We Be All Four Goblins! A PFS Goblining Adventure
Game Master
James Martin
Google Slides Link to the Map! Get 'em, Goblins!
Check in here and claim a goblin! I will be starting the game in the next 24 hours.
human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13
Zinta checking in. I'm fine with any goblin, but I would like to stick with one for the whole series. Once we decide, I'll make an alias of the form 'goblin name by Redelia' to post as.
human arcanist 9 HP 47/47 | AC 16 F14 T14 | F+6 R+8 W+9 | init +6 | perc +13
I looked back over the recruitment thread, and Chuffy and Poog seem to be claimed by others, so I'll be Reta. I'll make my Reta alias now.
Here's Zinta's/Redelia's alias to play.
Internal Alchemist 8 HP67/67 Fast Healing 4/4 | AC 20, T 12, FF 20 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +12, 60' Darkvision, Bombs (13/13) Fly (8/8) Effects: Ant Haul
A quick question. Do we need to play the exact premades for this or can we make adjustments? I was thinking playing straight up for the first sub level 1 adventure than maybe making some adjustments but keeping in line with the character after that? Just figured I'd ask. Seems like it would help build some attachment to a premade but I don't know if its allowed.
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I'm not dotting in gameplay, so OMB, can you message me when you're ready to run module 3 please? thanks.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Chuffy is here! Lets play a game.. I stab you and you die? I win! Who wants to play?
You don't win if Reta's pretty sword slice you up first!
Bonekeep Slides
No, the modules are made for the pre-gens, so modifications on these guys is a no.
Do you want anything in our stat bars or profiles, OMB, considering these are pregens?
And is it OK to dot into the gameplay thread so we get notice of new posts?
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Chuffy no like rules, but Chuffy has no choice else Chuffy gets the boots.
Bonekeep Slides
No need for stat bars due to pre-gens. And feel free to dot in!
He he, Reta boots land right on Chuffy backside!
So I am Mogmurch then, is that right? Cool!
Poog reporting for ka-poo
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Alright, let's get going!
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I just wanted to make sure before I keep it up that no one is bothered by Reta's anti-boy commentary. I'm going to keep it quite mild, it just fits with a nasty goblin girl attitude.
Also, as long as it doesn't knock Reta unconscious, I'm fine with a little necessary friendly fire, like splash damage from Mogmurch's bombs.
There's just been a death in my family. I will try to keep up, but please bot me if I'm holding up the game. I expect to be back to normal posting in a few days if I do have trouble.
male human air elemental bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (95/95), bloodrage 12/18, elemental strike 1/3 | AC 18 (16), T 12 (10), FF 17 (15) | F +8 (+11), R +4, W +5 (+7) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Spd 40' | Perc +10 | Init +1
Sorry to hear that! Take your time grieving and recovering. That definitely takes precedence!
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Sorry to hear that Redelia, my condolences to you and your family.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
I'll be out of town until Sunday in the boonies so bot Chuffy as necessary.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Are there updated character sheets for this second one or do we use the ones from when we left off? I thought we ended up with an actual character level instead of being experts/warriors/adepts.
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Does anyone else smell a TPK coming? Chuffy is dead, and Reta is far enough into the negatives to be unlikely to stabilize.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
I'm dead? DOH! I haven't read gameplay yet...
Are we still doing the last adventure, since Chuffy died? Or will we stop at the end of the current adventure?
There actually are not consequences for dying in the Goblins ones
Please continue to apply credit to Zinta, 184425-3.
Will we be continuing to the next adventure, even with Chuffy dead? I think there are reduced consequences, but not none, for dying in this one. The no consequences is for the first WBG.
male human air elemental bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (95/95), bloodrage 12/18, elemental strike 1/3 | AC 18 (16), T 12 (10), FF 17 (15) | F +8 (+11), R +4, W +5 (+7) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Spd 40' | Perc +10 | Init +1
Hooray! I thought we were all goners there for a bit.
As you may recall, I have already played part 3 and there was someone else who was supposed to take my place. Whether you guys finish or not, thanks for some great scenarios! I had a blast with this.
Please report this for 161871-7, character name Elzbith.
Bonekeep Slides
Poor dead Chuffy will need to spend 5 prestige as a reduced raise dead with no negative levels or I'll have to report him dead. Luurg, are you okay with spending that?
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Ok so I'll have to spend 5PP from whoever is getting this chronicle or what exactly happens with a 'reported dead' ?
You can't play that character at all anymore.
Same info as before
133118-8 Oddler
Bonekeep Slides
The character is reported dead, which means you can longer play it. If someone tries to report that character, it will give an error saying the character is dead.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Wow rough. Didn't know there was such a steep price for dying with a premade. Makes premades even worse than I already thought! I have the PP on Luurg I can spend so I guess I'll be spending it!
Luurg: PFS # 202046-5
I actually thought that there was a provision with the goblins ones where death had no penalty to encourage chaotic play.
But that may have been a local rule or something.
male human air elemental bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (95/95), bloodrage 12/18, elemental strike 1/3 | AC 18 (16), T 12 (10), FF 17 (15) | F +8 (+11), R +4, W +5 (+7) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Spd 40' | Perc +10 | Init +1
There's still a penalty but it's reduced. 5 PP is a much lower price than usual but it's still a ton, especially for what must be a low level PC.
Bonekeep Slides
Indeed, normally it would 16 prestige for a Raise plus 2 PP each for 2 negative levels for a total of 20 PP spent. 5 is a deep discount.
I will report this later today and send out sheets soon after.
Eddv's Poog wrote: I actually thought that there was a provision with the goblins ones where death had no penalty to encourage chaotic play.
But that may have been a local rule or something.
I think it depends which goblin adventure. The first WBG I believe has no penalty, which makes sense because first level characters don't necessarily have any PP that they haven't already spend on a wand. This one is for level 2 and up, so assuming that you have 5PP isn't ridiculous.
Bonekeep Slides
Okay, the chronicles are done and reported:
Reta, Poog and Mogmurch!
So Crowe will be leaving us for the last part. Thanks for playing, sir! I'll contact the player who wanted to take part in the last bit!
Thanks, first Mogmurch. I hope to see you around the boards again soon.
male human air elemental bloodrager 7 | HP 74/74 (95/95), bloodrage 12/18, elemental strike 1/3 | AC 18 (16), T 12 (10), FF 17 (15) | F +8 (+11), R +4, W +5 (+7) | CMB +13, CMD 24 | Spd 40' | Perc +10 | Init +1
Thanks guys! This was a fun run. Good luck with the BBEG in part 3. Yikes! :D
If only the Gameday boon had come out before we started, I could have just run through the whole thing.
Male Goblin Rogue 4 HP 33/33 | AC 21, T 17, FF 15 | Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +2 | Init +9 | Perc +8 | SM +1 Effects:
Oh we only gained 1PP? That's a shame.
Thanks for playing Crowe.
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Bonekeep Slides
The free RPG day modules only grant 1 XP and 1 PP.
RAIA | sp 20/20 | hp 24/24 | rp 6/6 | EAC 16 KAC 16 | fort +1 refl +3, will +4 | melee 5, ranged 6 | init +2 | Female damaya lashunta xenoseeker technomancer / 4
Hi guys... I'll be using this name, but creating a new profile today... should be ready to rock later. Does someone have a link to the correct level version of MOgmurch for this scenario?
Bonekeep Slides
I will start us up later today!
Is there a sheet for Squealy Nord somewhere?
Boar animal companion
N Small animal
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d6+1)
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12 (16 vs. trip)
Feats Great Fortitude
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +9
SQ link, share spells, tricks (attack [any creature], come, down,
fetch, guard, track)
Check in. I will need the following:
PFS Number:
Slow or Regular track:
Preferred Goblin:
We can keep the same goblin throughout the cycle or swap each adventure to give everyone a chance to play each goblin hero. However I will need any applicants to be able to commit for all 4 adventures. I will not accept anyone who cannot.
My expectations: Post daily during the week, once on the weekends. If you will gone for more than 24 hours, post a message letting us know. If something unexpected occurs, post as soon as you can. Life happens. I hope to keep up a brisk pace, as idle goblins are terrible goblins.
Note: This being a goblin game I expect some inter-party mayhem, but try to keep it light and non-lethal. No one likes a murderer.
I want this to be a Gonzo game, but I want it first and foremost to be a FUN game. Keep that in mind.
I'm in. Have the 3xp and would love to run these through, I was thinking of trying my hand GMing them so running them first would be ideal. I'm a frequent poster. How about Chuffy!
Name: Massee
PFS Number: 202046-5
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Exchange
Preferred Goblin: Chuffy, but I could play any I'm sure.
Per the Flaxseed Lodge thread, checking in here for parts 4/1/2 only.
Player Name: Tundran
Character Name: Jondo
PFS Number: 161871-7
Slow or Regular Track: Regular
Faction: Grand Lodge
Preferred Goblin: I played Chuffy when I played part 3 but I would rather play a different one.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Checking in for #3 only - replacing Tundran for that adventure
Player name: JAF0
Character name: K'Kei Hikaru
PFS Number: 52335-11
Track: Normal/Regular
Faction: Grand lodge
Preferred goblin: played Chuffy for the other 3 tracks and would prefer to keep playing Chuffy, but I guess I can be flexible, would prefer not to play Reta though.
Alright, that's two players in! Two more to go!
I would like to play, but I would be using a new character with 0 xp. I realize this might mean needing to hold chronicles for a later level, and am OK with this. I have not previously played any of these adventures in PFS except for WBG1. (actually, the character already has level 4 pregen credits being held until that level is reached).
Player name: Redelia
Character name: Zinta
PFS Number: 184425-3
Track: Normal
Faction: scarab sages
Preferred goblin: any
Name: Sithiel
PFS Number: 100257-5
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Dark Archive
Preferred Goblin: Any (I'll take Reta if no one else wants her)
I too would be using a new 0 XP character.
Name: Oddler Oddrik
PFS Number: 133118-8
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Dark Archives
Preferred Goblin: Poog
If there's any room I'd love to play! Daily poster, I'd be using a 1xp character.
Name: Rafael Sebjorn
PFS Number: 113761-1
Slow or Regular track: Regular
Faction: Exchange
Preferred Goblin: any
After rolling a lottery, Oddler Oddrik, you are the next contestant on the Goblin is Righ.... OH GAWD IT'S EATING MY FACE!
Would Oddler, Zinta, Tundram and Luurg please report to the discussion thread for intense goblining?
Recent threads in Recruitment