We Be All Four Goblins! A PFS Goblining Adventure (Inactive)

Game Master James Martin

Google Slides Link to the Map! Get 'em, Goblins!

Check in. I will need the following:

PFS Number:
Slow or Regular track:
Preferred Goblin:

We can keep the same goblin throughout the cycle or swap each adventure to give everyone a chance to play each goblin hero. However I will need any applicants to be able to commit for all 4 adventures. I will not accept anyone who cannot.

My expectations: Post daily during the week, once on the weekends. If you will gone for more than 24 hours, post a message letting us know. If something unexpected occurs, post as soon as you can. Life happens. I hope to keep up a brisk pace, as idle goblins are terrible goblins.

Note: This being a goblin game I expect some inter-party mayhem, but try to keep it light and non-lethal. No one likes a murderer.

I want this to be a Gonzo game, but I want it first and foremost to be a FUN game. Keep that in mind.

The Exchange

I'm in. Have the 3xp and would love to run these through, I was thinking of trying my hand GMing them so running them first would be ideal. I'm a frequent poster. How about Chuffy!

Name: Massee
PFS Number: 202046-5
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Exchange
Preferred Goblin: Chuffy, but I could play any I'm sure.

Per the Flaxseed Lodge thread, checking in here for parts 4/1/2 only.

Player Name: Tundran
Character Name: Jondo
PFS Number: 161871-7
Slow or Regular Track: Regular
Faction: Grand Lodge
Preferred Goblin: I played Chuffy when I played part 3 but I would rather play a different one.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Checking in for #3 only - replacing Tundran for that adventure

Player name: JAF0
Character name: K'Kei Hikaru
PFS Number: 52335-11
Track: Normal/Regular
Faction: Grand lodge
Preferred goblin: played Chuffy for the other 3 tracks and would prefer to keep playing Chuffy, but I guess I can be flexible, would prefer not to play Reta though.

Alright, that's two players in! Two more to go!

Scarab Sages

I would like to play, but I would be using a new character with 0 xp. I realize this might mean needing to hold chronicles for a later level, and am OK with this. I have not previously played any of these adventures in PFS except for WBG1. (actually, the character already has level 4 pregen credits being held until that level is reached).

Player name: Redelia
Character name: Zinta
PFS Number: 184425-3
Track: Normal
Faction: scarab sages
Preferred goblin: any

Zinta makes three!

Dark Archive

Name: Sithiel
PFS Number: 100257-5
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Dark Archive
Preferred Goblin: Any (I'll take Reta if no one else wants her)

I too would be using a new 0 XP character.

Dark Archive

Name: Oddler Oddrik
PFS Number: 133118-8
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Dark Archives
Preferred Goblin: Poog

If there's any room I'd love to play! Daily poster, I'd be using a 1xp character.

Name: Rafael Sebjorn
PFS Number: 113761-1
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Exchange
Preferred Goblin: any

After rolling a lottery, Oddler Oddrik, you are the next contestant on the Goblin is Righ.... OH GAWD IT'S EATING MY FACE!

Would Oddler, Zinta, Tundram and Luurg please report to the discussion thread for intense goblining?

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