Our Mysterious Benefactor |
You have been summoned by the Venture Captains to the Cairnlands, the area of failed siege towers that surrounds the great city of Absalom.
Lore: The inevitable result of millennia of warfare and countless unsuccessful sieges on the walls of Absalom, the region known as the Cairnlands is filled with ruined siege engines and battlements. Notable among the ruins are the Red Redoubt of Karamoss, the dangerous El Raja Key and the infamous, immense, and strangely beautiful Spire of Nex, located ten miles north of Absalom. In addition to these rotting relics of war, the landscape is scattered with stone barrows, shallow graves, and makeshift tombs for those who fell in battle far from their native soil. While the promise of treasure constantly tempts adventurers and explorers to brave the crumbling castles of the Cairnlands, the walking dead buried without proper consecration provide enough of a deterrent that plenty of artifacts of ages past remain hidden among the rubble.
Pathfinders of all shapes and sorts wander around, some sipping on drinks and others telling tall tales of past missions and stranger occurrences. A makeshift pavilion is set up near one tower and members of the Venture corps speak near it, talking in hushed tones.
Feel free to introduce yourselves and roleplay a little!
Pai Gow |
Unlike his fellow agents, Pai Gow is sitting with his legs crossed patiently. The tien man only wears a plain brown tunic and trousers, his feet bare. His tan colored head is cleanly shaven as a look of serenity falls over him, clearly immune to the noise pollution caused by the crowd.
GM Hmm |
The woman in the red mask was quiet. She had been watching all the teams, taking note of each one on her clipboard as they filed in.
Would they be ready for what lay ahead? She had no idea. Whatever happened though, she knew it would be out of this world.
Overseer GM Hmm, checking in. Players, feel free to continue to introduce yourselves to each other in Absalom in character. We start June 9th, and I'd love for everyone to be ready to go before then.
Koani |
A tall elf dressed all in green, carrying a bow walks into the room. She is followed by a little dinosaur who peers around the room, looking for someone to scratch the back of his head. Koani sits and reaches over, putting an arm around her little friend.
Balik Ulfenssen |
The smelly man with the raven on one shoulder and the bleached human skull attached to the other CANNOT be a Pathfinder, can he? Yet despite the smell and the bulging left eye and the obvious madness about him, he's definitely heading toward you....
"Ach! Ye lot must be the Pathfin'ers I were sent to find! Right! Gather round ye young 'uns! And keep that lizard from me leg! Jes' because it smells like meat, you, ain't no reason to treat it like so." He spits violently, scratching in places most civilized folk don't scratch in public. "Name's Balik Ulfenssen, and I'm senior staff 'r some such! Venture Cap'n Von Maur done tol' me t'get m'self over here and brief ye lot on yer mission. Any questions?" He asks, seemingly forgetting he didn't actually tell you anything yet.
Balik Ulfenssen |
The smelly man sniffs loudly. "Well, well, well. Ain't you the observant one! Monk, are ye? Order of the Closed Fist? Leapin' Crane? Fornicatin' Rabbit? Who ya with, laddie?" He speaks in a strange mix of Northern brogue and Tien accent, although you expect neither culture would accept him willingly.
Pai Gow |
Pai Gow's eyes narrow at the ignorant man. "No, that last one is not even real. I have trained in the Monastery of Unfolding Wind in Jalmeray and the Monastery of Seven Forms in Taldor, among others. However, I am not with any order. I am simply a teacher with a dojo. An excellent teacher. Namaste."
Naafih Amari |
Naafih arrives a little later than the rest, breathing heavily as the backpack he's wearing is enough to wear his fragile body out. He looks around at the various groups of Pathfinders and sees Balik and Pai Gow conversing with each other, deciding that this was definitely the group he was supposed to meet up with. The young 20 year old human male let out a sigh as he pulled his backpack up on to his shoulders again and made his way over to them.
"Hello there! You must be the group I'm meant to meet up with. Venture Captain Nomos didn't give me many details but assured me that my intellect would be needed out here for whatever is about to go down. Even I, the all-knowing Naafih, barely has any knowledge of what's going on and that says a lot about our current situation."
Naafih's attention quickly faded from the two he introduced himself to and went right to the little dinosaur. "Ooh! Ooh! That's a... uh..."
Knowledge (Nature or Any): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
"Oh DUH, that's a Deinonychus! Their talons are quite menacing. Fascinating seeing one as a companion! I wonder if my backpack would fit on him...."
He dropped the backpack from his shoulders and quickly took a seat down on top of it, running out of breath as his mind spoke more than his body could handle. The young man was dressed like a scholar and even wore a pair of fancy glasses that were up on his forehead, holding his hair out of his face.
Koani |
Naafih recognizes Blarg as a deinonychus.
Koani smiles at Naafih's interest in her friend. "If we will be traveling together, it would be best if you let Blarg sniff you so he knows you are a friend."
Atlas the Mighty |
A strapping muscular young warrior clad in mail and carrying a sizeable wooden log appears on the scene. The more perceptive can easily notice the tips of orcish tusks pointing out from under his lower lip and a slight greenish tint to his exposed sun-burnt skin. A wayfinder hangs from a length of chain around his thick neck alongside a wooden symbol of the Kellid war god, Gorum.
”The more veteran Pathfinders tell me something always goes wrong at these things”, he says aloud as he comes across the others. ”But it’s hard to believe anyone would be fool enough to attack when so much of the Society is in one place.”
Naafih Amari |
Naafih shrugged, "Well I'm not about to put my hand in front of his face within biting distance but he's more than welcome to come over here and have a whiff of what intelligence smells like."
He looked over as Atlas came to join their group and nodded in agreement with his thoughts.
Balik Ulfenssen |
The smelly man smiles at Pai Gow. It is not a reassuring smile. "So yer one o' them independents, eh? Settin' out alone, all high and mighty? Hmph. I like you, High and Mighty! Man after me own heart!" The smelly man smiles, revealing a lack of teeth. "Rest of you! Now the Decemvirate tells me that there ain't no truth to the rumor that trouble always happens at Gatherings. But as we're standin' in the Cairnlands where there ain't no property to damage, I'll let ya make up yer own minds. Word is the higher ups seen something odd happenin' in the sky. Somethin' about a comet or a star or a magic bird. Ah reckon you outta get yerselves ready for some adventure out there where air ain't so plentiful. Word is the high ups are supplyin' some magic to help out but ye can't rely on anyone else! Yer Pathfinders, so suit up and act like it!"
Atlas the Mighty |
"A comet?" Atlas asks as he looks toward the sky. "Have you heard what it means? Or what it marks? The Decemvirate must expect something big to be going down."
Atlas doesn't really have much in the way of prep. He could cast of shield but that doesn't last terribly long.
Balik Ulfenssen |
"What does it mean? It means there's a bloody comet, lad! Ain't nothing else to mean! Means ya need to wait and see what the muckity-mucks haveta tell ye!" He shakes his head, muttering something about youth and the follies thereof. He mutters to the skull on his shoulder and nods sagely as he listens to it as it says nothing you can hear. "Agreed, Wenton. That's what got ye kill't, weren't it?"
Balik Ulfenssen RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32 |
Naafih Amari |
"Tell me about it, I've been to far too many VC meetings and they just love making you wait. But I have heard about this comet, there isn't much information about it yet, but I'm guessing that's what we're here for. I hear it's been opening portals.... Where to, even I don't know." Naafih trailed off and looked up at the sky, eager to gain more knowledge especially rare information that hasn't been discovered yet.
GM Hmm |
5. 4. 3. 2. 1. BLASTOFF!
The Society's Master of Spells, Sorrina Westyr, looks up with approval upon the 30 foot platform the society is erecting around the base of the Spire of Nex. Her slate-gray skin seems to blend into the stonework behind her, but her manner is lively. She grins as she addresses the unkempt beggar beside her. ”See, Drandle, we were ready in time. You owe me a beer.”
The old Venture Captain titters. “Heh. You’re not away from the spire yet. We’ll see.”
“So we will.” Sorrina nods, then waves at the assembling crowd. “Pathfinders—welcome and well timed. Please, make your ways to the designated safe areas quickly and carefully, and please mind the wards. Try to keep the paths clear, as we have some very delicate equipment coming through. I have some amazing discoveries to share in just a few more moments.”
Meanwhile in the crowd, the aura of excitement continues to build. Rumors are flying everywhere as Pathfinders ask each other, “What’s this all about?”
Naafih Amari |
Naafih stands during the announcement and picks up his backpack, hoisting it up on to his back with a loud grunt as he makes his way towards the designated safe area as directed. "Come on friends, the fun is about to begin!"
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Starlight brightens the grassy plain surrounding the immense Spire of Nex. Overhead, a comet lazily streaks across the night sky. Heavily armed patrols guard the perimeter, and the shadow of great wings occasionally blots out the stars. Sharp flashes of amethyst light, quick shouts, and chanting briefly periodically rise above the waiting crowd’s chatter as spellcasters hurriedly construct and maintain crackling wards. These efforts revolve around a thirty-foot-tall upright gleaming metal ring constructed at the Spire’s base.
You might hear rumors of the Society’s latest activities related to this gathering.
Diplomacy (Gather Information). One roll: open all spoilers that apply.
- - -
You might know the significance of the Spire of Nex and what it might be used for.
Knowledge (Arcana) or Knowledge (History). One roll: open all spoilers that apply.
- - -
You might know more about the new comet in the sky.
Knowledge (Geography) or Profession (Astronomer). One roll: open all spoilers that apply.
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
A tall elven man approaches your group. He is followed by a youngster dragging a small cart in which you see stacks of small rucksacks. You notice other people moving around the group that are also followed by an adolescent with a cart.
”Well met, I have been tasked by the Venture officers to provide magical assistance on your trip outside of Golarion’s atmosphere and into a low-gravity environment."
He waits for a moment to let the news sink in.
"Yes, the comet! I won't be joining you there. But I can protect you from environmental temperature extremes, the vacuum of space, and damage dealt by radioactivity. I wouldn't plan on leaving Golarion without it!"
"It lasts for the better part of the day and I can cast it on each of you. The faction leaders have agreed that together they will pay for the costs. Of course they will find a way to make you pay for it in the end, but you first need to survive on the comet...”
He reaches into his spell component pouch "So, what do you say? Who wants it?"
I strongly advise you to make use of the spell. This special spell will cost you 1 prestige point and lasts 11 hours in-game time, starting in act 2 (which starts tomorrow)
Later the elf takes one of the small sacks from the youngster ”In addition, the Society has put together caches of supplies to help Pathfinders trapped in hostile conditions make it back in one piece.” He hands over the rucksack.
Each PC receives two pouches of air crystals, a potion of endure elements, and one snapleaf.
Your party also receives one wand of cure light wounds (10 charges)
The smelly man grins widely. "Good luck laddies! Yer gonna need it. I'm off ta find my friends fer the adventurin'. If ye die, I'll see about adding yer skulls to me shoulders. Good luck!"
Pai Gow |
Untrained Arcana: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Untrained Profession: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
"The spire of Nex is a few hours north of Absalom. The new comet appeared several months ago. The trajectory is highly irregular. Namaste." I'll take the spellcast.
Atlas the Mighty |
Titan's got some extra prestige. He can cover anyone that's lacking.
Atlas marvels at the supplies provided. "I've never seen the Society provide this much before a mission. This one is going to be intense. A couple venture-captains still owe me favors if any of you can't cover the cost."
Naafih Amari |
Diplomacy: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (10) - 3 = 7
Naafih asks around about what's going on from the other nearby Pathfinders but all of them seem to ignore the frail and wasting Oracle, too focused on the task at hand to answer his questions.
Knowledge Arcana/History: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Naafih consults his lore for info about the Spire of Nex and barely comes up with any knowledge at all about it. "Ugh I can't seem to recall much information about the Spire of Nex besides that it was created by Archmage Nex during his unsuccessful siege of Absalom back in 166 AR."
Wanting to know as much about the comet as he can, Naafih goes into a focused trance where he has his eyes closed so he can focus his entire mind on any information possible that would assist them. (+20 bonus from Focused Trance)
Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (17) + 30 = 47
"I know all about that comet though! Nethys has provided me all the information we need about it. A new comet appeared several months ago. It does not match any known comets, and its trajectory seems highly irregular. The comet recently traveled past Akiton, and it should travel past Golarion within the next 24 hours. Initial observations showed it was rotating slowly, but it has now stopped spinning altogether. The comet is venting a tremendous amount of air, rather than the ice crystals and water vapor normally associated with such objects. A shallow atmosphere has formed around the celestial body. The comet is actually an asteroid known as Aucturn’s Tear, a piece of the Diaspora asteroid belt. Aucturn’s Tear passes through the solar system every 56 years, but according to records and eyewitnesses, it has never shone so brightly before." Naafih ends his knowledge rant and breathes heavily again as he has to catch his breath once more.
"Sadly, I cannot afford the assistance of the spell since I just used up a favor to get this wand but that also means I won't need to hold our extra wand for the group. Can anyone else cast Cure Light Wounds and would like to hold on to our spare group wand?" Naafih accepts the extra loot and puts his free items away in his backpack.
Koani |
Atlas the Mighty wrote:Atlas'sTitan'sgot some extra prestige. He can cover anyone that's lacking.
Is that allowed? I thought there was a rule against spending prestige on others. If it's permitted, I will take you up on that offer with thanks.
Koani |
Koani smiles at Naafih. "I also am able to heal a little, but I already have a healing wand, also. However, I am unable to heal other than with the wand unless I prepare ahead of time, so if no one objects, I will carry this wand, also."
Naafih Amari |
Naafih does a little bit of calculating and doesn't like his odds of surviving without a little bit more gear so he makes his way over to the Pathfinders that are distributing the gear and buys two more handfuls of air crystals.
-100g, Air Crystals (x2)
Naafih wears the snapleaf around his neck so he has easy access to it while also stuffing the air crystals into his pockets in case of emergencies. He also figures that the cold void of space may cause an issue so he buys a little bit of extra clothing which will help with enduring the low temperatures of outer space.
-8g, Cold Weather Outfit
GM Hmm |
Sorrina Westyr, the Pathfinder Society's returning Master of Spells, hurriedly concludes her conversation with Drandle Dreng before stepping onto the platform in front of a giant metal ring the Society has constructed. The starlight glimmers in her crystalline white hair, though her obsidian oread features are visible only in flashes from the nearby glowing wards.
“I thank you all for traveling here on such short notice, Pathfinders. A unique opportunity has come to us from the stars.” She gestures gracefully to the comet trailing gas in the sky above her head. “The asteroid Aucturn's Tear quietly travels our solar system once every fifty-six years. For the first time it now flares with brilliance. We have learned this phenomenon is the work of an entity trapped on Aucturn's Tear and, whatever this being is, it is calling out for help. We do not know its intentions, yet it is in our interest to learn more. If it is benevolent, it may prove a powerful ally and friend to the Society if we can free it. If it is malevolent, then we will do what we can to ensure it stays sealed away where it can do no harm.”
She casts a spell, briefly creating an image of Golarian’s solar system, and the asteroid’s trajectory within it.
“As it approaches planets, the entity has opened gateways in magic-dense regions, as if calling out to powerful champions that might come to its aid. Based on our calculations, the first of these gateways on Golarion should appear in a matter of minutes, and we have gathered in this magically infused site to draw the portal here and stabilize it, allowing us to travel to the asteroid ourselves. Our observations show billowing clouds pouring out from three locations on Aucturn's Tear. These both create a livable environment we can navigate as well as provide three entrances to the asteroid's interior so that we can find the source of these events.” Red arrows appear at each entrance as the image keeps focusing closer and closer to the asteroid itself. “The first entrance is at the base of an enormous crater, where there are monumental fortifications— likely making that the most difficult approach. The second plume is coming from the remnants of a frozen fortress, which could contain incredible secrets in its own right. The third plume is coming from the sunward side of the comet and is issuing from a number of lava tubes. Our observers also spotted the wreck of a metal craft near there.”
Sorrina pauses a moment, letting the significance of all of these observations sink in, and then continues.
“This will be an unusual environment, so prepare for unusual conditions: extreme temperatures, low-gravity, and airless pockets are likely. Everyone should have received a package of supplies to assist in managing these hazards. While the gateway should remain stable, a contingent of conjurers is staying here to monitor it, and additional teams are on standby to provide escape routes to extradimensional shelters in case of complications. Perhaps most importantly, we've ringed this area with defenses to prevent any outside interference with this expedition, and the bronze dragon Ahelvetinn has agreed to keep watch in case any evil attempts to escape through the gateway into Golarion.”
The Spire of Nex begins to hum, the vibrations creating a stomach-churning resonance as a pinpoint of light appears in the center of the portal ring and begins to grow.
Sorrina Westyr shouts to be heard over the deafening noise, “It's beginning! Be ready to move through and split into teams to investigate each of the three possible approaches. Once we're inside we can regroup and compare notes.”
The metal of the portal ring incandesces, and a blast of freezing air pours out as the gateway opens. The place beyond is a field of jagged grey stone, and once several dozen Pathfinders step through, the earth itself springs to life in the form of countless elemental creatures that swarm toward the gate. From further in, a terrible draconic roar accompanies the appearance of a flight of crystalline dragons sweeping out from the lip of a crater.
“Secure the gate! Do not let any of them through!” Westyr shouts as she sends a lance of swirling black and white energy into one of the wyrms, sending it careening end over end as the forces meet.
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Koani: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Pai Gow Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Naafih: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Atlas Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Foes: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
You're no sooner through the portal than you're in the thick of battle! Two vaguely humanoid rock monsters rise from the asteroid's surface to attack!
Round 1:
Pai Gow and Atlas
Rock Monsters!
Koani and Naafih
Pai Gow and Atlas are up! The map link is at the top of the page. GO!
Pai Gow |
"Your stances are all sloppy. Straighten up your backs or they will break them. Namaste." Pai gow put his teaching skills to good use.
Standard action: Advice(identical to inspire courage). +1 at/dmg/sv vs charm/fear for everyone. 4/5 left for the day.
Atlas the Mighty |
It looks like they're right on top of us.
Atlas does as the teacher bids him, straightening his back before rearing back to smash his right fist into the nearer of the two rock creatures.
Punch (inspire, spell combat): 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Before his rocky opponent can recover, Atlas channels a pale energy into his other fist and smashes it again.
Concentration: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Punch (inspire, spell combat): 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 11
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8
Also if that hits it needs to make a DC 12 fortitude save or be fatigued for 2 rounds.
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Atlas' first punch connects and as expected, it's like hitting a rock! However the thing rocks back as gravel falls from it!
The rock monsters surge forward and attack Atlas and Naafih!
Slam vs Atlas: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 for 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 damage!
Slam vs Naafih, FF: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 for 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 damage!
Atlas dodges, but Naafih is not so lucky!
Naafih and Koani are up!
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
You're at Zero HP, Naafish, having taken 8 out of your 8 HP. That means you are disabled, not dying. A disabled character may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions, but he can still take swift, immediate, and free actions). He moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesn’t risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the GM deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a Quicken Spell spell) deals 1 point of damage after the completion of the act. Unless the action increased the disabled character’s hit points, he is now in negative hit points and dying.
Koani |
Koani whispers to Blarg.
handle animal succeeds as long as I don't roll a 1
1d20 ⇒ 15
Then she moves over to where she has a clear shot at the enemy attacking Naafih and fires an arrow at the closer enemy.
attack: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 4 = 13 includes into melee penalty
damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Koani shoots, but the arrow riccochets off the thick stony skin of the creature!
Round 2: Naafih can revise his round 1 action, but Atlas and Pai Gow can go ahead for Round 2!
Blarg the Dinosaur |
Blarg goes over to the same enemy Koani attacked and bites and claws at him.
bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
claw1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
claw2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
claw1 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3
claw2 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Naafih Amari |
It's been awhile but if I remember correctly there isn't much I can do without taking an AOO besides making a single 5 foot step, correct?
Naafih gets slammed by an earth elemental and almost goes to the ground, barely staying up on his feet. The frail intellectual musters up all the energy he can to take a step away from the elemental to try and put some distance between him and another slam.
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Naafih slides away, clutching ribs that feel concave instead of convex. The little dinosaur bites, but its its claws that find purchase in the stone monster's skin! With the combined power of Atlas and Blarg, one of the stone men falls apart, collapsing into gravel!
Atlas and Pai Gow!
Pai Gow |
You can heal yourself, Naafih which won't drop you.
"One is still standing. Disappointing! Namaste." Pai tumbles around the remaining stone man before throwing a punch.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Inspire: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Advice 3/5 left.
Atlas the Mighty |
Following Pai's lead, Atlas flanks the remaining rock thing and pounds it with his fists.
Punch (inspire, spell combat, flank): 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Concentration: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Punch (inspire, spell combat): 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Also if that hits it needs to make a DC 12 fortitude save or be fatigued for 2 rounds.
Our Mysterious Benefactor |
Pai Gow swings, but misses! Atlas hits twice, rocking the rock-monster! Fort: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
The rock monster doesn't seem to tire. Instead it attacks Atlas!
Slam: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 for 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 damage! However it misses!
Naafih and Koani are up!