AinvarG |

It's planted. Don't fall for the ruse! You're still as young as you think you are!
Phew - I hope I got to you in time. I almost fell for it, I know.
Congratulations on moving off of a 0 year. Those always seem to have all the questions about how I'm aging. Those and 5's. If it ends in 1, your new decade is old news and nobody cares. Except people you went to school with who can't possibly be that old, either. ;-)

Ellantera |

I am copying this to all my games.
Sorry for late notice, but I am headed down the road to vacation for a week. Connectivity and availability may be an issue, so please bot for me rather than waiting too long. I will peek in if I can and normal posting is expected to resume in nine days.
I don't say this enough to the people in RL, let alone to my virtual friends, but I appreciate you and this game we share. Peace.

Stanley Sydell |

I just wanted to apologize to all my games, especially the ones I'm running. I have been going through a bit of posting malaise, and don't want to burn out, or even worse quit. As such, I've just been trying to build up to posting. Just wanted to let you all know, I'm not gone, not leaving, just less than motivated at the moment. So, please bear with me. For my games, I expect to have a post up today.

Stanley Sydell |

I'm terribly sorry. The malaise is a mix of my ability to post at work being more limited than before, and sharing a single computer at home. When I get the chance to post, all the updates I need to make begin to feel daunting. I truly intend to return to my previous level of posting.

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Guys, I just dropped a message to Vattnisse to see how he was faring and to let him know the games are here and ready for him whenever he wishes. It turns out he's had a really brutal couple of months, including health problems, a car accident, job loss and bereavement. He's got some interviews lined up so there's a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. If any of you are either friends on Facebook or otherwise in touch with him, it might be nice to send a note of support.

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Guys, I have to apologise for letting my games slide for so long.
The last couple of months of 2017 were busy and stressful and I wasn’t finding much time to update. By the time I got a breather (over the past two to three weeks or so) I found I just needed a break, and updating my games seemed more like a chore than something enjoyable. Hopefully I’ll be in the right frame of mind (and have appropriate time) soon! Please bear with me.

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Thanks for understanding guys. I've returned to work and continue to be busy (strangely the back-log of work didn't go away over the break); I'm going to try to get and keep the game going again, hopefully I'll be able to find the time to keep things chugging along, though my posting may be more limited than it was say in the first half of 2017.

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Hi friends, it’s become painfully apparent (to everyone no doubt) that I’m not in a good position to be running pbp games at the moment; these days its virtually impossible for me to post from work, and usually when I’m at home the last thing I feel like doing is something that requires sitting in front of a screen and using my brain (or at least the ‘GM’ part of my brain).
Apologies for all the delays and false starts over the past several months – I really thought I would be able to get things off the ground, but t hasn’t panned out. Worse, its taking the enjoyment out of actually playing pbps, as I feel guilty about playing over GMing. Hopefully by putting GMing officially on the backburner I will be able to pick up the pace as a player.
I hope to get my games going again at some point when I have the time and energy to do so – I can’t promise when that will be. If people are around at that point and want to keep playing, that’s great, if not I would understand. In the meantime though, I’m going to put all the games I am GMing on indefinite hiatus.
Cheers, Luke.