Imron Gauthfallow

Bigmancheatle's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 124 posts (1,308 including aliases). No reviews. 3 lists. 4 wishlists. 1 alias.

Wishlists and Lists

Wishlists allow you to track products you'd like to buy, or—if you make a wishlist public—to have others buy for you.

Lists allow you to track products, product categories, blog entries, messageboard forums, threads, and posts, and even other lists! For example, see Lisa Stevens' items used in her Burnt Offerings game sessions.

For more details about wishlists and lists, see this thread.



(0 items)

This post is to advertise all associated Companies with the Settlements that they voted for. If you want more information added, please PM me.

Requirements for the list:
- Must have an Icon
- Must have 15 members in your guild/settlement
- Must post a thread, either about your company or settlement, here on the Paizo forums or later in the Goblinworks forums

Also, I will be posting any companies associated with the guild/settlement.

Settlement Motto
Link to Join Settlement on Goblinworks

*I made some place holder names for Affiliations, if you want them changed let me know.

Abbreviations and Acronyms:

Aet - An Aeternum member.
EoX - Representative of the Empire of Xeilias.
Gol - A Golgotha member.
KotC - A Keepers of the Circle member.
TEO - An Empyrean Order member.
TSV/T7V - A Seventh Veil member.
UNC - An UnNamed Company member.

This LINK will take you to an updated version of the following:

Lawful Good (LG)

Fidelis: LG
Settlement: Ozem’s Vigil
Affiliations: Pax Gaming
“Righteous Valor, Justice and Honor: The Hardest Road”
Join Ozem's Vigil

Full Metal Syndicate: LG
Settlement: Ozem’s Vigil
Affiliations: The League of Righteousness
“Righteous Valor, Justice and Honor: The Hardest Road”
Join Ozem's Vigil

Peace Through Vigilance: LG
Settlement: Ozem’s Vigil
Affiliations: The League of Righteousness
“Righteous Valor, Justice and Honor: The Hardest Road”
Join Ozem's Vigil

Neutral Good (NG)

Keepers of the Circle(KotC): NG
Settlement: Keeper's Pass
Affiliations:Roseblood Accord
“Respecting life, protecting freedom, united against tyranny.”
Join Keepers of the Circle

Magistry: NG, accepts LG, CG, and TN/NN
Settlement: Talonguard
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“A tight-knit, settlement-minded community.”
Join Talonguard (NG)

Mystical Awakening: NG
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: DEYS Alliance
Join Mystical Awakening

Outsiders: NG
Settlement: Freevale
Affiliations: The League of Freedom, Northern Coalition
“Be Legendary”
Join Freevale

The Empyrean Order(TEO): NG, accepts LG, CG, and TN/NN
Settlement: Brighthaven (Won 1st Landrush)
Affiliations: Covenant of the Phoenix, Roseblood Accord
“Community betterment, protection of the weak, and promotion of justice.”
Join The Empyrean Order

The Hearthguard: NG, accepts LG, CG, LN, and TN/NN
Settlement: Hammerfall
Affiliations: The Haven Alliance, Roseblood Accord
“Threads of wood, gold and iron woven into tapestry for all.”
Join Hammerfall

The Marsh Wardens: NG, accepts LG, CG, and NN/TN
Settlement: Hammerfall
Affiliations: The Haven Alliance, Roseblood Accord
“Threads of wood, gold and iron woven into tapestry for all.”
Join Hammerfall

The Phoenix Brotherhood: Neutral Good
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: Independence League, The Plains Alliance
“Small settlements unite! A Settlement of Independent Companies, for Independent Companies!”
Join The Phoenix Brotherhood

Chaotic Good (CG)

The Dream Seekers: CG
Settlement: Tavernhold
Affiliations: None
Join Tavernhold

The Golden Flask: CG
Settlement: Tavernhold
Affiliations: None
“We’ll Drink to That!”
Join Tavernhold

The Order of the Unquenchable Fire: CG
Settlement: Taur-im-Duinath
Affiliations: Elves, Half-Elves, Kingdom of Taur-im-Duinath, and Roseblood Accord
“Haven of Elvenkind, one with nature and magic”
Join Taur-im-Duinath*
*Taur-im-Duinath is essentially the settlement for “Guild Landrush” purposes.

The Vigilant: CG
Settlement: Aragon
Affiliations: The Chaos Alliance, Northern Coalition
“On Coin, Blade, and Pain of Blood”
Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Taur-im-Duinath: CG, accepts LG, NG, CN, CE. and TN/NN
Settlement: Taur-im-Duinath
Affiliations: Elves, Half-Elves, Kingdom of Taur-im-Duinath, Roseblood Accord
“Haven of Elvenkind, one with nature and magic”
Join Taur-im-Duinath

Lawful Neutral (LN)

Aeternum (Aet): LN
Settlement: Callambea (Won 1st Landrush)
Affiliations: Pax Gaming, The Empire of Xeilias, Northern Coalition
“There is no peace where the will falters.”
Join Pax Aeternum

Audacity: LN
Settlement: Dagedai
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“By will alone, we set this trade in motion.”
Join Dagedai Alliance

Deepforge Company: LN
Settlement: Forgeholm
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“Strength of Steel, Glory of Gold!”
Join Forgeholm

Koinonia Emporou: LN
Settlement: Phaeros
Affiliations:Roseblood Accord
Join The Seventh Veil*
*The Seventh Veil is essentially Phaeros for "Guild Landrush" Purposes

Les Compagnons: LN, accepts TN/NN, LG, LE, and NG/CG sometimes.
Settlement: RiverBank
Affiliations: French speaking community, Roseblood Accord
"To build a better world"
Join Les Compagnons

The Iron Gauntlet: LN
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
"We are the Light of Civilization."
Join The Iron Gauntlet

True Neutral (TN, NN)

Erastil's Irregulars: TN/NN
Settlement: Elkhaven
Affiliations: The Plains Alliance
"By Sword and Bow and Stag and Boar"
Join Erastil's Irregulars

Deathwatch: TN/NN
Settlement: Taur-im-Duinath
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“Creation. Destruction. Exploration. Contemplation. Magic. Nature. Mysteries.”
Join The Seventh Veil*
*The Seventh Veil is essentially Phaeros for "Guild Landrush" Purposes

Eastern Sun: TN/NN
Settlement: Bernstein
Affiliations: German speaking community/deutschsprachige Gilde
“We have a plan!”
Join Eastern Sun

Lion Council: TN/NN
Settlement: Aragon
Affiliations: The Chaos Alliance, Northern Coalition
“With dust in throat I crave. Only knowledge will I save. To the game you stay a slave”
Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

The Seventh Veil (TSV): TN/NN, accepts NG, LN, CN, and NE
Settlement: Phaeros (Won 1st Landrush)
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“Creation. Destruction. Exploration. Contemplation. Magic. Nature. Mysteries.”
Join The Seventh Veil

Chaotic Neutral (CN)

Blunt Logic: CN
Settlement: Freevale
Affiliations: The League of Freedom, Northern Coalition
“Freedom through Chaos”
Join Freevale

Stone Bear Clan: CN
Settlement: Freevale
Affiliations: The League of Freedom, Northern Coalition
“Be Legendary”
Join Freevale

The UnNamed Company(UNC): CN, accepts TN/NN
Settlement: Aragon
Affiliations: The Chaos Alliance, Northern Coalition
“On Coin, Blade, and Pain of Blood”
Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Lawful Evil (LE)

Golgotha(Gol): LE
Settlement: Golgotha
Affiliations: Pax Gaming, The Empire of Xeilias, Northern Coalition
“Through strength of Arms, we bring peace.”
Join Pax Golgotha

House Winterfield: LE
Settlement: Golgotha
Affiliations: Pax Gaming, The Empire of Xeilias, Northern Coalition
“Through strength of Arms, we bring peace.”
Join Pax Golgotha

Neutral Evil (NE)

The Bloody Hand: NE
Settlement: Golgotha
Affiliations: Pax Gaming, The Empire of Xeilias, Northern Coalition
“Through strength of Arms, we bring peace.”
Join Pax Golgotha

Chaotic Evil (CE)

The Exalted Bastards: CE
Settlement: Aragon
Affiliations: The Chaos Alliance, Northern Coalition
“On Coin, Blade, and Pain of Blood”
Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

To Be Determined

Agents of Erastil: TBD
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: None
“The pack endures.”
Join Agents of Erastil

Ash Knights: TBD
Settlement: Talonguard
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“A tight-knit, settlement-minded community.”
Join Talonguard (NG)

Dragonblade Mercenaries: TBD
Settlement: Talonguard
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“Your coin, is our promise.”
Join Talonguard (NG)

Grim Maw Clan: TBD, Chaos based
Settlement: Aragon
Affiliations: The Chaos Alliance, Northern Coalition
“On Coin, Blade, and Pain of Blood”
Join Settlement: Aragon (CN)

Hammerfist Clan: TBD, Neutral/Chaotic Good
Settlement: Hammerforge
Affiliations: The Plains Alliance
Join Hammerfist Clan

Keepers of the Darkside: TBD
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: DEYS Alliance
Join Mystical Awakening*
* Mystical Awakening is essentially the settlement for “Guild Landrush” purposes.

Phantasmagoria: TBD, Lawful
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
"Nothing is what it seems"
Join Les Compagnons*
*Les Compagnons is essentially the settlement for “Guild Landrush” purposes.

Steel City Knights: TBD
Settlement: Talonguard
Affiliations: Roseblood Accord
“A tight-knit, settlement-minded community.”
Join Talonguard (NG)

The Torchbearers: TBD, Good or Neutral
Settlement: Not named as of yet
Affiliations: Independence League
“Small settlements unite! A Settlement of Independent Companies, for Independent Companies!”
Join The Phoenix Brotherhood*
*The Phoenix Brotherhood is essentially the settlement for “Guild Landrush” purposes.

Thod’s Friends: TBD, Goodish, accepts LG, NG, CG
Settlement: Emerald Spire Base Camp
Affiliations: UK, and Pathfinder Society based gaming, Pathfinder Society (Faction)
“Explore, Report, Cooperate - A PFS ruled settlement”
Join Thod's Friends

List of helpful links!

Caldeathe Baequannia's Public Guild Spreadsheet
Community editable spreadsheet with a list of all Landrush Guilds and their websites.

CBDunkerson's Landrush Settlement/Guild/Company by alignment
A list of Landrush participants by their alignment.

CBDunkersons's Landrush Settlement/Guild/Company by category
A list of Landrush participants by category.

Cheatle's Landrush Settelment/Guild/Company Recruitment
To promote the top Landrush participants, as well as highlight their alignment, alliances, affiliations, as well as what settlements they are attached too.

Daily Guild Totals

Goblinwork's Landrush Guild Index
The entire index of all Settlements/Guilds/Companies participating in the Landrush.

Goblinwork's Landrush Leaderboard
The Leaderboards for the Landrush totaling all voters for the top 40.

Harad Navar's Unofficial Landrush Settlement Map

Harad Navar's Unofficial Pathfinder Online Map

Guild Recruitment & Helpful Links

A list of Landrush/Non Landrush participants.

PFO Wiki

Wszebor Uriev's Settlement Pie Chart

Wszebor Uriev's Settlement Line Chart

My Wishlist

(0 items)

My Wishlist 2

(0 items)

My Wishlist 3

(0 items)


Roseblood Accord Meeting Information

(0 items)

Thursday, May 29th, 2014 @ 8PM(-4GMT)/12AM(GMT)(Meet and Greet), 8:30PM(-4GMT)/12:30AM(GMT) (Beginning Discussion) - Teamspeak information

Roseblood Accord

(0 items)

Roseblood Accord

Erastil's Irregulars
Full Metal Syndicate
Grim Maw Company
Keepers of the Circle
Koinonia Emporou
Les Compagnons
Lion Council
Peace through Vigilance
The Empyrean Order
The Iron Gauntlet
The Marsh Wardens
The Seventh Veil
The UnNamed Company

The Everbloom Alliance

(0 items)

The Everbloom Alliance exists to promote the safety and well being of member settlements, and the citizens that reside therein. More than just a non-aggression pact, members agree to assist in the defense of allied settlements.

The Everbloom Alliance is led by a council, with each member settlement having equal representation while maintaining a high degree of autonomy. The council is composed of representatives selected by the respective member settlements. The Everbloom Alliance charter defines the obligations and rights of individual member settlements and contains the enumerated powers granted to the council representatives on behalf of the member settlements.

While not required, several of our member settlements are planning to use synergies between settlements and provide services to other allies as a way to cover the broad assortment of play options available in Pathfinder Online.

Charter available to prospective members by request, contact settlement leadership below.

Membership List

Blackwood Glade - Kitsune, Mourn Blackhand, StormWeaver
- Deathwatch
- Koinonia Emporou
- Taur-im-Duinath

The Viridian Circle

Brighthaven - Lifedragn
- The Empyrean Order

  • The Argent Guard
  • The Azure Astra Arcanum
  • The Empyrean Order Military
  • The Explorer’s League
  • The Golden Scales Trade Guild
  • The Seraphic Commission

Hammerfall - Gerrik, teribithia
- The Groundlings
- Hearthguard
- The Marsh Wardens

Keeper’s Pass - Baki, Cougar, Erian
- Drakes of Magic
- Keepers of the Circle

  • Ring of Crystal
  • Ring of Earth
  • Ring of Gold
  • Ring of Iron
  • Ring of Light
  • Ring of Shadow
  • Ring of Steel
  • Ring of Wood

Phaeros - Decius, Nihimon, Skwiziks, Valkenr
- The Seventh Veil