![]() About ΞVΞCrunch:
ΞVΞ Female Android Alchemist (gun chemist/mindchemist) vmc rogue -3 Init +4; Senses Darkvision, low light vision ; Perception +8 (+9 vs traps), -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (10 base, +4 dex, +4 armor) Hp 21 (3d8 + 3 con) Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +1 Special defense: +4 vs mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, and stun; immune to fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, emotion, morale -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Dagger +6 (1d4/ 19-20x2) Ranged MW Pistol +7 (1d8[x4]) Special attacks: Alchemical ordnance 2d6+4 fire; cartridge savant +1 dc +4 damage Alchemist Extracts Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7) . . 1st—cure light wounds [x2], heightened awareness, shield [b]Extracts Known adhesive spittle, anticipate peril, cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, heightened awareness, reduce person, shield, true strike, -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 8 Base Atk +2 CMB +2 CMD 16 (10 base + 2 BaB + 0 str + 4 dex) Feats precise shot (1st level), gunsmithing (class bonus), Skills 11 ranks/ level(4 class, 4 int, 1 fcb, 2 background) Acrobatics [+7] (3 rank +4 dex) Craft (Alchemy) [+10, +13 Craft] (+3 BGrank +4 int +3 class +3 comp) Disable Device [+12] (3 rank +4 dex +3 class +1 trait +1 comp) Knowledge (Arcana) [+12] (1 rank +8 int +3 class) Knowledge (Dungeoneering) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Knowledge (Engineering) [+11] (3 BGrank +8 int) Knowledge (Geography) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Knowledge (History) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Knowledge (Local) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Knowledge (Nature) [+12] (3 rank +8 int +3 class) Knowledge (Planes) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Knowledge (Religion) [+9] (1 rank +8 int) Linguistics [+10] (3 rank +4 int +3 class) Perception [+8] (3 rank +3 class +2 race) Spellcraft [+8] (1 rank +4 int +3 class) Stealth [+7] (3 rank +4 dex) Use Magic Device [+10] (3 rank +4 int +3 class) ACP -1 Languages Common, Androffan, Hallit, Azlanti, Dwarven, Giant, Abyssal, Sylvan Favored Class Alchemist Traits local ties (campaign), pragmatic activator (magic), touched by the sky (region), betrayed(drawback) Combat Gear MW pistol (free +300gp), Dagger (1gp) Other Gear chainshirt (100gp) Wealth 599gp --------------------
Ten minute background:
Step 1: Background and Concept elements (at least 5) (history, description, personality)
Step 2: Goals (one character, one player)
1. (Player) To see Eve’s emotional development.
Step 3: Secrets (one known, one unknown) 1. (Known) She secretly worships the black powder aspect of Cixyron 2. (Unknown) The Technic League has a bounty on her head for unauthorized access to tombs. Step 4: People (at least two allies/friends and one adversary)
1. (Ally) Khonnir Baine - a middle-aged councillor in torch who has recently disappeared. He is the owner of the foundry tavern and former member of the technic league. He always showed interest in the young android and was willing to lend a helping hand to her.
Step 5: Three Memories, Mannerisms, or Quirks 1. (Memory) Eve returned to Torch to find everything in disarray. Khonnir was missing and the town’s purple flame extinguished. The change and disorganization was almost enough to drive the android away. However, it was also a problem to be analyzed and solved but her thoughts keep returning to Khonnir. Causing her to wonder what is this emptiness inside me. Is this what in known as sadness? She quickly dismissed the thought and tried to focus on the problem at hand.
1. Trap disabler - thanks to vmc rogue and the local ties trait she will be able to handle both magical and technological traps. 2. Off healer - the infusion discovery will allow her to hand out healing extracts to party members. Also, her high use magic device will allow her to use a wand of cure light wounds. 3. Off buffer - the infusion discover will also allow her to hand out extracts to party members. 4. Knowledge monkey - mind chemist allows her to add her intelligence bonus twice to knowledge checks. 5. Combat - primarily built for range where she should shine. |