Baron Kronsieg Drund

Aerik Rurikson's page

32 posts. Alias of G-unit.


Barbarian 4 | HP: 45/49 | AC: 16, T: 12, FF: 14 | Fort: +6, Ref: +3 Will: +3 | Melee: +9, Ranged: +6 | CMB: +9, CMD: 21 | Init: +4, Perception: +9 | Speed: 40ft

About Aerik Rurikson

The Valley of Heroes are hard and unforgiving lands that have produced hard and self-reliant people. Aerik Rurikson is one such product.

Aerik was born in the upper valley close to the pig farm currently known as the Dawnfort. He arrived in this world during a winter storm, on the longest night of the year. It is said that Aerik was born covered in hair and that you could hear a great tumult of animal cries as he left the womb. Regardless of the circumstances of his birth Aerik grew into a young man with an aptitude with animals.

Aerik spent much of his childhood wishing he was bigger and much of the last five years wishing he was better. Hard time and steady work on the family’s ramshackle farm helped with Aerik’s youthful desire to be bigger and his steadfast determination helped with the latter. Do to the unnatural turn of events Aerik has spent the last five years with a spear in his hand as he has helped patrol the palisades and cairn lines of his families lands. (As his shape changing abilities develope some will attribute this to the rumored dark rites alleged against his people).

At the last gathering Aerik was selected by his house to be a member of the vanguard for the reclamation of House Gisli's lands. He was chosen by Ingmar and Ingrid for his woodcraft, cunning, skill at arms, and his ability to change his shape into a beast of the forest. Now he travels to the Dawn Fort with three relative strangers.

Aerik is self-reliant and prefers to solve his problems directly. He is provincial, superstitious, and untrusting of strangers as well as having a deep distrust of arcane magic. He can be surly and taciturn when he first meets someone opening up once they gain his trust. Aerik has a unique sense of honor refusing to wear metal armor and is reluctant to harm women.

Aerik is a giant and massive man standing a full head over six feet, broad shouldered and deep of chest, with a massive corded neck and heavily muscled limbs. His skin is ruddy from constant exposure to the elements and is covered in coarse hair that cannot conceal the hard, dangerous lines of his body. Although he is a big man, Aerik moves with the grace of a large cat and has the predatory gaze of a wolf. He has smoldering green eyes which are set below a low and broad brow. His gloomy, scarred, almost sinister face is that of a warrior, with a blonde flowing mane of hair worn in a braid reaching below his shoulders and a thick beard. Aerik has a loud booming voice like stone breaking. Aerik usually wears furs and hides with a spear and great club close at hand.

Aerik Rurikson
Male Human Barbarian (Primal Warrior/Invulnerable Rager) 4
Init +4; Senses; Perception +9,

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(10 base, +2 dex, +4 armor, +0 shield, +0 deflection, +0 natural)
Hp 49 (1d12 + 2 con + 1 FC +1 feat/ level)
Fort +6 (+4 base, +2 con)
Ref +3 (+1 base, +2 dex)
Will +3 (+1 base, +2 wis)
Special Defences: Damage Reduction 2, +1 saves vs arcane magic

Speed 40 ft.
Spear, MW +10 (1d8+6/x3)
Great club +9 (1d10+6/x2) [two handed]
Spear +6 (1d8+6/x3) range: 30
Dagger + 5 (1d4+4/19-20/x2)
Sling +6 (1d4+4/x2) range: 50
Special Attacks Intimidate as a swift action 1/day

Str 20, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +4;
CMB +9;
CMD 21; (10 base + 4 BaB + 5 str + 2 dex)
Feats Power Attack (1st level), Intimidating Prowess (bonus race), Improved Trip (bonus, domain), Toughness (3rd level),
Acrobatics [+6] (1 rank + 2 dex + 3 class)
Climb [+9] (1 rank + 5 str + 3 class)
Intimidate [+12] (4 rank +5 str + - 1 cha + 3 class +1 trait)
Knowledge (Nature) [+9] (4 rank + 2 wis + 3 class)
Perception [+9] (4 rank + 2 wis + 3 class )
Stealth [+8] (1 rank + 2 dex + 3 class)
Survival [+9] (4 rank + 2 wis + 3 class)
Swim [+9] (1 rank + 5 str + 3 class)
Background Skill
Handel Animal [+6] (4 rank -1 cha +3 class)
Knowledge (Geography) [+4] (4 rank)
ACP: -3

Languages Common,
Traits Omen (Faith, Bilskirni constellation), Superstitious (Race), Reactionary (Combat)

Special Abilities
Extreme Endurance: Gain endure elements in cold climates.
Fast Movement: Move speed increased by 10 when wearing medium, light, or no armor.
Intimidating Prowess: Add your Strength modifier to Intimidate skill checks in addition to your Charisma modifier.
Invulnerability DR 2: Gain DR equal to half of your barbarian level doubled against nonlethal damage.
Nature Bond (Wolf domain): At 1st level, a Primal Warrior learns to tap into some of nature’s power and ferocity. This functions as the Druid ability of the same name. As the Primal Warrior does not have a caster level until level 4, she may not take advantage of her domain spells until that level.
Nature’s Ferocity: At 4th level, a Primal Warrior learns to cast a small selection of divine spells as a Ranger of the same level and subject to the same limitations. The Primal Warrior also gains the ability to turn himself into any small or medium animal and back again once per day, as per the Druid’s Wild Shape class feature. For the purposes of Wild Shape and the taking of any feat relating to Wild Shape, a Primal Warrior has levels in Druid equivalent to his class level.
Omen: +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.
Power Attack: Take a –1 penalty on melee attacks and gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage. Increase damage by half when attacking with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.
Reactionary: + 2 to initiative.
Superstitious: +1 trait bonus on saving throws against arcane spells.
Toughness: +1 hit point/ level.

Spells Per day:
1st – 2
2nd –
Domain Spells:
1st – Hunters Howl

Spear; 2gp (6 lbs)
Dagger; 2gp (.5 lbs)
Great Club; 5gp (8 lbs)
Sling bullets, 1gp (5lbs)

Hide armor; 15gp (25 lbs)

Alchemical Items

Slot Items

Containers & Storage
Backpack, 2gp (1 lbs)
Pouch, belt 1gp (.25 lbs) x2

Grappling hook, 1gp (4lbs)
Hemp Rope, 1gp (10lbs)

Belt Pouch

Coins & Gems
GP: 6000 gp

Encumbrance 0-133 lbs =light, 134–266 lbs= medium, 267–400 lbs = heavy; [Current Weight: 55 lbs/ Light Load]


1: Power attack, Improved Trip, FCB- 1hp
2: FCB- 1hp
3: Toughness, FCB- 1hp
4: +1 Str, FCB- 1hp