About Grimdël KærroksunGrimdël Kærroksun
Special Attacks Studied Target, Combat Expertise, --------------------
Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +6, Survival +7
Note: Use Wis in place of Cha for bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate; +1 to intimidate and sense motive; +3 to knowledge when determining monsters weaknesses; +4 to Handle Animal w/ An. Comp.; +1 tracking; +2 Diplomacy vs Fey; +1 Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival vs Studied Target; +1 Knw. Nature and Handle Animal; ACP: -1
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Sylvan
1st Magic Weapon, Cure Light Wounds, --------------------
Broad, powerful muscles move beneath this small bear's black fur, promising both speed and lethal force. He wears leather barding and carries a cask of ale strapped below its jaw. Axe-Jaw may change
N small animal Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
-------------------- Equipment -------------------- Waraxe, Dwarven; 30gp (8 lbs) Maulaxe, Dwarven (2); 50gp (10 lbs) Helmet, Dwarven Boulder; 20gp (10 lbs) Shield, Heavy; 20g[ (15 lbs) Crossbow, light; 35gp (4 lbs) Masterwork Chainshirt; 250gp (20 lbs) Bolts, 20; 2gp (2 lbs) Poitions
Carried by Bear
GP: 12gp 2sp
Grimdël is stoic, but stern, and fiercely determined. As most of his race Grimdël is considered dour but those who are close to him come to appreciate his wry sense of humor. His close relationship with his Bear Axe-Jaw has helped to shape his determined disposition. He is a lover of geography, the outdoors, and stout ale, as well as smoking his pipe. He can be meticulous, especially when it comes to the care of his bear and his gear, but he is also thoughtful and imaginative, willing to experiment. Grimdël is stubborn, courageous, and dedicated to seeing tasks through to completion. However, he is not fool hardy. Rather he is practical knowing it’s better to live, and fight another day, than to die in a hopeless cause. He embodies the Medvyed family motto: "Endurance Overcomes All."
Grimdël is squat and well-muscled like most of his dwarven kin; although he is on the short side standing barely 4 feet tall. He has a square block of a head, which sits on a thickly muscled neck. His tanned face is framed by long black hair and a thick beard the same color, both worn lose and flowing. His face appears to be chiseled from stone, with a large crooked nose being the most prominent landmark. Grimdël appears dark and brooding, with eyes like coals, sitting beneath dark bushy eyebrows. He is usually adorned in a finely made chainshirt, worn under a serviceable blue cloak, with a dwarven waraxe and shield strapped across his back, while atop his head rests a Dwarven Boulder Helm. He wears a thick leather belt around his waist with an assortment of pouches attached to it and a Dwarven Maulaxe at either hip. A small black bear usually follows closely at his side. Background:
Some dwarves look deep underground, or to the high peaks, trying to unleash the earth’s secrets and hidden treasures. While others look to the forge for strength and enlightenment. Still others spend lifetimes hoarding gold, gems, and precious metals. The Medyved Dwarves took a different path and looked outward into the forests, taking solace in nature’s majesty. Grimdël grew up in a small settlement, wedged between the Icerime Peaks and the Gronzi Forest, close to the headwaters of the East Sellen River. His father, Kærrok, was the Forge Master in the service to the lord of a minor branch of house Medvyed. As he grew Grimdël spent less time with his father at the forge and more time outdoors. Kærrok found his son’s ways a little peculiar but he took pride in his son’s steadfast determination in rearing animals. His father served Torag and believed that the forge was his life, and that the forge embodied everything a dwarf should be. Grimdël, on the other hand, served Grundinnar and took up the role of protector and peacemaker to his little village. Often, Grimdël could be found patrolling with his bear, Axe-Jaw, through the forests around the small community. Grimdël raised the bear from a cub and they are seldom apart. ************ It is well before dawn and Grimdël sat at a table in the dimly lit kitchen of the cottage he shares with his father, leaning back in his chair wondering, What could be so important that me father be waking me at this hour?” As he waits for his father, the younger dwarf removed his pipe from a pocket in his blue cloak, and filled the pipe bowl with Tobacco. He withdraws a match and strikes it against the heel of his boot, managing to light it on the first try. Grimdël lit the pipe, and with a small smile, took a deep pull on the stem. With satisfaction he leans back again and exhaled a large smoke ring into the air. His bear ever-present lies at Grimdël’s feet. While the smoke ring wafted toward the ceiling his father entered the room with and assortment of documents cradled in his arms. His father deposited the items he carried into a heap on an empty chair and rolled out a map onto the oak table. With a satisfied smile and a faraway look Grimdël ’s father began, ”Got this letter from me brudder.” He removes a folded parchment from the pile on the chair and hands it to Grimdël. ”Don’t be reading it now, best ye be paying attention to what I be saying,” His father admonishes. He continues, ”It appears your cousins be leaving Brunderton to go on an expedition, you’ll be meeting up with them, the details are in the letter I be giving ye.” Over the next few hours Grimdël’s father shares the details of Grimdël’s mother’s venture into the stolen lands, twenty years ago. With much sorrow and longing Grimdël is told of his mother’s plan for a better future for their family. She thought the vast expanses of land on the frontier was the key to that future. Sharing a jug of ale the two commiserate throughout the night, peering through maps of the stolen lands, and deciding on what gear to take. As the sun begins to rise Grimdël’s father concludes, Best be getting ye things together right quick.” "This be our families chance to improve our lot in life and perhaps find some word about ye mother,” his father adds as his eyes fill with tears. Medvyed Dwarf Race Traits:
Summary: Dwarves of House Medvyed have lived in the Gronzi Forest for centuries. Dwarves of the forests have the focused aptitude for their new lands that dwarves use to have for caves, tunnels, and the forge. Medvyed Dwarves have embodied the Medvyed family Motto: "Endurance Overcomes All." Humanoid (Dwarf) 0 rp Size
Base Speed
Ability Score Modifiers
Dwarven Languages
Defense Racial Traits
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Offensive Racial Traits
Senses Racial Traits
Total 15rp