Tilo of Braganza

Tallen Rynn's page

54 posts. Alias of G-unit.

About Tallen Rynn

Male, Human, Rouge (Unchained, Scout)
N, Medium Humanoid (human) 

Initiative +8 (+4 dex, +4 feat)
Senses Perception +5 
Move 30


AC: 18, touch 15, flat footed 13 (+ 4 Dex +3 Armor, +1 Dodge)
HP: 10 (8 class, +2 con)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Short sword +4(1d8 +1/19-20) 

Dagger +4 (1d4+1 /19-20)
Sap +4 (1d6+1 /20x2)
Shortbow +4 (1d6/x3) range 60 

Dagger +4 (1d4+1 /19-20) range 10
Special Attacks: Sneak attack, Omen (1/day)

Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10 Wis 12, Cha 14 

Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15 

Feats Improved Initiative (1st level), Dodge (Bonus Human), Weapon Finesse (Bonus Class) 

Skills Acrobatics +8, Bluff +6, Climb +5, Disable Device +9, Knowledge (Geography) +1, Intimidate +7, Perception +5, Profession (Tanner) +5, Stealth +8, Survival +6, Swim +5
ACP: -1 not factored in 
11 ranks/level (8 class, +1 race, +2 background)
Traits Omen (Faith), Poverty Stricken (Social)
Languages Common,

Dodge +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class.
Favored Class Bonus 1/6 rogue talent
Finesse Training Gain weapon finesse as a bonus feat. 

Improved Initiative +4 to initiative. 

Omen +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks. Once per day, you may attempt to demoralize an opponent as a swift action.
Poverty Stricken +1 bonus on Survival checks, and Survival is always a class skill for you.
Sneak Attack, 1d6 When an opponent is unable to defend himself you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. 

Trapfinding +1 Add 1/2 of level on Perception checks to locate traps and on Disable Device checks (minimum +1). Can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. 

Weapon Finesse Use Dex instead of Str on attack rolls with light weapons.

Weapons Short Sword (10gp/ 2lbs), Dagger(2gp/ 1lbs), Dagger (2gp/ 1lbs), Sap (1gp/ 2lbs), Shortbow (30gp/ 2lbs) = (37gp/ 7lbs)
Armor Leather Armor (10gp/15lbs),
Slotted Items
Wands, Rods, Etc
Carried Arrows (20) (1gp/3lbs), Belt Pouch ( .5lbs*), Backpack (2lbs*)


Backpack Bedroll (5lbs*), Blanket, (3lbs*), Rope 50’ (10lbs*), Outfit, cold weather (0/7lbs), Grappling hook(4lbs*), Torches 10 (10lbs*), Rations 5 days, (5lbs*), Mess Kit(1lbs*), Waterskin (4lbs*), Iron Pot (4lbs*), Soap (.5lbs*)
Belt Pouch Thieves tools (1lb*), Flint and steel (*), Chalk 10 (*), Caltrops (2lbs*), Mirror (.5lbs*)
*Items in Rogues Kit (50gp/37lbs)
Wealth13gp, 9sp, 5cp 
Total(cost/lbs) 106gp/ 74lbs


Tallan was raised by his older sister and her husband on a small farm in the central flanaess. He grew tiered of his sisters constant nagging, his brother-in-laws heavy handedness, and the never ending drudgery of life on the farm. So with great hope and an equal measure of naivety he ran away to find his fortune.


Tallen, Tall to his friends, is a fun loving free spirit quick of tongue and wit which often lands him in trouble. Tall is a fair hand at woodcraft as well as with a blade and a bow and is not shy about letting people know about it. He works hard at getting out of work and would rather be sitting in the shade smoking his pipe or around a camp fire with friends drinking and singing loud and off key.


Tallen is tall and lanky, standing a bit over six feet tall, with a lithe but well-muscled build. His fair skin and curly blond hair plainly mark his suloise heritage. The willowy rogue has a wry grin and a wink for his friends.