
Orgrim Ironeye's page

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About Orgrim Ironeye

Sir Edum Alinon had been tracking the orc band for days, and in spite of the foul creatures unforgiving pace, the mounted knight was slowly gaining on them. Unfortunately, he never did overtake the marauding band. The knight smelled the death and decay long before he came upon the remains of the massacred dwarven merchant caravan.

The knight quickly surveyed the scene, not expecting to find any alive, hoping to resume his chase. The orcs had been thorough, and by the carnage, they seemed to enjoyed the task. However, to his great surprise, the knight heard a soft moaning coming from a young dwarf who had his head bashed in on a rock. The dwarf was alive but barely and there was no guarantee he would survive.

Sir Edum had a choice to make continue his pursuit of the malignant band or stop and nurse the young dwarf. In the end compassion won out and the knight stayed with the all but dead dwarf. The dwarf was resilient and had an indomitable spirit, a will to live. After several days under the knight care the dwarf recovered. Sir Edum realized the dwarf’s metal and took him into his service as a squire.

The young dwarf was named Orgrim and he excelled in the martial pursuits but was slow of wit and had a sour disposition. The dwarf all but forsakied the courtly arts as well as fasting, piety, and riding. But Orgrim had his uses and Sir Edum knew he was a good man to have in a tight spot and kept him on.