Hello all, Brighthaven is looking for companies interested in managing holdings and outposts! That includes managers, foremen, workers, haulers, ranchers, farmers, lumberjacks, miners, and those that would defend their brethren and their land. By joining Brighthaven, and becoming a sponsored company, you will reap the benefits of some of the best training the server can provide, as well as access to an unparalleled pool of resources if you wish to refine, craft, or outfit you and yours. Brighthaven is a Neutral Good settlement focused on defending its citizens and its allies from negative fringe based PvP (Player Killing and Griefing) while striving to become a large and shining beacon for Good. Whether you wish to benefit from this protection or you love PvP and wish to assist in providing this protection, Brighthaven aims to be the home and support center for you! Brighthaven will provide a safe harbor, a place of relative security in the wilderness areas away from Thornkeep and Fort Inevitable. In striving for excellence we will also be offering good-aligned characters the highest level of training and services available anywhere in Pathfinder Online. If you are interested and you want to know more about Brighthaven click HERE, you can also PM me here, or ask for Cheatle, Gedi, Fierywind, or any Brighthaven Officer in world chat.
Well considering that we have vowed to protect the university, we have gone and help cleared bothersome escalations for them, and provided them with recipes and other gear at different times, as well as supporting their staff with higher end armor..... Newbs are going to either their new settlements or PFU, PFU is a highly concentrated place in which we can practice the betterment of the community and protection of the new players. In general, the entire server protects new players, the community is very supportive of the university, as well as making sure new players get a chance. In this new patch, we may even be able to tell if and when someone is new, which helps the situation out so much more. This isn't Darkfall, nor will it ever be that terrible to new players, and with a good community that supports new players making the choice to buy into the game, there is multiple support systems in place for new players to expand.
The Empyrean Order Name: The Empyrean Order
The Empyrean Order is made up of the following sub-companies:
Please apply to one of the above companies. Political Status -
Ideology: The Empyrean Order believes that just because you can do something in a game, that doesn't necessarily mean you should. To that end, we want Pathfinder Online to have a community where PvP is fought at the Settlement and Nation level, while random player killers and griefers are fringe elements rather than mainstream. We have several dedicated organizations specifically in place to help battle these fringe elements. The Empyrean Order also believes in helping new players, reaching out to the community, and generally making Pathfinder Online a better world for people to enjoy together. The Empyrean Order seeks to carve out a portion of our shared play world where all of the above are true, a place we call home, and hopefully you will too. Who Should Join TEO?: Everyone who agrees with the above ideology and wants to be a part of an organization that puts it into action. We currently have nine sub-guilds, and if you take a look above you can see each sub-guilds focus. We are looking for the folks who are willing to stand on the front lines as well as those who are willing to work to supply and support them. We cater to every play-style; from people wanting to be part of an elite military to pacifists; from people looking for a heavy role-play experience to those who'd prefer to avoid it; from Americans and Europeans to Australians and more. Currently our membership represents North Americans, Europeans, Asians, and Australians, you will not find a time of day where you are alone on our mumble channel. Our Rules:
Joining The Empyrean Order:
Mumble Usage: CotP has a dedicated 24/7 Mumble server. Mumble usage is a requirement for all TEO members, but a microphone is not required unless you are part of the military. This is because Mumble is where most of our conversations happen, and if you aren't in there, you really will not get integrated into the community as much as we would like. Mumble does offer text chat options and if everyone in-game is using Mumble then you can likely reply to comments on the Mumble via our in-game chat as well. Mumble Information:
It was midnight, a soft warm wind was blowing over the Emerald Lodge when a beautifully flamed Phoenix came into view. It flew in majestic circles around the lodge to garner the attention of its people. When Theodum exited one of the buildings the Phoenix dived towards him, dropping a large scroll off at his feet. The scroll was very long and embossed with the sigil of the Azure Astra Arcanum, and read: Theodum, No matter what our relations may be, knowledge is important, important to both of our peoples. To help in your endeavor of collecting knowledge, here in the River Kingdoms, our most important scribe Jasc Onine, has created a document to help catalog what we have found thus far.
Alright, I have to re-weigh in here. I was sent the private messages from both sides, all I have to say is that Thod has damaged his reputation with the EBA. I will be asking the council to revoke our recognition of neutrality and revoking any rights that EL has to harvest resources in our area or using crafting facilities. This was character assassination, as well as following through on an extortion threat. To be perfectly honest, if Thod had sent me the same message he sent to Nihimon on Saturday @6:36PM, it wouldn't have even gone this far, I would have called him in the forums for extortion, a tactic he has used before, one which I told him personally in voice that if he used against TEO or EBA again I would call him out on it. I am not going to ask for aggression against the people of EL, but there are repercussion for extortion, and closing off our borders might get the picture across: WE DO NOT SUCCUMB TO EXTORTION.
D&D and Pathfinder are built on the foundation of random encounters. In PFO NC provides the rest of us with those random encounters. Personally, the issue I see here is that the NC exists in its current form. If you would have separated out a little further, then you could have cushioned each other with needed PvP. As it stands you are now seen as one entity. If you were seen as two, that makes things more interesting, and Aragon/Freevale have enough actives to been seen as a threat for smaller settlements and banditry. Do we need the NC? ABSOLUTELY, whether you all want to admit it or not. We will survive without them, maybe, for awhile, but the world would begin a downward spiral into stagnation that would have to course corrected by the developers making it even harder for those that live right beside each other to get along and form relations. We need more PvP Content besides just small group combat, the issue here is that we aren't getting that for months, not till after Settlements have been establish post GC. What we will be getting, and what will be key to the games survival, and tied directly to the survival of the NC are Holdings. Personally, I ask for the leadership of NC to strive to keep your members in game, creating content for the next 3 months, even if some of you feel its not worth it right now. As the population increases with more coming from sandboxed MMOs I believe the server will begin to start heading towards a more balanced look at PvP Content in general, although to be honest, I have no idea if we might not already be there, because all we see is forumfall warriors. Some of you might not agree with me, and some of you might oppose me heavy handedly on this subject, but the truth of the matter is that a Sandbox is a beautifully fragile miniature ecosystem in which we have to nurture every single little detail to keep balance. For those that follow Yellowstone Nation Park, a perfect example would be when they removed the main predators from the park, the wolves, and over the course of decades it destroyed the park to the brink of not being able to fix the situation. Eventually they brought the wolves back, do you know what happened? The wolves killed off the deer that were over eating grains/grass that turned the creeks into swamp areas/small rivers, because the root system was being destroyed. As the deer died, the grass grew back, bringing in new and interesting fish, as well as a larger migration of bears. The higher grass with stronger roots brought in rodents, which brought in more birds, which helped to fertilize the over eaten parts of the Park, and so on, and so forth. This analogy is the way I see us, it might not be perfect, but it is very apt. If we removed the predators its bad for our ecosystem, but if there is too much predatory behavior, then the opposite can happen, which I don't think we are anywhere near yet. Whether we like it or not, we are one thriving community, a community that needs to support the good side of itself, as well as the bad side of itself and everything in between. We have one priority we should be facing, and that is the prosperity of this game, within the defined intentions of the designers. So, with that in mind, EBA has entered into negotiations with EoX, whether these talks are fruitful or not is to be remained seen, but there has been some openness and solidarity seen, which makes me hopefully for an interesting conclusion.
Everyone seems to have gotten off on a tangent about alignment. This is about the River Kingdoms, if we were else where in the world things would be different. In the River Kingdoms alignments get perverted more than any other place, because above all else is the River Freedoms. The ideological backbone of the Riverfolk, frequently invoked and occasionally trampled on, are the Six River Freedoms. Interpretations abound, these six freedoms are what holds the Riverfolk together in what would seem, to outsiders at least, a lawless society. A quick wit will serve you well when invoking one of these freedoms, as the slightly misinterpretation can leave you running from a mob, or worse. #1 “Say what you will, I live free.” - Considered free speech, but watch out what you say, this isn’t the same as freedom from consequences of speech.
These laws are concrete, even among the most chaotic members of the River Kingdoms. These laws create the foundation of our existence, and as the map expands to the SE, which it will eventually, we will see that these laws are enforced more and more (by NPCs at the least). It doesn't matter if you are LE or NG, if you don't abide by these rules, then you will face repercussions in a Role Play sense, from the inhabitants of the land. In the River Kingdoms one mans villian is another's hero, and sometimes they just happen to fall into the NG/CG/N alignments. I reiterate, alignment is perverted in the River Kingdoms, it is skewed, and we best get used to that fact. The other people around us (NPCs), and those that call themselves natives of the area are all going to abide by these rules, and personally if you are role playing, then at the very least these rules should come into play for your character (whether you are for or against them based on your own background). If you look at the law of the land, one invoked on a daily basis, EBA does: 1) Not oppose or hinder free speech.
There are a lot of ways you can interpret alignment right now, but these laws are the only real laws we have. Not killing people on sight, welcoming people to our territory (the LE guys kill just about everyone), and being open to allow people, through permission, to "pick flowers, make tents, and enforce their justice on local bandits(escalate)" I believe takes us steps towards being Neutral and Good. Settlements and more appropriately Alliances/Nations have to work within one step of their alignments. NG dips into LG, N, and CG, if you are looking at the larger level you can include LN, CN, and NE into that grouping. I think its very clear we aren't acting LE or CE, there are people in this game who have already defined, within the game mechanics-roleplaying sphere, what those play styles mean to them and how they interact with the server. I think the issues that some of you have, those that aren't trolling, will be defined through game mechanics, and you can better believe that what ever alignment we end up (NG or N most likely for our Nation) we are going to enforce that alignment. This game goes beyond what some of you are attempting to layer onto the EBA, we have to manage in game alignment vs real life play styles vs fun vs political endeavors. We took the initiative to define what we believe is ours, and we took the time to let you all know, because it is in the interest of good manners and etiquette to make sure you know our laws. If we we were even remotely evil we would have established our laws, our borders, and anything else we deem appropriate, then not giving you any warning killed you on sight. You would have been breaking laws that you never knew existed and no one took the time to actually put together and inform you, that would be evil.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The EBA has established our borders, shown on the following map, for resource, escalation, and holding claims. We consider anyone harvesting resources, attacking escalations, or establishing holdings to be hostile, unless given prior permission from EBA leadership. Any non-hostile individuals are free to travel our land, trade, buy/sell at auction houses, as well as bank. You may contact any of the following people for more information about the above statement: Cheatle - Brighthaven Rep.
I don't see the EBA making all these mistakes, like some of you are going on about. We gave the understanding that they were in a combat zone, we gave them the tools to contact us, several groups gave them gear/recipes/expendables, and divided towers evenly. The issue here is that they didn't understand the political climate. Maybe we could have been more clearer, maybe they misunderstood what we were saying, personally I think there was a miscommunication, and it wasn't double checked. My point is that we did not throw BWG under the bus, whether some of you want to say so or not. We gave them the keys to success, they didn't use those keys. Furthermore, it specifically states in our alliance agreement that they will defend themselves to the best of their abilities, and if they need help they request help, they did not request help, nor even contact us that they were being attacked. We can't be everywhere all the time, we can be in key locations, and the hex they were attacked in wasn't a key location. We don't have the manpower (yet), to patrol every single hex in our territory. You all can agree or disagree with me, but short of stationing people to handhold, and protect their settlement 24/7, we did everything else we could possibly do.
People need to take responsibility for their action and inaction. In this situation BWG have been having issues for more than 2 days, and Golgotha has been attacking for more than 2 days. It is just the last 2 days created the "perfect storm." BWG were told by some one that there was a blanket NAP, which disseminated among some of their people, a NAP that wasn't even checked to see if it was actually real. Then the patch broke, twice, and people weren't able to capture towers, creating a LARGE PvP Free area in the heart of EBA territory. Golgotha took advantage of this situation, probably not realizing that KotC couldn't retake their towers, and then the shit hit the fan. BWG announced what they were doing in their Hex chat, a very bad decision, which led to several battles happening, and their membership getting killed, a lot. BWG also didn't contact a single person in Team Speak when this was going on, and this communications failure led to a great deal of grief for BWG. While EBA will have to respond to these attacks, we weren't able to respond at the time, because of communication errors. Afterwards the attacks on Keeper's Pass was very different, TSV, KOTC, and TEO all came out to participate, because we were able to communicate what was happening. I think the core issue here is the fact that this is a game toeing the line between hardcore elements and some theme park elements, BUT the foundation has to be skewed towards the hardcore. A lot of people don't have experience with these types of games, they don't understand they have to double check political agreements, they have to be in constant communication in case of emergency, and they don't realize that they are being baited. Gologtha is playing the game they want to play yes, even taking advantage of PvP Hexes, and using their reputation in a min/maxing sort of way. The games design goal sort of goes against these types of random attacks, and Golgotha, from my understanding, is more LE than CE (which at times feels like the alignment they are playing). They have adhered to major agreements, but keeping agreements in the Meta, doesn't 100% qualify you for being LAWFUL. The other core issue is that we just don't have the tech for groups like Golgotha to be restricted, but in a positive way. Aligment will have its costs and its benefits, but right now they have neither. So, playing the game like your intended alignment is very much a sign of good faith, one which I think some people feel betrayed from Golgotha. It is understandable to some degree, but there is nothing we can really do about it right now, and actions or inaction speaks louder than words. There is fault to be spread around for BWG folding, for this situation to even arise, and really the game just isn't there yet. So, it falls on all of us to self-police ourselves, some are doing a better job than others, but some not so much. Since we don't have the tools to really fix all of the core issues GW is going to have to focus on what they can do, and in this instance they can take the time to educate everyone playing the game on the dangerous nature of early EE, and ways to avoid/confront the current system of PVP.
Here are some of the issues I have seen: #1 - People fail to inform others that they are being attacked. You should always let someone know that you are being attacked, prefaced by your current location. #2 - Settlements get attacked, they don't inform any others that they are being attacked. You should always maintain people in voice comms specifically for this reason. #3 - People are being baited. When the bad guys show up in your settlement and taunt you, you can pretty much ignore the taunting and just pay attention if they are willing to flag themselves to the Thornguards. There isn't a whole lot they can do, if you don't leave, and some of you run and run and run after them. #4 - People get themselves flagged. Do you know what happens when you turn red? You die, because they can tab target you, immediately, and focus fire. Don't be the first to attack, you must maintain discipline at all times, and when someone breaks it, you must not avenge them or help them, let them die and understand they made a mistake. #5 - When you die, if you are alone or outnumbered, NEVER GO BACK TO YOUR HUSK. I see sooooooo many people make this mistake, over and over and over again, and then they blame others for griefing. Sir/Ma'am, you have griefed yourself. #6 - I see a huge amount of people in PvP, get super spread out, then die one by one by one. Use discipline when moving from point to point! Don't sprint when you are in a large group, just jog (normal movement), and when you stop EVERYONE stealth! Stay together! Call out targets! If you can stay together, then its easier to maneuver, to help others in your party(ies). #7 - I see people healing others, I see people healing themselves, and BAM debuffed or knocked down, do you know why? Because we have an entire group of healers out there using reactives. DO NOT USE REACTIVES while buffing/healing, if conditions are met on your target you can and will do damage, debuff, or worse. #8 - A lot of you are upset that the enemy can use your bank while not being flagged, or even come into town, you can do something about it. If you have around 6 people, you can body block them. Jump on their heads, surround them, they can't get out, so if they want to taunt you and use your bank, show them you aren't going to let them leave if they do. This can lead to griefing, so be wary of using the tactic all the time, but if they are being a jerk, its valid.
General Guides Harad Navar's Unoffical Pathfinder Online Atlas Pathfinder Online User Guide w/Informational Images and Charts Pathfinder Online: Criticals, Opportunity, and Flat-Footed Reactives Guide Pathfinder Online: Deities and Domain Selections Guide Sspitfire's Feat Advancement Tables Sspitfire’s No-Brainer Guide to PFO Keyword Guides Pathfinder Online: Cleric Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Spell Keywords Pathfinder Online: Expert Guide - Armor Keywords Pathfinder Online: Fighter Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Maneuver Keywords Pathfinder Online: Freeholder Guide - Armor Keywords Pathfinder Online: Rogue Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Maneuver Keywords Pathfinder Online: Wizard Guide - Armor, Weapons, and Spell Keywords Gathering, Refining, and Crafting Guide
TEO has been farming the Ustalavians, we have actually reported several bugs AND exploits (which we were told not to use and haven't) that have to deal with that escalation or other escalations. As for the casters, they start out sometimes with an attack, and then debuff, just like in Alpha. If any of you were in Alpha that fought Usties, or were in the Thursday's with Bonnies group know that the current iteration was the same then that it is now. We did contact goblinworks and told them that the AI needed to be fixed/changed or damage added to casters. I believe after a couple conversations with TEO, TSV figuring out there actually might be a bug there, and others sending in messages as well, they finally figured out there really was an issue. In general, there is an AI issue with almost all mobs, they don't use the correct attacks, even the Mordent Spire ones are using incorrect attacks. The issue comes in with stamina and how they use their attack economy, mostly they get stuck on spamming certain attacks, which is irritating depending on the attack (archers with interrupts). The major problem I see here is that ALL NPCs/Monsters need an AI overhaul in how they determine what to use.
Soul Binding, Gushers, and PoIs, I believe fixes a lot of what you are contemplating, Atheory. @Cal On your end of the spectrum, what if when you died, what if your body lost durability? What if every time you died, you took a wound (as in 5% of your max health lost), and lost your highest level abilities for X amount of time. Coming back from death should be a bit more taxing on your body and soul.
Well, until someone gives me the name of a member that actually did this, or screen shots, or basically anything at all other than "a member of TEO attacked someone in a starter settlement," I am pretty much not going to do anything. This thread is just targeting TEO without any actual evidence. Yes, a new guy accidentally took a tower out in the middle of no where, no harm no foul, but calling a member out without any actual evidence is erroneous and debasing.
Over the weekend I would do a few things: 1) Goblinworks Merch, this is a great way to make some extra cash, selling T-Shirts, Mugs, Bobble-Heads, so on and so forth. You could even sale promo codes to add rings of protections, bags of holding, or other cool things to the next purchase made at the goblinworks store. Gear makes people happy and excited. 2) Demo Stations where people can long in, and learn the game using 1,000 exp characters. 3) Developer Manned Demo Stations to do tutorials. 4) Q&A Sessions. 5) A timeline of roughly what you want to add to the game in the latter half of 2015. 6) A Meet and Greet for all those that are currently playing the game with name tags of their in-game characters. Maybe even throw in tables of the PF Card game that they can play together to break the ice and get to know each other. You could also have a couple of other integrated events, where PFO Fans get to sample Paizo Products, and vice versa. 7) Story Boarding, show casing the lore and background that will make its way into the game, and your plans for the over arching storyline in PFO. 8) Have a contest within the community to fly someone out and meet the staff, and stay over the weekend, to create a lot of buzz in the PFO community. 9) A Promo Piece of the Emerald Spire, how it looks in game, as the centerpiece of the GW area. A big eye catcher, and you could even prepare to unveil the several levels of it at Paizo Con.
Updated: GUIDE FAQ clarified in sections.
As the signatory that signed for Brighthaven, as well as the petitioner that posted the OP, I have the right to withdraw the petition, before a tribunal. I recognize a few of the negative situations that we have encountered here, as well as the treaty not providing for some of the niche situations we see. Under these circumstances, I ask for reparations to be made in lieu of a tribunal, and Brighthaven will withdraw the petition. #1 - Someone from Aragon taking the two towers in question with an unsponsored company, then refraining from taking the towers (since Hammerforge is recognized as inactive) for seven days. #2 - AGC be reprimanded, publicly, and a penance be placed upon the company, by Aragon. I feel that this is an accurate penalty to what actually occurred, and takes into consideration that the AGC held the towers before joining Aragon.
@Aet Kard Warstein, Including yourself, there have been 5 organizations where a lone tower was taken (or in the process of being taken) within the EoX or EBA. Although we have a responsibility to make things right, and sometimes these things aren't blown out of proportion and fixed right away, I personally feel that a third party is attempting to cause strife among NAP signatories, or perhaps between our two nations.
Ladies and Gentlemen, First off, I did not want to besmirch Aragon's reputation by posting its name in the title thread. Bluddwolf has shown me respect, so I wish to do the same. However, I am here to lodge a complaint on behalf of Brighthaven, per the NAP, with proof that Aragon has taken NAP core towers from Hammerforge. I ask Golgotha to confirm this information based on our coordinated scouting effort earlier tonight. After this has been confirmed, I ask that Aragon attempt to fix this issue without a tribunal being issued.
I suggest using Challonge and making the brackets public. Its actually a really cool site, and you could put the brackets in the corner of your screen during a live stream to make the event more official.
Decius, I meant for each leader to confer with their membership and come up with a list. Said list would be brought to a meeting where the leadership would try to figure out which is the top 5 needed ASAP, I realize that a lot of people do not want that sort of thing. I have since created a google document and have asked people to fill it out, so at the very least we can consolidate ideas in one place, since that was the very intent of opening this thread. However it may have started, I am content with the current results of this thread. Next time I will be clearer in my intent, and I won't post very late at night, lol
Alright, fair enough. Here you go List of Concerns for Survey/Poll Material
+1 This is one of TEO's top priority changes we think should be implemented ASAP ahead of everything else. A few of the different chats we discussed were: World Chat - We wanted it brought back, there isn't enough people playing yet to really remove this, and it makes it easier for various groups across the map to get in touch with each other. Recruitment - A place where anyone can go to ask questions about certain groups, and for spammers to post recruitment messages. This filters this type of spam/discussion out of all other channel, and gives a clear indicator where to go to find people in the game. Company Chat - This is a no brainer, sometimes people just don't want to get on voice comms, or they can't at the moment, or they don't have a head set, or so on and so forth. Some people just want a place to keep in touch with other players. Settlement Chat - Just like Company, but expanded to the whole settlement, also a potentially early warning system chat for those of the entire settlement. Something else we discussed that could be interesting, in lieu of a World Chat could be a Regional Chat, if you take a look at Harad's map you can see the regions separated out, could be interesting.
Actually, the Energetic Field is broken, it doesn't do what it is suppose to do, it gives a greater buff to attack than it should. Also, unless you are planning to spend a lot of exp on the energetic field path, as you gain armor keywords Energetic Field will just reduce in effectiveness. You have skill, but eventually you will have to narrow more.
If they would just remove all shrines from the Tower Hexes it would fix quite a bit of this. Having to move 1 Hex takes a lot longer than half a hex (really less than half). EDIT: If they limit it to a max of 6 people gaining points, it would remove zerg point gathering. Also, I do like the idea of there being something else involved, like perhaps having to kill Guards before you can start gaining points. IF we are going to have War of Towers for 4-6 months, I think they need to add a bit more to them.
We asked GW to change leadership on our Sponsored companies, so that we could get all our active players into one company. During this process it reset our towers, and cause half a dozen issues/bugs with our membership. Everything has been resolved, but it caused us to lose a tower, after downtime it should show us as having 20 towers. On a side note: I want to thank GW for fixing our issues, but I also want to point out that if they weren't so insistant about multiple companies, we would have all just been in one company like everyone else. Eventually we will split back into all our sponsored companies.
I think the problem is in fact the Roleplaying, it is the root cause of a lot of problems and misconceptions in this game. Most if not all open world pvp games, RPing is done in RP threads away from the actual political threads. A lot of people are going to take what you post here at face value, whether you meant for that to be the case or not. Personally, I dislike all the RPing going on, because I constantly have to ask myself in what light was something meant. In this cause you did separate it out somewhat, but others didn't catch on at all. I hope the GW forums will have an RP section, separate from the community section for just these reasons.