervals. So far 12 hours logged in does not negate about 40 attacks. ![]()
![]() Here is a picture of the new goatees! Goatees for everyone! Oh wait, maybe that is just Nihimon's ponytail on Kitsune's chin? Here is a picture of the new double Head models! Double the fun! Oops maybe that is just an accident gone wrong? ![]()
![]() Devs, I just spent the last 14 hours trying my hardest to craft a +1/+2 longsword and longbow. Gathering all the requisite skills, materials, refining, and crafting hour after hour, and it was all wiped out, again with a bug. This bug wipes out all crafting components I have made in the last several hours, plus all my ques, it is getting frustrating, the game just crashes. I ask that you please add recipes/materials into your next build so that those of us who are attempting this process can finish. Perhaps just stacks of 15-20 of everything needed for the first 4-5 levels of basic components. Tired and frustrated, but I understand this is Alpha. ![]()
![]() Astra Azure Arcanum of The Empyrean Order Presents: With special thanks to: Eastern Sun, Deathwatch, Dragonblade Mercs, Freevale, The Empyrean Order, The Seventh Veil, and The UnNamed Company for assisting in gathering all the needed materials for the lists, as well as Decius and Nihimon for collecting data. ![]()
![]() Crafting isn't extremely complex, but requires a lot of work, Feat/Skills, and a system of individuals. Crafting Feats/Skills: You will need access to three levels of Feats/Skills in the crafting process. Gathering: These Feats/Skills will allow you to collect from Resource Nodes. The higher your skill the more you are able to gather from a node, as well as find uncommon and rarer resources. Refining: These Feats/Skills will allow you to access Refining Recipes and Facilities. At these Facilities you can turn raw resources and collected materials into Crafting Components. Crafting: These Feats/Skills will allow you to access Crafting Recipes and Facilities. At these Facilities you can take components and craft them into usable items. The following is a two part video (I was planning a third to show the final step in the crafting process, but it is essentially the same as the second video) of the crafting process. The following links will give more specific information: Recipes
Special thanks to members of Eastern Sun, Deathwatch, Dragonblade Mercs, Freevale, The Empyrean Order, The Seventh Veil, and The UnNamed Company for assisting in gathering all the needed materials for the lists. ![]()
![]() Post all of your Alpha Pictures here!
Sorry about the poor quality, but here you go! HERE are some pictures! Edit, some skill screen caps curtsy of Alexander Damocles Twitch. ![]()
![]() Name: The Empyrean Order Military
We are the Shield of Brighthaven. We will help protect and mete out justice, as well as police our sphere of influence. Being a part of the military is being part of that which makes this world a safer place. Joining the military will give you an opportunity to explore the world we live in through caravans, military operations, and the oversight of strategic locations. If you decide to join, realize that the military will be your first priority if we are attacked, and thus requires your time at odd intervals. The Empyrean Order Military Hierarchy Requirements and Participation: Military Member Requirements -
Participation -
When joining The Empyrean Order Military you will be assigned one of two active statuses: Primary - Members of The Empyrean Order’s Military who are willing to defend their lands, and take offensive action against those we deem TEO and Brighthaven’s enemies, without reservation.
Reservist - Members of The Empyrean Order who are willing to defend their lands, and occasionally take offensive action against those we deem TEO and Brighthaven’s enemies.
Once you join the forums, make sure you introduce yourself, as well as make an application to CotP. After that you should have access to the PFO private forums and be able to discuss more in-depth topics. From there request access to The Military sub-forums. ![]()
![]() Since I just updated the new website with a ton of ideas, figured I would advertise them here so that they can get more exposure. I have posted 21 new ideas on the Crowdforging Website. Whether you like the idea or not, please vote. Implementing Animal in conjunction with Resources Sun Glare and other realistic effects Interior Graphics for Structures Waterfall from the SE Mountains into the Swamp/Marsh Custom Patches and Battle Standards Amalgamated Terrain Structures Lore about why we can't use certain types of magic Airships, Ships, and Transportation Arena or Tournament area to hold events Sign posts for roads to point you in the direction of a settlement In-depth Character Creation for Character Models Graphic Design Tools for players NPCs increase/decrease based on DI for aesthetics Multi-Sponsored Company membership if both companies are part of same Settlement Similar/Same Terminology for Settlement Assets ![]()
![]() Ladies and Gentlemen, In another thread I had an idea about a secondary type settlement, which Nihimon pointed out could be a Zero PvP windowed Settlement. I wanted to expound a bit on that idea, and wanted your thoughts as a community about said idea. The Zero PvP Windowed Settlement would be an option through the same system GW is using for opening and closing said window. Once enacted it would freeze the window longer than when making a normal choice on increasing or decreasing the window. At Zero PvP Windowed mode you would be limited in not only your DI, but also the ability to join a kingdom. Further more, you would be limited to the 6 hexes around you for expansion. For these limitations, however, there are some bonuses, such as not losing your settlement, PoIs or Outposts to PCs, but they can still be attacked by PvE events (GW wanted to add these at some point). You would also gain support from either Thornekeep, For Inevitable, or Riverwatch in the form of NPC guards/Marshals. So essentially, these would be VERY small settlements that are supported by Starter Settlements, and allow for the more casual gamers to partake in the Settlement part of the game. Thoughts? Also, this idea stemmed from the Disappointment Among the Silent thread. This idea is just in support of alternative game play methods for those that consider themselves casual gamers. ![]()
![]() I was thinking about the "Great Catastrophe" that Lee Hammock talked about in the Gobbocast, and I had two ideas that I would like to put forth, and get a general reaction. First Idea:
Second Idea:
![]() Paizo/GW Staff, I was wondering if we could get a few threads stickied that have current and up to date information? We have a lot of new people coming in, as well as lots of "sleepers" waking up. These individuals have missed out on a lot of information, and are just now looking for companies/guilds/settlements to join. The following are links to information/threads that would be extremely helpful as a stickied resource: List of helpful links! CBDunkerson's Landrush Settlement/Guild/Company by alignment
CBDunkersons's Landrush Settlement/Guild/Company by category
Cheatle's Landrush Settelment/Guild/Company Recruitment
Goblinwork's Landrush Guild Index
Goblinwork's Landrush Leaderboard
Harad Navar's Unofficial Pathfinder Online Map Harad Navar's Unofficial PFO Land Rush Map Nihimon's Settlement/Guild/Company Paizo Recruitment List
Questions to the Developers about Settlements and Companies