Weird Butler

Bendoc's page

79 posts. Alias of G-unit.

About Bendoc

This diminutive, peculiar looking, halfling is well dressed and watches those around him like a bird of prey.
Male, Halfling, Slayer (Cleaner) - 1
N, Medium Humanoid (halfling)
Initiative +3
Senses Perception +7
Move 20

AC: 18, touch 14, flat footed 15 (+ 3 Dex +4 Armor +1 size)
HP: 12 (10 class, +1 con, 1 fcb)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2 +2 vs fear

Walking stick, improvised +7 (1d4+3/20)
Dagger +5 (1d3+3 /19-20)
Sling +6 (1d3+3 /x2) range 50
Dagger +6 (1d3+3 /19-20) range 10
Special Attacks: Studied Target +1
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14 Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Possessed Hand (1st level), Deceitful (Bonus Class)
Skills 10 ranks/ level(6 class, 2 int, 2 background)
Acrobatics [+7] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class)
Bluff [+8] (1 rank +2 int +3 class +2 feat)
Disable Device [+9] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class +1 trait +1 feat)
Disguise [+5] (1 rank -1 cha +3 class +2 feat)
Knowledge (Local) [+6] (1 rank +2 int +3 class)
Linguistics [+6] (1 BGrank +2 int +3 class)
Perception [+7] (1 rank +1 wis +3 class +2 race)
Sleight of Hand [+6] (1 BGrank +3 dex +1 trait +1 feat)
Sense Motive [+5] (1 rank +1 wis +3 class)
Stealth [+11] (1 rank +3 dex +3 class +4 size)
Modifiers: +1 on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks vs Studied Target. +2 diplomacy while wearing fashionable accessories, +4 sleight of hand w/ hollow heeled boots, -2 on untrained skills
ACP -2
Traits Surprise Weapon(combat), Clever Word Play(Social), Natural Born Leader(Campaign), Gold Finger(Faction) Meticulous(Drawback)
Languages Common, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven, Infernal

Ability Scores+2 Dex, +2 Cha, –2 Str.
Clever Word Play Use intelligence in place of charisma for bluff skill.
Deceitful +2 on Bluff and Disguise checks +4 if you have 10 or more ranks in the skill.
Favored Class Bonus +1 hit point.
Fearless +2 on saving throws against fear.
Gold Finger +1 trait bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks, and disable device is a class skill for you.
Halfling Luck +1 bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Meticulous –2 penalty on skill checks for skills with which you're untrained.
Natural Born Leader treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 instead of its actual score to determine how many teams you can manage and as a bonus to your managed teams’ actions. Also, gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score if you take the Leadership feat.
Possessed Hand When using your possessed hand gain +1 insight bonus to attack/damage/ disable device/ sleight of hand. Once per day as a swift action, retrieve any stowed object that weighs less than 5 pounds you carry. -2 on concentration checks.
Resourceful Take no penalties for using improvised weapons and count as having the Catch Off Guard or Throw Anything feats for the purpose of qualifying for feats.
Slow Speed Base speed of 20 feet.
Small Gain +1 to AC and attack rolls, a –1 to CMB and CMD, and a +4 on Stealth checks.
Studied Target (Ex) +1 Study an opponent as a move action (or an immediate action as part of a sneak attack) to gain a +1 on Attack/Damage/Bluff/Knowledge/Perception/Sense Motive/Survival and DCs of class abilities.
Surprise Weapon +2 trait bonus to hit with improvised weapons.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies All simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor, and shields

Weapons Dagger(2gp/ .5lbs), Sling (-/-)
Armor Lamellar (Leather) (60gp/12.5lbs), 
Slotted Items Talisman of Beneficial Winds:[neck](50gp/-)
Wands, Rods, Etc
Carried/Worn, Belt Pouch (1gp/.25lbs), Cane Simple Hollow (3gp/1.5lbs), Alchemist Fire (20gp/.5lbs), Courtier’s outfit(30gp/3lbs), Fashionable Accessories (20gp/2.5lbs), Hollow Heeled Boots (10gp/.5lbs), Potion Cure Light Wounds (50gp/.5lbs), Sling bullets (10) (1sp/2.5lbs), Wrist Sheath [spring loaded] (5gp/.5lbs), Thieves Tools (30gp/1lbs)
In Belt Pouch Alchemist Fire,
In Wrist sheath Dagger
Hollow cane Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Hollow Boots Thieves tools

Carried by Bendoc 25.75lbs (<43.5 light load)
Total(cost) 279gp, 1sp,
Wealth 20gp, 9sp,


10-minute Background

Step 1: Background and Concept elements (at least 5) (history, description, personality) 

1. (Description) Bendoc, a Halfling, is small but well-muscled like a racehorse. The willowy halfling has an emotionless face that always looks like he is about to pass judgment on those around him. The most prominent feature is his large bulbous nose which sits above a thin lipped mouth set in a perpetual frown and recessed chin. His small, squinty, grey, eyes appear to miss little. Bendoc’s skin is pale from a lifetime spent indoors and stands in stark contrast to his styled dark colored hair. He is always freshly shaven, well groomed, and dresses impeccably, usually adorned in a red waist coat with dozens of pockets concealed in its lining. The diminutive halfling smells of roses and lavender.
2. (Personality) Bendoc comes across as officious and sardonic. The halfling is direct and to the point, not kind nor cruel, just blunt, but often condescending. He has a dry sense of humor which catches people by surprise. Bendoc is impeccably tidy and clean, and is meticulous about his gear keeping it organized and pristine. He often gives unwanted advice in a nasally monotone voice.
3. (Background) He was born a slave, property of House Delronge, in Egorian the imperial capital of Cheliax. His parents and brother were also bonded to the household. Life was hard but their owners were fair, if uncaring, and it was comforting that they were all together. That all changed when Bendoc turned nine and was sold to House Serini and carted off to their manor in Kintargo where he was secreted away as a slave, kept inside their estate, away from prying eyes.
4. (Background) The lord of House Serini was a harsh taskmaster and cruel for the sake of being cruel. Bendoc endured many beatings at his capricious hands. Overtime, he learned to feign obedience, and was given responsibility over the other slaves, acting as majordomo for the household. More importantly, to lord Serini, the officious halfling was found to possess a keen eye for detail, a quick wit, as well as steady nerves and became useful in helping his master cover up his indiscretions.
5. (Background) Bendoc learned the secretive halfling fighting arts from Jako, another slave a Serini Manor. This fighting style uses everyday items as weapon so slaves can train under the noses of their masters. He excelled at this training and after his escape started teaching it to other halflings in secret.
6.As unlikely as it sounds he formed a friendship with one of the Serini daughters, Tessa. She always offered Bendoc an extra measure of kindness, smuggled him books to read, and shared her hopes and dreams with him. Regardless, even after their escape, he refers to her as Mistress and never uses her first name.
7. One night, Bendoc was summoned by his master, who informed him that his skills would be needed. To his dismay he was taken to a room that had been prepared for a ritualistic sacrifice. Bendoc tensed prepared to fight as he thought he was the one to be sacrificed. However, he quickly realized, to his great dismay, that the evil Serini family were sacrificing one of their own, their daughter, Tessa.
All to soon the ritual began and Bendoc stood helpless as an ominous presence filled the room. In desperation the halfling rushed in and kicked over one of the candles encircling the alter, knocking it down, and disrupting the wicked ceremony. An insidious pulse of energy pushed its way through the room tossing people aside. This otherworldly force was being drawn into his friend and without thinking Bendoc ran towards the helpless woman and grabbed her. Unfortunately, he couldn’t stop the spirit from entering her and unwittingly became a conduit for another spirit to come into his body.
8.All who attended this ritual, except for Bendoc and Tessa, were incapacitated by the release of mystical energy allowing for the pair to escape. They didn’t go far, staying in Kintargo, finding a place to live in the Redroof district.

Step 2: Goals (one character, one player)

1. (Player) To see Bendoc grow into a leadership role.
2. (Character) To earn enough coin to buy the freedom for the rest of his family from the bonds of slavery.

Step 3: Secrets (known & unknown)

1. (Known) He secretly teaches a handful of halfling students the halfling improvised weapon fighting arts.

2. (Known) His hand has become possessed by a spirit. He is still trying figure out a way to live with it.
3. (Unknown) One of his students is a traitor secretly serving Thrune.

Step 4: People (at least two allies/friends and one adversary)

1. (Ally) Khonnir, Peck, Joi, Inego, and Willup - a group of halflings being taught the halfling improvised fighting arts by Bendoc.
2.(Ally) Mistress Tessa Serini - daughter of his slave master. She was unwillingly subjected to a diabolical ritual resulting in her having a strange symbiotic relationship to an otherworldly creature. After the ritual the two escaped together (PC of Adam Warnock).
3.(Ally) Jako - old and wizened halfling slave who taught Bendoc the halfling improvised weapon fighting.

1. (Adversary) Lord Serini - Lord and Master of House Serini in Kintargo. The cruel and heavy handed man wants to see his errant property recovered, intact or in pieces.

Step 5: Three Memories, Mannerisms, or Quirks 

1. (Memory) The tears seemed to burn the young halfling’s eyes as he was torn from his mother’s grasp. The whip repeatedly brought down upon his head and shoulders as he was separated from her and stuffed into the back of a wagon.
2. (Memory) Bendoc held the mop in his hands swinging it around his head like a tornado, faster and faster. Jako’s encouraging voice rang in his ears, ”Good… good… you found the mops balance. But don’t forget your balance, everything starts with the hips. In the end it’s all about balance.”
3. (Memory) From his place of concealment the halfling watched in horror as the dark ritual progressed, the chanting reached a crescendo, and the horror came for the girl. He watched frozen, feet rooted in place, unable to act. Somehow he managed to move toward the circle and kicked over one of the candles, disrupting the ritual, but unprepared for what he unleashed.

GM Questions:

Background Questions
1. What is your character’s name? Bendoc, and he dislikes nicknames. His name is really the only thing he owns and he holds it dear.
2. How old is your character? Bendoc is 38 years old although he appears older.
3. What would somebody see at first glance (i.e. height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, physique, race, and visible equipment)? The first thing you notice about Bendoc is that he is small, very small, even for a halfling. Despite his straight and rigid posture he stands noticeably under three feet tall but is well-muscled with broad shoulders and a narrow waist weighing close to 3 stone (42lbs). Upon further inspection of the wiry halfling you would notice his, large, bulbous nose which dominates his face making his small squinty grey eyes look more squinty and his recessed chin appear sunken by comparison. Bendoc’s skin is pale from a lifetime spent indoors and stands in stark contrast to his styled raven colored hair. He is always freshly shaven, well groomed, and dresses impeccably, usually adorned in a red waist coat with dozens of pockets concealed in its lining. The diminutive halfling carries a walking stick but you notice that his limp comes and goes. If you get close enough you realize that he smells of roses and lavender.
4. What additional attributes would be noticed upon meeting the character (i.e. Speech, mannerisms)? The halfling is overly formal, officious, and polite. He can often be heard giving advice (at times unwanted) in a nasally voice.
5. Where was your character born? Where were you raised? By who? Bendoc was born into slavery and, like his parents, owned by the Delronge family. He was born and raised at their manor in Egorian until he was sold to the cruel House Serini at age 9. The young slave was moved to the Serini Manor House in Kintargo where he was kept secretly as a slave.
6. Who are your parents? Are they alive? What do they do for a living? His parents, Delgo and Lillac, are both still alive and are currently slaves in Egorian owned by House Delronge but he hasn’t seen them in almost 30 years. His father, Delgo, works in the kennels and has a way with hounds. While his mother, Lillac, works in the kitchens.
7. Do you have any other family or friends? Yes, he has a brother who is still a slave owned by the House Vashnarstill where he serves as a shipwright in Kintargo. He also considers Mistress Serini his friend (Adam Warnock’s PC). Khonnir, Peck, Joi, Inego, and Willup - a group of halflings being taught the halfling improvised fighting arts by Bendoc. Jako, the halfling who taught him improvised fighting is still a secret slave of House Serini.
8. What is your character’s marital status? Kids? Very single, when he was a slave he was not selected as a breeder. Since he escaped with Mistress Serini he hasn’t been in any major relationships.
9. What is your character’s alignment? Neutral, Bendoc has learned it’s best to stay flexible and go whatever way the wind blows to survive. (Although he has chaotic good tendencies).
10. What is your character’s moral code? Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself, but do what it takes to survive.
11. Does your character have goals? Prior to the current changes in Kintargo he was saving coin to buy his family’s freedom.
12. Is your character religious? Sort of, he is a Shelynite but not a fanatic. He makes an offering or a quick prayer every now and then to the goddess of protection and luck as it is only common sense.
13. What are your character’s personal beliefs? People should be free, kind, and treat others with respect. Halflings should look out for each other.
14. Does your character have any personality quirks (i.e. anti-social, arrogant, optimistic, paranoid)? The former slave is impeccably tidy and clean, he is meticulous about his gear keeping it organized and pristine. He can be condescending especially towards humans.
15. Why does your character adventure? Why would you join the rebellion? He would view it as an opportunity to improve the lot for his fellow halflings and his upbringing as a slave has left him with little tolerance for bullies. He is going to the protest to meet a contact to who has information on Bendoc’s missing student Willup.
16. How does your character view his/her role as an adventurer? Bendoc views it as a calling and a responsibility to his fellow halflings.
17. Does your character have any distinguishing marks (birth-marks, scars, deformities)? Angry red welts crisscross Bendoc’s back, a testament to his time spent as a slave.
18. How does your character get along with others? He gets along well with others, he is helpful but wary.
19. Is there anything that your character hates? Slavey, large dogs, and bullies.
20. Is there anything that your character fears? Whips, large dogs, and people who wield whips.