Organized Play Characters
![]() So I may have dug myself into a big of a hole here. I've been GMing for a while now, but mostly Pathfinder Society and Homebrew stuff. I've only ever played one AP, but am going to be starting RotR soon for my group. The problem I've come into is that my party is going to be starting at level 3. They're from the town of Kassen and they will soon complete the module "Crypt of the Everflame", and I have plans to take them through the two sequels to it, Masks of the Living God, and City of Golden Death, modules tiered for a level 3 party and a level 5 party respectfully, though Golden Death is suppose to be incredibly difficult from what I understand, Masks seems to be of a role play module from my experience. My original plan was to hold off on the two modules till after the completion of book 1, my party isn't very power built (Rogue, Cleric, Sorcerer, Barbarian, Samurai). We've been doing everything on the fast track. My major concern is that I'm worried they're going to cakewalk through the first book, if I have done my math correctly, they'll be about halfway between level 5 and level 6 by the end of it. What I'm trying to do is toughen up the first book a bit but would be open to suggestions. Any help would certainly be appreciated. ![]()
![]() So, this may be in the wrong forum, and if it is, I'm sure a friendly moderator will get it where it needs to be! Being a man in my mid twenties, with no wife or kids, I am looking at getting my own apartment, but finding the dining room spaces in my area and price range too small for having a table of seven people sit comfortably for hours and explore mystical lands and such. Therefore, my solution has been to find an apartment with a second bedroom for the purposes of making my own GAMING ROOM! This is a room that will essentially be housing a large table for my groups to game in. While the large hardwood table and chairs are a must, I pose the question to you, mighty PATHFINDERS, what would you put in a gaming room? ![]()
![]() It's out of character. The problem being that there are times when one or two players are trying to move the story a long or do something and with the OOC stuff it becomes incredibly distracting. In our most recent session, we had a six hour session. In that session, the party fought two monsters, in separate encounters, disabled three traps, and unlocked two doors. They moved from the basement floor of a house (Which they had already cleared), to the ground floor (which they had already cleared), to the top floor, disarmed one trap, tripped another, combat session with an ogre that took two rounds, conversation with a ghost, tripped another trap, and then had the fight with the big baddie, but still hasn't resolved the conflict. I worry that I'm going to railroad my players if I make everything too obvious, but I had to change the final encounter (An evil man who sold the souls of his town's people to a devil in exchange for immortality), because they were never going to try to find and destroy the contract. It's a balancing act. There's a part of me that wants them to try and explore more fully the world I've developed and explore real growth with their characters. But then there's the part of me that feels I need to railroad them to get things done. It's a delicate balancing act I know. ![]()
![]() So I'm having a bit of an issue. Rowdy players. We're a very jokey group, fun antics and such. But it becomes a bit hard to get them to focus. While they all clearly want to play the game, it just makes it hard to get things done. We are by far the slowest moving group I have ever played with, and I'm at my wits end as to what to do. ![]()
![]() LazarX wrote: Make sure you don't pair the youngster with Mr. "What is the most unsettling character I can make?" References. But in all seriousness, thanks everyone for the advice. I know it shouldn't be a problem, but I'm going to have to confront them on it and figure out just what is going on here... ![]()
![]() First off, if this is the wrong forum for this type of discussion, I apologize, but I'm looking for advice and this is an advice forum so... I run a game out of one of my player's houses, about five people, depending on our various work schedules, we all used to work for the same company, but for various reasons, our schedules have become more varied as some of us have moved onto different positions and such. Anyways, one of my players recently asked if it would be okay for his 14 year old sister (We're all about in the 25-27 range) to join in the game, she apparently had a lot of experience in fantasy and roleplaying, given that it was his sister, I said okay. She's been great thus far, probably the strongest roleplayer in the group. My problem is that it's been brought to my attention (as apparently everyone knew this but me, and perhaps there was a communication error), that it is not his sister, that it is actually one of his many girlfriend's sister. I feel like this changes things significantly, having a minor there now, without a member of her family actually there. Part of me feels like I need to remove her from the group, but the other part doesn't want to turn her off of the experience. Not sure where to proceed from here. ![]()
![]() I have a player in one of my games who is playing a catfolk rogue who doesn't use weapons, only his claws. The problem he keeps running into (shocker) is that he can't really deal with anything incorporeal, and has issues with anything requiring magic weapons, and lacks the BAB to go the eldritch claws route. Is there any way for him to get around this problem, besides the amulet of the mighty fists, eldritch claws, or magic fang? ![]()
![]() I'm having a little difficulty getting a straight answer on how the feat Master Craftsman works with Craft Wondrous items. "Master Craftsman - Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you possess at least 5 ranks. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill. Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the chosen skill for your total caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Magic Items). You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item." Now, this is relatively clear for things like weapons and armor that have a clear class skill associated with them. However, I'm not sure what craft or profession skill would represent wondrous items, as they don't fall neatly into one group or another with their various base items. Any help would be appreciated, thanks for reading. ![]()
![]() Right, I understand that HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature is wasted. My issue is, his interpretation says that it doesn't count against the HD until it actually affects a creature. So if there's the two level 6 fighters, and the first one saves, he argues that he would still have 11 HD and then the second one would have to make a save. I am of the opinion that it does not work that way, for exactly the reason you stated, it'd be incredibly silly. But I'm trying to prove it, just because it doesn't say in the spell description that it works the way I'm sure it does. Edit: Peachbottom and Dosgamer's posts came in as I was typing mine in. I'm trying to get the clarfication because as the player and Peachbottom are interpreting it, it seems incredibly OP, as you would keep getting to affect creatures in the radius until you find 11 HD of creatures that fail saves. ![]()
![]() Recently I had this come up and I was hoping for some clarification. Level 6 Wizard casts hypnotic pattern, let's say he gets up to affecting 11 HD. There are two targets with 6 HD each in the radius of the spell. The first target makes the will save. Does that count against the 11 HD he has for targets? I would think it would, but the mage player is claiming it doesn't. Edit: Also, if anyone knows where this is stated in the rulebook, that'd be helpful. The party is likely to ask. ![]()
![]() I searched for an answer on the forums for this question but I couldn't find it, I apologize if this has come up before. I'm looking at making a Rogue/Alchemist for a home game I'm going to be playing in, I'm only planning on taking two levels of rogue to get the skills (The party needs a trapspringer). Does Magical Knack work for alchemists? They have a "Caster level" for their extracts, but they aren't really spellcasters, so I'm not sure if it would or not. Also: Looking at the level zero spell "Brand" for inquisitors, it seems to brand the enemy on a successful melee touch attack, but from what I see it says it has a fortitude save, though I'm not sure what the save is actually for. Any help here would be hot. Thanks for your time ![]()
![]() Hello all GenCon GMs I am scheduled to run five slots at GenCon, Slots 5, 6, 8. 9, and 10. Unfortunately, unless I can switch out the game on Sunday (Slot 10) to another slot, I will be unable to attend. When I applied for the schedule, I did not realize I would be taking on a new full time job that starts that Sunday. I would very much like to attend the con, but if I cannot find someone to switch that slot with, I will be unable to attend. My Slot 10 game is(0900-1400): #4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild (1-5), if there is anyone interested, I'll trade out for anything, I just need to GM the five tables for the badge. Thank you for reading ![]()
![]() All charisma bard with one level of lore oracle, take extra revelation to get the two best revelations for that (Lore Keeper and Side Step Secret), go the rest bard, take noble scion of war, tank the dex and become a spellcasting, buffing, party face knowledgeable machine. Also: There are respectable dwarves, halflings, but Gnomes are those little things that people put in their lawns. What respectable race let's themselves be put in such a terrible position? ![]()
![]() I might advise skipping the chase with large groups or at conventions. Both times I ran it it ate up the majority of time, especially with Tier 1-2 groups, as the skill challenges don't scale down. At one table (A table of seven PCs) it ate up so much of the time that I had to move the BBEG to the ambush scene and we still went over (Skipping the Warehouse and God's Market entirely). I had to eventually enact a mercy rule to get one group through it, as some of the DCs (Particularly in skills in which people generally only put a rank, like swim, climb, and escape artist) are rather high. Not to mention some of the previously mentioned areas that are just impossible for anyone in armor, I had to allow some creative methods to get by, or common sense solutions (If PC A opens the gate, its obviously open for the rest of the people, or if PC B scares off the crowd, they aren't going to be there when PC A goes through) but the DC 23 climb check seems a bit much. Having said that, this is a lot of fun with the right group. More then just a hack and slash adventure. ![]()
![]() The value of boons is in the ability to do what can't be done normally. Racial boons are the most obvious example, and this is what puts them ahead of boons that give out +2 perception or things of that nature, if I wanted to play a high perception character, I could do so, but there is no way I can play a tiefling without the boon. Which isn't to say that a boon that gives a bonus to skills isn't good, its just that I think most people would be disappointed if they got the +2 perception boon while everyone else got to play Tengu, Kitsune, and Tiefling PCs. I like the idea of boons that allow things that aren't normally allowed, but I can understand if some of those things are banned for game breaking reasons (Not needing to let Gunslingers get Revolvers and things) or just simple common sense reasons (Not having every magical pathfinder have rich magical beasts parents, which is what you'd have if you had Rich Parents and Magical Knack). I think the idea of a boon that gave a bonus skill focus feat would be good, as it wouldn't be useless to anyone. It'd be more useful to some, but everyone has a skill that they could use a +3 to, as opposed to say, all the diplomacy boosts my 7 charisma barbarian has gotten. ![]()
![]() At a certain level the judges did receive vouchers, as I put all mine toward food at the con. At eight tables I know I received sixty dollars in vouchers. I did hear some grumbling that attendance was down this year, likely due to the time shift, meaning that parents still had kids in school (Although locally that shouldn't have been a problem, I mean, we had like maybe one school day this year). Although I'd place some of the blame on the economics of it all. However: It was a blast. Going to do it next year. Thanks to everyone who got this going and kept it on track through the con. ![]()
![]() That's true. I guess what I mean is that at big conventions, it might be nice for the coordinator to inform them that you have to play them back to back for the full benefits. As most multipart scenarios don't have that restriction, some people might end up having to put games between them because they didn't read over every scenario before scheduling. ![]()
![]() It might be nice to add something to warn people who sign up to play in this series that you have to play part 1 and then immediately play part 2 as the next chronicle on the character if you want the boon, so that they don't schedule games inbetween with that character at conventions and things. Other then that, this was a very deadly but pretty interesting and fun scenario. ![]()
![]() Whiskey Jack wrote:
Out of curiosity, how do you get the Inquisitor to be able to use the Infernal healing spell, as I don't see it on their lists, besides like, UMD? I have a tiefling inquisitor of Asmodeus so I'm kinda curious to that point. Don't mean to derail the thread. ![]()
![]() Simple question, sorry if I posted a question that was already asked, but I didn't find an answer in my searching. Jotungrip - At 2nd level, a titan mauler may choose to wield a two-handed melee weapon in one hand with a –2 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. The weapon must be appropriately sized for her, and it is treated as one-handed when determining the effect of Power Attack, Strength bonus to damage, and the like. So could I use Jotungrip to wield two two-bladed swords? ![]()
![]() I should be good for the future. The problem is also that we haven't had the amount of signups for the games. If I lived ten minutes away, it wouldn't be an issue, but I'm not driving up with only two people signed up. Which is why I stress people signing up, and the people I suspect who are reading this are usually the ones that sign up. ![]()
![]() I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Obsidian, regardless, this is way off track of the original purpose the topic, so to try to get it back there... I just hope they would release a toolset like NWN did, this would give them the ability to make a game that might last for a long time and that alot of people might buy as opposed to another MMO in a flooded market. ![]()
![]() Scott Betts wrote:
Well KotoR 2 is a giant step down from KotoR 1, NWN2 was a giant step down from NWN1, and Fallout New Vegas was a poorly put together bug ridden barely playable game on release compared to Fallout 3. But they also had the advantage of being games that fanboys would flock to and buy straight out of release. I'll give you that I've never played Alpha Protocol, so they may have one good game they've developed. Regardless its more or less offtopic. My point with including the toolset is simply that if included, people could make their own worlds like they did in NWN, which was one of the lasting things that made it popular. ![]()
![]() Neverwinter nights is a game that was largely helped by a strong playerbase, custom content, and the fact that its sequel was made by the worst video game company in the world. There is a happy medium that I think could be reached here: Just release a toolset, one that'll let people make and host their own worlds. Would it take longer to release the game by doing this? Yeah. Would it also expand your playerbase, the length of your game, and sales? I would think so. You can still have your giant Paizo server with the River Kingdom and all that, and the people who want smaller servers (Or even games in nongolarion worlds) can do so on their own. ![]()
![]() Echohawk75 wrote: I myself am looking to maybe get into this game. I live like 3 miles from Ravenstone. I might stop by this Saturday and watch a little to see how it is. I havent played games like this in a long time and would love to get back into them. Well, we should have enough space for you, given what I'm currently looking at on the warhorn website in the way of sign ups, we've got the two games going, and both have space, so if you'd like to come down, come on down! I'll have pregens of every class there in case you need a character, or go ahead and make your own. ![]()
![]() northbrb wrote:
I wish I could, but it had to be pushed back because two of the players have to work early the next day. ![]()
![]() I don't mean to raise up an old issue, but I did find the answer to the question, and this was the page I found when I searched for it, so I figured I'd post it here. "Vivisectionist alchemist gains Skill Focus (Craft [alchemy] or Knowledge [nature]) in place of Brew Potion at 1st level" Quoted from the resource page. So they still have a (I think?) mostly useless throw anything feat, but they do get a skill focus at least, which is more useful then a dead class feature. ![]()
![]() Matthew Morris wrote: I'm bringing a copy of first steps pt I. If we have an over abundance of new players I'll doft my player hat and run it, so we don't turn anyone away. I've got a second game I'm going to start running at 5 to 9 that night, it'll just be the same schedule as the games I'm going to run at Guard tower, but it'll free up two of the slots from the afternoon game for the evening game. Organized Play Characters