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A simple question - would anyone fancy playing an Eberron campaign on these boards, DM'ed by moi?
I have yet to actually participate in an Eberron campaign of any sort, though I have read the core setting book and own it as well. I would certainly be interested in such a campaign since I've always been eager to give this world a shot but have never found anyone willing to run it. Count me in!

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Jakers, check out the other play-by-post threads to see how it would work.
I'm probably looking for about 5 players or so (the standard number) and would be happy to have you (experience isn't an issue - we all have to start somewhere - give me a shout if you want more info).
I'm aiming to start at level 1, 32 point buy and using the action point system set out in the Eberron Sourcebook. If you (or anyone) are unfamiliar with Eberron, I will post up some details.

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I'm aiming to start at level 1, 32 point buy and using the action point system set out in the Eberron Sourcebook. If you (or anyone) are unfamiliar with Eberron, I will post up some details.
Question: What rules supplements are you allowing? I'm thinking about doing a barbarian but I would like to use the Whirling Frenzy variant of rage from the Unearthed Arcana. If you don't have that book or don't want to allow it, it's cool. If you could post an overview of what books are and are not allowed, I would appreciate it. If you want to limit it to Core 3 and the Eberron books, that would be great too. I just want to know before I start working anything up. Thanks!

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Hey Aubrey - sounds cool. I've been hoping to get a chance to play Eberron since I got the campaign book for christmas a year (and a quarter) back.
I'm definately interested, although a little concerned I might be starting to over extend myself on these PbP games! Nit to mention that I don't want to hog all the spaces... What sort of posting schedule would you be looking at? Similar to Arctaris' game?
Any clues about theme of campign? Exploring Xendrick, political intrigue in the Five Nations, criminal investigations in Sharn...?
Just to get on the goat of half the people on these boards, I might play a Warforged Paladin... ;-)

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Wow - I'm quite surprised by the interest. I'll cap things at six, so all those who have expressed an interest so far can play. I'll post up some info about the game and the setting, but I can't right now as I'm at work. I'm in the UK timezone, and going out tonight, so it might take a few days.
Re supplements, I'll give a list of definate "OKs" and if anyone wants something else, please provide me with details so I can rule. I'm pretty free and easy on rules variants and so on - I like to see how they work in the field, so to speak, rather than just read about them - so generally expect a yes unless it is obviously gross. However, just to let you have a preliminary idea, anything in an Eberron sourcebook is fine, and anything in a "Complete" book and the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
The action will start in a dingy pub in Sharn (a very big city, for those who don't know) - no cliche left unflogged! When creating your characters, please think of a reason why they are there: because they are dingy themselves, they are meeting someone (maybe another PC), they are just passing through, slumming, or whatever. The setting is in the immediate aftermath of a massive civil war, so think what your characters were doing in that war, if anything, and what they might have been through. I'm hoping the tome will be a bit gritty and fairly action packed, with a bit of mystery. But I have a habit of telling crap jokes, so that may not be sustained all the time. :-)
If anyone wants a private chat, my email address is malexanderfell@hotmail.com. And thanks again for the interest.

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Hey Aubrey - sounds cool. I've been hoping to get a chance to play Eberron since I got the campaign book for christmas a year (and a quarter) back.
I'm definately interested, although a little concerned I might be starting to over extend myself on these PbP games! Nit to mention that I don't want to hog all the spaces... What sort of posting schedule would you be looking at? Similar to Arctaris' game?
Any clues about theme of campign? Exploring Xendrick, political intrigue in the Five Nations, criminal investigations in Sharn...?
Just to get on the goat of half the people on these boards, I might play a Warforged Paladin... ;-)
A warforged would be very cool and appropriate.

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I'm excited about the idea of an Eberron campaign. I only have the main Eberron book, but I'm pretty familiar with pbp. Any idea about where it will be set? Also post character submissions here or by email?
Post you characters where you would find it easiest - just make sure I can find it. For the Northwind Sun campaign we used www.dmtools.org/world - there is a link in the Northwind Sun Discussion thread. Or post it here. Or send it to me in word or Excel format. Whatever suits.

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So to my understanding someone starts the story and then we all reply "in charecter" in a pargraph, my question is, is there anything that acctually involves game play for example: dice rolling and such. either way count me in. thanks for the help
Yes, we will be rolling, though it might be offstage. Have you seen how to write stuff "out of character"? Any rolls and their results would be written up out of character, and the in character stuff would be written as normal. (But if that is too complicated, just use brackets or something - I'm not anal about it.) I'm trusting people to make their own rolls - it speeds things up, and makes it more fun for the participants.

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Question: What rules supplements are you allowing? I'm thinking about doing a barbarian but I would like to use the Whirling Frenzy variant of rage from the Unearthed Arcana. If you don't have that book or don't want to allow it, it's cool. If you could post an overview of what books are and are not allowed, I would appreciate it. If you want to limit it to Core 3 and the Eberron books, that would be great too. I just want to know before I start working anything up. Thanks!
Let me know what it does and I'll let you know. Probably yes, unless it is wildly unbalanced.

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Let me know what it does and I'll let you know. Probably yes, unless it is wildly unbalanced.
I can't get this link to behave properly, so you'll have to cut/paste this addy:
SRD mentions the Whirling Frenzy variant on that page. Basically it improves my Dex, allows me an extra attack, and GIVES me AC instead of taking it away. Later on, instead of Greater Rage and all that, I get Evasion while in my Whirling Frenzy. You can look over the whole thing and make a rules call. If I recall correctly, the disadvantage is that I don't get the Constitution boost or the bonus to Will saves.

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Aubrey the Malformed wrote:Let me know what it does and I'll let you know. Probably yes, unless it is wildly unbalanced.I can't get this link to behave properly, so you'll have to cut/paste this addy:
SRD mentions the Whirling Frenzy variant on that page. Basically it improves my Dex, allows me an extra attack, and GIVES me AC instead of taking it away. Later on, instead of Greater Rage and all that, I get Evasion while in my Whirling Frenzy. You can look over the whole thing and make a rules call. If I recall correctly, the disadvantage is that I don't get the Constitution boost or the bonus to Will saves.
Does it get the STR bonus?

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SRD mentions the Whirling Frenzy variant on that page. Basically it improves my Dex, allows me an extra attack, and GIVES me AC instead of taking it away. Later on, instead of Greater Rage and all that, I get Evasion while in my Whirling Frenzy. You can look over the whole thing and make a rules call. If I recall correctly, the disadvantage is that I don't get the Constitution boost or the bonus to Will saves.
Checked the SRD, you can go with Whirling Frenzy. As a point of note, Eberron and Khorvaire in particular tend to be relatively sophisticated and barbarian-free - what is your character concept?

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Checked the SRD, you can go with Whirling Frenzy. As a point of note, Eberron and Khorvaire in particular tend to be relatively sophisticated and barbarian-free - what is your character concept?
I'm planning on doing a Valenar elven warrior who has gone on a pilgrimmage to prove himself worthy to his ancestors. I know the Valenar are very much into ancestor worship and I'm thinking that perhaps his father recently died and was not considered worthy of being preserved as one of the ancestors. He is angered by this but has vowed that he will accomplish great things and that he will become a better warrior than his father. To do this, he must travel abroad and prove himself against greater challenges.
Also, another question for you: Because Valenar elven society is different from 'traditional' elven societies in D&D, any chance I can trade my racial longsword/rapier proficiency for proficiency in the double scimitar? Or, at the very least, get the equivalent of the Dwarven racial where I can treat it as a martial weapon instead of exotic (which would give me proficiency anyway)?
Oh, and also: How many Action Points do we start with?

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Sounds very cool, Aubrey...I'll be anxious to see how things go. I've become enamored of the setting lately myself and have ordered some additonal sourcebooks to go along with my ECS book...I'm actually thinking of using Eberron in a future campaign and I'll peek into your play by post campaign for some inspiration, if you don't mind.

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A warforged would be very cool and appropriate.
Thanks for letting me in mate.
Ok, I'm thinking along the lines of a warforged warrior type or perhaps even a cleric or artificer (but maybe not a warrior, as Fatespinner looks like he's got that slot pinned down)
Or else perhaps a human or shifter rogue type, focusing on investigation.
The second gives an easy reason as to why he's slumming it in a Sharn bar (following a lead, seeking employment, trying to up his street cred or some such)

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Aubrey the Malformed wrote:Checked the SRD, you can go with Whirling Frenzy. As a point of note, Eberron and Khorvaire in particular tend to be relatively sophisticated and barbarian-free - what is your character concept?I'm planning on doing a Valenar elven warrior who has gone on a pilgrimmage to prove himself worthy to his ancestors. I know the Valenar are very much into ancestor worship and I'm thinking that perhaps his father recently died and was not considered worthy of being preserved as one of the ancestors. He is angered by this but has vowed that he will accomplish great things and that he will become a better warrior than his father. To do this, he must travel abroad and prove himself against greater challenges.
Sounds good.
Also, another question for you: Because Valenar elven society is different from 'traditional' elven societies in D&D, any chance I can trade my racial longsword/rapier proficiency for proficiency in the double scimitar? Or, at the very least, get the equivalent of the Dwarven racial where I can treat it as a martial weapon instead of exotic (which would give me proficiency anyway)?
I thought they did anyway - read the details in the ECS, and let me know.
Oh, and also: How many Action Points do we start with?
Standard: 5 + half your level = 5 at 1st level.

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Can you let me know please how many of you are familiar with the Eberron setting - just so I know?
I own the Campaign setting and the Sharn, City of Towers supplement, and have read through each from cover to cover once, about a year ago. I’ve read all of the Eberron adventures published in Dungeon. (Hmmm … will that be a problem? Are you planning to use them? They’re mainly all mysteries, and I know whodunit …)

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I'm familiar with ECS, but don't have any of the other books. Also did a few months of DDO.
I pretty flexible on class so I was waiting to see if others had strong preferences and any roles needed to be filled. I'm thinking about an Orien affiliated courier (likely also a smuggler). Last in line to inherit anything and out to make a name for himself and build up his own operation. Would be human, but this would work as a cleric of Kol Korran, a bard, sorceror, rogue or artificer.
I was also tossing around the idea of a soldier deserter turned sham evangelist for the silver flame. That one would be a bard.
I'll work it out by this evening. Thanks for letting me join up.

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I own the Campaign setting and the Sharn, City of Towers supplement, and have read through each from cover to cover once, about a year ago. I’ve read all of the Eberron adventures published in Dungeon. (Hmmm … will that be a problem? Are you planning to use them? They’re mainly all mysteries, and I know whodunit …)
It won't be a problem - I won't be using the Dungeon modules.

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Eberron – key differences from standard setting
This is a brief note to provide a bit of explanation about the Eberron setting. It won’t contain much specific rules information as (1) I don’t want to be sued by WotC and (2) I’m at work and don’t have my books. However, it is intended as a taster for the setting for those who are unfamiliar. If any players want more details, please let me know and I will email more details to you. However, I think three key points need to be made:
1. As they emphasise in the ECS (Eberron Campaign Sourcebook), if it is in the standard game, it is in Eberron. However, it might be a bit different in Eberron. One particular theme is a greater flexibility in alignments – satanically evil gold dragons and saintly orcs are not unusual. So the “it’s a goblin – kill it” mentality is not terribly appropriate here.
2. There is lots of stuff about the “wrongness” of Eberron – it’s too steampuky, it’s too much like science fiction, and so on. My experience, as my Eberron campaign with my non-virtual group comes to a close, is actually how similar the overall experience is from a gaming perspective. It still basically involves a bit of plot, a bit of adventure, and lots of smacking monsters and bad guys around in combat. Don’t expect some sort of majorly different D&D experience – the similarities are more prominent that the differences. The setting has a number of interesting quirks, but it is still very much D&D.
3. The details below might be considered common knowledge in the campaign. Anyone with a detailed knowledge of the ECS may know more – but their PCs might not.

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The World
The world (standard spherical sort of thing) is called Eberron. There are a number of large continents, namely:
Khorvaire – where most of the action takes place, and heavily detailed in the ECS and other supplements. Detailed below.
Sarlona – the original birthplace of humans, and currently dominated by the Riedran Empire, a sort of theocracy where the Inspired, psionically powerful and eerily beautiful humans, rule as hereditary rulers and living gods. While they have been providing material assistance to a number of governments in the aftermath of the Last War (more on this below) travel to Riedra is discouraged by its rulers. Sarlona is also the home of the kalashtar, a psionically powerful humanoid race at odds with the Inspired, who dwell in the region of Adar. Kalashtar are one of the new PC races in the ECS (see below).
Xendrik – a wild jungle continent, formerly the home of an ancient giant civilisation which collapsed into barbarism 10,000 years ago. Little is known about the interior.
Argonessen – a continent where dragons rule supreme and value their privacy. Again, little is known about the place – visitors tend not to be heard of again.
Aerenal – a smallish, tropical continent. Home to the Aerenal elves (see below) viewed by some as a morbid race who worship death.
Frostfell – an arctic continent in the north.
Khorvaire is the key continent for Eberron as it is the most detailed and, consequently, most diverse. Historically, Khorvaire was effectively ruled in its entirety by the Kingdom of Galifar. This situation lasted for almost 1000 years, up until about a century ago, when the Last War commenced. Galifar was traditionally divided up into five provinces, known collectively as the Five Nations and ruled as the fiefdoms of the various children of the king. A dispute over the succession led to a century-long civil war, which ended about two years ago. In the aftermath, four of the Five nations remain in diminished form as independent states, while the chaos of the War has led to the rise of a number of other nations carved from the remains of Galifar. Specifically, the Five Nations are:
Breland – the largest of the Five nations, and left in a reasonable state at the end of the war. Economically powerful, with the industrial metropolis of Sharn as its largest city (though the capital is in Wroat). Breland sits in the southern portion of Khorvaire, and has a mild, sub-tropical climate. It is also the gateway to Xendrik, as Sharn is the nearest major port to this mysterious continent.
Aundair – relatively prosperous with an agrarian economy, Aundair is also home to the continents greatest university and also its most prominent magic school. Aundair lost a lot of territory in the Last War, losing the Thaliost region to Thrane in the east and a lot of its western territory to the Eldeen Reaches. Aundair is to the northwest of the continent.
Thrane – sandwiched between Aundair to the west and Karrnath to the east, Thrane is a theocratic state dedicated to the Silver Flame (see below). Thranes have a reputation for priggishness and a rigid mindset, and while the Silver Flame is considered a force for good, Thrane committed its fair share of atrocities in the Last War. There is widespread prejudice against non-worshippers of the Flame and non-humans. The economy is primarily agrarian.
Karrnath – a military dictatorship, Karrn troops and officers were probably among the best in the war. However, Karrnath suffered a number of setbacks in the War, and consequently the economy is in a parlous state. Karrnath is also the home of the Blood of Vol cult (see below), formerly the state religion of Karrnath. The land is relatively cool, being to the north of Korvaire.
Cyre – now called the Mournland, Cyre no longer exists, obliterated in the Day of Mourning two years before the end of the War, an event as mysterious as it was apocalyptic. Cyre now comprises an unlivable wasteland of rock, surrounded by a curtain of grey mist, home only to the tormented souls of the dead and a few renegade warforged (see below). There are a number of expatriate Cyrans in various of the remaining nations, generally living in poverty. The largest community is in Breland, where King Boranel offered them land to build a new community.
The Five Nations as they exist today effectively occupy the central portion of Khorvaire. The further extremities of the continent to the east and west have seen the rise of new nation states as peoples previously suppressed by the might of the Galifar have founded their own nations, either through diplomacy or (more often) blood and fire. These are:
The Shadow Marches – at the far west of Khorvaire, this is a land of swamps and marshes and also the homeland of the orcs (and half-orcs). Many follow the druidic path of the Gatekeepers, while others follow the darker teachings of the Dragon Below (see below).
Droaam – the Land of Monsters, to the west of Breland. Ruled by a triumvirate of powerful hags, this is home to a large number of non-human groups such as harpies, medusas, ogres and so on. It is a hard land and, while the inhabitants are not universally evil, it is extremely dangerous for the traveller.
The Eldeen Reaches – west of Aundair, this is a forested realm ruled by druids. It is also the primary centre for the continents population of shifters, a humanoid race descended from lycanthropes that travel in nomadic groups beneath the canopy. (Shifters are another new race in the ECS.)
The Demon Wastes – not a nation exactly, more a place: a hellish reminder of the ancient history of Eberron when it was ruled by rakshasa rajas. No one lives here apart from savage barbarian tribes and a few desperate exiles. Cold winds and boiling lava predominate.
Zilargo – to the west of Breland, the gnomish homeland. Superficially a pleasant and harmonious place, the inquisitive nature of the gnomes hides a calculating, hierarchical society where knowledge is power. Home to the most respected news sheet in Khorvaire, the Korranberg Chronicle, and at the forefront of arcane research into such topics as elemental binding.
Darguun – carved from the belly of Cyre by goblinoid troops hardened by mercenary duty in the Last War, this is a new nation ruled by hobgoblins and risen from the ashes of the ancient hobgoblin Dhakaani Empire of millenia past.
Q’barra – founded by Galifaran idealists hoping to escape the War and found a new society, this nation was established in the clammy jungles of the south, filled with mostly hostile lizardfolk. Life is perilous in this tough frontier environment, hanging by a thread between ignominious starvation and attacks from the jungle. Rumours persist of lost cities in the depths of the rain forest.
Valenar – home to the aggressive Valenar elves, originally mercenaries from Aerenal but now claiming a stake in Khorvaire. Peerless cavalry, they venerate their ancestors by trying to outdo them in deeds of bravery and warfare. Their constant raiding is a thorn in the side of Karrnath as they probe the southern defences of this realm.
Talenta Plains – a broad swathe of grassland running east from the shattered remnants of Cyre, and home to the Talenta halfling tribes, barbarians who herd the native dinosaurs. Generally only aggressive in defence of their possessions, they clash frequently with the Karrns and the Valenar, sandwiched as they are between the two.
Mror Holds – the mountain fastness of the dwarven clans. The formerly war-like clans were forged into a banking and mercantile powerhouse under the Kingdom of Galifar, which broke free from Karrnath to the west during the War. The clans still bicker, but are held together by ties of commerce to eachother and the rest of Khorvaire.
Lhazaar Principalities – at the far east of Khorvaire, a series of island realms ruled by a number of individual “princes”, their power linked to their fleets of war ships. Many are little more than glorified pirates. However, it has the distinction of being the first region settled by humans from Sarlona, led by the legendary Lhazaar.
Phew - not bad from memory! More to come.

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Sounds very cool, Aubrey...I'll be anxious to see how things go. I've become enamored of the setting lately myself and have ordered some additonal sourcebooks to go along with my ECS book...I'm actually thinking of using Eberron in a future campaign and I'll peek into your play by post campaign for some inspiration, if you don't mind.
I don't mind at all - any input to the discussion thread would be welcome.

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Can you let me know please how many of you are familiar with the Eberron setting - just so I know?
I own the ECS book but that's it. I haven't really read it all the way through but I am familiar with the history of the Silver Flame and Aundair (since that was where I was planning a campaign that never happened). I also have some knowledge about the planes, but I wouldn't call it extensive. That's really about it.
Regarding the double scimitar, I can't find anything that says they do or don't get it for free. In the description of the weapon it says it's very common amongst the Valenar elves. Your call. If I don't get the proficiency, it's no big deal. I just thought it would be cool to use a signature weapon of my people.

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I own the ECS book but that's it. I haven't really read it all the way through but I am familiar with the history of the Silver Flame and Aundair (since that was where I was planning a campaign that never happened). I also have some knowledge about the planes, but I wouldn't call it extensive. That's really about it.
Regarding the double scimitar, I can't find anything that says they do or don't get it for free. In the description of the weapon it says it's very common amongst the Valenar elves. Your call. If I don't get the proficiency, it's no big deal. I just thought it would be cool to use a signature weapon of my people.
Check out the first few pages of the ECS to do with character creation. I'm sure there is a section which replaces the standard elven proficiencies of rapier, longsword, longbow and short bow with scimitar, double scimitar and short bow. I'll check tonight and look for it myself and let you know. Also, the favoured class for valenar elf is ranger, not wizard, unless I am much mistaken.

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Check out the first few pages of the ECS to do with character creation. I'm sure there is a section which replaces the standard elven proficiencies of rapier, longsword, longbow and short bow with scimitar, double scimitar and short bow. I'll check tonight and look for it myself and let you know. Also, the favoured class for valenar elf is ranger, not wizard, unless I am much mistaken.
Aha! Page 27! "Elves native to this region treat the Valenar double scimitar as a martial weapon rather than an exotic weapon."
You are correct about the Ranger thing, which isn't an issue since I'm going to be a barbarian anyway. Also, it doesn't mention anything about losing the normal longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow proficiencies. I'm not planning on using the swords, but the bow proficiencies will be nice... whenever I can afford such a weapon.
How are we determining starting gold? By the book?
Here's what I have so far (pending alterations based on available wealth and potential house rules).

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I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure I'm correct in this. Like the character - a bit of a meathead, but he does the job. Give the high DEX (and access to the Jump skill, with which it has synergies) have you considered taking the Tumble skill cross-class? Might go nicely with the Whirling Frenzy routine (and I'm pretty sure you can Rage and Tumble at the same time). Just one of my power-gamer suggestions - it's not a hint or anything.
Oh, and valenar are supposed to be horsemen. You may wish to consider taking some ranks in Ride, but again it is up to you.

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I have everything published before Sarlona (I think).
I've got a pretty good handle on the setting.
I'm thinking about playing an artificer, but I'm no further along than that.
I'll try to knock something together today.
Artificers are great on support - we have one in our non-virtual campaign, and he really adds edge to the group. They also are useful for rogue-y stuff with the locks and traps, which frees up that slot if no one wants to play one. They lack the massive fire power of a true wizard or sorcerer (though their facility with magic items though the Use magic Item skill and item creation feats makes up for this somewhat) but are very good on providing buffs. But they are capital intensive - as they need to make items to be effective, they consume cash fast.

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All of the standard races are available in Eberron, with very little change from the core mechanics. However, there are some flavour changes, as follows:
No significant rule changes. Humans are the dominant race in the Five Nations, though these all have significant minorities of other races too. Humans did not originate on Khorvaire, but came from Sarlona several thousand years ago. They spread rapidly across a continent depopulated in the wake of the wars which destroyed the hobgoblin Dhakaani Empire.
No significant rule changes. The major population centre for the dwarves is the Mror Holds. It is though they originated from Frostfell, but so long ago no one can remember. They tend to be clannish amongst themselves, though they also have a strong entrepreneurial bent.
Elves originated on Xendrik as the slaves of the giant civilisation which ruled there over 10,000 years ago. Escaping from their bondage as the empire collapsed, they moved to Aerenal and established a unique civilisation based on ancestor worship. Since then, four major strands of the elven race have emerged:
Aerenal elves – the current inhabitants of Aerenal are members of this cultural strand. Regarded with some suspicion by some outsiders, they are relatively reclusive, practising a form of ancestor worship that looks suspiciously like necromancy. They have fought a number of conflicts with the dragons of Argonessen. This has no actual rules implications, but the culture is very different from the normal, sylvan elf culture described in the core setting.
Valenar elves – an offshoot of a particular branch of the Aerenal elves, which has established itself in Valenar in Khorvaire. Rather than the seemingly morbid form of ancestor worship practised by the mainstream Aerenal elves, the Valenar venerate their warrior ancestors through emulation. As such, they are warriors, generally cavalry, and aggressively expansionist as a nation. Valenar elves are the same as standard elves, except their favoured class is Ranger and they have different weapon proficiencies.
Khorvaire elves – these are the descendants of elves who migrated in small number to Khorvaire from Aerenal millennia ago, due to upheavals in their homeland. They have since become fully integrated into the culture of Galifar/the Five Nations. They are not especially common, and congregate primarily in the urban areas. They have standard elven traits and abilities.
Drow – drow are the elves who remained in Xendrik. They have a very primitive culture, being nomadic hunter tribesmen. They are extremely rare elsewhere, as they tend to be extremely xenophobic. They have standard drow traits, except that they have different weapon proficiencies.
No significant rule changes. Gnomes hail from Zilargo. They have a relatively peaceful and placid society, though one with significant undercurrents of political struggle in all levels and walks of life. Very little can be taken at face value in Zilargo. However, they value learning (and information gathering) and are well-respected magic researchers - a number of notable advances of recent years, such as elemental ships, are partly the result of gnomish inventions.
No significant rule changes. Half-elves form a distinctive race in Khorvaire – that is, most half-elves are the descendants of half-elves, rather than from elven and human parents. The originally arose from the mixing between Aerenal emigrants to Khorvaire and the local human population. They are well-integrated into the society of the Five Nations.
No significant rule changes. Half-orcs are relatively uncommon, and where they do arise it tends to be in the Shadow Marches. There, orcish and human tribes frequently interact.
No significant rules changes. However, there are two major groupings of halflings in Khorvaire. The halflings of the Talenta Plains are tribal herdsmen, and have a primitive animistic culture based on their relationships with their dinosaur herds. Khorvaire halflings are the urbanised descendants of these tribesmen, and are integrated into the broader community in what was Galifar.
The ECS also provides details on four other character races. These are as follows:
Descendants of humans and doppelgangers, changelings have since formed their own distinctive race. In their natural form, they are slightly built, grey-skinned humanoids with putty-like features. However, very few changelings are found in their natural form, as they have the natural ability to take on the appearance of other humanoids. This naturally makes them adept as disguise and larcenous activities, and as such they are often subject to prejudice from the wider population. They have Rogue as their favoured class.
The kalashtar are very similar to ordinary humans in appearance, if somewhat more delicately built. They are naturally psionic, being able to link minds with those nearby, and their favoured class is Psion (I think – this is all from memory). They are generally kindly but somewhat aloof, and tend not to mix much with other races.
Shifters are the descendants of lycanthropes, but rather than being an affliction their bestial nature has been internalised in a process call shifting. When a shifter shifts, this animalistic trait is released, enhancing the shifter in a number of ways. (In game terms, a shifter chooses a shifter trait which can be used, a bit like a barbarian rage, to enhance them for a limited period of time. There are a number of traits with different effects to choose from, ranging from increased AC, growing claws or fangs as natural weapons, enhanced senses, and so on.) Shifters have a bestial appearance, with hairy arms, legs and sideburns in both sexes, and stand about 5’6” tall. They are subject to a degree of prejudice because of their somewhat frightening appearance, and are most prevalent in the Eldeen Reaches. Their favoured class in Ranger.
Warforged were created by House Cannith as intelligent, mass-produced soldiers. They have bodies composed of composite plating and a tough, fibrous wood-like material. They are generally the size and shape of a man, though variants exist. Most warforged are relatively young (having been manufactured in the last 30 years of the War) and have known little apart from conflict and taking orders. As such, many are out of their depth in peacetime, and their passive nature has led to their exploitation. (Warforged are living constructs, which results in a number of traits incuding that they don’t need to eat, breathe or sleep, are immune to poisons and so on. They also have built-in armour plating, and cannot wear armour, though they can take feats which can improve their plating.) Their favoured class in Fighter.
The Eberron setting is has room for some races which would otherwise be considered monsters to be treated credibly as PC races.
Goblin and hobgoblins
The Kingdom of Galifar was built upon the ruins of the Dhakaani Empire, a goblinoid hegemony which ruled southern Khorvaire for several millennia before its eventual collapse. As such, goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears are relatively common throughout the continent. Most cities have an underclass of goblins, and there is now the nation of Darguun, ruled by hobgoblins.
Many orcs live in the Shadow Marches. Their religion is based upon a druidic tradition called the Gatekeepers. The orcish tribes of the Marches tend to more hospitable that the human tribes of the region, as many of those worship the Dragon Below, and insane veneration of evil and madness (see below).

Runzyl Steelsong |

I took your advice on the Ride and Tumble (unfortunately don't have THAT many skill points to play around with, given the character's low Intelligence). While I'm not really trying to be 'power-gamery' I do want this character to be very symbolic of the Valenar warrior spirit. I'm envisioning a very 'Klingon-esque' attitude with regards to warfare and honor. He won't be the type to sneak around or stab people in the back. Here is the updated character sheet.
Also, this is the avatar I have chosen for him.
(This is Fatespinner.)

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You seem to be right that the weapon proficiency thing doesn't appear in the ECS. It does, however, appear in p81 of Races of Eberron - the proficiency in short bow, scimitar and double scimitar replaces the normal elf weapon proficiencies. However, the issue is moot, since you have proficiency anyway in the normal elf weapons by virtue of being a barbarian.

King of the Jakers |

ive been mulling over playing either a halfling scout or a halfling cleric (either one is fine with me) let me know which one you guys would rather see. As for eberron experience i am currently involved in an eberron campaign, i also have a few eberron books. sry it took me so long to respond.

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ive been mulling over playing either a halfling scout or a halfling cleric (either one is fine with me) let me know which one you guys would rather see.
If you take the cleric, I'll do the arcane. Then we are covered with muscle (barbarian&ranger), trap-springing (assuming one of those discussing it goes artificer), divine, and arcane. Not that they all /have/ to be covered, but it's certainly easier when they are.