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Bonekeep Slides
Hello! Check in and provide the usual:
Bonekeep Slides
Check in here, kids, then dot into the Gameplay thread.
Player Name:
A Google Sheets link will be posted soon. Check in there and fill in the blanks!
Bonekeep Slides
Hello! Feel free to dot in and roleplay. We'll begin the game as soon as Outpost IV begins!
Bonekeep Slides
Welcome! Feel free to begin roleplaying and we will start the game as soon as OutPost IV begins!
Bonekeep Slides
Good day! This is my discussion thread for PFS 2e Special 2-00 The King in Thorns Tier 1-2. Please dot in, leave your information below and be ready to get playing when OutPost IV begins! Name:
Bonekeep Slides
Good day! This is my discussion thread for PFS 2e Scenario 2-13 A Gilded Test. Please dot in, leave your information below and be ready to get playing when OutPost IV begins! Name:
Bonekeep Slides
Ninja dot in! We will begin roleplay closer to the start of the Gameday. (Definitely after Gen-Con!)
Bonekeep Slides
Please check in and provide the standard information:
Bonekeep Slides
Please ninja-dot in. Roleplaying will begin closer to the Gameday kick off date, after GenCon! Thanks!
Bonekeep Slides
Go ahead and dot in here. I'll have the gameplay thread up shortly. Please provide the usual information: Name, PFS#, A/B/C. any useful information you might have. Thanks!
Bonekeep Slides
Please ninja-dot in and head to the Discussion thread to input your vital informations!
Bonekeep Slides
Hello! Please check in and provide the following information: Forum Name:
Thanks! We'll open the gameplay thread closer to time!
Bonekeep Slides
The Scoured Stars. The star system where a huge chunk of the Starfinder Society vanished behind the Godwall, an impenetrable barrier that keeps rescue or escape from them. But today that changes. Today, you free your comrades. Today, you change the future. Introduce yourselves!
Bonekeep Slides
It's always sunny in Absalom. There's always a sense of pride in the City at the Center of the World. But today, there are clouds on the horizon. Rumors of a threat, of an invasion, are in the air and you've been summoned by the Society to prepare. Prepare for war. Go ahead and introduce yourselves!
Bonekeep Slides
Hello! Once you've been selected as a player, please check in here and provide the following: Player Name:
Bonekeep Slides
This is the placeholder for the PFS PbP Gameday event: Assault on Absalom. As soon as players are selected, check in here and give me the following information: Player Name:
Bonekeep Slides
Please post the following: Forum User Name:
We'll get started after the holidays!
Bonekeep Slides
If you are one of the lucky recruits, check in here and fill in the following: FORUM HANDLE:
Bonekeep Slides
If you are one of the lucky recruits, check in here and fill in the following: FORUM HANDLE:
Bonekeep Slides
I realize I'm late to the gameday announcing game, but I'm opening a table of Starfinder Quests. I will be using Roll20 for starship combat and maps, so you will need a free Roll20 account. Sign in below with the following info:
I plan to start Friday 8-25-17. First come, first served!
Bonekeep Slides
You have been summoned by the Venture Captains to the Cairnlands, the area of failed siege towers that surrounds the great city of Absalom. Lore: The inevitable result of millennia of warfare and countless unsuccessful sieges on the walls of Absalom, the region known as the Cairnlands is filled with ruined siege engines and battlements. Notable among the ruins are the Red Redoubt of Karamoss, the dangerous El Raja Key and the infamous, immense, and strangely beautiful Spire of Nex, located ten miles north of Absalom. In addition to these rotting relics of war, the landscape is scattered with stone barrows, shallow graves, and makeshift tombs for those who fell in battle far from their native soil. While the promise of treasure constantly tempts adventurers and explorers to brave the crumbling castles of the Cairnlands, the walking dead buried without proper consecration provide enough of a deterrent that plenty of artifacts of ages past remain hidden among the rubble. Pathfinders of all shapes and sorts wander around, some sipping on drinks and others telling tall tales of past missions and stranger occurrences. A makeshift pavilion is set up near one tower and members of the Venture corps speak near it, talking in hushed tones. Feel free to introduce yourselves and roleplay a little!
Bonekeep Slides
Good day, everyone! We will be starting on schedule for June 9. However, before then I need the following from you: Player Name:
Check in. I will need the following: Name:
We can keep the same goblin throughout the cycle or swap each adventure to give everyone a chance to play each goblin hero. However I will need any applicants to be able to commit for all 4 adventures. I will not accept anyone who cannot. My expectations: Post daily during the week, once on the weekends. If you will gone for more than 24 hours, post a message letting us know. If something unexpected occurs, post as soon as you can. Life happens. I hope to keep up a brisk pace, as idle goblins are terrible goblins. Note: This being a goblin game I expect some inter-party mayhem, but try to keep it light and non-lethal. No one likes a murderer. I want this to be a Gonzo game, but I want it first and foremost to be a FUN game. Keep that in mind.
Bonekeep Slides
I propose the following adventure: Start with a PFS character with exactly 3 XP and play all 4 We Be Goblins straight through, beginning with We B4 Goblins, then We Be Goblins 1, 2 and 3. At the end the PFS character receiving the credit should have 7 XP and a lot of Goblin-chutzpah!
I would like to suggest doing Map Packs in the form of modular starship rooms. For example, the first one could be an Elven ship, the next one Human ship, all done so each tile (or two tiles) is a complete section. Then you could release a pack of living quarters, done for different ships from different cultures. Or engine rooms. Or bridges. Then we could mix and match sections, giving the PCs' ship an organic feel to it. Thoughts?
I play PFS quite a bit and I gm even more. One of the recurring themes/locations is the Blakros Museum. It's been the site of many an adventure and I'd feel less than excited to see Starfinder players denied the same opportunity to experience the wonder of the Blakros! So, please please please, add the Blakros Historical Society or the Blakros Museum Deck or something similar to Absalom Station. Thanks!
Hello! I am recruiting for a PFS run of Risen From The Sands as part of RollCon! This is a tier 2-4 adventure, though I strongly suggest you aim for higher rather than lower on this one. Please sign up here, at Roll20!