
ΞVΞ's page

5 posts. Alias of G-unit.

About ΞVΞ


Female Android Alchemist (gun chemist/mindchemist) vmc rogue -3
Init +4; Senses Darkvision, low light vision ; Perception +8 (+9 vs traps),
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (10 base, +4 dex, +4 armor)
Hp 21 (3d8 + 3 con)
Fort +4
Ref +7
Will +1
Special defense: +4 vs mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, and stun; immune to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, emotion, morale
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +6 (1d4/ 19-20x2)
Ranged MW Pistol +7 (1d8[x4])
Special attacks: Alchemical ordnance 2d6+4 fire; cartridge savant +1 dc +4 damage
Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7) 
. . 1st—cure light wounds [x2], heightened awareness, shield
[b]Extracts Known
adhesive spittle, anticipate peril, cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, reduce person, shield, true strike,
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2
CMB +2
CMD 16 (10 base + 2 BaB + 0 str + 4 dex)
Feats precise shot (1st level), gunsmithing (class bonus),
Skills 11 ranks/ level(4 class, 4 int, 1 fcb, 2 background)
Acrobatics [+7] (3 rank +4 dex)
Craft (Alchemy) [+10, +13 Craft] (+3 BGrank +4 int +3 class +3 comp)
Disable Device [+12] (3 rank +4 dex +3 class +1 trait +1 comp)
Knowledge (Arcana) [+12] (1 rank +8 int +3 class)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Knowledge (Engineering) [+11] (3 BGrank +8 int)
Knowledge (Geography) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Knowledge (History) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Knowledge (Local) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Knowledge (Nature) [+12] (3 rank +8 int +3 class)
Knowledge (Planes) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Knowledge (Religion) [+9] (1 rank +8 int)
Linguistics [+10] (3 rank +4 int +3 class)
Perception [+8] (3 rank +3 class +2 race)
Spellcraft [+8] (1 rank +4 int +3 class)
Stealth [+7] (3 rank +4 dex)
Use Magic Device [+10] (3 rank +4 int +3 class)
ACP -1
Languages Common, Androffan, Hallit, Azlanti, Dwarven, Giant, Abyssal, Sylvan
Favored Class Alchemist
Traits local ties (campaign), pragmatic activator (magic), touched by the sky (region), betrayed(drawback)
Combat Gear MW pistol (free +300gp), Dagger (1gp)
Other Gear chainshirt (100gp)
Wealth 599gp

Special Abilities
Ability Scores: Gain +2 dex, +2 int,-2 cha.
Alchemical Ordnance 7/day, DC 15 A gun chemist is adept at using his know-how to infuse his ammunition with volatile chemicals and his own magical reserves for 2d6+4 fire damage once per round.
Cartridge Savant Alchemical Cartridge increases DC by +1, increase Alchemical Cartridge Damage by Intelligence modifer (+4).
Alchemy +3 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Armor Proficiency (Light) Can use Light Armor without penalty.
Betrayed Roll twice and take the worse result on sense motive checks.
Cognatogen adds +4 to a mental & -2 to a physical attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 30 minutes
Constructed : Counts as both humanoid and construct. +4 vs mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, and stun; immune to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, and sleep.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Emotionless Never gain morale bonuses and immune to fear and emotion effects. –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks.
Exceptional Senses: Gain darkvision 60 feet, lowlight vision and a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Extracts DC 15 Create spells in potion form.
Gunsmith Gain a battered gun identical to the one gained by a 1st level gunslinger, as well as the Gunsmithing feat (including the ability to restore his battered gun as if he were a gunslinger). As a standard action, the gun chemist can expend one use of his alchemical ordnance to remove the broken condition from a single firearm he is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained from a misfire.
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Infusion Create an extract can be used by anyone but takes up a slot until used.
Favored Class Bonus (alchemist): +3 skill points
Local Ties (Disable Device): +1 trait bonus on disable device and you are treated as if you possessed the Technologist feat for the purposes of resolving checks associated with that skill. If you gain the Technologist feat, your trait bonus for the selected skill increases to +3.
Nanite Surge +6 Once per day as an immediate action, gain a bonus equal to 3 + character level on any one d20 roll. Upon activation her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch for 1 round.
Perfect Recall When making a Knowledge check, he may add his Intelligence bonus on the check a second time.
Pragmatic Activator You may use your Intelligence modifier when making Use Magic Device checks instead of your Charisma modifier. 
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Swift Alchemy You can construct alchemical items in half the normal time.
Touched by the Sky Able to stabilize a dying creature with a touch as a standard action.
Weapon Proficiency (Simple, Exotic (Firearms)) Can use simple and firearm category weapons without penalty.

Ten minute background:

10-minute Background

Step 1: Background and Concept elements (at least 5) (history, description, personality) 

1. (Description) Eve is exactly 2 meters tall, to three decimal places, and lanky, with a lithe but well-muscled build. The willowy woman has an emotionless, yet hauntingly beautiful face that always looks like she is about to pass judgment on those around her. The android’s features are proportionate and pleasing, she possesses a straight nose and a full mouth, while her large, unblinking, electric blue eyes, appear to miss little. Eve’s bronze skin shimmers metal-like and is covered in a grid-work of softly glowing lines which extend into her hair in softly glowing rings that stand in stark contrast to the dark locks of her multi-braided hair. The wiry long-limbed woman dresses practically in dark breaches, shirt, and hooded cloak that is almost always pulled up to conceal her alien heritage. Eve’s chest is crisscrossed with bandoliers while various pouches, vials, and paraphernalia hang from her belt with a pistol prominently displayed on her right hip.
2. (Personality) Eve comes across as cold and sardonic. The woman is direct and to the point, not kind nor cruel, just logical. The android is impeccably tidy and clean, and is meticulous about her gear keeping it organized and pristine. The android often gives advice in a synthetic monotone voice.
3. (Background) It has been two years since Eve’s renewal and she is still figuring things out. As a result she is highly curious, always wanting to understand the why behind things and always asking questions.
4. (Background) Eve has a keen interest in archeology, technology, and exploring the ruins of Numeria. She recently encountered a pseudo philosophy-superstition called religion and wants to understand it better.
5. (Background) She approaches most tasks, including social interactions, as an engineer would. Logically and as a puzzle to be solved.

Step 2: Goals (one character, one player) 

1. (Player) To see Eve’s emotional development.

2. (Character) To crack the code and better assimilate into society by developing relationships.

Step 3: Secrets (one known, one unknown) 

1. (Known) She secretly worships the black powder aspect of Cixyron
2. (Unknown) The Technic League has a bounty on her head for unauthorized access to tombs.

Step 4: People (at least two allies/friends and one adversary) 

1. (Ally) Khonnir Baine - a middle-aged councillor in torch who has recently disappeared. He is the owner of the foundry tavern and former member of the technic league. He always showed interest in the young android and was willing to lend a helping hand to her.
2. (Ally) Kagur Blacklion - is a Kellid warrior of the Blacklion tribe and is the daughter of the chief. Eve finds this angry and volatile woman very interesting and wishes to study her more.

1. (Adversary) name tbd - someone who tried to make a slave of Eve when she was freshly renewed.

Step 5: Three Memories, Mannerisms, or Quirks 
1. (Memory) Eve returned to Torch to find everything in disarray. Khonnir was missing and the town’s purple flame extinguished. The change and disorganization was almost enough to drive the android away.

However, it was also a problem to be analyzed and solved but her thoughts keep returning to Khonnir. Causing her to wonder what is this emptiness inside me. Is this what in known as sadness? She quickly dismissed the thought and tried to focus on the problem at hand.
2. (Memory) The light glow a her circuitry and the soft hum of nanites were distracting her as Khonnir was teaching her a new alchemical recipe. The man had quickly become her mentor upon her arrival in Torch. Earning her trust.
3. (Memory) Eve fled under the cover of darkness from the man who had befriended her. What she took for kindness hid his malicious intent and she barely escape his kidnapping attempt. Why would someone want to steal or own another being, she wondered as she pressed on toward the flaming beacon of Torch in the distance.


1. Trap disabler - thanks to vmc rogue and the local ties trait she will be able to handle both magical and technological traps.
2. Off healer - the infusion discovery will allow her to hand out healing extracts to party members. Also, her high use magic device will allow her to use a wand of cure light wounds.
3. Off buffer - the infusion discover will also allow her to hand out extracts to party members.
4. Knowledge monkey - mind chemist allows her to add her intelligence bonus twice to knowledge checks.
5. Combat - primarily built for range where she should shine.