![]() GM Sphen wrote:
I didn’t take it as such, Tarphrex told me he wants to do something. I’m not driving this car, he is. ![]()
![]() Balacertar wrote:
+1 I should have added that part of the reason I lurked in other games was because my submissions to recruitment threads weren't getting any - and I mean any - traction. I didn't and still don't have time to totally nerd out on the latest published rules and lore, so my characters tended to be more vanilla than other submissions and less eye-catching. After the flavor-of-the-month gets old, some players drop out so they can do new things. Real-life prevents others from staying the course. That's when I have had many of my best opportunities. Two of my longest-lived characters weren't mine - the player ghosted and the GM had invested so much in the character's backstory that they didn't want to throw it away. I offered to step into that character's role and continue - I was even able to track down one of the players and get his blessing (and hidden backstory!), to boot. I played that particular adopted character for over five years and don't regret that I didn't roll him up for a second. ![]()
![]() Be patient. Watch games unfold. Let GMs and players know when you appreciate what they do - don’t bury them with comments and stay out of the game thread. An audience member can reasonably make an occasional comment in the discussion thread or recruitment thread. Or direct message them. But keep it short and to the point. I’ve met a lot of people and gotten accepted into a lot of games as a replacement player in this fashion. I was usually following the games in question because of a story I liked or a GM whose style I appreciated. When an opening came up, I let them know I was a fan and that I’d been lurking and I’d like to throw my hat in the ring. It’s certainly no guarantee, but it will expand your contacts and the more you know, the more likely one will think of you when they want to extend an invite. ![]()
![]() Lurker here - I've been in your wife's shoes. Even when you walk away, like I did, you can hurt for quite a while. And it can get in your head - one of my passengers still has anxiety when the anniversary gets close. Glad she's OK, but don't be surprised if she needs you around more than usual for a while. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Peace. ![]()
![]() Amaranthine Witch wrote:
Same here. I am thinking to draw up something vanilla, though, to give me to me to focus on the basics of the new rules. My plans always change when the party make-up starts to gel. ![]()
![]() Oh, how I have dreaded this day. I have often in the the last few years considered bowing out because I was afraid I wasn’t holding to the high standards I felt your quality games deserved, but could never bring myself to do it. I have always admired your flexibility with regards to your players’ crazy ideas (dive-bombing warforged comes to mind) but even more the depth and detail of the world you created and invited us to enjoy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May you find the balance of work, life, (and gaming) that brings you joy. And may we meet again. ![]()
![]() Oh, how I have dreaded this day. I have often in the the last few years considered bowing out because I was afraid I wasn’t holding to the high standards I felt your quality games deserved, but could never bring myself to do it. I have always admired your flexibility with regards to your players’ crazy ideas (dive-bombing warforged comes to mind) but even more the depth and detail of the world you created and invited us to enjoy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May you find the balance of work, life, (and gaming) that brings you joy. And may we meet again. ![]()
![]() Oh, how I have dreaded this day. I have often in the the last few years considered bowing out because I was afraid I wasn’t holding to the high standards I felt your quality games deserved, but could never bring myself to do it. I have always admired your flexibility with regards to your players’ crazy ideas (dive-bombing warforged comes to mind) but even more the depth and detail of the world you created and invited us to enjoy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May you find the balance of work, life, (and gaming) that brings you joy. And may we meet again. ![]()
![]() Congratulations on successful completion of the adventure, everyone! I've been lurking pretty much since I was too late to get into the initial recruitment. I did attempt to get in as a fill-in, but Kreig was selected at that round (and I think that was a fantastic choice - he was fun to watch!). I am tickled to report that I found a copy of the box set and have squirreled it away in my library, but didn't want to read it while I was following the adventure because I didn't want to spoil it for myself, even as a bystander. Anyway, congratulations on a game well-played and especially a game well-run by Papa. I'm needing to step back from games, not get into new ones, or I would so throw my hat in the ring for that RotR game, Papa. I hope I am able to find it in the boards and follow along, though! ![]()
![]() I must have missed it this time. I know the developers have tried to relay the amazing amount of spaghetti they must attempt to untangle every time they try to make a change of any significance. There are barriers to testing anything with the sort of load that this site requires, but I agree that by now, one would think they would have found or created a way. ![]()
![]() Perhaps he and Rodergo got on each other's nerves waiting at the train station and decided that Rod really would be safe to return to his homeland without an escort, so Janosz sold his ticket to a fellow that seemed harmless but with terrible body odor (and a seat assignment next to a certain cleric). ![]()
![]() Can’t see why not, but Aubrey is on holiday for roughly two weeks, so he won’t likely weigh in with a reintroduction scenario until at least mid-month. Maybe you can show up and save the day with the party members that aren’t imprisoned currently. It’s good to see you posting again. I heard you had a tough go for a while - wishing you all the best. ![]()
![]() Send some of that snow westward, we'll take all you got. Sorry to hear it's knocked you off schedule. And minor or not, I hope the Mrs.' little procedure leads to a speedy recovery. I had good fortune with mine - everything healed well. The follow-up physical therapy for mine wasn't fun, but at least it was something I could do something about. ![]()
![]() It's planted. Don't fall for the ruse! You're still as young as you think you are! Phew - I hope I got to you in time. I almost fell for it, I know. Congratulations on moving off of a 0 year. Those always seem to have all the questions about how I'm aging. Those and 5's. If it ends in 1, your new decade is old news and nobody cares. Except people you went to school with who can't possibly be that old, either. ;-) ![]()
![]() Some bookkeeping first - it appears Alwyn has taken 10 points of damage and is grappled. Unsure if the Ring of Foe Focus has been implemented, doing so will assign the bonus to the Horror bringing his AC to 29. "Ha! Right where I want you!" He activates the cloak of fangs and his canine teeth grow to prodigious size. Unable to swing his sword effectively, he releases it with his right hand to draw his dagger. Full attack
Iterative w/ dagger: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 9
Secondary w/ bite: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 6 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 18
Haste w/ dagger: 1d20 + 11 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (5) + 11 + 2 + 1 - 2 = 17
"Gah! This thing is nothing but armpits! Where's that brother of mine? That sword-swinger would be handy right about now!" ![]()
![]() Verrick slides over for a different angle AL17, targeting S2 and fires again. Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
----------------------------------- Dohrlok times his approach, seeing Verrik draw back, and lets the arrow pass by before stepping forward to assist his student. Move to AO17 and attack S4 Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
----------------------------------- It would be faster if I just said they both attacked and missed. ![]()
![]() Rhok tells the mongrelfolk warrior, "I can take care of these two. They need you in the other room." Drawing his mace, he reaches down and smacks the closer surviving cultist to keep him out of the fight beyond the mage's spell. Nonlethal attack, unconscious foe: 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 5 - 4 = 17
![]() Ken Marable wrote:
If 'not established' implies 'would like to be once more', this thread might be of interest. ![]()
![]() I run almost exclusively on roads, but there is a nature trail near here that is an excellent, if somewhat flat, course and we have a fair-sized park that the local college cross-country team uses for practice. Those were my training grounds. Last year, I was managing 12 - 18 miles a week. This year, I have had several weeks of no miles at all for one reason or another, but I was managing about 15 a week leading up to the half. Most of those were long runs on Sunday mornings with a smattering of shorter runs. Not enough to expect to do particularly well. I think I agree on running trails vs roads, though. There was a man and wife that caught up to me on the dam, so I stepped aside to let them pass me on the gravel road we were running on. I was feeling like I needed to give my legs a break and walk for a bit, anyway, but when I stepped aside into the grass, my legs felt better - I ended up running alongside them and visiting for a quarter mile, then picking up my pace and leaving them behind. That was near the midway point - I think I finished about ten minutes ahead of them. I have to say, it never occurred to me that I would be having a discussion about running on these boards. Kind of cool, really. ![]()
![]() My personal cheering section met me on the dam around mile 3.5 and they both commented on the view. I was too focused on where I was placing my feet to look up much. And guess what, Couch25k is how I got started - small world! I will get you an estimate of the length of the dam when I get home. Oddly, running on the very-flat high road of the dam was the worst part of the whole thing. Wading through the river, miles of uneven meadow, more miles of wooded singletrack, those were all interesting and, dare I say, fun. The part most like a road course was the worst. I did not expect that. I don't know that I will be looking at a marathon any time soon. A half is plenty right now. ![]()
![]() Nevynxxx wrote:
Impressive. I did a half-marathon trail run this weekend - first ever half, first ever trail run - and while I'm not setting any records, I was pleased with it. I had some trouble finding their official site, but this might work. Was a beautiful morning for it.