
Krisanna's page

14 posts. Alias of G-unit.



@Archmaster - adaptive isn’t a spell it is an ability that humans get.

✦ Willpower Points: 3
When rolling for a skill, you can choose to
make the roll using another skill of your choice.
You must be able to justify how you use the
selected skill instead of the normal one. The GM has the final word, but should be lenient.

Switching with Aodhan makes sense. Let’s do that.

Strategy: None of us close enough to the goblins to attack them this round. Letting them go will allow us to optimize our reactions (hopefully) to minimize damage.

”Crud nuggets,” the halfling cursed in consternation at leaving concealment. She crouches down waiting for the goblins to attack.

She would like to delay and switch initiatives with the goblins.

Krisanna shakes her head from her hiding place at the mages words and urgently whisperes, What do you propose? There doesn’t seem to be anything to build a litter from.”

Her curiosity gets the better of her and she moves out of hiding and back toward Aodhan, ”What was he carrying? Something valuable?

The halfling looks around nervously, ”Whoever did this may still be around.” She moves to the side of the trail and tries to find a shadowy spot to conceal herself in.

Sneak <14: 1d20 ⇒ 8

This really took off! Welcome aboard everyone

The halfling looks around warily, ”Sounds about right good mage. Best press forward and hope those who dwell here are more kind to people than signs.”

Sounds like a great idea.

Krisanna rushes over to view the mage’s discovery. She crouched down to get a closer view and squints. ”Why would someone put runes on a road,” the halfling wondered aloud

Krisanna hummed a lighthearted tune as she trudged along the track that wove its way through the Kummer Mountains. The intrepid halfling smiled as she felt her luck was changing for the better. As if in confirmation a warm breeze brush against her face, ”Hey guys, did you feel that? I swear that breeze was warmer!” She squealed with joy, ”By golly that means the elevation is getting lower. Don’t ya think?”

Good info. Thanks.

Archmaster Aodhan wrote:

If Krisanna is up to it, they are old friends. He's kind of scared of Bastonn.

Sounds good. I can see Aodhan using Krisanna for odd jobs, to procure hard to find items and ingredients. Was Aodhan’s trip planned and Krisanna slipped into his journey? Alternatively, did he find out Krisanna was abruptly leaving and used it as an excuse to leave?

@ Bastonn - maybe we met during the journey of the merchant caravan. Perhaps we encountered some hazard and overcame it with your help. Since then we have been tight as ticks (so to speak).

Here is G-unit’s pc. Info added to spreadsheet.

I think Krisanna is fleeing from something. I’m leaning toward her getting on the bad side of a noble and fleeing with the first merchant caravan departing. Her momento is a treasure map … I think she stole that from the noble.