![]() About Rathan Two-TribesAppearance:
Rathan is well muscled like one of the dinosaurs of the plains and is tall for a halfling. He is broad shouldered and deep of chest, with a thick corded neck and heavily muscled limbs. His skin is bronzed from constant exposure to the elements and is covered in scars that accentuate the hard, dangerous lines of his body. Although he is big for a Halfling, Rathan moves with the grace of a saber toothed tiger and has the predatory gaze of a raptor. He has smoldering dark green eyes that appear to take everything in while his bronzed, almost sinister face, is that of a warrior. Rathan is clean shaven with a dark flowing mane of hair that reaches to his shoulders. He usually wears armor made from the hide of some great lizard and carries the traditional weapons of his people. When on the hunt or readying for combat Rathan can be seen wearing his spirit mask. Personality:
Despite being of two different cultures Rathan is at heart a product of the Talenta Plains and tries to keep the old ways, recognizing his ancestor’s spirits in the happenings around him. He also tries to keep the spirit of the hunt alive in his daily undertakings. Often thinking of mundane activities in terms of predator and prey. In spite of this, his frequent visits and extended stays in Gatherhold has taught much about civilized ways. While he is a barbarian there is more to Rathan then meets the eye. He is open and inquisitive as well as a lover of debate and physical challenges, embracing these as experiences which will please his ancestors. Additionally, he often gives advice in riddles, aphorisms, and metaphors of his people.
Rathan was raised by his mother’s Tribe, a hard and self-reliant people, wandering across the Talenta Plains. His mother was the Mask Weaver for the tribe an enjoyed the love of her tribe and the respect of her peers. His father was a member of House Ghallanda and made his home in Gatherhold. While Rathan spent most of his time with his mother’s people he would stay at Gatherhold for extended periods of time, bonding with his father and learning the ways of civilization. Like most of the tribes of the Talenta Plains Rathan’s Tribe could not avoid the war. Drawn into the conflict, the war took its toll on the small tribe, and their numbers dwindled even further. During this conflict Rathan served as a scout for the Karrnathi Calvary forces operating within the Talenta Plains. After the war Rathan was struck with a wander lust and often separated from his tribe for long stretches at a time. He spent time as a mercenary and guide as he wandered the lands and cities of Karrnath. It was after ones such excursion he returned to his tribe and found every one of them recently slaughtered. Among the victims of this atrocity was his mother, worse still her spirit mask was taken from her corpse preventing her spirit from being released into Dolurrh. Rathan was able examine the scene and piece together what happened. He concluded that the slaughter of his small tribe was done by a Warfoged. Using the skills he honed on the plains he was able to follow the tracks of the Warforged to the lightning rail system in Gatherhold. Rathan asked a few questions and he found that a Warforged had indeed boarded the rail there. With his father’s help he was able to secure passage on the rail to pursue his quarry. Rathan's luck continued as he followed the Warforged across the continent as one of the porters said he remembered seeing a Warforged get off at a station in Sharn. Hopeful, Rathan disembarked there to continue the search for his tribe’s exterminator and the thief of his mother’s mask. It has been weeks now and Rathan has been discouraged that no new leads have appeared. However, his faith that his ancestor’s spirits will guide him to where he needs to be is still strong.
Languages Common, Halfling
Alchemical Items
Slot Items Containers & Storage
Belt Pouch Coins & Gems
Encumbrance 0-43.5 lbs =light, 43.6–87 lbs= medium, 88–131.25 lbs = heavy; [Current Weight: 35 lbs/ Light Load]
1: Power attack, FCB- 1hp 2: FCB- 1hp |