Aubrey's Eberron campaign. (Inactive)

Game Master Aubrey the Malformed

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Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Sorry guys, a bit busy this past day or two; I will try to get something going on the atonement and divinations tomorrow or on the weekend.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

And I'm back. Baby Aleksander was born on Monday morning; he's clocking in at a healthy 8 pounds 12 ounces, and both he and his mom are doing well. We got home last night and are currently juggling catching up on sleep and getting his healthcare paperwork in order. Thank FSM I have next week off, as it is Phoenix' HS spring break.

Also, Ithers' new avatar is awesome. What the hell is it?

Grand Lodge

I imagine he's a bleachling gnome, but not sure. I was kinda tired of the old guy and this one caught my eye right away.

That's a big baby there. And nice one on spring break. You couldn't have planned that any better. Congrats!

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Is it worthwhile for Rod to prepare Commune and or Divination to try to get some divine insight in regards to the current mission(s)? Also, do you guys think its worth trying to recruit a planar ally (point taken that 2 hound archons probably wouldn't be worth the effort)?

Or do we wait until Ez has cast his sending to Lightbringer and/or scryed before making that decision?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

Lesser planar allies aren't great at this point as bruisers. But look at the lillend - bardic music, good spellcasting and some ranged combat abilities? Sign me up! Alternatively, an invisible stalker is great at infiltration, espionage and sabotage.

EDIT: I just realised that all of our main spellcasters can cast Planar Ally/Planar Binding. Those guys have real power, both magical and physical - movanic deva, garuda, maybe even a shield archon.

Grand Lodge

I can't do sending. Scrying with message is the best I can do on that front. Probably let's see what the situation is before calling allies. LB might have reason for us to wait until a point where he knows he will be alone.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
Vattnisse wrote:

Lesser planar allies aren't great at this point as bruisers. But look at the lillend - bardic music, good spellcasting and some ranged combat abilities? Sign me up! Alternatively, an invisible stalker is great at infiltration, espionage and sabotage.

EDIT: I just realised that all of our main spellcasters can cast Planar Ally/Planar Binding. Those guys have real power, both magical and physical - movanic deva, garuda, maybe even a shield archon.

Yep, I was thinking Movanic Deva or Shield Archon. I didn't consider Garuda ... they look good, but probably a bit chaotic for a follower of the Silver Flame.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5
ithuriel wrote:
I can't do sending. Scrying with message is the best I can do on that front. Probably let's see what the situation is before calling allies. LB might have reason for us to wait until a point where he knows he will be alone.

Actually I just realised that Rod can cast sending. We can keep that up our sleeve in conjunction with scrying if needs be - but message through scrying might be a better option, although it only has a 65% chance of working.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

There' also the jyoti - a flying skirmisher with a kick-ass breath weapon - and the formian myrmach (Charm monster at will!). All kinds of possibilities...

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116
Mothman wrote:
Yep, I was thinking Movanic Deva or Shield Archon. I didn't consider Garuda ... they look good, but probably a bit chaotic for a follower of the Silver Flame.

Kaz can probably pull it off if need be. After all, he speaks for the whole spectrum of the pantheon.

Grand Lodge

I'll put a quality lock on the chest and arcane lock it with a scroll as well. I don't have the resources to go nuts on it because I see that the layers of possible protections and precautions are as endless as the player's paranoia.

Grand Lodge

Did either cleric prep sending to contact Lightbringer if we need it?

Hp 92 of 92; AC 28 (29); Fort +13; Ref +9 (+10); Will +18 Human Male Cleric 7/ Exorcist of the Silver Flame 6; effects: Bless, Airwalk

I haven't actually updated my preapred spells list, but yes, my intention was that Rod had sending prepared as a backup.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

Kazadar doesn't actually know Lightbringer, so I'm not sure he could even use the spell to contact him.

Grand Lodge

Huh. I lost all of my game notifications for a few days there. I got suspicious of the lack of activity in all games and checked today. Seems to have started the notifications up again, but that hasn't happened in a long time.

Before we jump into the next phase of danger, lets take a moment to check in that we all added the previous loot division to our sheets. We are kind of ridiculous. We had several 8th level scrolls when we fought the oni both times but had forgotten them :P

I haven't added items yet either so I'll check in once I do.

Haste, Divine Power, Air Walk, Death Ward Dwarf Fighter 1 / Cleric 8 / Sovereign Speaker 3; HP 87/116

Yeah im not sure what, if anything, i got?

Grand Lodge

Note: I pulled a couple of scrolls off of Gil and moved them to Kazadar since we raised Gil's gp split.

Scroll of Phantasmal Killer
Scroll of Fleshworm Infestation
Scroll of Horrid Wilting (CL 15, DC 22)
Potion of CSW
5616.5 gp +7000 gp of his own resold gear = 12,616.5

Scroll of Flame Strike
Scroll of Mass Cause Serious Wounds (CL 11)
Scroll of Mass Inflict Critical
7616.5 gp

Scroll of Mass Cause Serious Wounds (CL11)
Scroll of Slay Living
Scroll of Divine Power (CL 7)
Potion of Cats Grace x2 (This will bump Kaz's AC by 2 and is just at his max dex bonus for tanking.)
5616.5 gp

Potion of Bear' Endurance x1
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Levitate
5616.5 gp

Potion of Heroism
Potion of Bears Endurance x1
Potion of CSW x1
Potion of Spider Climb (To potentially access a badass sniping position)
5616.5 gp

Potion of Resist Energy (Cold)
Divine Scroll of Storm Bolts
5616.5 gp

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Just a heads up, I will be away in China for about two weeks from the 1st of April. During that time I’m not sure how much internet access I will have, how much time I will have to get on, and whether I’ll be able to get access to Paizo; I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get access to Google Docs for maps etc. Towards the end of the trip I’ll be in Hong Kong which might mean improved access. I’ll try to keep up with my pbp games if I can, but please NPC my characters if required to keep things moving along.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Just a heads-up - I will be on holiday for one week from the 1st of April. It is unlikely I will have much internet contact.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

OK, signing off for a week.

Grand Lodge

When we were last in the Mournland I think Aubrey had houseruled that channels still work and lay on hands as well.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Can't remember, but sounds reasonable. I think it is healing spells of the Conjuration school which don't work.

Grand Lodge

Moving that discussion over here-

Havakhad? I didn't think he was intending to carry on with us. I assumed he had things to do in Sharn and he is old as hell. I didn't know he was ever discussing traveling with us. We never mentioned it as far as I recall. If he was planning to come along though, he is also in the tent.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Dunno, it makes sense if he is doing other stuff. Actually, I think he might have been discussing setting up embassies or something with the great and the good. He's pretty useless in combat so it makes little difference.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I'll be away this weekend, back on Sunday night.

Grand Lodge

I'm making the rounds to catch up now. Sorry to let it build.
I kept thinking tomorrow I'll have time, but that kept rolling from one day to the next at some point. But the two major issues are addressed now. We settled on a second car so I can stop touring the dealerships and we got a desktop so I have access to a computer during my window of availability. That should help pretty massively.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

No worries. How are everyone settling in to life in the US?

M Humanborn

Largely fine. Not a fan of the orange guy but all the goings-on affect me very little. I'm not subject to the insurance BS yet, i dont know any people at risk of deportation. Though if a war pops off, my life will be interesting.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

;-) I was mainly asking Ithers, but thanks! Didn't realize you had been away from the US and come back (you seem to get around - last I knew you were in Hawaii) though I guess life in the forces is like that.

M Humanborn

Yeah I'm back in beautiful San Diego for a year or two. I forgot Ithuriel was coming to the states. What a wild time.

Grand Lodge

Pretty well for us too. My job is so low stress compared to the last few years. On top of that I work early but still mostly day time, which is a big deal. I still squeeze in extra shifts and hours to keep one income viable for now, but two out of three ain't bad. Mrs Ith is making friends and enjoying the museums, symphony, etc.

Tenro- I remember your comment about the Steelers' fans from time to time. I've never lived in such a sports crazed city. It was still football season when we arrived. We bought mattresses from a fifty something year old woman in a Steelers jersey, set up bank accounts with a younger woman in a jersey, got Mrs Ith's social security card from an older man in a jersey, went to a diner for breakfast one weekend and were the only people inside not in a jersey. I actually work with a guy who was a player for the Steelers until he had an injury that ended his professional career. We have become a little bit of hockey fans for our new city. We went to see a Penguins game a few weeks ago and have been watching the play-offs since then.

M Humanborn

Hahah that is funny, all those people wearing jerseys in what would otherwise be a professional environment. It really says a lot about the culture of the area, if you could use so lofty a term as culture. And when they travel they certainly take it with them, as I have seen them place to place but I have never been to Steeler's Country myself.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Just to let everyone know, I will be on holiday for one week starting Saturday with no wifi access.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Expert 5

Nice. Wales again?

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

No, Pevensey in East Sussex.

How's the new job and the new baby?

M Humanborn

I hope our American location names are just as enchanting to you as your location names are to me. haha

interesting (neat map at the bottom)

Cool article. Thanks for sharing.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Indeed a good article. Interestingly where I live I'm quite close to a lot of the areas they were describing in the initial "drive across England" so you get a lot of those names. Rugby itself is a viking placename, but built very close to the Roman road of Watling Street (now the A5). Where my parents live is Ewyas Harold - as I understand it the Vale of Ewyas was a sort of minor Welsh kingdom, but one of the first (perhaps the first, pre-Norman Conquest) castles built in Britain was put there by the local lord, a Norman called Harold who was a favorite of the king (Edward the Confessor had spent a lot of time in his youth in Normandy as it is where his family fled while in exile when the Dane Knut (King Canute) ran England). My brother lives in Pyrford, named for its (now non-existent) pear orchards.

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Yes, great article. English is so wide spread now it's easy to forget that British place names (and indeed English as a language) has its roots in so many different cultures and languages.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

While I may never get round to it, I've often thought about running a fairly bog-standard campaign but using real British placenames. The Shire is a bit like that - the "Shire" probably, at least in part, Warwickshire where I live now (although I think Tolkien lived on the other side of the county, and for a big chunk of his life in Oxfordshire too which is a neighboring county).

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

OK, that's me done for a week. Sorry if I didn't update very well today, pick things up next week.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We played our first Beginner's Box game with Ith Jr and a friend with his 2 kids. So players aged 45, 8, 6 and 4. Our boy totally bypassed the heroes and picked up a werewolf pawn for his character. I made him a fighter and just renamed the weapon into "Claws" then asked him what his werewolf's name was. He thought about it for about a minute and said "Deathwolf. His name is Deathwolf."

I'm very much looking forward to the continued adventures of Deathwolf and friends.

Liberty's Edge

Manwolf Werewoof testing upper middle class twit 5

woah mothy is back?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Grand Lodge

Well hello there...

Heathansson wrote:
woah mothy is back?

He thought he was out, but we pulled him back in. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Hey Heath, how are you man?

Liberty's Edge

Male Mothman Expert 5

Heh, that sounds cool Ith. And I think your son's werewolf must have summoned Heathy.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I set my lure and he was drawn, well, like a moth to flame.

Website was a bastard yesterday - couldn't get access at all.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Guys, work is about to get mental, so I might not surface for a day or two.


hey pretty good man.

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