teribithia9's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 826 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 15 Organized Play characters.


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The Exchange 2/5

LazarX wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:

Unless they've updated the Advanced Player's Guide and changed the rules for Eidolons, you can't do this anyhow. The Eidolon is always the same alignment as the summoner.

"The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it and can speak all of his languages. "

UnChained! does change the rules for the Eidolon (and the Summoner)... Drastically. PFS now only allows the Unchained! version.

Ah-thanks. See that's what I get for being unemployed for six months. I'm way out of touch. :(

The Exchange 2/5

Unless they've updated the Advanced Player's Guide and changed the rules for Eidolons, you can't do this anyhow. The Eidolon is always the same alignment as the summoner.

"The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it and can speak all of his languages. "

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

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Atheory wrote:

I couldn't resist, I had the x-mas song in my head when I saw this post.....

I'm making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's got stuff I want.

Atheory's coming to town.

I see you when you're gathering, I know when you're online, I know if you got stuff to take, so you better run faster than me.

No worries. But just because we're not raiders doesn't mean we're idiots. ;)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Atheory wrote:
Can I have access to this database list of members?

I'm not sure who you are or why you'd need it?

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

If you've recently signed on as a banner company of Hammerfall, please pm me
either on guildlaunch or through the paizo website with members' character
names in game and their corresponding paizo/goblinworks names. If you wish to
be a part of Hammerfall, we're very happy to have you, but need a way to
communicate with you regarding settlement events/defense/policy/votes. Please
try to do this within the next 72 hours (by 6pm eastern time/11 pm UTC Friday the 30th).
If we don't receive contact information within that time, your company may be
removed from the banner companies list for security reasons. (Please feel free
to apply again once you're able to send the contact information if that
information was merely delayed for some reason.) Thank you!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Teribithia, Alain Woodrue, Averell Dalton, Averil

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
You know the Pledge Manager was deployed and closed already, right?

Yes-the pledge manager did not allow us to apply add ons to the correct member of a guild pledge, though. (please see my original post and my post from may of 2014 the may one reads: "no...I wasn't saying the guild and buddy accounts were add ons. I'm still asking my original question...during the kickstarter process, we were told to purchase all add ons for members of our guild level pledge under the guild level pledge--that there would be a way to distribute them to the appropriate guild members later on. so I have a whole bunch of secret salutes and honorable titles, extra alliance packs and print packs, etc. that are assigned right now to my account-because I'm the one that made the actual pledge. But a lot of those things belong to the five other people who made the guild pledge with me. And while they have attached themselves via invite to my pledge and will get all the general guild level stuff they are supposed to (I guess) when the time comes, I still haven't seen anything telling me how we are going to distribute the add ons that were bought under the guild pledge--and since there is only a month left before play begins, I'd really like to know how that's going to work?")

Is this ability also going to be in place when early enrollment starts, please? Thanks.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Just checking on this again, since EE starts Sept 15th. Question on what happens if you don't have then. I don't want, for example, someone else's extra player or class pack to be destroyed because someone kills my character (just an example of one of the many things that may be on my character that are not actually owned by my character). Is there going to be a way to keep such things from happening, etc? Or do you plan to have a solution to this by mid September? Thanks!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Hammerfall managed to hold our spot in the marshes again this week.
Settlement name: Hammerfall

Settlement alignment: NG

Motto: Threads of wood, gold and iron woven into one tapestry for all.

Settlement goals: This is a settlement formed by alliance of The Hearthguard and Marsh Wardens Chartered Companies. Our goal: To be a haven for non-evil PC craftsmen, explorers and warriors. Striving for individual excellence but working together to assist and protect our community and its allies.

Please come join us on GW land grab website if you feel you would like to be part of such a community!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Brock52 wrote:


This is a general invite to all members of the Pathfinder online Rosebud Accord community who have not played MMO before.

If you would like to get a better feel for MMO’s before you jump into a player versus player environment you can join me at Lord of the rings online (free to play option) Aka F2P on the Meneldor server. The game itself does require a credit card but does not charge any fees and does try to sell you items and memberships and expansions which is the nature of their business.

Once you are in the game follow the epic quest which is your basic tutorial and sets up the storyline for your adventures in middle Earth.
Once outside of the introduction old tutorial and newbies zone you can mail me in game under my character’s name Handover.

Once you contact me I can invite you into my guild (kinship) and you and other Pathfinder players will have a home base of operations to explore MMO’s without the threat of someone trying to kill your character. Unlike Pathfinder online, Lord of the rings online is the theme Park MMO which is focused primarily on player versus environment.

I will try to be on Eastern Standard Time around 10 o’clock most nights and on sporadically during the week.

Thanks, Brock52! Sewicked, Haikido, and I actually had a great time playing yesterday, despite being newbies. I found it very educational and had a blast to boot.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I realize off of the current discussion, but linked to original post...I did play LOTRO yesterday. I enjoyed it very much. I haven't completely figured out my 7th level powers yet, but I'm sure I will when I have the chance to fiddle around with them. (I was playing a hobbit and Sewicked was playing a human, so mostly I was having to run everywhere to keep up with her!) And I did actually spend quite some time practicing how to take things in and out of my pack and examining new item stats vs old item stats to figure out how all of that worked. Having figured it out there, hopefully the same sort of process in PFO will be much easier. So-definitely helpful. Thanks, all, for this thread. :)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
If you don't take at least one, every hex around your settlement is a 24/7 consequence free pvp zone...

Please remember that's only true until *someone* takes those towers surrounding you; from then on, you're at risk only during the Open PVP window of whatever Settlement that tower's pledged to. The best course of action for a Settlement that doesn't intend to hold towers for itself--thus keeping its PVP window closed for its members--is to invite friends to come and take those towers.

I can see several ways to generate win/win by doing that, not least by having two friends, who intend different Open windows, take "your" towers. That'll ensure your members' ability to leave and travel elsewhere, by going whichever direction's safe at that moment.

True--and at this point, that would even be necessary, since we don't have 6 Companies in Hammerfall. We would want to try to hold at least one, however, or we'll be very far behind everyone else at the end of the WotT. It's just really very grating for those of us who, in general, really don't want to be fighting other players at all.

EDIT: Really, I'm just saying my attitude right now is pretty much the same as Elyas--I'm not willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. I am, however, becoming increasingly more disappointed as the developers seem to be focusing more and more on making this a pvp-happy game, as this was not what was advertised during the kickstarter. I'm certainly not going to give up on an experience before I actually get to try it-and who knows, I may end up loving holding these towers for hours each day (I truly doubt it, but who knows)--but I'm there with Elyas in his disappointment and I feel the developers do need feedback when we're disappointed, too, and not just when we're incredibly excited about some feature of the magnificent game they're trying to produce. So I've said my piece and I'm done.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:

You're not forced to right now. That's one of the things available to do.

You can gather and craft all day long if you like, too. Settlements are going to need players who can provide supplies much more than a couple of civic buildings from running up their tower score.

You really are forced to, in a way. Your settlement is surrounded by towers. If you don't take at least one, every hex around your settlement is a 24/7 consequence free pvp zone where anyone can kill your settlement members without fear of effect on alignment or reputation. So yeah, you pretty much do need to hold at least one. That is, assuming that even one of us wants to leave the hex. Which several of us who aren't going to be crafters do...

If you're not looking to leave your settlement hex, why are you concerned if the outside world is FFA PVP?

Stay in your settlement hex, and welcome those that venture out, with cheap repair costs and or low costs for replacement gear.

I never said I wasn't looking to leave my settlement hex, although several posters on this board seem to have put those words in my mouth. I actually specifically said I DID want to leave the hex, if you look at the words above. Some of our crafters may not, but not all of Hammerfall is crafters.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Proxima Sin of Brighthaven wrote:

You're not forced to right now. That's one of the things available to do.

You can gather and craft all day long if you like, too. Settlements are going to need players who can provide supplies much more than a couple of civic buildings from running up their tower score.

You really are forced to, in a way. Your settlement is surrounded by towers. If you don't take at least one, every hex around your settlement is a 24/7 consequence free pvp zone where anyone can kill your settlement members without fear of effect on alignment or reputation. So yeah, you pretty much do need to hold at least one. That is, assuming that even one of us wants to leave the hex. Which several of us who aren't going to be crafters do...

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Lord Regent: Deacon Wulf wrote:

When playing the Table-top has your group ever run into bandits? The only difference between Pathfinder Online and Pathfinder PnP is that the bandits are players as well.

In addition: That evil cult trying to resurrect the Whispering Tyrant? Yea, those are players as well.

I don't think that the problem is with the bandits, so much. In the tabletop we're not usually forced to go do unnecessary pvp to protect towers that won't even exist in another 5 months.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I like Civic Enhancements. It pretty much describes exactly what the structure does-provide a bonus to the community.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

KotC Carbon D. Metric wrote:
Already working on our design.

Marsh Wardens has ours decided-but have asked an actual artist if they can render it for us--because none of us are one!

We're discussing Hammerfall's settlement flag. I'd personally like to see a symbol for Hammerfall, then the sigils of all of the Companies who make up Hammerfall included underneath as part of the Settlement flag.

And yeah, I'd likely pay for that. :)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Haikido Mara wrote:

This weekend’s special at Hammerfall

Gator Grabbers
Rich gator tail lightly seasoned, wrapped in bacon and fried golden brown (because frying and bacon make everything better and the dwarves love anything golden). Served with spicy remoulade dipping sauce.

Actually it was going to be the daily special but them suckers is big in this swamp.

And if you think our gator tastes good, drop by Beryl's Fine Leathers and see how good it can make you look! 10% off this week on gator skin boots and money pouches. Colorful, shiny, and naturally water repellent for those long days mining ore in the marsh.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Andius wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I think ol' Andius's point is that you're more likely to have fun not running a settlement anyways. So, a bit of miscommunication on either side. He's saying you probably shouldn't run a settlement because you'll lose it, and you're saying you don't care if you lose it regardless.

Right settlement leadership is a role reserved for a tiny fraction of the player population. That tiny fraction will eventually be made up of those who do it exceedingly well because all others will be forced out of it.

Anyone who goes into it with any intent other than taking it very seriously and putting 110% toward becoming exceedingly good at it, is only setting themselves up for disappointment. There are going to be thousands of players in this game on day one and only 33 settlements. Someone feel free to do the math on what % of those players will have the privilege of heading a settlement.

So if you are really 100% ok with losing the settlement then go ahead because there is a 100% chance you will lose it if you don't care about "winning".

If you want to set off down a path you might succeed at, then you may want to listen to me.

This is a game.

There are some people who don't have fun playing a game unless they win by conventional standards.

There are some people, who as long as they are playing with their friends and having fun, the game is a win no matter what.

I personally favor the second viewpoint, but both viewpoints are valid and I don't think anyone (well outside of GW staff) has the right to tell anyone else how to have their own fun.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Welcome and good luck in the rush!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I appreciate this thread very much, so thanks for those who have given opinions. Sewicked, Chris, and I have actually scheduled to try LOTRO together tomorrow, with help from one of our Marsh Wardens who's experienced in playing it--just to get our toes wet prior to playing pfo. Good to know that it will be a helpful experience.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I'm sorry if I offended-because this IS a great thread. But I hope you do realize there were at least three groups who posted saying they were recruiting prior to my post?
Anyway, I apologize if I offended. I think your coordination idea is brilliant.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Guurzak wrote:
...Mound of Skulls...
Isn't a mound of skulls sort of the evil equivalent, in the cheesy-decorating sweepstakes, of a pair of pink flamingoes? Both expected and simultaneously over-used?

only if you have a snake slithering through the eye sockets. ya gotta have the snake.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Hammerfall also welcomes any Companies that share our general outlook to contact us through pm, our website, or by joining us in the land rush at Goblinworks.com.

We currently consist of four Adventuring Companies: The Hearthguard, The Marsh Wardens, The Northern Lights, and The Groundlings. We're all small companies, seeking to build a safe and stable settlement together.

link to Hammerfall

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Virgil Firecask wrote:
Lawn Gnomes will be the unofficial player jargon term.

+1 for lawn gnomes

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
I can get there in half a day or so for real.
Now now, I lived in Jersey City for seven years, and, while I told my fair share of Turnpike--and other--jokes, the place had enough good qualities that I still need to stick up for it, a bit, lo! so many years later :-).

True. Several of my best friends ARE from NJ. ;)

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

For much of my time here, I've gone out of my way to try to be welcoming, especially to players that are concerned about PvP, new to PvP, or even new to MMOs. Oftentimes, these players have been rather roughly treated and dismissed. I've always recognized their value to any Settlement. I'm happy to see others are finally catching on.

And we appreciate it more than you will ever know.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

KOTC WxCougar wrote:
There are a lot of Settlements that hope to allow their companies independence. I know Keeper's Pass is another who want to assure any companies that join will keep their identities.

Hammerfall has intended this, as well.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deianira wrote:
Banesama wrote:
I could see us helping Hammerfall and Blackwood Glade securing their Towers. This would be just helping friends. Not necessarily an alliance. I leave that stuff to the diplomats and our leaders.


You're drinking for free at the tavern. Once we have a tavern. And drinks.

Yes, this, very much this!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

This is great thinking.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Kemedo wrote:

Well, I liked to put things in black/white to avvoid miss-interpretations, Nihimon. Nothing personal or else.

But I don't think it's loyal or respectful, me, as part of a settlement, make any arrengement without the entire settlement. I just said we will be nice too. :)


And by Chivalry Code, I search some statements and editted one that seems fit the meta-game (putting out god and church ones) but not end there:


To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow players
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
At all times do not to speak lies
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun

This sounds like an excellent code of conduct to me....

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Banesama wrote:
Carebear With Teeth

Hmmm. So what you're saying is the pvpers are going to turn the River Kingdoms into New Jersey?

I don't think I need to play a game about New Jersey. I can get there in half a day or so for real.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Paladin > Bard > Barbarian > Sorcerer

But please, paladin!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CBDunkerson wrote:
Cal B wrote:
Most small settlements will have to give up before they have time to train anything.

Unless I'm missing something, it seems likely that the OPPOSITE will be true. That is, ANY 'guild' which wins one of the land rush settlements should be in great shape... no matter how small they are.

Why? Because there is no apparent method of capturing a SETTLEMENT yet. Nor any apparent benefit to capturing a tower unless you are allied with a settlement. Nor any apparent way to found NEW settlements yet.

So, when EE rolls around and the game population explodes to many times that of the land rush participation there are going to be tons of players looking to get in on the towers game... which they can only do by allying with a settlement. That little seven person settlement is completely indestructible (until later in the game) AND can provide cool training benefits if some of these new people form a company and ally with them. Indeed, if the settlement is small and allied companies only control a few hexes then their PvP window will be short and it will be easier for small companies to hold their towers.

Basically, it seems like the 33 initial settlements from the land rush just got A LOT more important. Instead of being added months down the line they will be in the game from day 1. Further, instead of having to compete with newly founded settlements they will be the only options for several months.

Huh. This makes me feel surprisingly better. Thank you. Really.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

TEO Lone_Wolf wrote:
Gol Morbis wrote:
This just means we will spend the majority of our time fighting other PvP'ers instead of random folks. This is a good thing for the PvP-averse.
Crash_00 wrote:
It promotes meaningful PvP in concentrated areas at specific times, which should be a huge boon for people looking to avoid PvP.
I can see the point you both are making, and I hope you are both are correct. I'm not sure it will be easy to convince the PVE player that that is how it wil play out, though.

Yeah...I'm a new player and I'm really not looking forward to any sort of pvp. I was actually looking forward to having a couple of months to tool around and learn the game and the lay of the land/resources of whatever settlement we end up in. Having to suddenly defend several towers on a daily basis from capture or lose the ability to train anything in our settlement is pretty much exactly what I didn't want to do. I just hope those of us who wanted to be pve and crafting focused don't have to spend all of our time in defense of these towers and end up having no time to accomplish what we actually want to in game. But again, I'm new, so perhaps my inexperience is causing me to have a skewed viewpoint on this situation. I do know at least one settlement member who will be extremely happy about this!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Welcome to the land rush!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Hammerfall managed to hold our spot in the marshes this week. Good gator; good times.

Settlement name: Hammerfall

Settlement alignment: NG

Motto: Threads of wood, gold and iron woven into one tapestry for all.

Settlement goals: This is a settlement formed by alliance of The Hearthguard and Marsh Wardens Chartered Companies. Our goal: To be a haven for non-evil PC craftsmen, explorers and warriors. Striving for individual excellence but working together to assist and protect our community and its allies.

Please come join us on GW land grab website if you feel you would like to be part of such a community!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
I should add that game time doesn't get used just because it's on an account. You'll have to affirmatively choose to use game time. If you don't want to play when you get your invite, you're welcome to wait until the game is more developed. Likewise you will choose when you use additional game time increments - they won't just be automatically consumed.

Ok-well that takes care of my biggest worry--I just didn't want the extra game time for my friend to get eaten automatically by my playing. Thank you (again!).

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Ok-sorry to keep harping on this, Ryan, but it's already become an actual problem. There were two print packs ordered in our guild pledge. Only one of them was actually for me, but they're both being sent to me because so far there's no way for me to parse out the rewards I pledged money for to the appropriate people in my guild pledge.

Now, most of the people in my guild pledge live within 50 miles of me, so I can drive the other person's print pack to him, but I'm really hoping you've got something in the works for this before early enrollment starts? Because I also bought extra 3 months time-two of them-in the pledge and again, only one of those extra 3 months time is for me. I don't want the other person's free time to get eaten up because it's sitting on my account?

Sorry to be such a pain about this and if I need to start emailing customer service instead of bumping this thread, let me know and I will do so....

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Good luck, Aurora Vanguard-I hope we'll be neighbors one day.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Hammerfall has a new website! Drop by for a pint of Groundlings cider and a chat.

Settlement name: Hammerfall

Settlement alignment: NG

Motto: Threads of wood, gold and iron woven into one tapestry for all.

Settlement goals: This is a settlement formed by alliance of The Hearthguard and Marsh Wardens Chartered Companies. Our goal: To be a haven for non-evil PC craftsmen, explorers and warriors. Striving for individual excellence but working together to assist and protect our community and its allies.

Please come join us on GW land grab website if you feel you would like to be part of such a community!

new Hammerfall website

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Nice getting to meet you last night on the teamspeak, Sunnfire. Wish your group the best in the land rush.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member


The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Deianira wrote:
Nihimon wrote:
Deianira wrote:
Deianira Sunstorm's story!.
The story is so familiar to me that I think I must've read a prior version, but I'm not seeing it in your posts here. Have you posted this elsewhere before?
Probably from the Pax RP forum, last summer. Rather than start in the middle, I'm "rerunning" those few first.

So do we get the "How I Became Hellknights' Most Wanted" story, or is that pre-blog?

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Bunibuni13th wrote:

"Hammerfall: Get in on the Ground Floor!

Contact anyone who looks reasonably alert and doesn't move fast enough to get away. No calls during happy hour, please. RP not required. Terms and conditions apply. Offer not valid for certain alignments.

((OOC: In all seriousness, if you're not looking to build your own settlement, want a friendly, small-town vibe, think the above pitch is amusing, and/or think you'll fit in with a bunch of laid-back gamers, let us know! Settlement alignment is NG, so alignments of NG-CG-LG-N (true neutral) are welcome.))"

What she said. Couldn't put it better and can't think of anything even remotely funny to write at the moment.

We're not looking to take over the world. We are looking to build a nice community, grow to a reasonable size and do our thing without worry of being demolished by world beaters. Fighting types needed to protect caravans, trade routes and go dungeon delving with. Mages, cleric, rogues, all are welcome as long as you are NG-CG-LG-N. We will be using TeamSpeak when we are online.

Which doesn't mean you have to--use teamspeak when online. Just to be clear.

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

If you are the leader of a chartered company who has joined Hammerfall and haven't already done so, please post here and/or pm me to let me know your Company name. I'm trying to add a list of the Companies who have joined us to our settlement description on GW. Thanks!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

Just wanted to congratulate you on getting Y. Look forward to being your neighbors!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:

I thought you and Toombs already kissed and made up? That's what he blamed the wolf's breath on.

To answer you though: Nothing. Whether I agree or disagree with Nihimon doesn't matter. He has a concern and he brought it forward. People pissed off about the concern will label it as slander, but I don't think he sees it that way. I'm not going to sort through everyone's misunderstandings when the game starts and I'm not going to set a precedent of doing it now. I know that he doesn't speak for the entire Roseblood Accord. I know that he almost always has the community in mind. (Whether you think that's true on THIS issue or not, it is certainly true in general)

Even if I do disagree with Nihimon, I'm not going to punish him for it or revoke our entry into the Accord over it. We STILL intend to be good to our fellow players. If that pisses someone off, and if the affiliation causes people to go to war with us, that's the kind of blatant irrational that we'll just have to deal with.
